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Greeting my love one my name is Lizzy (1 comment, locked)
Posted by Fatola @ 07:33 CDT, 13 May 2011 - iMsg
Greeting my love one my name is Lizzy
i saw your profile on this site so i pick interest in you my dear please i will like if you write me back now with this to know you more then i tell you more about me also give you my picture thanks for your acceptance below here
is my e-mail ( [email protected] )

[email protected]
Locked by xou at 07:43 CDT, 13 May 2011 - 2254 Hits
Write a Quake Haiku (52 comments)
Posted by Fatola @ 11:40 CST, 18 January 2011 - iMsg
An unholy glow,
I am packing Quad Damage,
There's nowhere to hide.
11832 Hits
CPM SUNDAY CUP #3 ! (3 comments)
Posted by Fatola @ 16:06 CST, 12 March 2010 - iMsg
The #cpmduel community is organising another sunday evening cup for sunday 14th march!

This one will feature the standard promode map-pool, (cpm1a, cpm3a, cpm15, cpm22 and cpm24) so you have no excuse!

Americans/whoever is welcome to sign up, but games are likely to be played on european servers.



Hall Of Fame:

gl&hf !
and don't forget to !add in #cpmpickup for more hot hot pro mode action!...
and if your from that other continent, there is always #uscpmpickup...
Edited by Fatola at 16:16 CST, 12 March 2010 - 1998 Hits
DPI, sensitivity and what it all means (2 comments)
Posted by Fatola @ 12:11 CST, 13 January 2010 - iMsg
So i decided to play about with some numbers and nerd out on the topic of sensitivity and fov..

I landed on some weird ideas, for example two different types of more general quantative sensitivity, which are constant irrespective of your fov. (so are usefull in making decent zoom sensitivities / FOV changes / DPI changes)

so to get your desired sensitivity value, you take your A/FOV value and multiply by your fov and divide by your DPI.
simply divide A by your DPI

This depends on what you want to have your sensitivity based
around, however i reccomend using the same A/FOV value for any change in FOV (such as zooms, or moving to CS or something)

Please highlight any errors/asumptions i may have made, this was just a train of though i went a bit nuts with..

and if you can give me a way of pasting the tables/etc without ruining the formatting, that would be great
Edited by Fatola at 12:53 CST, 13 January 2010 - 2851 Hits
Nostalgia & Diaspora. (1 comment)
Posted by Fatola @ 23:26 CDT, 10 October 2009 - iMsg
So I stumbled across an old gem of an MMO i used to play when I was younger.. and damn if i can't stop playing it.. ):

any of you play is back in the day?
1927 Hits
(uN_common) nice wh (16 comments)
Posted by Fatola @ 15:40 CDT, 3 September 2009 - iMsg
Today i got (in all seriousness) accused of wallhacking in a CTF pickpup.

I consider this a career milestone. Let's get some champagne.
Edited by Fatola at 15:46 CDT, 3 September 2009 - 3969 Hits
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