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How to make youtube+twitch not suck (10 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 21:35 CDT, 16 June 2013 - iMsg
came across this earlier today: Haven't got a chance to test it out yet tho. Youtube has been major suckage for me lately so I hope it fixes the lag there for me. Twitch has been flawless for me the last few months but I've heard lots of euros complaining about the lag. Try it out maybe, the comments on the page sound promising.
7150 Hits
help me run a proper tdm league in na (24 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 03:54 CDT, 8 June 2013 - iMsg
Frustrated by the lack of a weekly na tdm league to play in since 2009's Quakenight, I've decided to start planning my own deal for the fall/winter. But I can't do it alone obviously, its quite a big undertaking. I need some like minded individuals to help me run it but also I need a website! Only low-mid level html+css skills would be needed since the plan is to mimic the simplicity and low hassle of quakenights old site (no accounts or anything) so I could prob do it myself but I figure I'll see if anyone out there wants to lend a hand first.

Please read through my first rough draft of my league plan here:

If this sounds like something you want to contribute to find me on #aql quakenet or just pm me on this site. As I said the website would be real easy to make.. but I don't want any blog/template stuff! :)

Also if anyone wants to criticize the format or w.e they feel like feel free to do so in this thread! (this is still just an idea.. once a website is done it can move forward)

3126 Hits
question about Logitech g400 (11 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 19:39 CDT, 25 May 2013 - iMsg
I just bought a new Logitech g400 (not the new g400s) from Amazon (not a 3rd party seller) and it weighs 5-6 grams less than my previous G400 and has a shittier/spongier feeling mousewheel. Anyone ever experience something like this with g400 or other mice? Possible counterfeit!? Or just taking my pickyness to another level perhaps :)
3602 Hits
Sonic Allstars Racing Transformed (9 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 08:03 CST, 2 February 2013 - iMsg
Did anyone else buy the PC release that just came out? Haven't had this much fun with a kart racer since Diddy Kong Racing 64. The level designs are a blast, anyone that likes Sega stuff old or new and enjoys kart racing or enjoyed diddy kong racing owes it to themselves to check this out! And also race me =)

Same developers as Outrun2 (port versions) if that means anything to anyone (it did to me!) :D

online gameplay: (not me racing)
2237 Hits
Computer Cases (30 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 22:33 CST, 10 November 2012 - iMsg
I'm in the market for a new computer case, hopefully full tower this time around but im open to another mid tower also. The new SSD drive I bought won't fit into this stupid tooless hard drive bay crap in my current case even with the supplied 3.5 bracket.

Anyone got any good suggestions? Needs to have usb 3.0 and not be a total pain in the ass to put / take out hardware in basically is all.
11444 Hits
integrated graphics running ql at 125fps (14 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 00:21 CDT, 16 September 2012 - iMsg
I'm looking into buying a cheap refurbished laptop with windows7 on it instead of just buying windows 7. Most of the cheap ones have integrated graphics instead of a dedicated card. My question is does any laptop integrated graphic chipsets run quakelive at a constant 125 fps? If so which ones? I know my old laptop with integrated wouldnt be able to cope.

Integrated Intel HD 3000 is one that I am most interested in.
Edited by higgs at 00:54 CDT, 16 September 2012 - 10953 Hits
Someone make a 1v1 chan for NA players. (40 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 22:35 CDT, 12 August 2012 - iMsg
I'm tired of logging on to quakelive during peak hours and seeing a totally empty server browser. I'm tired of joining an empty duel server and waiting for 30 minutes and not even having a single person join. I'm tired of the standard server mess / debacle..... oh wait I forgot 90% of the NA playerbase doesn't even use IRC, ffs. Nevermind. :(
3457 Hits
Posted by higgs @ 16:52 CDT, 23 June 2012 - iMsg
I was bored today procrastinating cleaning up my extremely dirty basement so I wrote up some very quick and simple preds for the upcoming 2v2 tournament. I realize quake goes by maps won not total frag count, the end of the preds is just how many frags I think one team is better than the other on ONE map.

id_ & whaz vs escablows & notablows
Easy win for id & whaz unless these other dudes are some good players aliasing. id_ & whaz by 50+

Dahang & Scooby vs Deathr0w & Mellow
Although Mellow and deathr0w have been putting in some practice games I don't think they'll be a match for the two q2 legends. Scooby & Dahang by 40+ frags

Rapha & Zero4 vs psygib & MzHeroine
This is one reason why single elim cups are not my favored format of playing video games competitively =/ Rapha and Zero4 completely outmatch these guys and it probably won't be a very fun game for either side. Heres to hoping some kind of divisional league setup for 2v2 eventually comes back into the fray so everyone can have fun playing the best mode the game has to offer :) Rapha & zer04 by 100+

Allmental & w0nk0 vs sl1ce & Vizard
sl1ce and viz are great players but lack the tdm experience necessary to defeat allmental and w0nk0. If they would compete in the mode more regularly this would be a very even matchup! Allmental & w0nk0 by 30 frags.

Futile & outlaw vs Flashsoul & jessye
Same as the rapha+zero4 game =/ totally outmatched even with futiles lack of tdm experience! 100+

Axema & Leerno vs Fear & Samer_
I haven't seen any of these guys play in years but if its like it used to be it should be a pretty close game although I give the edge to the troll boys as they have the experience and the clean history ;) Axema & Leerno by 20.

kgb & swooped vs adrenal1ne & klown
Adren has a broken PC and Klown has a broken connection. These guys just really love to play TDM so they signed up :) They will need lots of luck on their part to be able to hang with kgb and swooped under such conditions. Unfortunately I see them losing by at least 20 frags each map, probably lots more.. prove me wrong guys! :)

Br1ck & Demex vs higgs & davis
Active mofos vs inactive rusty mofos. I hope we can give them some close games at least, glhf! =)

edit: link to brackets is
Edited by higgs at 16:56 CDT, 23 June 2012 - 9157 Hits
ATTN TDM Players (10 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 13:18 CDT, 12 October 2010 - iMsg
My team needs to practice! my 2v2 team specifically, Not of this Earth. The last activity in North America for 2v2 TDM came in the form of some weekly leagues held a long time ago. If you want an idea of what kind of level we are at you can see our results page for the two seasons to see how we performed vs various opponents:

Season 1 (September 21, 2009 - November 17, 2009)

Season 2 (February 22, 2010 - April 19, 2010)

Anyway even back when these leagues were in session it was ridiculously tough to find a scrimmage to practice before the real matches. I'm hoping to find some europeans on here who are willing to practice with us on NYC or some other east coast server since we both ping 100+ to them also (I'm from West Canada and my partner has ghetto American internet.) Just so we can at least learn the new maps a bit before the next season starts up (which I hear is soon)! of course we would have to play at strange hours due to timezone difference D: hit me up in #lvl or #holysh1t for 2v2s!
Edited by higgs at 13:18 CDT, 12 October 2010 - 2899 Hits
Team Fortress Classic (42 comments)
Posted by higgs @ 11:24 CST, 12 November 2009 - iMsg
I used to play this game, while mostly everyone else from around here was playing Quake 3 since they were released only a few months apart. Their is a lack of quality avis from the game that actually show plays from high level clan matches. So my friend put together this video of some demos I found from 2005. We only had 8 demos to get footage from, so the plays arent the best or the most varied but I still think its a good watch and its good to show TF2 players how fun concing used to be in any REAL Fortress game ;)

Enjoy, if at all possible. (DL Page + Stream) (HD Stream) (HD Youtube)
8880 Hits
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