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QC Match timer pos (3 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 05:30 CDT, 17 April 2018 - iMsg
Tl;dr been playing QC, getting into it more and more, starts feeling fun and so on. Wanna start timing again, but its not a big habit for me which means I gotta remind myself to time, for which I prefer that sweet QL style clock that we had.

This is a long stretch at this stage, but any way to move the timer down close you your ability button? Y'know, so that it keeps reminding me that I gotta time that shizzle?
6532 Hits
Raw gameplay trailer (No comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 10:42 CDT, 4 April 2017 - iMsg

Check it out y'all. Looks nice
1055 Hits
Dodging plasma and TN (37 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 04:57 CST, 3 January 2015 - iMsg
Let's try to have a discussion or at least some basic pointers about HOW THE EVER LIVING FUCK DO YOU DODGE PLASMA?

I am absolutely mortified at how I get stomped by plasma. It does not matter if its long/mid/close range. People can hit easy plasma on me. I try my best to dodge, but I just attract it. Can someone tell me how the hell, whats the secret.

Most people have bad plasma aim, including myself, but even then, they just hit amazing accuracies on me. I understand that sometimes this happens, but not consistently.

It feels like I am a plasma magnet. Now I have heard that TN makes you easy to hit for PG, but seeing as I have a high ping conn, usually staying in the 80-100 area (stable tho), I pref to use TN.

So tell me, dear quakers, how the hell do we dodge that annoying plasma which can turn games upside down much faster than rockets/lg/rail.

Also, one option would probably be disabling TN, but as I stated above, can't do that. Because of that, can someone write a toggle TN bind? :)

Looking forward to some interesting, creative responses.
10337 Hits
Strenx does the ALS challenge. (4 comments, locked)
Posted by Whipas @ 17:25 CDT, 27 August 2014 - iMsg
So everyones riding the ALS challenge dickride...
Locked by Teen Queen at 18:39 CDT, 27 August 2014 - 2253 Hits
A good example of never giving up. (2 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 10:02 CDT, 14 August 2014 - iMsg

This vid can be applied to quake basically. The tl;dr here is : NEVER GIVE UP. Even in the worst of situations (i mean cmon that guy got his leg in a lock), you can come out on top with some luck (obviously) and skill.

In any case, this is a great showcase of a champions mentality (c) dkk. Just thought it might inspire some players a little to not forfeit when shits not going their way (including myself, obviously) : )

Have a good one oh and also ignore the fact that he went straight for that ass when he countered :D
1385 Hits
Thoughts/feedback on the site design. (44 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 02:26 CDT, 7 August 2014 - iMsg
So the design is out. And finally.. TIPS. Now I can master duel finally.

In any case jokes aside, what are your thoughts on the redesign?

I saw that elodisplay still works, but i managed to disable hook so i cant see it anymore, so cant test any more functions. So far I know that the hook server browser was breaking the new one, in which case browsers just didnt work at all. The play now function is pretty cool.

The match browser isnt bad at all also, for newer players its more easy to distinguish the matches.

So far so good. Just have to re enable QLH again. :/

Lemme know what you guys think.

EDIT: Now that I think of it, the chat seems a lil bit out of place if you ask me.
EDIT 2: It seems that the match browser cannot sort the servers according to players on the server for me :S
Edited by Whipas at 02:41 CDT, 7 August 2014 - 12017 Hits
AGENT feedback thread (73 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 14:18 CDT, 1 June 2014 - iMsg
So, if anyone feels like discussing Agents recent actions, feel free to go on about it here.

Honestly, I laughed at his actions, but it was unprofessional, and he should be banned from all things quake (competitions). His attitude towards the game we love and I guess the players is displeasing.
27975 Hits
Potat analysis by Potat. (3 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 22:21 CDT, 30 May 2014 - iMsg
So I wanted to do this for a while, and I did it today. Out of the blue, played a game, got fraps, and taped that shizzle. No preparation or nothing. :)

Hope you guys enjoy, im thinking of doing a couple more in the upcoming months, so feedback is welcome :)
2781 Hits
A new breed of stupid player (77 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 12:34 CDT, 15 May 2014 - iMsg
So you know those type of players where they abort cause they dont like in a match? Well I had a new one today, the player onlyrail (1700ish) didnt abort, he put me to SPEC cause I was winning, and thanked me for the elo. :D hilarious, but I've never seen this done to anyone :)

Aborts are pathetic, but putting to spec?: D New level
13286 Hits
Awesome speedrun with commentary. (30 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 15:12 CDT, 25 March 2014 - iMsg
Just found this on youtube

Nice speedrun with commentary. Enjoyed it :)
6279 Hits
QL Webchat timestamps (12 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 14:23 CDT, 15 March 2014 - iMsg
So ive been wanting a chat timestamp function in my ql webchat, since sometimes chat messages are a bit misleading. Anyways.. i by accident stumbled upon this command : web_chattimestamps 1

Asked a few ppl around and they didn't know it existed, so I decided to share this jewel with you.

web_chattimestamps 1

Hope this helps some bloke out there.
3506 Hits
how to annoy uaLaskij (25 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 18:42 CDT, 11 March 2014 - iMsg
as the title says... the video is a bit cut short, but basically make a bind my nigga my nigga and you got him in the losing zone..
3950 Hits
Posted by Whipas @ 12:20 CST, 13 January 2014 - iMsg
Edited by Whipas at 14:04 CST, 22 January 2014 - 9048 Hits
Q4MAX question. (36 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 16:05 CST, 12 January 2014 - iMsg
So, how the hell do I play Q4MAX for free online? :) been trying to find a solution but didnt get one. help.
19174 Hits
Wolfcam question (4 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 06:51 CDT, 23 October 2013 - iMsg
Is it possible to display arrowkey presses on wolfcam? (like in defrag) I would find it useful.
1567 Hits
My vision of the QL DHW premovie. (10 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 09:30 CDT, 21 October 2013 - iMsg
This is literally how I would put my finger on a DHW 13 QL Tournament hype movie. I just couldnt decide which characters are which players.

Watch the whole thing.
2134 Hits
God damnit QLPRISM why u break? ( (18 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 20:31 CDT, 17 October 2013 - iMsg
My QLPrism is completely broken, pretty much no button (from the profile buttons to matches to ql forum links) doesnt work. Only the chat works, nothing else. U can click that shizzle as much as you want and it will not respond. I tried reinstalling all the required stuff, still doesnt help. What do?
4284 Hits
Need advice, info on monitor selection. (52 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 15:26 CDT, 10 July 2013 - iMsg
So yeah, I've been looking to get myself a 2nd monitor (im gonna use it as primary), and I want it to be 120hz naturally. But while snooping around into the subject of choosing a new one, i see there hacks and smacks and lots of different problems for all dem monitors.

I was aiming for the popular one : BenQ XL2411T and was doing the lightboost hack thing for quake pretty much., But ive read that its only for Nvidia. So my problem is that I have an AMD card 7870. And now im in a crossroads, and I dont know where to go and what to do. Also if ur gonna suggest a solution, try to make it as cheap as possible. I was best hoping for the 2233rz at the beginnning of my research, but its not being made anymore :(
3897 Hits
Potat ZTN Trickjamp. (53 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 05:33 CDT, 21 June 2013 - iMsg
Right. So inb4 shit quality, i know its shit.

I was fooling around in ZTN, and i came across a glitch. My DF spirit didnt let this one slide, so i gave it like 15 mins of playing with it. Not that useful, but looks decent. And still, its been more than 10 years and the map still has bugs. ^^
Edited by Whipas at 05:34 CDT, 21 June 2013 - 12586 Hits
Matching Quake Live/CPM/CS:GO sens (52 comments)
Posted by Whipas @ 18:29 CDT, 2 May 2013 - iMsg
Right so as title says.. Need to match them sensitivities. Playing all of those games frequently (depends on what friends online, what I feel like playing etc.)

But any time i play one of the games and try to go back to the other one it feels so different. Even tho i try to set similair sens and shizzle.

What bothers me most is that only QL (last I checked) has MouseSensCap and AccelOffset. So Ill have to probably adjust to playing without these values. Even though they give me this very nice and controlled accel that I like.

So, to the matter at hand:

My main sensitivity settings that I'd like for all of the games above:

My DPI: 400.
Sens: 1.5.
Accel: 0.1
Mousesenscap: 5
Offset 5
M_yaw: 0.022
M_pitch 0.033.

Think thats about it .

Idea: cant check it atm but setting the mouse input to RAW in all of those games could probably help right?
11982 Hits
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