Hi guys, in preparation of the CPM Masters Final, I decided to ask some of the players a few questions (let's just call it a mini-interview), in hopes of familiarizing the community with the participants. I did try to get in touch with all the players, but unfortunately did not get responses from everyone. However, a number of players did respond, providing for insightful, funny, and at times down right strange looks into our lovely community.

This tournament will commence this Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 10:30 CDT, and will be streamed via United Kingdom NoProblemTV, United Kingdom ddk, United Kingdom BunnyHopTV and Russia PM.RU.

And onto the topic of our discussion, the interviews, enjoy!

Just wanted to say thank you to all the people who have worked hard to help realize this tournament, especially Czech Republic neverGreen!!!

Links: Brackets & Rules, mIRC#masterscup, Poster