First of all, I don't agree with /kill bringing anything to the table regarding balance as some players would want you to think regardless of the mode being played 5v5 or 4v4.

Why I do think /kill is a necessity in ctf is due to powerup dropping being simply a bad option. Let me explain this on two most popular in ctf: japan & spider crossings. On japan it's a common thing for defs to hog the quad and extend it's duration by almost half the original one due to drop powerup availability. That simply kills the game flow when you have a quad def you need to attack against. As far as p9 goes there's a different issue. Teams often delay their home pu more than necessary due to negligence but suffer no penalty because once again you can drop the powerup and have it dropped for as long as 10s before it disappears which allows them to make up for their bad play in just two drops.

Those are the two biggest issues I have with drop powerup, but certainly not the only ones.

My suggestion is the following: disable drop powerups in competitive ctf and instead force kill as a default. It would be nice if an admin made a poll out of this so everyone can vote.