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05:46 CDT - 1632 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
CrazyAl Would you like to see an ESR user interview at id Software? Yes
CrazyAl Should ESReality admins censor posts by QC beta users? No
CrazyAl Which site will you be using? ESR
CrazyAl Quakelive, Steam and VAC Yes
CrazyAl When were you introduced to quake? 2006-2010
CrazyAl Donations to send duelers to QC'14 Yes
CrazyAl 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx Cooller 7-0
CrazyAl 125 FPS Showmatch - Cooller vs Strenx Cooller
CrazyAl 125 FPS Showmatch - k1llsen vs av3k av3k
CrazyAl Poll-125 FPS Showmatch#1strenx vs agent agent 7-0
CrazyAl Adroits duel map poll Toxicity
Conceived and created by Sujoy Roy (Legal Notices)
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