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I'm Leaving (49 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 23:45 CST, 5 December 2012 - iMsg
Good bye ESR. For real this time. I'm changing this password to a random string of characters once this journal gets posted. I doubt anyone will miss me one bit.

21849 Hits
Im sick of probation how u feelin jam (8 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 13:46 CST, 14 November 2012 - iMsg
3103 Hits
Have Admins Become Too Relaxed (40 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 21:52 CDT, 25 October 2012 - iMsg
I'm okay with Jam-Jam and even Nicholas's incessant blathering but can we please get rid of CoolOut because he's only going to further embarrass himself and he's making people stupider each and everyday. I know you guys are worried he'll turn to self-harm but it's pissing me off and Fudge too. I know I can put both of them on ignore but it really just drives me off the wall and I've never had to ignore anyone before when reading site content or browsing. At least ray was actually funny in a sort of pathetic way and Jamerio is more mature than those two. Which says A LOT about the state of this site.
13400 Hits
FPS Hacker Tournament (4 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 19:47 CDT, 24 October 2012 - iMsg
Someone should make a tournament for only people who wallhack or use aimbot. I think it should be a tournament of the most ridiculous proportions for a cash prize, and basically whoever positions themselves the best or has the best movement should win out if the item timers are all there and the auto-bot hits like 99% accuracy. I think hacking really does take some skill or just a tournament for only wall hackers and/or only aimbotters and see how it goes. I really would think it could be an exciting thing and we can maybe make it a charity for Quake 5 or something while we destroy Quake Live :D
2052 Hits
Thoughts on ESR and My Short Hiatus (24 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 13:37 CDT, 5 October 2012 - iMsg
It's funny, even though I changed my password to gibberish on this account and my email, I still managed to find I actually had a recovery email to the whole thing on a different email. Now, I'm back here and it's strange.

I never really left ESR completely. I mean, I visit the site every now and again from time to time, and it has become really infrequent now since I have classes and work to deal with. I find it funny how going on here was an addiction and a pathetic infatuation. I kind of wanted to be big and get lots of plusses and join in on the trolling. This is kind of my letter of apology to anyone I may have offended on this site, even though I doubt I've hurt the intellect of this place much.

But my favorite part about this is how static this site is. I leave and everything is really just about the same. The same people commenting and making the jokes. The same crazies. The same nut jobs. And the same admins.

Just being gone for a couple months I honestly feel like I don't even belong here. So this is good bye, for now, let's see where the future takes us.
7165 Hits
DotA 2 Dispute Dude Killed WTF (8 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 14:20 CDT, 16 April 2012 - iMsg

I think this was in the philies, WTF!!!

2801 Hits
Late Rebellion: Saving Stupidity Early (17 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 15:24 CDT, 11 April 2012 - iMsg
First of all, many of you know my reputation, and I'm not the most knowledgeable person on this forum whatsoever. I am not a columnist by any means but I'd just like to poke some fun at id Software and to give my opinion. While the lot of you in ESR-Land and Quake-Land were busy arguing when times were much more unstable and unpredictable for this beloved game we call Quake Live, I think it's time for all of us to take a reality check, and it's time for me to join the parade, now that many of you are done arguing and grumbling, and are more inclined to close the mouths, and open the ears, and maybe the eyes to the truth of our horrid pathetic situation.
First, let me stress, Quake Live is a business. id Software doesn't giving a flying fuck about many of you, unless you are lining their wallets with money. And if you aren't then they can hardly give a fuck about you at all. Their primary source of income was off of advertisements, and no effort was put into marketing whatsoever. To make this game mainstream. To get new players. To boost community moral and to drive a wedge between the "public" community and the "elitist" community. To sort of create a middle class; there was none of that. id Software's strategy of promoting this game was of course doomed to fail and so was their advertising method. Let's face it, deathmatch has become a total niche and cult, a quite mystery that will probably die, and no one will know in the world of today, at what hour, the old man died, because no one was busy looking after him.
So what did id Software do? They threw in a premium account and a pro account, with features that weren't "free." This wasn't the worst thing that could happen. But no one could really see where this was going. Now we have seen. I have seen. And honestly I regret that we didn't all just not buy anything. Not fall into that trap. Forced id Software to either chuck the whole project (unlikely) or to make everything free or more reasonable. Who can even justify spending a years worth when they might only want to stick around in this ungodly community for a month or two. No Paypal support. This was just a mess that was getting bigger and bigger.
I fell for the trap. Many people did. Some resolute people can smile with glee, having not wasted a chip on id Software. I bought a pro account. Worst investment I could've made. Then I bought a premium. The worst investment I could've made. Yet again.
There are people who can argue that what is done is done. And I agree. We could've never predicted all of the features that were given to us, were not only useless because half the user base felt alienated and either quit or never bought it. We could've never predicted such a rip off and a methodical way of luring a customer in. And each time they made new features, you'd kind of think to yourself, "WOW! Quake Live has promode. Quake Live has FREEZE TAG?!" And I can see many of you falling for the trap the next time they pull the, "CAPTURE STRIKE! HOLY SHIT QUAKE LIVE DEFRAG!" card. But I'm writing this column for a reason. There's a message behind all of this madness.
Now, before I continue, some people might argue, "WE NEED TO SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY, WE NEED TO SUPPORT THE GAME."
Which I for one, think is a load of horseshit. What community?
This has to be the most segregated community I've ever seen in my life. Vast amounts of people have quit, some people still hold onto their precious Quake III or even move onto other games, maybe even other Quakes. Regular users are alienated by this premium/pro bullshit. The community is gone. Whatever sense of community we had at the beginning, it isn't the same. It feels like this game is more popular than a lot of games, but the community itself feels so small because of the attitudes and the amount of disheartened people. It also doesn't help that the majority of people don't even want to help what little new blood is still playing this lifeless thing. And supporting this game? Id Software has been running at a loss since the start of this business, if they wanted to chuck this thing the best thing they could've done was chuck it a year ago. No, there's nothing for you to support. Pay or not pay, the game will still stay on as long as it would have.
In fact, if we all didn't pay. If not a single person bought a pro or premium, I guarantee a compromise would have been reached. We would have been in a better place. If we kept littering complaints. If we kept bitching. If we kept reacting. Revolution would occur. $2.99 Quake Passes. Who the **** knows? Now, we will never know.
It's really late for a rebellion. In fact, even if we did anything it would go unnoticed or die down within a week.
But it isn't too late to prevent stupidity. Life is about making choices. We've all made mistakes. Don't let someone else fall into the same trap. Especially after seeing the recent poll and Memento's thread, it almost made me want to vomit from the optimism and the undying amount of support we have for Id Software. Do yourself a favor, and your friends a favor, don't buy this bullshit. If the game will die so be it, people not buying premium/pros wouldn't have been the death of it anyways.
3915 Hits
Site Got Thinner (5 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 14:58 CDT, 11 April 2012 - iMsg
Did ESR get skinnier or is my broser and computer broke?
2523 Hits
Do Admin's on ESR ever talk (7 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 23:09 CDT, 4 April 2012 - iMsg
Outside of ESR? Do you ever talk behind other user's backs? Anyone got a clique or a gang? Lemme kno!
2081 Hits
Posted by daniel` @ 13:01 CDT, 4 April 2012 - iMsg
You heard me. Play more QuakeWorld, please North America (;
2859 Hits
we meat again (35 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 21:33 CDT, 3 April 2012 - iMsg
11232 Hits
My Contribution (23 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 22:29 CDT, 2 April 2012 - iMsg
I haven't journaled in quite a long time so I thought I would finally contribute to ESR.

I know all of you are so thrilled.

So, Six16 has 3 Samsung 2233rz's which makes me LOL... I really wasn't expecting the guy to buy three of those even though they are cheap. That's pretty damn cool though, I wish I could afford to do that.

I've never bought into the CRT and 120 hz hype. Though I probably should. I'll stick to my eyebleed 60 hz viewsonic lcd haha... I'm too poor for any luxury really.

I've honestly been doing a lot of soul searching and growing up and I feel like I'm at a weird age. Quake is really boring for me now, and so is ESR. Who knows what I'll be doing the next couple of years, right now I'm addicted to twitter and tumblr. Make fun of me all you want, I don't care.

I've also been really considering the future. And it really pains me to think that I've lived more than enough of my life to see that I've wasted a substantial amount of it playing video games. I don't regret it... but I kind of find it hard to swallow.

Einstein, Da Vinci, geniuses had they been born in this age, and were my age, would they have wasted time on such meaningless things? Would they waste the hours watching TV?

I feel like I should be reading more. Writing more.
Learning a new language.
Visiting Europe


I really wish I could be the guy I want to be but its so hard at this time and age. So many people don't have goals. Worries. Foresight.

I hope I know what I'm doing. And I hope I'll figure it out.

Some of you older folks, please chime in, and give some advice, it'd be wonderful.
3394 Hits
4:3 Widescreen with Black Bars Anti-alia (No comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 13:13 CDT, 27 March 2012 - iMsg
I think cypher, cooller, and even avek use black bars when they play widescreen.

Do you think they anti-alias at all? I know the monitors they tend to get in competitions are like 120 hz but that doesnt help with some of the jaggy lines when your resolution is like 800 x 600 and I understand anti-aliasing through graphics card settings can have negative effects, especially v-sync if you put that on with it.
2066 Hits
Greasemonkey QL Scripts (2 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 13:42 CDT, 22 March 2012 - iMsg
is there any way to make them work with chrome I don't care how complicated it is I just don't want firefox
2054 Hits
The Lost Gamer (21 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 12:18 CDT, 21 March 2012 - iMsg
I remember when all was well. When browsing IGN reviews and Christmas Lists was all I needed to do to find out what games were good the coming third and fourth quarters of the video game universe. I remember when I had emails from IGN, 1UP, GameSpot, even EuroGamer coming in and I would read nearly all of them every day.

I remember when my method of knowing what game to buy was strictly these sites, Kotaku, some less popular blogs, some social networks, and from word of mouth.

Then, I would eventually stop playing all sorts of games. No more role-play, platformers, real time strategy, and I didn't really question it because ever since my Delta Force days I always knew myself to be a first person shooter gamer.

I always considered RTS to be the most stale genre out there. I just didn't even feel like I was really thinking or enjoying myself. After the Prince of Persia trilogy (or the remastered trilogy if you want to be technical), I didn't feel like any platformer was that great anyway. I never bothered playing Assassin's Creed. I played the newest GTA all the way through but the fourth just felt like it lacked everything I liked about the GTA series. It felt like eyecandy was added to shit gameplay and an actually okay (and slightly, but barely believable story) and the graphics on the PC were definitely underpar compared to other games. '07 I wasted a shit load on a nice computer to play what was expected to be the most amazing thing ever: Crysis. The king of all eyecandy. I don't know if anything actually even comes close to it in that regard. And gameplay wasn't too stale. Definitely not as slow as some games but other than shit cheat protection and shit multiplayer in general (it had punkbuster LOL), the game just didn't satisfy me enough to play it through to the end. It wasn't like Half-Life 2. It didn't drive me to the climax and then make me ask for more.

In short, singleplayer became completely unsatisfying and almost pointless.

Fast forward to 2009. I discover Quake Live.

My life has never been the same.

I can't play anything but Quake.

Everything is boring.

Everything is slow.

Everything is easy (yet Quake I'm still shit at).

Everything is crap.

Eyecandy doesn't matter.

Fast forward to 2012. Quake Live is boring.

It's too slow.

It's too easy (even if I am still shit at it).

Everything is crap.

I don't know what else there is to play.

If I base things off of enjoyment I definitely enjoy some good ol' Polish clan arena CPMA style with fast rail THE MOST.
Which some of you might laugh at.

If I base it off of the active users and population even in America Quake Live is kind of a stretch.

TDM is dead. CTF is pretty much dead. It has a pickup channel but I really don't even enjoy the pickups that much. FFA, and insta, PQL, etc I don't care for it. So clan arena and duel.

CLAN ARENA.... and duel.
Both of which I find tolerable but not as fun as QW or CPMA.

Quakeworld has some people playing it. It's fun. I'm new to it. I feel like it's something I could keep playing but at the same time I feel like I DON'T LOVE IT. Who loves losing twenty points each duel? Even forty.

If I want to be super hardcore, QuakeWorld it is.

If I want to be mainstream, Quake Live it is.

If I want to play what I love most, with 110 ping on an okidoki server with polish kids, CPM it is.

And here's the hilarity of my situation.

In a fit of rage yesterday, out of anger at how hard it was to find a game in both QW and CPM. I just deleted them. Uninstalled. Along with other games. But kept QL. Because I feel like QL has a future. That QL is modern. That QL is now.

And now I'm beginning to think that maybe, in the end what does it matter what I play. It's what I get out of it right? So maybe I'll have to go through the arduous process of reinstalling Quake Live and CPM, all over again. God bless me.
5773 Hits
Sad Day (20 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 15:41 CST, 24 February 2012 - iMsg
The times goes by and I'm still not banned. hoenstly i dont give a fuck anymore... i was trolling so hard this site. im 3rd most ignored. ive accomplished myself. ban me or not. if you didnt ban me ur loss because I was 100% all troll. :D
5530 Hits
The First Demo Ever On ESR (12 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 20:18 CST, 23 February 2012 - iMsg
I finally got to page 90 and beyond that there's nothing.

Is really the last demo (or the first) in the list? Or is their a way around this filter that is keeping me on page 90. Or were old demos deleted when site got updated?

Thanks, please ban me,
3612 Hits
Ignored Users (2 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 15:47 CST, 21 February 2012 - iMsg
Is there a list to see who is the most ignored and who ignores who?

I really don't like the fact that people just don't reply to my stuff anymore and are friends with me less now because they might be temporarily ignoring me.
3487 Hits
I Don't Understand (5 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 17:27 CST, 20 February 2012 - iMsg
How people can honestly play xbox 360 and have fun...
3705 Hits
I rather. E banned than on probation (7 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 10:43 CST, 17 February 2012 - iMsg
It's true
2609 Hits
ESR Admin Brandan Banned (9 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 13:53 CST, 16 February 2012 - iMsg
About time, but what actually meritted Herr's banning, did he push the system too hard? Did he damage threads? Delete things? Etc, was he a rogue admin or where you just all sick of him?
2525 Hits
Curiousity, Is ESR an All Male Demograph (27 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 13:24 CST, 16 February 2012 - iMsg
I don't think I've seen a single female post here ever... maybe one or two but not many... are any very popular and frequent posters women?
6054 Hits
Every Game Is Boring or too Easy (121 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 15:13 CST, 15 February 2012 - iMsg
Or broken like QL... can someone suggest something... I was recommended this thing called

Hawken when it comes out... it's like MechWarrior the old school game if you've ever played it with the sexy Bushwacker and Madcat or whatever. Basically droids/mechs vs mechs in sexy laser armed combat with slightly annoying controls to get used to.

I think it's pretty cool because it's gonna be free to play but I'm also hoping unreal releases a free to play game for me to waste time playing flash on.

But anyways,

What's cool and coming soon, and what's worth it?

I want high level play reminicenst to

28906 Hits
Leaving America, Where to Euro? (278 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 16:49 CST, 14 February 2012 - iMsg
If America was an even more unbearable place to live, and trust me, I don't think that idea is too far fetched. Where is a good place to raise your kids? Few minorities, expensive to live, rich country, good benefits, good salary? Which European country offers the most for a man, his wife, and his children? The number one thing I would look for is QUALITY education. The best public schools if not a fair private school. France? Germany? England? Help me out.

Yes, I'm not married, and I don't have kids, but I intend to.

Second of all, the minorities comment is slight racism on my part, true, but stop assaulting me for a simple preference I have. If you could wouldn't you want to live in a place where your ethnic group had more influence? I'm not all for white flight, and I love all the people of the world but I just prefer to make friends and talk to people who come from the same background as me who I can identify with. I've roomed with various cultures, and trust me, I should probably hate asians so much with all the shit that pissed me off, but it made me more tolerant but I still think a white person with a Russian background and the same old school upbringing would be able to relate most to me and I to them.

I don't hate minorities but if I had a choice, I'd live on the minority-less rich side of town than the equally rich minority side of town.
Edited by daniel` at 12:34 CST, 16 February 2012 - 118431 Hits
Indexing Activity in Games (4 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 15:18 CST, 8 February 2012 - iMsg
I've been thinking about something and the number one thing that gets me to want to play a game is of course people. Once a game essentially dies and rarely has anyone playing, I just don't want to ever go near it. Now, Steam has a nice little statistical page that basically allows you to see how active their games are and which games have the most overall activity and peak activity.
Here is the link:

Now each time I think about a game I really want to play, I really question the overall activity level that the game has from a public perspective. I think that a hidden factor like private games (pugs, scrims, league, etc) are just too difficult to calculate and I don't know if it's worth my time getting mumble, ventrillo, mirc set up, etc.

Now, I'm wondering if someone could maybe write a simple algorithm for a couple games, based on say, how many servers have 2 or more players and maybe even the duration of the games played. I mean I have no clue how difficult this would be to implement but ideally the calculations would simply yield some number that we can use to compare to other games. And the website could officially just be that, three numbers that refresh every couple of minutes.

Q4I: 10
Q3I: 1000
QLI: 4000
QWI: 2000

Something like this, comparing how active Quake 3 is to Quake live.

Now the thing is, I'm wondering if there is any program that can even check offline how many servers Quake Live has.

I would really like to be able to see how many people are playing through a gametracker type thing or a third party-hack /software.

Anyway, this is all rather silly rubbish, but I think it would be interesting to see if these indexes are made how they rise and fall and where the general level of activity is. Who knows maybe they'll be some surprises and maybe additional games can be added like Warsow and we'll discover something interesting.
2287 Hits
Considering Seriously Leaving, Seriously (37 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 13:59 CST, 30 January 2012 - iMsg
Well, I've been kind of on the quite side. Jamerio no longer entertains me what so ever and I kind of pity him in the same way I pity Ray. Ray on the other hand is banned. Demiurge has been ignoring me and xou doesn't care for me anymore, too. When you really can't attention whore and are on probation things on ESReality start going down hill fast. I told my friends about this site and they just don't find it as funny as I do and they don't get the jokes. It really makes me wonder if I'm at a different level than them or if this site is so nerdy that only I get the Quake references. Or maybe they're stupid. Or maybe I'm stupid.

Anyway, I got off on a horrible tangent. The point I'm trying to illustrate is that I'm attention starved. I've learned my lesson. Don't troll. I don't really want to troll anymore. But this place without me trying to get popularity and hoping to become a demi-god or get at least 70% popularity was kind of juvenile. I know it's not a popularity contest. Most of you troll me and shit and talk a lot of shit about me and say "I want to ignore Daniel" and it makes me wonder how many of you are actually ignoring me. I've seen people like Nicholas and KittenIgnition spew garbage and useless gibberish and write about barely sensible topics of interest and not get banned and yet people like Ray with ridiculously stupid yet coherent (and by coherent I mean readable), get banned. Jamalz getting banned is also kind of silly. I thought compared to vedic and Jamerio his comments were relaxed and funny. He wasn't spamming and he wasn't being too racial or inappropriate in my opinion. No offense, G.I. Jonesy writes the stupidest off topic things ever and he never got punished. And why was put on probation? I have so many questions as to why this site runs the way it does and I now am beginning to understand what Jonesy meant when he referred to communism vs capitalism.

You want to ignore me? Fine.
Already ignoring me? No problem.
If anything I think I'm going to start fresh and make a new account where I only post constructive things and no bull shit. You'll probably see someone write something clever and smart, and you'll be like, "Wow, that guy had something constructively smart to say, I like him," without knowing that daniel`, "That faggot I totally despise on ESReality" is that constructively cool guy.

I've invested a lot of time in Quake. Hours upon hours. I mean my whole past three years was a shit load of Quake. Not as much Quake as Ray but I'm sure a significant amount nonetheless. I haven't played the game in months. It feels great. I still get tempted to play Quakeworld or Quake Live or anything really, Quake. But I don't need it anymore. Games aren't fun anymore. And school is a lot harder now.

The point is. I'm leaving. Maybe I'll come back and bring something constructive. Maybe I'll not bring anything at all and be gone for good.

But in short, here is the unedited truth:

I'm eighteen years old. I do go to the gym a lot but I only started last year. I can't really bench 250 yet. I'm not 6'6'' or 6'2'' or whatever lie I told you guys. I'm 6'0'' and I weight 170 lbs. I don't have a six pack yet. I'm white. I'm not a vegan or whatever shit I was telling you guys. I wouldn't call myself a nerd but I can be a bit on the corny nerdy side at times. I like to think of myself as the big guy on campus getting all the girls and everything... but the truth is I probably have more girl trouble than a lot of you on this forum (okay maybe not) but I just can never seal the deal. Oh, and I'm a virgin. That's the truth. Want proof? You can message me, oh wait I'm on probation...

well, if you want proof... I don't know what to give you this is the only honest thing I've said all this time.

So in short: I'm not huge, kind of nerdy and pasty, don't get pussy, and I'm working out to get bigger and I'm leaving ESR. I have quit Quake.

This is good bye.
8563 Hits
Sadness (8 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 02:00 CST, 10 January 2012 - iMsg
I've been a bit sad the mods don't let me write everything I want... and I kind of wish I could be off probation now, anyhow, tallyhoe.
3486 Hits
The Beauty of Quake (22 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 14:15 CST, 9 January 2012 - iMsg
It starts with an exposure to one Quake. Maybe it was Quake Live. Or maybe it was Quake 3 and it just blows you away. Deathmatch games like Quake, perhaps they are on a decline and well past their maturity stage and growth stage but at the end of the day, deathmatch will like books never die. There will always be a niche and place for people to play the games they love. Ten years from now, maybe ESR won't remain, maybe DM won't remain, but I predict a sort of "cult of sorts" will become apparent. Maybe it will be the same twenty or so people playing 3v3 CTF in some Unreal Flash game. Maybe it will be look like a sort of mid-air, endif Quake World thing with people just playing that shit over and over again with faster rockets and slower falls. Who knows? The thing is... yeah, the age of DM has waned, but I don't think it will ever fall.

Why am I so certain?

Because honestly... the truth is... deathmatch is fucking addicting.

There's nothing like it. Picking up items. Moving around using some quirky movement glitch like bhops or strafes or sprints. Blasting the opponent with guns that function nothing like each other. Rock. Papers. Scissors. But of course, most of you reading this already know this. That DM is addictive because it's challenging and rewarding because it's fast and fun and challenging. And it seems like any DM can attract a true DM-er to give it a try.

Why how many times have we heard of a person from Quake Live hopping into Quake 3 or even CPM? From CPM to other things? From those other things to older and more ancienter things? It's insane. I was born around the Call of Duty 4 era... and I never got to experience what Quake was until '09. And it's amazing. I loved Quake Live. It led me to promode. I loved promode it led me to all sorts of other shit. Defrag. And fucking... wow... I can just play any DM and I love it now. I mean I fucking installed Doom 2 and played it with more people than I can count or name in the year 2011!!! Like what in the fuck... and then it all culminated when I found QuakeWorld. I've watched painkiller, I've watched Quake II streams, I've watched every DM stream known to man. I've fiddled with Warsow. I've tried it all. And the crazy thing is... so many people like me pick up Quake Live, pickup PQL and they just go WOW.... this movement is A-FUCKING-MAZING. And they want to try what inspired this baby. They want to try CPM. They want to try QuakeWorld they really do WANT TO GO BACK IN TIME. That's the beauty of Quake. It's timeless. Once a person loses that desire for eye-candy and graphics and GeForce cards and Radeon's. It becomes a search for the game with the most depth and gameplay and in the end. The person no longer becomes shallow. Their soul becomes cleansed. And DM lives on.
4734 Hits
Guyssss (3 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 16:50 CST, 22 December 2011 - iMsg
happy holidays ESR, I love you gays
5715 Hits
Is it worth coming back to QL with PQL (7 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 23:33 CST, 17 December 2011 - iMsg
I havent tried it, is it just as fast? same style I cant tell with the graphics change... compared to cpm and youtube /:

soo... how does it exactly feel... still fast, very quick turns.. and is this any reason to stop playing quakeworld/League of legends for me right now?
2868 Hits
Life goes on (18 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 17:44 CST, 17 December 2011 - iMsg
just stay strong fellas
its almost the holidays
4941 Hits
I Leave Today (17 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 16:43 CST, 7 December 2011 - iMsg
TEll me what you thought of me and my exile in ESR land
3544 Hits
This journal is dedicated (37 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 07:21 CST, 7 December 2011 - iMsg
This is to the 24/7 dm6 CA north american pubbers
God bless you... may your public games be strong.

Anyways, I haven't played Quake in some time now. I consider this a huge accomplishment and I don't plan on ever playing video games. I started with TF2 and the pickups and the community at the start was AMAZING! I remember I would play over 100+ pickups on and even a couple pickups on #mpuk or whatever it was called, when the gathers just were inactive. I would play with 100 ping and I didnt care a bit. I even met the likes of Oggy and nvc when I had played with the UK people and I had the pathetic nvc on my friend's list on steam and I removed him before lvl^ was just a little clan page on steam and not a full-blown media station for esports broadcasting and nvc playing FFA against noobs and dueling noobs (lmao).

It's funny how much you evolve the more you seek to play competitive games. You start thinking pubs are a joke. I remember I had a good friend in TF2 that I sadly am no longer friends with. This guy was playing CAL and CEVO, and I watched him go ESEA-pro before I even knew what was going on. How did he do it? I remember I had no idea what a pickup was... I wondered why my friend wouldn't mindlessly go to our pub server and pub stomp with me, but then I realized the magic of pickups. That through pickups magic happens, and I discovered GotFrag, and frag movies, and eventually, all that spam on the day the queue was implemented and Quake live went open beta, I was waiting in queue to see why carnage and all sorts of people were talking about this and waiting in queue.

I was thoroughly disappointed. I wasted years at a time just playing ammomod, BBALL, and I tinkered occasionally in my first DM game, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch were I played on the CAL open ladders for 1v1. It had movement that could go so advanced some of you die hard FPS fans would cringe. I still can't do the crazy strafes and jump maps some guys like 0nti can:
I never could finish the last jump on that map.

I remember when I was a newbie I'd chill with a guy Geier from HCC on Hl2DM and I only mention it because it was funny, I noticed a guy on Quake Live whose name was the same, and whose bio said "from hl2dm" and lo and behold it was the same guy! The funny thing was, this guy, he knew how to steal all the health and armor shards and how to revolver like no one else and to move like no one else. His movement was pretty good for someone who just recently got into the game, but there was something sad about me being able to beat him and not marginally with little to no effort in Quake Live. It's just a whole different ballpark and a whole different game. This guy, he could go 120 points and not die a single time in HL2dm free for all and bunkers against people with good aim and he could 1v1 insanely good, I can't doubt his skill, but in Quake... he was garbage. It made me sad. I even went easy a couple times and gave him some pity wins...and I thought maybe it was better I didn't disclose my identity because I could tell he was more than a little annoyed.

But TF2, it made it impossible for me to enjoy pubbing, and as a newbie, you can't see what's wrong with 24/7 instant spawn 2fort but after a while you realize the whole thing is a stupid gimmick. The idea of the instant spawning and the idea of this stupid 32 server sized terribly outdated map. But then, pickups became impossible. I just wanted to scrim. Pickups also became unbearable because people would go out of their way to ruin them. Before I knew it, was dead and 550 or Cinq I think as he prefers to be called or WHATEVER THE FUCK HIS NAME IS, I can't be arsed to go snoop around for it, started or whatever the channel was called. Honestly, gathers just were so much more fun and I didn't like the idea of a captain each time, it was more fun to have random teams and I actually thought random teams were more balanced. It was also harder to play the class you wanted, the more known people would of course get their best class and you would have to play that dreaded medic. That's why medic's eventually became the designated captain's. First one to add, medic, and captain. But anyways, gathers and PUBS became unbearable... so what was bearable? I only found fun through scrimming casually. I joined a TWL ladder but I honestly felt too good to be in the league I was and on the team I was. I tried to surround myself with people who were good and I had a friends list of people that finally seemed amazing. I was able to land on a good team for a week before they said I was a shitty roaming soldier and went looking for another. I spent some time with some goons that people were knew were pretty good, I think focker and Tom were the names i recollect, and I had a really good time. When no one wanted to play with me anymore, it kind of made me angry and sad, I couldnt scrim anymore because I wasn't good enough but I also couldn't ring anymore because no one wanted me as a ringer because I had become known as that "baddie." I don't think I even was that bad... Before I knew it, I was playing pickups again.

During the summer, something about Quake had me want to play it again. I think it was the videos and just the fast pace of the game. I gave it another try, my first try, I hated it of course, I mean I gave it a week, and waiting a week in queue wasn't worth it honestly. I didn't like the game. Coming back... I fell in love with it. I couldn't play TF2. I couldn't play CSS. I couldn't play ProMode Cod4, and yes there is a Cod4 with no perks and gayness and actual skill that some people are unaware of on the PC. The only game I liked was Quake for the next two years. And it's gotten worse. Not only do I hate Quake Live. I think I don't really like CPMA all that much either anymore. And the question is, what do I like? Quakeworld is the answer. But quakeworld isn't the answer. I've become so infatuated with finding tougher and tougher competition that I've made myself hate what was once a beautiful thing for me. I don't like video games anymore, period. And who am I to blame? Myself? The community? Esports in general? I think you just reach a certain age where it's time to move on. I'm sure not everyone reaches it and I'm sure some of you will never reach it, but I just don't find them fun or enjoyable anymore, I see a screen and boring images... I can't find it stimulating in the least.

I bought Skyrim. I played it less than an hour. AND I HATE IT. I loved Morrowind, but I hated oblivion. I don't see the point to Skyrim. I feel like everything I do in that game is pointless and the story doesn't even motivate me whatsoever. . . are any games not boring and uninspiring out there? Is there anything fun to play ? What do we really have left? And the lot of you might think, oh this is that troll "daniel`" talking, but I'm for reals. I think my psychological state is a testament to the game developers all over the world, that something isn't going on right around here, that something doesn't smell right, and doesn't look right, and I know what the problem is:
1) money
2) education

The first, more people want it, and the second is failing as an institute. Kid's are ridiculous nowadays, and they constantly want what they don't need. I know I'm generalizing but if people could fix these two things maybe we would get decent games that are actually cheap and not $50-60 and we would get games that are deep and intellectual...

But what do I know.. I have less than sixteen hours to leave ESR.
18066 Hits
Im like bruce willis (61 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 06:12 CST, 6 December 2011 - iMsg
I dont get why evertyone is ignoring me all of the sudden...
8539 Hits
Quake 5 (88 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 10:55 CST, 2 December 2011 - iMsg
Would you pay $59.99 for a Quake 5 that is done right but possibly simulates the same type of play we all know and love, I mean potentially, a Quake Live or a Quake 2 or even a Quakeworld clone that is easy to get started on and helps with configs to new players, but alows LAN play and community mods etc
29432 Hits
Awk (16 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 09:11 CST, 2 December 2011 - iMsg
That awkward moment when you type your password in wrong and ESR takes forever to load and you think you just got banned... awk.
4234 Hits
Cypher (9 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 11:35 CST, 1 December 2011 - iMsg
I want to give mad respect and props to cypher. I hope to see him at the last few tournaments for this game and I hope him the best. He has proven once again why he can make magic happen.
3323 Hits
My Plan (31 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 11:00 CST, 1 December 2011 - iMsg
I plan to quit ESR within a week. I suggest anyone that can also, please do, too. It's in your best interest. Sooo... by December 8th daniel will be gone. Admin's should be able to confirm no alias accounts were made durring that time and I should be gone from here for good. I hope I actually can muster the nerve and compulsion to actually quit.
5501 Hits
How Does Popularity Work (8 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 19:56 CST, 30 November 2011 - iMsg
My popularity was at 60% but it shrank 2 points? How is this possible?
2441 Hits
How I Won and Lost the Community of ESR (43 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 19:51 CST, 30 November 2011 - iMsg
One day, I recall people really liked me. Maybe it was in my own delusional paranoid world. I just saw, everyone liking my stuff... my popularity got beyond 45%! I'm not at 60%, but I keep reading comments that make me really sad. Most of the stuff that is mean gets nuked, but some of it stays. People constantly talking about how I deserve to get probation. How I'm a troll. It all hurts really. I remember outlaw even said, "Hey, you're that daniel` troll from ESR aren't you?" and I was really shocked "Yeah, except I'm not a troll," and he told me something that kind of blew my mind at the time, "You can be serious, and still be a troll. I've trolled that site for years." None of the stuff I say is truly to troll people. I kind of believe in 35% of the stuff I say. It's not like I'm joking. Which made me realize. People think I'm a troll because they can't handle the possibility that an individual as grandiose as me exists on this planet. Well, I guess then, Jamerio is a troll of the same category. Although he seems to like debating and him and vedic should just join a debate team or answer questions on yahoo (which I do on occasion on fitness, which makes me feel real good). But anyways, the point I'm trying to make is, no one likes feeling unliked. No one likes being on probation and noo ne likes to be ingnored. It's human nature. Which makes me consider, making a new account, and starting a new. Maybe one day they'll notice this other handsome individual and see the good in him and they'll say, "Gee he reminds me a bit of that annoying daniel` guy I thought was annoying but I was probably wrong about" but I guess you'll never know.
5805 Hits
Why was Aaron banned? (44 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 01:10 CST, 30 November 2011 - iMsg
Topic says it all. What led to this noble figure earning a ban? Who are the banned users? Is their a banned list? I would surely like to see all who have ever been banned form ESR. Ever.
10771 Hits
Attention ESR (34 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 23:39 CST, 29 November 2011 - iMsg
Professor Daniel, reporting in!

I know it's been a while ... and I haven't spoken in a long time. Now, to fix Quake Live we need to:

1) Take me off ESR probation.
2) Take me off ESR probation.
3) See step one and two.
4) ???
5) Do it.

But anyways, jokes aside. I think that I need to really motivate some of you. And you might ask with what? With what can you motivate us? And I know some of you hate my guts and want me to shut up, but I'm going to keep going because I think I'm onto something.

I'm going to talk about how I overcame my internet addiction.

First of all, a lot of you may not realize it, but playing a video game for more than an hour is not normal. Spending more than two hours on the computer also isn't normal. Once you create the desire to do something it becomes habitual.

Remember when the kids at school told you what "wanking" was? You probably didn't see the point, you didn't even have a big enough willy to see the point, and rubbing a chubby off was a concept that seemed profoundly silly to you. But, then you did it! You felt guilt. The guilt subsided. And somewhere in your head, you convinced yourself, rubbing one off wasn't so bad. Then it becomes an everyday thing. Or a once a month thing... or maybe, someone on ESR has never rubbed one off. But anyways, the thing that you once had no desire to do, becomes a desire for you to do all the time.

What about meat? Most of you probably, eat it everyday ... you don't even think about it... Chicken, steak, it doesn't matter. What if it was okay to eat "human" meat and it tasted good? You would probably eat it all the time too. We would just eat each other. Why? Because it feels good and it tastes good! But what if you never had eaten meat in your life? What if it was taboo, like eating people? You would probably be okay with just eating tofu, veggies, and grains. But look at us, I mean really look. We just eat and slaughter, poor sentient creatures because at the end of the day, nothing, nothing tastes better than a dead slab of meat on your plate.

The internet. It's the same concept. You go on it one day. You never get off ... the rest of your life. Is anyone immune? I mean ... maybe I'm over-exaggerating and doom-saying, but I think it's only going to get worse. You can tldr; me all you want! Tell me that this is too long! You're probably right, and it's probably because you are too accustomed to the easy and short readability of twitter and twatter.

A serial killer will take forever to plan his first kill out. Maybe even ten years. After his first kill, his second kill will only take maybe two years. The next one a year. Why does he get caught? By his eighth kill, he is killing people each day! It's contagious.

What's bad about addiction?
daniel` from ESR land. If it feels good and makes me feel really good? Why can't I do it? Well ... you could. But do you really want to be a slave to your organ, that chubby of yours? Do you really want to be a slave to a slab of meat on the table? Do you really want to keep murdering innocent cows cause "COW GOOD TASTE" ... I mean, sure, cow's aren't nice like dogs, but there are parts of the world out there that EAT DOG! So look... do you want to be a slave to your desires? Or do you want to walk the path with Buddah. With daniel` from ESR into a beautiful world full of opportunities, women, lots of women, too many women to have time for, women that need men like us, but too many men like us spend time on the internet ... are you ready?

Don't become addicted to stuff. Become addicted to being un-addicted. I think therefore I go HAM.

daniel` from ESR, currently 18-years-old, practicing a vegan lifestyle, free of Quake and the internet, and hoping one day to be free from ESR
8241 Hits
What You Should or Shouldn't Say (44 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 20:39 CST, 21 November 2011 - iMsg
I'm always inherently paranoid that any minute or any second I am going to get banned. I don't really think I push the envelope with the things I post or say but I feel as though a lot of people have me on their ignore lists and it kind of makes me sad. I'm not a douche. I'm a nice guy. Sometimes I just can't help it. I sometimes feel like I don't need to start a thread but I HAVE TO. I just feel like people will reply to it and my popularity will go up ... I kind of always wanted to grow up to be like Jamerio, but now I just want to be me. Plus, I suck at arguing and having those long blocks of text arguments with the likes of vedic. I seriously hope I figure out what my role in ESR-land is and I seriously hope someone can actually kind of like me ... even a little.

Is that too much to ask for?
5832 Hits
The [+] Thread (69 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 18:28 CST, 21 November 2011 - iMsg
[+] A person in this thread for something you like about them. Starting with me.
23519 Hits
Jamerio how to contact (16 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 09:52 CST, 21 November 2011 - iMsg
How do I contact you if I cant imsg you and you are on probation?
4931 Hits
LEAVING ESR (20 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 00:36 CST, 21 November 2011 - iMsg
today. is the day. good bye.
4059 Hits
DreamHack (14 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 23:32 CST, 20 November 2011 - iMsg
I can't say my opinions have changed after seeing the SK Tourney but I must say, I was really disappointed by a lot of player behaviors. even rapha had a behavior I really didnt like. I think strenx was demanding a lot for a restart at the dm13 situation but it was still really nasty the way rapha would bitch about items not picking up on t7 after he died, and the whole sound pick up glitch, like shut the fuck up. strenx also I hate his personality so much. Matr0x / pawelek was really funny though. When cooller asked what he doesn't like about strenx, matr0x said, he really doesn't like strenx. And cooller asked, "What do you find really unlikeable about him?" and Matrox said ingame? I hate his 80% rail and 45% LG! Haha, funny guy :)
3768 Hits
Embarrasing (2 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 20:01 CST, 19 November 2011 - iMsg
I just iMsged myself on accident and asked myself a question haha.
3027 Hits
ESR BUDDIES! (8 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 19:55 CST, 19 November 2011 - iMsg
Post your FaceBook, emails, tumblrs, whatever, let's have fun with this (;
3184 Hits
I Double posted shit (2 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 17:04 CST, 19 November 2011 - iMsg
Ignore this.
Edited by daniel` at 18:23 CST, 19 November 2011 - 1992 Hits
What should my new name be? (53 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 17:04 CST, 19 November 2011 - iMsg
I'm thinking about making a new Quake Live account to clan arena, should I use JamerioIsATroll or what haha, seriously give me a quake live name and I shall seriously consider it

Edit: EmSixTeen wins with oxX360N0SC0P3ZXxo!!!!!
Danthenoob was a very close alternative however! asyyy gets an honorable mention and a [+]
Edited by daniel` at 21:32 CST, 20 November 2011 - 8225 Hits
Seeking a New ESR Role Model (49 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 11:36 CST, 18 November 2011 - iMsg
I realize everything i thought about Jamerio was a lie. I need someone else to look up to. and not an Admin. They always lie.
9490 Hits
DreamHack: Expectations (28 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 10:20 CST, 18 November 2011 - iMsg
Now that we have seen the groups and the seeding I think its safe to say, DreamHack will soon be under way. Funny, how few team deathmatch teams signed up really. It would have been a shame if this event was only team deathmatch. Thankfully, duel has saved the day and after much whine (and rightfully so) it has been inducted back into this one event that shines as the last beacon of light for our precious game. Now before, I break these groups down, I must say, this is quite possibly the most unpredictable event we have ever had in Quake history. Throughout the years, we have seen the players commit some time into the game over the span of a few months. Cooller has barely even touched the game within that span. strenx on the otherhand has been playing on and off and keeping in shape. k1llsen has been playing quite actively but his form is questionable. Avek has finally also gotten back into the game in what seems to be a little under two months. Cypher is in a similar position. All of this really means nothing because any given day, the top players can take a map off of each other. Sometimes it all just comes down to luck. But it will be intersesting to see how much of an advantage strenx will have and it surely would be a mistake to underestimate him for any reason, he'll surely pull a QuakeCon. Cooller may have a rough time playing groups but he should come out alive and in his best form for the final. Cypher is very unpredictable. He's still someone to watch out for. And rapha... we can never know. Everyone has doubted his form so much in the past, and with his recent losses to ZeRo4, I expect he will have something to prove, yet again, but don't be surprised if he proves you wrong, again. ... So without further ado, the groups:

Reload will have the toughest time he may manage to beat dem0n but against cypher or spartie -- things seem rather grim. Dem0n may have a chance with the amount of rust that may prevade the Spartan. Spartie having played barely any games in the past few months, while Dem0n has played an abundance of games. Let's see if this practice will pay off for Dem0n. Spartie and cypher will come out probably unscathed but it will be interesting to see how cypher and spartie go down against each other. I will have to give cypher the edge simply because spartie has not been at his best performance in the past few years but let us never forget that somewhere inside this Swedish Spartan lies a deadly weapon that is the anti-Cypher, to Cypher's cipher.

Group B::::Cooller::::av3k::::Amai::::p0ni::::LAN VS I-NET
Cooller and avek. How many times have we seen this match up? How many funny circumstances have pervaded the two? Will our online heroes stand a chance against these old ones? I really doubt it. Cooller may have the shittiest form right now but even then, chances are slim for Amai to a pull a win, but it is very possible. p0ni has played countless games, we can only tell if it will pay off when he goes against Amai. This game will probably be just as interesting as the Cooller vs av3k game. Sadly, these online heroes, have a very slim chance of making it out of groups alive.

Group C::::strenx::::k1llsen::::madix::::Ventz::::MY ELO IS HIGHER
The guys that have challenged each other time and time again for that number one spot on QLRanks are now about to face off. k1llsen however will have to prove that his games aren't just mindlessly matches against noobs and mediocre players. He needs to prove to us that he earned that ELO and that he deserves it. k1llsen is very unpredictable. If he's motivated he just might win this thing but something tells me this isn't the case and strenx is at his best right now too. I will have to definitely give strenx the edge. Madix will struggle against strenx, and have a cakewalk against Ventz, but as to his matchup against k1llsen. I feel its safe to say, madix might have a beacon of hope and a chance to break out of groups. Ventz is sadly going to stand no chance against anyone.

Group D::::rapha::::toxjq::::matr0x::::Insan3::::DON'T RAW-THE-FUH
matr0x might put up a good fight, and give both tox and rapha a challenge and I actually think matrox is capable of knocking tox out of the bracket. I wouldn't underestimate tox however regardless of his recent lackluster performance. rapha should come out unscathed and on top and Insane should come out bleeding from every hole in his body, losing all of his matches. tox could potentially beat rapha in these group stages, especially since rapha hasn't been getting quality practice lately.

It'd be interesting to see how well people perform on the SK Tournament two days from now and a couple days before DreamHack. Let's see if Ins and some others can make me have a change of heart. At this moment my predictions:

CLASH OF THE TITANS::::Cypher & Spartie Advance::::Cypher over Spartie
LAN VS I-NET::::Cooller & Avek Advance:::: Avek over Cooller
MY ELO IS HIGHER::::strenx & k1llsen Advance::::strenx over k1llsen
DON'T RAW-THE-FUH::::rapha & matr0x::::rapha over matr0x

daniel` is an 18-year-old Jersey boy with an affinity for the gym, Quake, and women.
Edited by Herr at 22:15 CST, 21 November 2011 - 9197 Hits
My last and final words... for real (11 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 01:10 CST, 14 November 2011 - iMsg
Free Jamerio
2485 Hits
Quake Live and ESR (28 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 00:18 CST, 14 November 2011 - iMsg
I quit. good bye.
5257 Hits
pacquiao win (1 comment)
Posted by daniel` @ 23:53 CST, 12 November 2011 - iMsg
justice? or dare I say it? blasphemy
Edited by xou at 07:59 CST, 13 November 2011 - 1863 Hits
I Should Not Be On ESR So Much (65 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 20:02 CST, 8 November 2011 - iMsg
I should be studying right now but here I go again. Wasting some precious time on this site. I really should consider moving my journal over to Tumblr.

Anyways, I ended up having sex with that Spanish girl today. I just can't believe it. It was incredible. Not the sex. But just how quick it happened. It was so spontaneous. She just asked me if I wanted to go to her room and one thing led to another. I was a little worried the whole time that her roommate might barge in any second but she never did. I had a really good time and I think so did she. This girl was fucking loud though! I had to cover her mouth with my hand because she's one of those moaners and she was so loud. I honestly kind of thought it was arousing at first but in the end it was more annoying than anything. I don't know if she smelled like shit, because I bathed before this, but I reeked of like ass, like what in the fuck... I didn't even like the sex that much, she had a weird body and her ass just didn't do it for me and some weird marks on her legs. Whatever.

I'm eating Easy Mac and trying to freestyle with my boy. We are such wiggers sometimes. I hit the gym, and I feel really good, though I probably shouldn't be eating this Easy Crap. But, anyways, I really still find it sad that Jamerio is still probed and how other people are probed. If I was made Admin I would assess everyone's behavior and find a better way to do this. I wouldn't even have probation, I would either ban or not ban. Easy... then again I don't know how hard it is to administrate this site. Xou seems to ignore the stuff I write to him, whatever, and Demi still hasn't told me if he plays Quake Live. Not that it matters, I want to quit playing Quake Live. But anyways, I was thinking about sexual harassment today and I made like a break through mentally. I was like "WOAH" and the thought was just so crazy and intense... I can't remember it anymore, I should've written it down.
8821 Hits
Things Still the Same (36 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 23:21 CST, 7 November 2011 - iMsg
Jam is still on probation, and I don't think Demi or xou are going to lighten up and I dont know who the other admins are. I've been a little depressed lately, and school is just getting tougher. I really want to quit Quake Live, there's just no reason to play anymore. I feel like maybe participating in QW or CPMA but I just dont know. No one can give me a really clear answer as to what place is going toward a better direction and has a brighter future. I really loved playing mindless amounts of QW FFA but I also became addicted to CPMA's clan arena, movement, instant weapon switching, and CTF. It's just sad. xou is ready to maybe give me the responsibility of doing the preview for DHW '11 I'm not sure if he wants me to like do the Part 1 and Part 2 thing that people do, but Im guessing he just wants to see if I could do a proper preview write up. I wonder if I have to format it the way he always does or if I can kind of free-form and do it the way I envision it, but make it look nice. I also don't know if Im going to have the attention span to do this, but I'm going to try, I actually kind of want to be an admin. The last good thing I did for the American community was sign up for a rumblepit and a CSN tournament that I didn't even play haha. And I'd idle those channels to support them, but it's just pointless now. Maybe I should support that pickup channel more, but I just don't find pickups all that fun too. Seems like clan arena makes me have the most fun and duel when I'm having a close duel and getting ridiculous shots/kills and pissing someone off. But, it's not so fun when I'm losing by a large margin or winning by a large margin. I kicked the habit of smoking, but as of yesterday, I've smoked half a pack, and today I lit one. I kind of find it sad how these little small soldiers kill so many strong looking guys, and cowboys. I just hope they won't kill me. I'm just going to finish this pack and then I'll throw the lighter out. I also am drinking dark coffee right now. I probably shouldn't be having so much caffine, and I seriously need to commit to going to the gym again. I was having SUCH good results... and I haven't gone in four days? No three. But it feels like four. I was able to flirt with a cute girl in my math class. I think she's spanish, and I'm really feeling like this could be the fuck I've been needing all week. I just need to keep pretending I'm interested/disinterested and distancing myself. I think I can do this. I will figure it out, I always do. Jamerio is still not off probation. Jamalz also. And tytyrl. It's funny. Guys like CoolOutAC, Jonesy, ray, and the gang, all aren't banned yet, and never get there stuff nuked when all they do is whine and cause chaos. The guys i listed above have actual things to say, and dont suck ass at the game. I also am a firm believer that Jamalz cheats, if he is Celestial, but I can't prove it. It's just a feeling. But that doesn't mean I hate him. Still... with how many people think I am Jamerio, I wouldn't be surprised if Jamalz wasn't Celestial and was just some guy pretending to be him maybe for laughs. But I think he is. And I think he cheats. But do I judge him? Fuck no! I used to cheat in games all the time four-six years ago, and I never got caught, okay... like two times, but the point is it really brought my skill up and taught me how to be a better player. And now I don't cheat. So it's okay. But with how bored I am getting of Quake Live, maybe I'll blatantly cheat and toggle against Celestial and Instin haha, and maybe the attention will not only shift towards me but them. Im going to finish this coffee and brush my teeth, cheers.

ray doesnt play Quake Live and doenst want to have a conversation. everybody loves raymond. I made the kids from Doom 2 rage tonight, and retired from my doom 2 career, maybe they'll appreciate me more now that Im gone. I really dont know where Im headed in life right now... shit is getting real. I ran pretty hard today, i feel restless / euphoria. its all good
7517 Hits
Soon Man, SOon (51 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 22:21 CST, 6 November 2011 - iMsg
Ive been not going to the gym in a long time and I actually had soda this week. I feel really bad about the decision so today, I ran a lot... like I suck at running and I went pretty damn far for an hour straight and was so tired I walked most of the way back.

I think Im going to not only become pro at this game but I honestly feel like if ESR doesnt hire me, Ill become a VIP soon, hell if geniuses like Jamerio are able to do it, maybe I wont make it up there, but I honestly want to grow up and start acting like a big boy and start writing columns like xou and stuff. I feel ready to take the responsibility of a VIP and start posting honest and sincere stuff (like I always do but more honest). Times are getting tough, Im failing a bunch of courses but its okay, I have this game as my backup plan and itll be in its fullest when I retire from college. So far, I havent had an easy lay in a long time. These girls just wont put out and I actually got my face slapped and she missed my nuts with a kick though. I dont get girls, like she was flirting with me so much, it was inevitable for me to come on to her and apparently her TOUGH BIG BOYFRIEND wants to fuck me up...whatever the kid is probably all talk though i am a little afraid, I dont like random people starting shit with me so I hope I can get the record straight, she was drunk, I didnt do anything, we good.

I feel pretty nerdy playing this game, everyday I keep telling myself to quit and like spend even more time smoking or going to the gym or doing my large stacks of homework/laundry/dishes. But life is tough and this game seems to be still as fun as it always was. I hope someone who has successfully quit quake can comment, though I doubt it, ESR is like the place were we can all talk about our love of quake and stuff, I doubt anyone has quit, except Jamerio, but he's like a different kind of person, smarter than us and everything, and an engima. I wish I could meet Jamerio and Lexer and maybe strenx, he seems on the normal / smart side. And prozac, that guy knows how to just make being a nerd look muscular and fun. and Id love if avek can tell me what he eats and what sort of exercises he does, he is getting pretty toned, much faster than me and I go a lot
11436 Hits
Becoming an Admin/Moderator/Working (150 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 22:15 CST, 6 November 2011 - iMsg
How do I apply for jobs at XSReality or whatever this corporation is and can I volunteer or fill out an application?
19296 Hits
Bring Jamerio Back (129 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 19:55 CDT, 3 November 2011 - iMsg
I dont think theres any reason to really stay on the site if you dont unban Jamerio` or take Jamerio off probation, what did he do and why are you punishing so many frequent members of ESR for just being their normal selves. I was okay with you putting one of the most technical guys on this website on probation but this is just unacceptable, you've hit Jamerio. I think we need to band together and stop being so overly sensitive. Not everyone here is a troll and some of us are serious when we say things, and I think Jamerio was one of those people. He was always true to himself and argued for what he believed in and he never trolled if not rarely, he actually believed in what he said with conviction. Some people think I troll because my punctuation changes?!?! Are you serious... sometimes I want to be credible and have people actually listen to stuff I feel strongly about and sometimes Im lazy and I just want to type without any grammar and punctutation because I feel like it. But I assume Jamerio is gone for a good time until someone with sense takes him back to his unique user level. I assume because Quake Live has become a major disappointment and because we are all bummed out about community moral, trolling is a pretty frequent thing, but don't ban people who are serious and don't always assume someone is trolling. This site has also always had a trolling user base if I remember and things were worse before than they are now, so let's all setttle down and relax and stop being sensitive douche bags and realize we are all united in our love of some id soft game and all of us, and yes, even me, are a little nerdy inside. Just don't tell my friends haha
19409 Hits
Going Pro (64 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 15:27 CDT, 2 November 2011 - iMsg
give me a year and all of you will find me in the next big tournament Ill show all of you Ill be so professional that not even rapha or cypher will come close to touching my skill Ill destroy them all and beat them all and no one will stand in my way and if they think they are better than me in real life Ill show them my money like Jamerio does and my muscles will speak for themselves Im a narcassist but Im probably the most attractive and handsomest guy Ive ever seen and I am just so attracted to myself Im probably the strongest or one of the strongest Quake players in the world based on looks I dont know how much my muscles can actually do in a fight or if I can do circus lifting shit but I bench 280 now and Im confident that no one will be able to stand in my way next year when Im even more toned ever since Ive been hitting the gym everyday and when I start seriously playing Quake Live I suggest everyone watch out Im going to the top and even rapha told me that I have the potential to get decent and Ill do more than that and I want to thank my really good friend jochs for always motivating me and dCoy
18144 Hits
ESR PRobation (155 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 22:55 CDT, 1 November 2011 - iMsg
Is there any way to get off for like good behavior? Im sick of having to wait for my comments to load.
17435 Hits
QW versus CPMA in America (18 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 10:27 CDT, 1 November 2011 - iMsg
I dont want to know which is better I like them both
which is more active I don't want to see people linking me to public server listings and private server listings I just want to know which one has a bigger scene even if that means strictly from a pickups perspective
8150 Hits
The State of DM in US (21 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 15:52 CDT, 30 October 2011 - iMsg
I realize Doom 2 has a very lively community that actually plays a lot of public and private games everyday.

This really surprised me. I know Quakeworld has a good private American community that plays on occasion. I also know pickups happen every now and then in promode, and I saw tastycast streaming some Quake 2 this week. Which begs me to ask, what games are doing really good? What games are a lot of people playing actively almost day in and day out? Are there games where people are always online? What's going on with Quake 4? Painkiller? Warsow?

Seriously, Doom 2 really surprises me that so many people play this.

So can someone break it down?
What's the most active 1v1? Is it still Quake Live?
What comes after in America?
Is it Quakeworld? Is it Quake 3?

So someone, break it down for me seriously,

What's happening in:
The Quake's

Or any 1v1 really?! Someone help me out, give me a top 3, what's worth playing, what isn't worth playing? What's the 2nd most popular thing?
7156 Hits
Posted by daniel` @ 00:43 CDT, 18 October 2011 - iMsg
With me in her bed (;
Edited by xou at 02:49 CDT, 18 October 2011 - 4437 Hits
Why I respect Jamerio (11 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 00:37 CDT, 18 October 2011 - iMsg
There's something about the way he asserts his opinion. I agree and can easily see the logic in everything he says, and half the time I find myself questioning anyone that disputes him. If you ignore his racist ways, underneath it all, like my racist grandfather, is a really super intelligent person that is too ahead of his time. Jamerio, I know you're cooller than half of the people on this site (maybe not me), and I hope to one day meet you if I ever travel to the UK and I will willingly donate some cash to your cause, because you're worth it, baby.
3966 Hits
Clearing the Air (32 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 00:34 CDT, 18 October 2011 - iMsg
The community has been doing pretty bad lately. I have come to report in. Well, first off, people are really not showing up for them leagues. Like if 4 people show up in America to like each league, leagues just won't pay. It's pointless as it is. JeeSports has begun supporting American events and barely any people signed up, the channel is doing good but I fear the elitism is slowly crawling in, and the rumblepit could use a couple more people showing up. CSN I think is doing alright with numbers. And there isn't anything else... what happened to Does it even cover a little bit of anything? I mean I'd just cover a weekly pickup or draft or something. People are playing ztn way too much, let's get some variety going people. I love it too, but buy premiums or I'll start buying premiums for you so u can play tox and aero

TDM is kinda reviving in the pickup channel but not much to say.
Can we please get the Space CTF freaks to start playing regular CTF or someshit?
And what's with all the tier 3s and tier 2s playing clan arena, get those kids playing other stuff, instead of striving to play tier 4 public noob arena. That's about it.
Oh, and I know a couple people really do cheat, and if you cheat and you're reading this, shame on you, and if you cheat in duel, shame on you ten times, and if you cheat in leagues, fuck you, and shame on you, I hope CSI finds you dog.
5166 Hits
* N U K E D * (14 comments)
Posted by Nuked User @ 12:32 CDT, 2 October 2011 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

Draven caught cheating (117 comments)
Posted by daniel` @ 01:41 CDT, 22 August 2011 - iMsg
15740 Hits
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