* changed name to wolfcamql to avoid confusion
* cg_drawFriend 1 (default) has wall hack effect like in ql, cg_drawFriend 2 to disable
* echopopup and echopopupcvar <cvar> commands, positioning and time controlled with cg_echoPopupX, cg_echoPopupY, and cg_echoPopupTime. echopopupcvar show the cvar name and value
* weapon stats window +acc bound to CTRL by default, will show both the server side stats if the demo taker uses +acc and client side stats. Position controlled with cg_accX and cg_accY
* wolfcam: /follow killer and /follow victim will look ahead in demo and have those pov ready, wolfcam_drawFollowing 2 (the default) will highlight their names
* cvars I had forgotten to include before: cg_screenDamageAlpha_Team, cg_screenDamage_Team, cg_screenDamage_Self, cg_screenDamageAlpha, cg_screenDamage
* demo rewind, fastforward, seek, seekend (from end of demo), and seekclock (using the game clock) Ex: /fastforward 60 to jump ahead 60 seconds, /seekclock 10:21 to go to 10:21
* cg_printTimeStamps 1: game clock time, 2: cgame time, default is 0
* access to key bindings for demo playback demo keys no longer hard coded. Ex: "bind SPACE freecam" in console or config to change the default.
* real demo pausing, using either pause (which toggles playback) or cl_freezeDemo. you can use freecam or scripted cameras while paused
* don't draw spec message for demo playback ("press esc to join")
* don't draw normal hud or 1st person weapon for Clan Arena limbo freecam spec
* cg_drawClientItemTimerX 590 default to avoid clashing with default weaponbar

[uploaded again because of damaged zip file]