So whats up with Quake Live. It seems the Quake Live Community is very creative. Some collected foundings.
Freeze Tag Petition
There is a FreezeTag Mod
Petition for Quake Live. The petition was started two weeks ago to get 10.000 signatures with the goal to integrate and add the popular Q3 Mod Freeze Tag into QL. You dont need to register to give your voice.
"QuakeLive is a great project that has brought in a large number of new and old players some of whom played Quake 3. They may remember the wide variety of mods available. One such mod, FREEZETAG, is currently a highly requested mod on the Quake Live Forums
In order for Quake Live to continue to grow and keep older quake 3 players happy i am petitioning today the addition of FREEZETAG to's game server list."
Quake Live Cartoons
Ser has started a comic series with known scene players in
our forum. Maybe there will be more drawings in the future.
Quake Live 2 Go
Slava Markeyev released "ql2go", a project to start Quake Live from a USB stick with the help of linux. Read all about it in the
Quake Live Forum and
QL2Go project site.
"Quake Live 2 Go (QL2Go) is an effort to make the game we love even easier to play at remote locations. There is no need to install QUAKE LIVE on your work’s, your friend’s, or your parent’s computers. Simply plug-in your flash drive, boot into our lightweight linux distribution and get ready to frag!"
Ingame Demo Viewer
HyperNewbie has built a demo-viewer mini mod. The minimod shows a demo menu. Grab it in the
Quake Live Forum.
"Now you don't have to open the quakelive folder to remember your demofile names...just install this, and from the connect/disconnect screen, you will be able to see a list of all quake live demos you have put in your demos folder, just select the right one and press play!
Original demo lister tuned a bit to match the menu graphics style of quakelive.
id software will be working on an "official", non-temporary way of a demo list viewer, but until then, this can be a temporary fix."