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14986 Hits
h4t3rz gonna h4t3 (52 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:32 CDT, 26 October 2012 - iMsg

10:4 10:2
2 maps to 0

I remain the best CA player on thunderstruck.
9900 Hits
Halloween Infected (12 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:21 CDT, 25 October 2012 - iMsg
So guys, did you try it ?
I did, and I have to say, it rox!

So much fun, especially when you're one of the last survivors. I never had so much funin a while.

What do you guys think ?
6011 Hits
Heartless quakelive config (edited) (16 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:03 CDT, 24 October 2012 - iMsg
1692 Hits
2091 Hits
32449 Hits
3 909 300 (24 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:19 CDT, 3 August 2012 - iMsg
It's the number of quakelive accounts registered. Pretty high if you ask me. Now tell me than quakelive is dead again...
6577 Hits
Shootmania keys giveaway (16 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 16:27 CDT, 14 July 2012 - iMsg
Okay, so, here is the deal :

If you promise me that you will install and try warsow 0.7beta, I will give you a shootmania key for free.

I have currently 2 keys left, not only for the beta, but for the full game aswell (bought the 3 player pack).

So, if you want a key, put a comment there and try out warsow 0.7, and you'll probably be the lucky man.
I will pick 2 people randomly depending on the comments.
7221 Hits
Warsow 0.7 Beta (35 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 08:09 CDT, 30 June 2012 - iMsg


- Octagon hitboxes
- Balanced gameplay (weapons def)
- They finally got rid of the ammo system, means that, now, you only have strong ammos, just like in CPM
- r_drawflat (+ r_floorcolor r_wallcolor) to set custom environment colors
- r_lighting_greyscale to remove colored lights from the maps
- New maps
- Polished current maps
- FPS improvement (means that you will have more FPS in this version of Warsow)
- Maps loading time decreased (means that, when you'll join a server, it will load the map way faster)

So far, this is the best Wsw version ever, you should try it out!
9400 Hits
So, Shootmania... (116 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:05 CDT, 29 June 2012 - iMsg
is less cool than quake :(

This is what I dislike in this game :
- slow railgun reload
- charged "rockets" (we can call them rockets, it's more like a mixture of a slow plasmagun and rocket launcher)
- no brightskins
- no zoom (except in certain area but it's crap :D)
- weird netcode (someone told me they use the same netcode than trackmania :D, a racing-game)
- unstable fps (I have it capped at 120 but most of the time I'm at a low 100ish, everything set to low and faster)
- you can't see your ping
- not so good scoreboard (more information like accuracies etc would be appreciated)
- slow railgun vs slow plasmagun, tends to get boring pretty quickly
- when one guy on your team is attacking, you have to wait and spectate, it destroys the momemtum
- the movement system lacks some depth, it's too easy and the stamina bar can be annoying at times
- it doesn't have any shaft-like weapon
- only 1 environment

Man, I guess I'm gonna try warsow 0.7 when it will be at final stage and go back to my leet team akak [L!N], best wsw clan ever :D. Btw, they removed the ammo system, now you only have strong ammos :), just like in CPM.
29635 Hits
I'm back at home! (21 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:17 CDT, 27 June 2012 - iMsg
I'm finally back at home and i played some shootmania already, feels good!

"quake is dead", i want to send you an alpha key but i don't have access to imsg since i'm on probation lol. Where can i find you at irc ?
4426 Hits
[+] me for free Shootmania alpha keys (28 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 07:55 CDT, 26 June 2012 - iMsg
There you go, the first 2 guys who plus me will get a shootmania storm alpha key.

And for the others :

……..(‘(…΄…΄…. ―~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·΄
11263 Hits
* N U K E D * (31 comments)
Posted by Nuked User @ 04:16 CDT, 26 June 2012 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

My apologies (31 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:09 CDT, 24 June 2012 - iMsg
Ok guys, I admit that i failed at trolling considering that my last forum threads didn't get much attention. The full turbo retard Usagi is still n°1 at trolling. I'm #2. It doesn't feel that bad to be #2. Next time i'll be #1 again.

Also, i wanted you to know that i cut my hair and shaved my beard. It feels amazing to be beautiful. And i love shootmania, it's the next big esport game, send love to Nadeo. We, french people, are the best at developping games and we know what is good or bad. Only thing that i'm missing is the lack of shaft-like kind of weapon, hopefully it will be in the beta (we are currently in alpha stage for this game).

Btw, if you are ugly or skinny don't reply to this thread, i just hate ugly and skinny people. I'm 1m82 for 83kg, and i kind of feel fat at the moment. I aim for 75kg, and then i'm gonna do pushups and all these stuffs to make your body beautiful. Stermy, i just love you, as well as strenx. Both are beautiful men, no homo.

Since i'm on vacation, i can't practice my shaft properly, i miss thunderstruck so much, i'm almost crying, no emo. Keep in mind that i'm one of the best thunderstruck player ever, if not the best. Last time i just beat tina, from team LEJDI, and yeah, she's a girl. I won 10:8, means that she's good at quake. Tina, if you read me, can we make a baby out of you together ? I'm a very attractive man with huge dick (19cm).

Look at this : and tell me again that shootmania is a bad game. Most pro quake players are playing and enjoying it.
On the other hand, am I the only one who thinks tha cypher should get a haircut ? He's a beautiful boy, but with his current haircut it's just... meh. Take a look at rapha's, he looks way better this way.

Ok, that's all for today. If you're a full turbo retard, you can reply to this thread, it's okay.
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 09:27 CDT, 24 June 2012 - 10082 Hits
Ins is short (18 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 11:59 CDT, 20 June 2012 - iMsg
So, insan3 finally managed to go to dreamhack, congratulation.

Ins, you're a short person, but good looking. I'm not gay, but i'd hit you.
2280 Hits
I'm back (4 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:27 CDT, 20 June 2012 - iMsg
For all my fans, I'm back. Since I'm on vacation, I will try to trash talk and troll as much as I can. Forget God of War Sanchez, shadowmaster155, Jamerio, troII, daniel, I'm the one and only, heartless.

I love shootmania, you are ugly, I'm handsome, stermy is ugly compared to me, thunderstruck for life.

my config :
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 10:57 CDT, 20 June 2012 - 931 Hits
Can you beat my record ? (56 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 08:49 CDT, 20 June 2012 - iMsg
So, guys, I'm on vacation at the Reunion island, near Madagascar, I'll comeback to europe at the 30th of june.
Since I'm a little bored and unable to play online (I ping 400ms from South Africa :D), what is left to me is to play against bots.

Here is the record :

- opponent : klesk
- difficulty : nightmare
- map : thunderstruck
- gametype : CA
- warmup, fraglimit : 400 (approximately equal to more than 1 hour of playing)
- accuracies :
RL : 86% (with lot of rocket jumps)
LG : 62% (with the biggest weapon usage percentage)
RG : 89% (with lot of usage, approximately 150 frags)
PG : 55% (I admit that I didn't use this gun very often :D, but still)

Can you beat this record ? Keep in mind that you need to beat it @400 frags if you want to claim to be the new champion.
Also, I did this record on a laptop, which mean high screen latency + 60hz, and average keyboard (miss my steelseries 6gv2 :( )

Unfortunately, I don't have any screenshot to prove that it's no fake, but you have to trust me, it's for real !
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 08:55 CDT, 20 June 2012 - 7092 Hits
Shootmania storm alpha key(s) (31 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:25 CDT, 13 June 2012 - iMsg
Does someone have an alpha key to give for free pls ? :>

10929 Hits
Shootmania (185 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 07:28 CDT, 10 June 2012 - iMsg
So, guys, what is your opinion about the game ? Will you ever play Shootmania ?

I personally find the concept refreshing and easy to understand, very newb-friendly, which is a good thing.
But on the other hand, I think that it lacks something, and this thing is called a shaft :D
25463 Hits
Domination (89 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 16:13 CDT, 4 May 2012 - iMsg
Am I the only one who likes Domination ? I think that it's a good gametype. It's fast-paced, newbie-friendly, it makes sense and there are a lot of maps which work with it.

/join #dompickup @ quakenet and hf!

video of me playing domination @ pub server :
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 16:25 CDT, 4 May 2012 - 23992 Hits
The Razer Abyssus... (54 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 11:20 CDT, 16 April 2012 - iMsg
... is officially the best mouse I've ever had.
Why ?

Because it has a flawless sensor, it's light, fast and ambidextrous. Also, the mouse looks good. And it's quite cheap compared to the quality it delivers.
So, basically, for those who want to buy a new mouse, buy the Abyssus, it's almost perfect.
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 11:20 CDT, 16 April 2012 - 10602 Hits
Video of me playing (46 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:01 CDT, 23 March 2012 - iMsg
Here is a little video of me playing quakelive CA :
8984 Hits
Heartlesss is back with more videos (20 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:22 CST, 27 February 2012 - iMsg
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 14:24 CST, 27 February 2012 - 3862 Hits
The biggest attention whore ever (51 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:29 CST, 14 February 2012 - iMsg
So, heartless, what do you guys think about me ? Do you think that i'm a good clan arena player ? Do you think that i'm a good looking boy ? Am I ugly ? Am I bad at quake ? Do you hate me ? Do you like me ? Am I funny ? What do you guys think ?

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 09:30 CST, 14 February 2012 - 13165 Hits
Strenx and the mx518 (43 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:03 CST, 2 February 2012 - iMsg
So, I asked strenx why he did that (from kinzu to mx518) and he said to me that he missed his own feeeling with the mx518 and was basically forced to play with the kinzu because of the sponsorship. He needed basically 2 weeks to readapt and he's now playing at his full potential.

So, guys, if you wanna buy a mouse, don't buy a kinzu, buy an abyssus or, maybe, a kinzu v2

I personnaly like the kinzu, it has an amazing shape, is very light and overall very comfortable, but you have to get used to the sensor to fully appreciate it. But overall, it gives you bad habits, and if you play with the kinzu for more than 1 year, it's very hard to adapt to a new mouse, you will need at least 2-3 months...
12194 Hits
Heartless is now playing withthe abyssus (52 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:40 CST, 1 February 2012 - iMsg
For all my fans out there, just wanted you to know that I switched back from the kinzu to the abyssus.

Starting from now on, I need at least 1-2 month(s) to be completely back in shape, but don't expect me to own the first months. I need to get used to my new mouse at 100%, and forget the kinzu.

So, byebye kinzu hi abyssus!
16450 Hits
Steelseries Kinzu v2 sensor (21 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 16:38 CST, 31 January 2012 - iMsg
is it the same than in the kinzu v1 ? Or is it a totally different one ?

What about the steelseries kana ? Any good ?

Also, strenx moved back from a kinzu to an mx518, someone knows why he did that ?
17481 Hits
This is Heartlesss (c) he4rtl3ss (40 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:29 CST, 22 January 2012 - iMsg
for those of you wondering how the legendary heartless look like, here are some photo of me taken at the Reunion island :

this is how one of the best thunderstruck player ever look like.
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 13:43 CST, 22 January 2012 - 17942 Hits
Call of Duty MW3 (27 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:20 CST, 7 January 2012 - iMsg
so, just bought CoD:MW3 today, I wanted to know if anyone there at ESR is playing this game. What are the main community websites for this game ? Is it any good ? Do I need to know something in particular ?
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 10:20 CST, 7 January 2012 - 3578 Hits
6050 Hits
Tourist (aka human_bean) caught cheating (38 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:00 CST, 30 December 2011 - iMsg

Look at the second and third rail. 2nd rail, how did he know the enemy was there ? Rail preshot, obvious wallhack. 3rd rail = obvious autoaim, you don't usually move your mouse that fast for railing... Keep in mind that it's timescale 0.5, I let you imagine at real speed (timescale 1).
11639 Hits
QuakeLive or Starcraft 2 ? (8 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:01 CST, 29 December 2011 - iMsg

listen to this pls :

and then this :

Edited by He4rTL3sS at 10:38 CST, 29 December 2011 - 1707 Hits
"Quake is dead, get over it" (18 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:32 CST, 22 December 2011 - iMsg

"Also quake live is not only awesome to play ( so fast) but it's really good to watch too."
5861 Hits
Quake Live or StarCraft 2 ? (82 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:21 CST, 19 December 2011 - iMsg
What game should I play ? I like both, but I would like to concentrate 100% on 1 single game. This is why I ask you, what's the best game, in my case ?
21149 Hits
Instagib (1 comment)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:08 CST, 19 December 2011 - iMsg

in b4 lolCA

for QL, replace instagib with CA...
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 10:09 CST, 19 December 2011 - 5458 Hits
#pickup.pql (3 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:20 CST, 17 December 2011 - iMsg
come and perform #pickup.pql, for your PQL pickups !
3245 Hits
Jeesport/Zotac/ESL/clanbase/ASUS/Q3god (24 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:16 CST, 17 December 2011 - iMsg
pls pls add PQL to your cups

i can't wait to see duel on aerowalk toxicity phrantic hektik with PQL physics

PQL is the future, players have to adapt, we played enough vanilla quake, it's time for PQL/CPM to rise, everyone loves CPM, it's a good opportunity for a massive change, quake lost some of its popularity because of the quite recent drop from IEM and ESWC but it can reborn with PQL, it's our savior.
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 14:18 CST, 17 December 2011 - 5668 Hits
PQL. (252 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:07 CST, 16 December 2011 - iMsg
So, what do you guys think about the new Pro[mode]QuakeLive ? Awesome ? Crap ?

I personally tried it on theater of pain, overkill and thunderstruck and all i have to say is that i liked it. It has the cpm feeling and works great. With the 80 dmg rail, faster rockets and 7-7-7 LG you have something very similar to the original CPM. I'm not sure about the GL and the plasma tho, the gl seems a bit slow, same for the plasma. Otherwise, it's all good ! I would definitely love to see top players playing PQL. What about some cypher vs strenx @ dm6PQL :D. The unstackable amours are nice too.
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 14:09 CST, 16 December 2011 - 48909 Hits
My youtube channel... (3 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:19 CDT, 8 October 2011 - iMsg
I will add videos to my youtube channel regularly, cause i managed to successfully solve my sound issuess.

I'm happy.

config used :
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 09:20 CDT, 8 October 2011 - 1725 Hits
Heartlesss is back... (98 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:40 CDT, 5 October 2011 - iMsg
... And looking for players to enter his new clan "Shaft dance" (Shftd).

If you have good LG and play Clan Arena don't hesitate to leave a reply there. If you don't play Clan Arena but still got good LG I will explain the CA Basics (it's easy don't worry) to you and you'll be ready to go!

For CA 2on2, 3on3 or 4on4.

*edit* So far we are already 5, jewzr, jwzm(gohann), sk1p, nsx and me. I plan to invit 1 guy called Fragsau, maximum of 10 members *edit*
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 07:17 CDT, 9 October 2011 - 14573 Hits
Kinzu clan (28 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:26 CDT, 26 September 2011 - iMsg
For all the kinzu's users, join !!clans/summary/195298

let me know, i'll invite you in the clan.
4840 Hits
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 12:43 CDT, 7 October 2011 - 4969 Hits
Quake over for strenx ? (35 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 06:28 CDT, 4 July 2011 - iMsg
"It seems that fnatic doesn't send me to Quakecon, so Quake is over for me since there is no events anymore, sorry guys" said strenx @ facebook.

What's the future of quake ?
7237 Hits
New glasses (11 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:26 CDT, 24 June 2011 - iMsg
I've got new glasses today.

I'm not ugly anymore.

If you're ugly don't reply to this journal entry, nerd.
7051 Hits
Abyssus DPI (37 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:54 CDT, 8 June 2011 - iMsg
With a resolution of 1024x768 (or 1366x768 @ windows), is 450 dpi enough ?

Is it woth playing with 3500dpi ? Is it all marketing shit ?

If you guys tell me that 450dpi is enough for basically everything, then i go for it and FU 1800/3500dpi.
13925 Hits
Got an abyssus today (22 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:17 CDT, 28 May 2011 - iMsg
Need to get used to it. Playing @1800 dpi 1000hz plug & play. ~15-20cm/360°.

On a razer goliathus control standard edition (~35 x 25).
6906 Hits
Config for streamers... (23 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 10:10 CDT, 15 May 2011 - iMsg
[16:43] <heartlesss> guys, if you want to stream games or make videos out of your games, take this config, very clean and pro :
[16:46] <heartlesss>
3340 Hits
I'm in the psychiatric hospistal (77 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 08:57 CDT, 9 April 2011 - iMsg
That's why you might have missed me, everybody. I don't know if i will come back yet neither if i'll be able to nolife nerd thundertruck all night long, but i won't leave you people, i might buy a smartphone or an eepc so that i can continue to troll @ ESR and lose my time on the web. Maybe it's time for me, the thunderstruck 1on1 legend, to take a break, and start a facebook career. Maybe it's time for me to follow the right path for once, and see what happens.
I have some saved money, so, like i said, i'm wondering about buying a smartphone or a cool eeepc, cuz i probably won't be at home for quite some time from now, or at least not 24/24 7/7 (i'll lose all my thunderstruck skill :/, but when i'll be able to practice again, i'll start a duel career, get my skilll back, fix my brain instability and start to own, because i'm one of the only french man that can compete at very high lvl quake. I'm so smart i need medication, but yeah, i failed at some point still. Hope my painkillers, or should i say brain's fixing medication will help me. I somehow feel like Walter Outlow somehow, and it's cool tbfh.

Anyways, enough talking, sticky this, discuss and watch my youtube channel :

config link :
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 09:24 CDT, 9 April 2011 - 18712 Hits
Rapha is the best duel player ever (69 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:26 CST, 5 March 2011 - iMsg
11665 Hits
My first youtube video (70 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 21:18 CST, 27 February 2011 - iMsg
Sick LG aim, sick movements, sick crouching skills, sick sick. I would rape any pro CS 1.6 player without even moving.

Enjoy, noobs :


Check this out !
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 08:44 CST, 8 March 2011 - 16443 Hits
Hello, QuakeLive ! (23 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 17:49 CST, 25 February 2011 - iMsg
I'm gonna play some thunderstruck for fun, lol. And i'm gonna listen to this and then this , while playing, but i ain't gonna masturbate lol, are you mad ?

Life is life lol, do i miss the old q3 days ? Lol i don't give a fuck.
4957 Hits
GUard should stop drinking alcohol (1 comment)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 21:51 CST, 24 February 2011 - iMsg
and take this instead :

this is very good against paranoia.

"I really didnt see any cheats in that vid. but now i realize guard is quite paranoid and wrong most of the time " (c) r1ddler
1720 Hits
Some useful advanced dodging tips (23 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:42 CST, 6 February 2011 - iMsg
You dodge, you cool, lol

5444 Hits
I just love myself (46 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:57 CST, 29 January 2011 - iMsg
12140 Hits
WTF WHAT THE HELL ?! (18 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:01 CST, 18 December 2010 - iMsg

7852 Hits
Is the kinzu really that bad ? (37 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:47 CST, 14 December 2010 - iMsg
Ok, i'm playing with the kinzu for many months now, and i have to say that i feel quite comfortable with it, BUT, i've seen so much people complaining about the sensor that i'm wondering : would i aim even better with a salmosa ?
If i buy a new mouse, it will be the salmosa (and i would probably play @ 1800dpi 1000hz), mainly because i prefer small & simple mices and the salmosa has the old deathadder sensor, which is obviously a really solid sensor (ESR mousescore 2007 anyone ?).
Is it really necessary to change my mouse once again ? I just don't want to waste money, and tbh idon't care if i hit 46% lg instead of 45. And like i said, i don't have any serious issues with the kinzu, it's really an okay mouse. I don't mind that much about the pos/neg accel as long as it's "consistent". I'm playing without any drivers and with 800dpi 500hz. But still, if the salmosa sensor is REALLY better than the kinzu's one, then i might be tempted to change. By better i mean that i would hit ~+5% lg ~+10% rg with some practice, and when i'm 100% used to the mouse, compared to the kinzu.

Oh and btw, if i buy the salmosa, i won't buy starcraft II this year, sadly, not that i'm poor (like Jamerio) or anything, but just that i wanna buy the steelseries 6gv2 for christmas, so, i don't feel like buying too much things at once.

I need your help. HALP!
13136 Hits
MouseAccel or not ? (51 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 09:59 CST, 12 November 2010 - iMsg
Don't reply to this if you're not high skilled, i mean, VERY high skilled. Don't reply if you're not an aim whore. Don't reply if you're ugly, i don't care about your noob opinion, you are useless.

If you're a really smart/clever/intelligent guy and if you know EVERYTHING about mouseAccel and how the quake 3/quakelive sensitivity works, pls enlighten us with your knowledge. Tell us why did "they" implement mouseAccel in quake ? What's the REAL benefit of it, why would you use it ? Is it only a matter of playstyle, holding the mouse, nerve, adrenaline control and all these stuff ? Does it really give an advantage on the long term ? Is it a coincidence that A LOT (atm : k1llsen, cypher, only to name them) of the best aim players ever play with mouseAccel ? Isn't it better to play with med-low sens (~25-30cm/360°) and then try to adapt to ANY situations with practice instead of trying to get the perfect sensitivity with mouseAccel etc, so that you don't have, in theory, to practice as much as the noAccel player ?

Someone to organize an amphi competition or something with all the best aim players in the world ? So that we could finally find out who really has the VERY BEST LG/RG/RL etc. Or maybe some warmup only games on ztn/aero/dm6 without any armor/health pickup ?

Why does the majority of eastern european quake players play with mouseAccel ? Is it only cuz they are brainless drunk sheeps with no money or is it because they know the hidden truth ?
8984 Hits
DRAVEN 2:0 H34RTHLESS (42 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:00 CDT, 22 October 2010 - iMsg
Happened today.

game 1

game 2


“The one who doesn't fall doesn't stand up.” (c) Fedor Emelianenko
9996 Hits
hEarthl3sS strikes again [NVC] (62 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 22:12 CDT, 18 October 2010 - iMsg
So, this is me playing private 2on2 CA vs some well known top players (i'll let you find out who they are, and nop, it's not nvc, it's just that i forgot to ask him to stream the game). Put the volume up (i mean, REAL up, cuz sometimes it's really difficult to hear it properly) so that you can hear the rail of the so called "top players" (i say "so called" cuz who would use the railgun while walking ? aren't they supposed to be smarter than that ? blabla duel/tdm is all about "brain", blabla CA is for skill-less & brainless people blabla).
Also, you will see that with some patience (patience & spam is the key!) and skill, shaft > rail. Who said CA is all about rail ?

Btw, lot of action around the middle giant bump, even some pummel action !

You can now call me hearthlesss the king, the one and only. I'm your hero, your savior, but i'm not Jesus lol.


*edit* wtf ? file is too big or what ? i don't get it lol. anyways, sendspace, here you go !
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 22:22 CDT, 18 October 2010 - 19441 Hits
MY LIFE IS CRAP (67 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 13:19 CDT, 14 September 2010 - iMsg
Hi, i'm heartless and my life is crap. I feel unsecure, sad, lonely. People at ESR don't like me, i'm not even funny, i'm a bad troll, i'm offensive. I'm a fucking attention whore, but i'm not even a girl nor homo. I feel confused irl, i don't even know what to think. I find everything way too complicated or too simple & boring... I don't even want to play world of warcraft because it's all about money and i don't feel like playing it, just not my type of game i guess. Probably less than 10% of ESR agree with me, i mean, like i said, nobody likes me, everyone just likes making fun of me. I'm ashamed of myself.
I just basically feel like a fucking kid raped by everyone.

55490 Hits
I'm a genius. (32 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 14:45 CDT, 10 September 2010 - iMsg
19174 Hits
Should Vedic get raped by a Hydralisk ? (49 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 11:59 CDT, 7 September 2010 - iMsg
Ask Kerrigan.

24799 Hits
I'm officially done with CA (72 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 16:42 CDT, 6 September 2010 - iMsg
Yep, I won't ever play 3on3/4on4/5on5+ CA anymore.

1on1 (serious business shit) and 2on2 (for fun) CA only. I'm actually one of the best, if not the best CA 1on1 player atm. You can give me whatever opponent, even if he's pro, I'm not scared, I know that I'm still the best, if we play at least bo3 and if it's not on maps like campgrounds (only hearth and hellsgateredux are pretty good for 1on1 CA atm).

I don't have much fun playing team games, mainly because I don't need anyone to own in the game, I can just own by myself. So if anyone wants to play me at 1on1 CA, just come at IRC and ask. If you win me, you can call yourself DA God. But obviously you can't win. You can only try.

That's all I had to say.
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 16:43 CDT, 6 September 2010 - 26593 Hits
Heartless shaft -vs- Fresh meat (181 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 22:06 CDT, 23 August 2010 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 0.6 (27 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: H34l27L355
How to play back QL demos

Here is how you shaft rape @ pub CA when you're bored and unable to sleep.

Even in your dreams you couldn't do that.

OMG h4x0r.

Hater's gonna hate, my face's still like this ---> -_-)

Keep the drama alive. Bye bye.

Match link :
Edited by vash_ at 04:38 CDT, 24 August 2010 - 41562 Hits
Noctis (No comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 19:08 CDT, 22 August 2010 - iMsg
Why the fuck did you cut your hair ? Why ? Seriously, are you crazy ?

You used to look like this :

But now you just look like this :

Seriously, i'm so pissed now, i just wanna kill you. Fuck you, really. Where is my beautiful long haired man now ? Where ? Ahh, fuck it, i'm done. Bye.
1806 Hits
Liefje submitted (No comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 22:32 CDT, 27 July 2010 - iMsg
1554 Hits
let's ban a cheater part 9000 (HAL_9000) (No comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:24 CDT, 18 June 2010 - iMsg
22:10 wuxia • i beat fox a lot just a few days before dreamhack
22:10 Heartless • wuxia then show up at lan
22:10 Heartless • cheater
22:10 wuxia • i don't want to show up at lans because i might kill people there
22:11 Heartless • wuxia, no you don't want to show up cuz you hack
22:11 wuxia • so many imbeciles, hard to restrain myself
22:11 wuxia • ya you're right

Here is a video of him and his team mate caught cheating :

Tbh i think that this guys should be banned from #cpmpickup and from all cpm tournaments, because it would be sad if someone like him wins a lot of money & fame with his rail hax. And i think that he doesn't deserve drugz & girlz, because these things are for honest people like cooller or the holy rapha.

1714 Hits
let's ban a cheater part 9000 (HAL_9000) (56 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 15:23 CDT, 18 June 2010 - iMsg
22:10 wuxia • i beat fox a lot just a few days before dreamhack
22:10 Heartless • wuxia then show up at lan
22:10 Heartless • cheater
22:10 wuxia • i don't want to show up at lans because i might kill people there
22:11 Heartless • wuxia, no you don't want to show up cuz you hack
22:11 wuxia • so many imbeciles, hard to restrain myself
22:11 wuxia • ya you're right

Here is a video of him and his team mate caught cheating :

Tbh i think that this guys should be banned from #cpmpickup and from all cpm tournaments, because it would be sad if someone like him wins a lot of money & fame with his rail hax. And i think that he doesn't deserve drugz & girlz, because these things are for honest people like cooller or the holy rapha.

19067 Hits
QuakeLive : post your config here. (107 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 03:00 CST, 28 November 2009 - iMsg
That's it, with download links & screenshots.



Latest edit : 16 May 2012
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 06:15 CDT, 16 May 2012 - 46132 Hits
Heroes of Newerth : your opinion ? (1 comment)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 18:24 CST, 25 November 2009 - iMsg
What do you think about this game ?
Does it requiere skill to be good or is it another random newbie-friendly action RPG ?
Teamplay > skill ?
Or do you need some real keyboard/mouse's skills to be a skilled player ?
Isn't it only about experience & items/Heroes knowledge ?
Is the game really balanced with its 5363736 items & Heroes ?

I'm asking cuz i'm really noob at this game, and I think that it looks pretty good, I mean, the gfx, the atmosphere, the sounds, the like system, the number of players etc...
I wasn't really a fan of DotA, but when I discovered HoN, I was surprised in a good way.
I'll probably play this game until starcraft 2 release, but I'm afraid of the fact that it could be just another 12-years-old-casual-kid-game... I think that I personally enjoy the concept of Teamplay & "brain", but I find it pretty useless when you don't need some real abilities to be considered skilled, I mean, for example, in a game like starcraft or let's say, quake, you need both skill & "brain" to win. Especially in starcraft, when you're better than you opponent, you simply destroy him... There's no random factor or others newbie-friendly aspects that can be FUCKING frustrating, especially when you have the feeling that you could do everything
way faster if the game allowed you to do so (if you were not limited by the game).
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 18:27 CST, 25 November 2009 - 1602 Hits
QuakeLive (No comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 04:02 CST, 5 November 2009 - iMsg
1412 Hits
QuakeLive (7 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 04:01 CST, 5 November 2009 - iMsg
2319 Hits
Latest Journal sucks (1 comment)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 21:33 CDT, 31 October 2009 - iMsg
you suck
2716 Hits
Sohei Alpha -vs- Almost NederLand (No comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 12:22 CST, 7 March 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (1 vote)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: Multiview demos
Version info: 0.42
How to play back WSW demos

Demos taken from .

Viso TDM Grand Finals.
Maps : wdm7 / wdm13.

Sohei A
Coach : mrtot
Players : PmZ*BoBel, loxer, lokirulez, leg!on

Almost NL
Coach : CrystalCastle (excello^BRUNSSS)
Players : ETR, excello^Hyrveli, dignitas/zkyp, PiC|scoobz0r

I highly recommend BoBel's POV at wdm13 if you wanna see him on fire, very impressive; +forward bunny FTW (newmovement :P).
Wdm7 was the closest game.

gg's both.
1010 Hits
Pickup CTF (17 comments)
Posted by Heartlesss @ 21:17 CDT, 29 May 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.6 (7 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: wctf1
Mod: Capture The Flag
Viewpoint: Corrupted
Version info: 0.1b
How to play back WSW demos

This guy just knows how to move. Some omfg caps, some good frags etc :>
After watching this, yeah you can say that warsow is really fast :D.
Have Fun.

(Game started at 6min, use timescale X if you want)
Edited by Slasher at 12:12 CDT, 30 May 2006 - 11471 Hits
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