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Tutorial on Default CA (35 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 11:55 CDT, 11 July 2016 - iMsg
inb4 lolca but some people might appreciate this.
14424 Hits
PROMODE: gaiia CPMA World Champion (3 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 17:33 CDT, 27 August 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.8 (3 votes)
Direct download

Try CPM today while QL is for little toddlers!

#cpmduel #cpmpickup #uscpmpickup

Made by Lunokhod
Edited by Smofo at 18:09 CDT, 27 August 2014 - 1909 Hits
Defrag maps w/ traps and moving objects (6 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 13:18 CDT, 11 May 2014 - iMsg
Anyone know any defrag maps with traps and moving objects trying to kill you while you're trying to run?
5781 Hits
Tutorial: Default CA by Smofo (24 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 11:49 CDT, 1 October 2013 - iMsg
Default CA by Smofo:


Hi, it's to my belief that most people on CA public servers are playing it wrong,
not always bad but wrong. Since I had some insight to the CA competitive scene and since I have played CA in cpm for years and now in QL I figured I'd try and educate some of the newer players.
Clan Arena is a team game. That's the main point I'm going to try and make in this tutorial.
Players like k1llsen and ulbe might look amazing online in a public server, but they're playing it wrong.
They're what some players would call playing FFA, they're doing great damage and kills themselves but at the cost of teammates, I'm here to teach people that it doesn't have to be this way.
I think because of the main population of public CA servers being FFA players that it's teaching new people the wrong idea.

Default CA:

These are some of the things that are maybe obvious to most players but some people seem to be oblivious by it:

Sandwiching players is to your biggest interest. Let's take Hidden Fortress for example. Let's say You're on the plasmagun position and you have a mate on the tele-exit position.
You'd want to both try and get your enemies between you so you can do damage on both players when possible. Like this: Image

It's in every ones best interest to start out 1on1 but either dodge til your mates are winning their 1on1s or kill yours.
If you fall, look where your mates are jump back and help them, always help your mates unless it's too dangerous for your health, 2 people can do more than 1.
If your enemies 2on1 a mate of yours and you have no enemy at this time, LG the guy he's focusing and then together take down the other, easier said than done.
Your in-fight movement can be really detrimental to your team if you're fighting your enemy LG vs LG and your mate wants to help but can't because you got your back towards him you can't blame him for not helping. Example of situation

Ending Rounds:
Stay calm.
When at the end of a round you're alive with one teammate and they only have one enemy remaining, work together to either sandwich him or make a trap or if at the end of a round one of you or even you alone
has a lot of HP use that HP to your advantage if your mates say he's low just rush him down and close the distance.

Remember a lot of stuff is situational try and adapt to them and be creative.
Don't blame players if they make a tiny mistake and especially don't flame. Just try and educate them on how they can do better.
Also shit happens, people get lucky and people get unlucky, keep calm.

- Tank
- 1on1
- Hero

Tanks mostly get the most heat but sometimes it depends on the situation. You've got to have a good overview of what's going on. You've got to have a good dodge or sick rocket aim or both.
Being a tank won't always be the most fun but it's a very important role for your team.

1on1 players mostly play on the more loner positions on the map and are very skilled fighters.
If you win your 1on1 you can go over to the hero role and clean up.

Heroes mostly get the least heat and are in position on the outer areas. Mostly smarter players with good dodge and good rail.
Don't let your tank get TOO much of the heat or you'll get 2on1'd.

Map specifics:

Hidden Fortress aka dm20:


LG Room
Lower YA
2nd Tele


- PG
- Tele-exit
- Bridge
- Quad

Main positions

On Hidden Fortress position-wise it's most important that you mostly keep the outer positions open for players who come in late.
Move up one position everyone if this is the case.

Example 1

Here you can see a teammate coming from mega to plasmagun, that means I've got to go towards the right where I kept an eye on tele-exit.

Example 2

Here you can see a teammate who went from below bridge towards the tele to go Quad but be careful he could jump down to go to the tele-exit position.

PG(Tank/1on1, Situational):
On the Plasmagun position you look towards the LG-room to see if there's enemies coming and try and look for the yellow triangle so you can move up 1 position.
Try and either get your enemy locked in and keep him away with rocket spam/prediction or sandwich him with your mate at tele-exit. Mainly smart players and LG players.

Tele-exit(Tank position):
Look how many players every player is against, if you're not 1on1 help the most distant player with multiple enemies.
Either try bounce your enemy off or LG from top to PG to sandwich the 2 enemies you got there. Mainly good visual players and all around.

Bridge(Tank position):
Look how many players every player is against, if you're not 1on1 help the most distant player with multiple enemies.
Either try knock off or LG. Mainly strong all around players.

Quad(1on1/Hero Position):
Look towards quad to see if someone is coming late to your position, if so move towards the bridge position.
No one fighting you on your position? LG the guy in ass who's ganging the Bridge guy. Mainly strong rocket players.

How to get to every position on Hidden Fortress:

Video by URAZ

From lower Bridge don't go through the teleporter and then to PG unless discussed positions with mates.
From Mega Health move up towards LG room and circle around to PG.
Rest is obvious.

The Latest spawn in this video is a really good route for public CA because if you go PG there might be someone spawning at MH going PG and you'll be with 2,
don't go PG unless you've discussed positions with teams. The route on the first spawn in this video you'd only take if you'd want to go Bridge position or tele-exit and have it discussed.

From megahealth go to the 2nd teleporter.
From below bridge go towards the 2nd teleporter.
Rest is obvious.

If you spawn below bridge take 1st tele quickly go through top to your position.
If you spawn at megahealth you won't make quad, go to bridge position and let bridge guy go quad.
Rest is obvious.

Asylum aka CA1:


Main Area
Below Stairs
Back Map


- Jumppad
- Mid top
- Stairs
- Tunnel

Main Positions

Asylum is quite an open map and easily to get to positions i'd recommend even on public servers to discuss positions in team_say.
2on1 is one of the key things to do on this map, if an enemy gets knocked off, go 2on1, if an enemy dies, go 2on1.
Never go 2on1 from start because that means one of your mates will be 2on1 and that can mean that he gets raped faster than you can rape your enemy.
Don't fall.

Jumppad(Tank or Hero, situational):
Keep your ass to the jumppad or at least try to, don't back in to the Mid top position where two others are fighting.
If you fall jump back up immediately. Mainly smart players and strong rocket players.

Top mid(Tank or Hero, mostly Tank):
Don't back up towards ledge or mate, stay strong on your position.
If your mate at jumppad gets ganged instantly help him the best you can, throw yourself either between one of the enemies and mate or do a ton of damage, why not both?
Be very visual at the start of the round, where are your mates and where are the enemies. If 3 top, just at least try and knock one off and dodge for your life.
If 3 stairs do damage with LG while either keeping position or rushing whichever seems best for the situation. Mainly strong Dodge players and visual players.

Keep your ass to lower stairs* so you can back up if needed, preferred not to. (*If you back to top stairs you'll be in the way for the players there.)
Try and knock people off and dodge for your life you're there to make it easier for the tunnel guy that's your main objective.
If you fall immediately jump back up. Mainly strong dodgers and strong positional players. State of mind: people who don't mind taking one for the team.

Try and keep in the tunnel to not get knocked off, if you knock the player off the bridge you help your mate preferably without taking too much damage.
if you knock the player off the other way just keep him at bay with rockets or LG, you've got the positional advantage. Main objective: Free damage. Don't forget about your team though.
Mainly strong railers, strong LG players and smart players.

Trinity aka CA2:


Top Back of Map
Lower Grinder[
Mid Grinder
RA Room


- Door
- Curve
- Tunnel
- 1on1

Main Positions

Trinity is only a fun map in my opinion when you've got a team that knows what to do and plays like a team.
You've got to try and make use of your space, sandwich people and don't stray too far from your mates so they can't help.
The way this map is played is really dependent on your position.

Try and make use of the different levels there don't back too much other wise your mate gets raped.
Try and knock your guy off or keep him away at the door or sandwich with your mate at Curve if possible.
Try not to take too much damage in the process. Mainly thoughtful players with strong rail and overall good aim.

Look where your mates are and where the enemies are. If a mate is in trouble help him and if you're in trouble position so that your mate can help.
Most situational position on the map, it all depends on what's happening and you've got to do what you've got to do to help.
Mainly strong visual players with good dodge and good with both rockets and LG. State of mind: people who don't mind taking one for the team.

Tunnel(Tank/1on1, mainly tank):
Try and lock your enemy in the tunnel, do rocket damage on him while maybe trying to get some rocket damage on the enemy of the 1on1 mate.
If you can't lock him and you're with your ass to the tunnel, don't back too far in to the tunnel unless you're being ganged, your curve mate should win them with LG in ass.
If you see 2 people are focusing the player on the 1on1 position, instantly rush with LG to help.
Mainly thoughtful players with strong overall aim.

This position is mainly used for strong LG players who think they can win the other person there. You can obviously also use rockets.
Try and position yourself so that you're with your back towards the rest of the map not the grinder/tunnel.
If you're being ganged try and get the sandwich with the Tunnel mate don't run off too quickly. Mainly strong 1on1 Deathmatchers.

Final Note:
This tutorial is mainly made for newer players and players looking to get better at Clan Arena, I could do the 3 other maps in the future as well if people are interested. Thanks to Camasutra and URAZ for helping me with this tutorial.
9694 Hits
19872 Hits
LOLCA (18 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 04:42 CDT, 4 September 2013 - iMsg
4661 Hits
Server map choices (No comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 14:02 CDT, 26 July 2013 - iMsg
Is there a way to stop quake showing the already played maps all the time when I make my own server even if I have a larger map pool?
1017 Hits
TDM teams I want to see compete (78 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 06:59 CDT, 29 June 2013 - iMsg
I want these teams/line-ups below to practise hard and compete purely for my own entertainment:

- l1nkin
- winz
- stermy
- tox

- v3rb
- zik
- krysa
- dk

- Latrommi
- Pavel
- 421
- starosta

- noctis
- spart1e
- fazz
- deus

- zyrinx
- dimitri
- unnamedtony
- ddk

- juven1le
- v1um
- bab

- spawnz
- prodx
- kinko
- gwynplaine/oldsplatterhand

- frs
- gerppa
- funnyb
- purri

- triplesex
- bzd
- extreme
- vendigo

- h8m3
- fearzzz
- cas
- cooller

Anyone else got some team ideas or wish old ones were back together?
18481 Hits
Need new mouse - help! (15 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 04:56 CDT, 22 June 2013 - iMsg
I loved the abyssus but I hold my mouse quite tightly and it broke really easily used to have Death Adder for years but it's quite big and heavy.

Saw this somewhere going to use it for an idea:

1. What's your grip style?

2. What's your sensitivity?
Mid to low mostly mid

3. What's your maximum budget?

4. Do you want additional buttons?
Not more than 5

5. What games do you play?
Quake mostly rarely CS:GO

6. Do you mind about prediction?

7. Other relevant information:
I don't want it to break so fast, no smooth sides.

Edit: I will go with the Zowie FK.
Edited by Smofo at 08:16 CDT, 22 June 2013 - 2656 Hits
Why is there no GTV/SourceTV? (34 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 10:01 CST, 17 December 2012 - iMsg
Quake Live needs something alike GTV or SourceTV, way easier to spec games for a lot of people and some people will be maybe more inclined to watch games for multiple reasons, why don't we have it yet?
4318 Hits
Server Spawning Air-control (4 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 11:51 CDT, 2 July 2012 - iMsg
My buddy wants to spawn a server and ticks stuff on like air-control and rampjumping but when the server is created these things aren't as server settings, anyone have any idea? Or does anyone have an easy way to make a vampiric/air-control server?
4378 Hits
VOD of Cypher in q3 glory days? (No comments, locked)
Posted by Smofo @ 06:24 CDT, 2 June 2012 - iMsg
Looking for a VOD(s) of like a final/semi final of Cypher in Q3 when he was most dominant, anyone know one or two?
Locked by xou at 18:11 CDT, 2 June 2012 - 1259 Hits
VOD of Cypher in q3 glory days? (21 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 06:24 CDT, 2 June 2012 - iMsg
Looking for a VOD(s) of like a final/semi final of Cypher in Q3 when he was most dominant, anyone know one or two?
3894 Hits
Unknown -vs- 0506 (1 comment)
Posted by Smofo @ 07:20 CDT, 21 May 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Capture The Flag
Map: qzctf2 - Troubled Waters
Mod: Capture The Flag
Viewpoint: hazrd
How to play back QL demos

POV from hazrd versus 0506 except for 10 seconds at the 14 minute mark, we need more CTF demos!

Match link:
1958 Hits
Unknown -vs- CBA (2 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 07:13 CDT, 21 May 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Capture The Flag
Map: qzctf2 - Troubled Waters
Mod: Capture The Flag
Viewpoint: winz
How to play back QL demos

POV from winz vs ccbbaa in the CSN CTF cup on Troubled Waters at one time it switched POV for about 1 minute but then back on winz.

Match link:
Edited by Smofo at 07:21 CDT, 21 May 2012 - 2086 Hits
How to turn off voice"Last Man Standing" (10 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 11:23 CDT, 2 May 2012 - iMsg
Is there a cmd for it?
4911 Hits
Razer DeathAdder Mac edition (6 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 09:41 CDT, 26 April 2012 - iMsg
I'm trying to look for the 1800dpi 3G DeathAdder at the moment I've only found the old Mac edition but it says it supports Mac OS X (v10.4 and above) or Windows XP/x64/Vista/Vista64, but I'm running windows7 do you think it'll work or not worth the risk?
1105 Hits
QL Ranks CA (3 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 10:42 CST, 11 February 2012 - iMsg
When will the rest of the CA players be added? This doesn't seem like the right top100 at all.
3991 Hits
New SteelSeries mouse called Sensei? (7 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 11:49 CDT, 13 September 2011 - iMsg

It's a laser mouse tested by 1/3rd CS-ers, 1/3rd SC 2 players and 1/3rd HoN players.

You can apparently set your own lift off distance, set your own dpi, it's plug and play and you can modify to make it your own which such things as colours and something on the bottom of the mouse.

I think this is horrible, when are they going to come back with "normal" mice that do the job well? I owned a mx518 ages ago, now I have a razer death adder 3G already for a few years, wish they would stop caring about dpi and how it looked and make a good optical mouse[/end rage]
3172 Hits
Question about the Lightning Gun beam (42 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 08:25 CDT, 9 September 2011 - iMsg
I wonder if there is anyway to turn off the LG(Lightning Gun) beam?
I know you can set it to that blue one that is quite vague but still way too visual.
I have the thin LG at the moment because that one bothers me the least but I'd prefer not to have a beam at all,
any way to do that?
18058 Hits
My internet isn't stable, help? (31 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 07:47 CDT, 6 July 2011 - iMsg
My internet has not been stable for the last year. It's tiny lag but nevertheless still lag, my ping in QL and CPMA ranging from about 8-40 ping (on a server location near me, not 20 different servers). I've had 3 different ISPs and always had the same problem. I'm currently using a connection with 60mbps download and a 6mpbs upload and it's still lagging.

I tried turning off auto-protect from my virus scanner (basically it doesn't do anything then), I've turned off all other programs not in use (like MSN Messenger and Steam) and had nothing unnecessary running visibly. My in-game settings are also fine. My FPS is always stable at 125. What can I do to make it stable?

This is a screenshot from my Lag-O-Meter:

edit: Just now on a swedish server in QL(I am from the Netherlands) I had a ping ranging from 34-64 on the scoreboard and worse in my lag-o-meter with very big spikes.
Nothing is updating but it feels like someone is torrenting with an upload of 50-80 kb/s on my PC, but that's impossible since i'm plugged directly in to the modem.

edit2: Apparently it also crashes my internet around 10 times a day at first I thought this was cause of my old ISP apparently its not.
Edited by Smofo at 08:19 CDT, 6 July 2011 - 4984 Hits
Need a 5th player for our new TDM team! (12 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 12:05 CDT, 9 June 2011 - iMsg
About Us:
We're a new team with little experience in competitive QL TDM, though we're hoping to change this and later perform well in leagues! We're not starting entirely from scratch since n0ns has 7 years of quake experience and I have 6: the experience we do have lies in other modes of QL (mostly CA) and many years of CPMA (and DeFrag in n0ns's case).

We're both 21 years old and although age is not too much of a factor we hope you'll be relatively mature but fun! We are also both capable of speaking Dutch and English (I am from NL, n0ns is from Belgium). We have a Mumble server available for use as well as "pro" Quake Live accounts, so servers will not be an issue.

We're looking for 1 player around our skill level to complete our team. Good English skills are essential!
You must preferably be available at least 3 evenings a week (weekdays, as we will most likely not be playing weekends due to other commitments).

Contact me:

It's easiest for me if you add me to steam if that's not possible just add me to QL or try and find me in IRC.

- Steam account:
- QL nickname: Smofo (!profile/summary/Smofo)
- IRC query Smofo (quakenet) - though I'm not on IRC too much.

You can find us in #gentlemenclub
old thread:

Some new info: We added 2 fine men to our team called diccie and twister we're just looking for that extra player now!

Some info about our two newest additions:
Diccie is a lovely bloke from wales played rtcw and ET, played quite alot of duel and thats why he does good pew pew in QL and is now trying to become a tdm legend oh and he is married to a sheep.
twister is a nice german guy who also played rtcw and ET also was a duel player before and he does pew pew good aswell theres not much to say about him except that he likes dark men late at night.

So they're pretty similar .. you'll love them!

We're on a mission from God.
Edited by Smofo at 12:54 CDT, 9 June 2011 - 3466 Hits
New TDM team looking for 2 Players (16 comments)
Posted by Smofo @ 05:07 CDT, 30 May 2011 - iMsg
About Us:
We're a new team with little experience in competitive QL TDM, though we're hoping to change this and later perform well in leagues! We're not starting entirely from scratch since n0ns has 7 years of quake experience and I have 6: the experience we do have lies in other modes of QL (mostly CA) and many years of CPMA (and DeFrag in n0ns's case).

We're both 21 years old and although age is not too much of a factor we hope you'll be relatively mature but fun! We are also both capable of speaking Dutch and English (I am from NL, n0ns is from Belgium). We have a Mumble server available for use as well as "pro" Quake Live accounts, so servers will not be an issue.

We're looking for at least 2 players around our skill level to complete our team. Good English skills are essential!
You must preferably be available at least 3 evenings a week (weekdays, as we will most likely not be playing weekends due to other commitments).

Contact me:

It's easiest for me if you add me to steam if that's not possible just add me to QL or try and find me in IRC.

- Steam account:
- QL nickname: Smofo (!profile/summary/Smofo)
- IRC query Smofo (quakenet) - though I'm not on IRC too much.

edit: You can find me in #gentlemenclub
Edited by Smofo at 07:40 CDT, 30 May 2011 - 3536 Hits
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