How NOT to change the map list:

1. Release maps a month before an event and then put them in the map list.
2. Randomly change the map list with one old map (dm6) to a different old map (t4) a week before a tournament that was announced less than two weeks ago.
3. Ask 3-4 various people what good ideas are for map rotations.

How to change the map list:

1. Release new maps, or announce old maps being discussed.
2. Practice, for at least two weeks with a significant amount of matches that give a person a large enough sample size to form a valid opinion.
3. Ask the top 32-64 players, who practiced these maps, in the world to vote on the map list.
4. The top 5-7 maps of the results are the map rotation.

There. Now you have a guideline. Quake has "died" and come back like three different times, and yet every time it comes back the staples of the map list are ztn/dm6/and dm13. And as the current poll will tell you on ESR, ztn/dm6 are the maps people like to watch.

Do I want new maps? Yes, I do.
Do I want to change out old maps for new maps just for the sake of doing it? No. (e.g.,ca2 circa qcon 2009)
Do I want to replace an old map (dm6) with another old map (t4) that hasn't been played for over a year in tournament play. That depends.. how much time before the event? And who else wants it? Can we vote on it?

Do you care what I think? Probably not... but I'm trying to spark an intelligent discussion about the state of competitive Quake Live.