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czm solves subconvexity problem, related to Riemann hyp. (38 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 18:23 CST, 13 January 2022 - iMsg
United States of America Paul 'czm' Nelson, Quake legend, CPL and QuakeCon champion has solved the subconvexity problem, a problem two steps removed from the Riemann hypothesis. The Riemann hypothesis is one of the most important unsolved problems in pure mathematics and if solved, would help us know more about prime numbers, which are important in all manner of areas including basic cryptography.

In a paper posted in September, Paul Nelson of the Institute for Advanced Study has solved the subconvexity problem, a kind of lighter-weight version of Riemann’s question. The proof is a significant achievement on its own and teases the possibility that even greater discoveries related to prime numbers may be in store.

“It’s a bit of a far-fetched dream, but you could hyper-optimistically hope that maybe we get some insight in how the [Riemann hypothesis] works by working on problems like this,” Nelson said.

He wrote two papers, one in 2020 and one in September of last year that put together solved the subconvexity problem.

Article link
Edited by Demiurge at 16:39 CST, 18 January 2022 - 24063 Hits
UFC 246 Mcgregor vs Cerrone (1 comment)
Posted by son1dow @ 06:28 CST, 16 January 2020 - iMsg

I think Mcgregor's the likely winner, but I've found it hard to cheer for him by now.
3932 Hits
Joe Rogan will try to have Fatal1ty on for JRE (14 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 08:59 CDT, 24 October 2018 - iMsg
He also discusses videogames and his getting ready to play them at his studio.

9293 Hits
Get QC starter pack for free (90 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 15:15 CDT, 11 June 2018 - iMsg

Play Quake Champions
FREE - Offer ends June 18th at 10AM Pacific Time

Many of you probably have some friends or someone who might want it. Others hate QC or whatever. Do what you want. Whatever.
19597 Hits
ddk talks esports with rapha (31 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 10:40 CDT, 4 June 2018 - iMsg
In the fourth episode of ddk talks esports, United Kingdom Daniel "ddk" Kapadia has a chat with one of the best Quake players of all time, United States of America Shane "rapha" Hendrixson. While they touch on other things, as per usual with ddk the conversation focuses on rapha's mindset, influences and path to improvement in the various aspects of the game that made him the player and competitor that he is. As many of us know, the 5 time qcon_black QuakeCon Duel champion is perhaps the perfect guest for that.

Links: ytube YouTube audio, Podcast
Edited by Teen Queen at 16:45 CDT, 4 June 2018 - 13200 Hits
ddk talks esports with rapha (11 comments, locked)
Posted by son1dow @ 13:21 CDT, 3 June 2018 - iMsg
Locked by Teen Queen at 16:45 CDT, 4 June 2018 - 9829 Hits
Epic Games Will Provide $100,000,000 for Fortnite Esports (35 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 11:44 CDT, 21 May 2018 - iMsg
Fortnite Competitors!

Grab your gear, drop in and start training. Since the launch of Fortnite Battle Royale we’ve watched the passion for community competition grow and can’t wait to empower you to battle with the best.

In the 2018 - 2019 season, Epic Games will provide $100,000,000 to fund prize pools for Fortnite competitions. We’re getting behind competitive play in a big way, but our approach will be different - we plan to be more inclusive, and focused on the joy of playing and watching the game.

Stay tuned for more details about competitive structures and eligible platforms in the weeks ahead!
15723 Hits
Edited by son1dow at 08:40 CST, 5 February 2018 - 8115 Hits
Some of my beef with Jordan Peterson (166 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 08:38 CST, 22 January 2018 - iMsg
Long post incoming; long story short I've been around the demographics of people who get sucked into this stuff, and I enjoy reading about academic philosophy and enjoy looking at the standards of intellectualism on popular platforms like youtube, so this intersects with my interests enough that I've spent a decent amount of time looking into it. Hopefully someone finds it interesting enough to read, if not, I'll propably have enjoyed crystalizing my thoughts anyway.

I have no beef with Peterson's psychology, like his self-help guides. For all I know, they're perfectly fine. His philosophy however is another story.

Peterson's is a standard story where the media, old or social doesn't care about academics talking about subjects they know about, about expert consensus, nor about popularizers who educate people on those topics responsibly.

Instead, they love these renegade scholars, people rejected by the mainstream, who usually go out of their discipline and start talking about stuff they don't understand. Perhaps some people don't notice it not being familiar with the topics, but once again Peterson isn't famous for his psychology, not at all. It's the commentary about disciplines he doesn't know he spreads surrounding it that catches people's attention.

His ideas about religion are perhaps interesting, but to think that it's a metatruth that is more real than truth, and to use it to go to such certain conclusions? It's hard to believe for me anyone falls for that, and yet they do, perhaps because they like the conclusions. Listen to his podcast on Joe Rogan Experience for his explanation of these "hypertruths", and don't forget to pause and think how these (often) atheist, rationalist fans of his can take this stuff in and not wonder if they've been bamboozled somehow.

His ideas about dominance hierarchies are once again just some basic intuitions about evolution that allow him to get into absurdly certain conclusions, like that feminists are there to destroy the proper meritocratic dominance hierarchies that are there for a reason. Well then, why isn't it the other way around, why after he was rejected by academia didn't he decide that perhaps the oldest meritocratic dominance hierarchy rejected him? You see, there's little reason to go one way or the other, it's just using this vague intuition to support whatever he wants. Much easier to pull this in the space of youtube where nobody even knows any philosophers who would disagree with him; he's can just be another one of those youtubers that make self-encompassing content and rant about debate and dialectic while enjoying fandom which largely doesn't engage with their detractors, and feeding them stuff that wouldn't pass a critical mind.

Next up he is a hardcore pragmatist, listen to the pianful Sam Harris podcast with him on this. For all of his views about horrible truth rejecting postmodernists, he rejects the idea of truth that nearly all of us take in favor of a murky view of truth that allows him to take his conservative positions and go to where he wants with his rants. What a surprise.

Note how most of what he says that is relevant is actually philosophy, even if a lot of it is based on psychology underneath. I would generally celebrate scientists who read philosophy, however you must approach it with humility, not just reference it a bit and go into your baseless rants to justify whatever views you want to have. Furthermore, it is ironic that he bases nearly everything on philosophy, including stuff where scientific data could be of use (like student radicalism, how dangerous is it, how many radicals are there etc - in his thought that is mostly based on philosophy); that is because he has himself criticized other strands of psychologists and scientists for not being scientific enough.

In terms of postmodernism, it has been well covered that he has no idea what is going on, he is yet another bullshit about postmodernism dealer online. Just read wokeupabug's comments in that thread M1zzu recently linked, as well as so many others - it explains how his main source is not at all one you should trust. The forum there is askphilosophy, the user linked has a PhD in philosophy. I wish I could link famous philosophers for this kind of stuff, but they don't like giving these youtube intellectuals and renegade scholars recognition too much. The more I hear of Peterson, the more I wonder if he read anything of postmodernist philosophy, since the only views he seems to espouse perfectly match bullshit dealers like Hicks, and he NEVER EVER seems to properly engage Derrida, Lyotard etc. For all I know, he could be reading neofeudalist conspiracy nuts like Dugin as well. For all of his love of debate and challenge, I would be interested to see him discuss postmodernism with someone who has read the actual books, yet I cannot find that. The worst thing about these people is that there is no way anyone with even the most cursory understanding of postmodernism would mistake Hicks or Peterson as knowledgeable about it; yet it spreads like wildfire. Some of the most dumb misunderstanding of it is perfectly incapsulated in this comic - note the explanation below the comic. The comic itself satirizes the fact that postmodernism is literally the opposite of feminism or marxism, it is as sceptical of metanarratives like them as it is of scientism or judaism. So blaming it for marxism is the dumbest thing you can do. I've personally had this conversation with Peterson's disciples like 50 times; none of them know the first thing about postmodernism and are stumped by these basic questions. This is concerning a school of thought that many of them are sure is trying to bring the downfall of western civilization, mind you - and few if any of them know the most basic things about it.

Cultural marxism is more of the same, it's a repeat of an old nazi conspiracy theory called cultural bolshevism that has to do with a real term... Only the term is about an obscure school of thought that is not even related to any of the claims people make about cultural marxism. It's just another nonsense term to throw around and talk about as much as you want, with no basis. Once again you have to wonder how many of these youtube intellectuals boil down to reading conspriacy theorists to get this stuff. However by now it is a real industry of people repeating the same shit and explaining it as the cause of feminism or transgenderism or whatever they like, with their viewers gobbling it up without any regard for going to the sources which couldn't possibly show anything like it. Makes you wonder how they can doublethink their way into doing that while still considerig themselves intellectuals. Very few people repeating this nonsense even know what critical theory is, yet they're sure as it is bringing the downfall of western civilization. Talk about drinking the kool-aid.

Perhaps the worst is his rejection of academia, although this story is as old and unsurprising as academia itself. I won't go into it too much, just point out that after all he has said on the limited basis he has said it, he also uses to reject like half of academia. Here's a link, onwards for like 3 minutes. Like every other time a person rejects academia, you have to wonder about their standards of evidence. What makes him say what academia gives is worse than what he is teaching, under what standard of evidence, what kind of people accept this, and what makes them do that? The story of anti-intellectualism (and this is cookie-cutter anti-intellectualism at that) is old as time, so I hope it doesn't need repeating. For more ridiculousness, look at his online university project.

From all I've learned about his ideas on law, on C16, they seem to be wrong as well, but this is largely outside this context so I won't go into it other than dropping a link.

Note how all of this connects. Peterson goes outside of his field, talks of things that have nothing to do with his own research. Starts talking philosophy without having any proper expertise of it. Shows no proper capacity to understanding it; simply repeats some basic talking points he got out of secondary sources at best. Gets rejected by all academics I could find that comment on his expertise wrt it. Yet still repeats it and draws conclusions based on it. Adds some metaphorical religion hypertruths, lobster dominance hierarchy memes, completes it with hardcore pragmatism that rejects truth as we know it in favor of what HE considers practical truth. All of these are used to get at his conclusions, which are for the most part just conservative talking points - responsibility, respect your superiors, whatever we have is good don't go around messing with it, hardcore traditionalism, religion, anti-feminism, anti-socialism, the left has gone mad, the left hates debate and free speech, one could go on and on. So he makes a bunch of typical claims for a very traditionalist conservative, that's fine, he's allowed to be rightwing. But once someone makes that many different haphazard, sly, shitty rationales for the same positions, you have to wonder how they were arrived at. Perhaps he just uses whatever philosophy he could find to attack leftwing views and defend christian, conservative, traditionalist views.

Now, I know he has some centre-leftwing positions... But note how they're quite limited, he really doesn't focus on them. The standard 'I guess gay people are okay' stuff. I quite strongly dislike this nonsense where every rightwinger has to be a leftist or ex-leftist in this shitty media landscape we live in. Just own your views, stop trying to deligimaze your opponents in a sly way by pretending to be one of them while really not bein one of them. He's not a prime example of this, but I already suspect that someone will point this out to me so I had to type it out.

Another curious point is how these religious metaphorical metatruths as well as these views on evolutionary pragmatism limit one's certainty of their own views. You could apply the same to his ideas about dominance hierarchies (basically lobsters) and traditionalism as well. Evolutionary pragmatism especially is known within philosophy to give you a very pessimistic view of human knowledge, since humans are only need to understand whatever evolution needed us to understand. Under such views, we should consider ourselves extremely lucky to know as much as we do about science and math, we should forever doubt it. We should certainly be careful about having very clear, bold conclusions about social science, or especially ones about politics and where certain schools of thought will lead. That drives a sharp contrast with Peterson's views about where feminism or socialism would lead, as well as his views on how authoritarianism works that he explains in his lectures (available on his youtube). His views are incredibly ambitious and certain, going from people's honesty with themselves into entire political regimes, going from one honest person to a fall of entire regimes. Sure, these could be interesting metaphors to be explored... But he goes well beyond what I would consider reasonable standards of doubt, arrives at very ambitious conclusions, let alone one's that you'd be supposed to have with this pragmatist, traditionalist, evolutionary-biology informed philosophy. Once again, makes you wonder how he manages to arrive at these ;)

Since I assume that a lof of you might be sceptical of this, go ahead and ask for more sources if you want in terms of something more particular. So there's that. Thanks for reading.
Edited by son1dow at 08:42 CST, 22 January 2018 - 52837 Hits
I'm worried about Jamerio (102 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 11:03 CST, 23 December 2017 - iMsg
Do you think he could get attacked by these extremists?

Far-right Extremism in Wales & England
Referrals to UK Prevent programme

There is a lot of propaganda going on, even here on esreality I see a lot of it. With poor JamJam worrying about muslim immigrants so much, I worry he might have a blind spot for the dangers that far-right extremists pose. Stay safe, Jamerio, in case you're worried you can always adopt some of their rhetoric to maybe pretend to fit in. Perhaps make some posts on esreality that paint you as such, so that you have something to show them if you ever need to.
48896 Hits
Do you want Clan Arena in Quake Champions? (74 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 16:16 CST, 18 November 2017 - iMsg
No: 43% (54)

Yes: 38% (48)

Depends on how it's done: 9.6% (12)

No preference: 8.8% (11)

In the latest dev stream they had some comments about plans for CA and CTF. We've been loud and clear about CTF, so I figured why not have a poll about how we feel about CA :)
Edited by son1dow at 16:17 CST, 18 November 2017 - 89034 Hits
winz interviewed by Thorin (No comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 21:43 CDT, 14 October 2017 - iMsg

Doesn't go into overwatch until 35min in, and there's timestamps so you can just select the questions you care about.
2050 Hits
Early Access Update - 28.8.17 (28 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 09:10 CDT, 28 August 2017 - iMsg
A new patch is out for Quake Champions, it contains some minor fixes:

- Steam: Fixed a problem with an account already linked to another Bethesda game.
- Steam: Allowed special symbols in the password field.
- Removed spam from logs.
- Removed Double XP
- Removed QuakeCon Lightning Gun
- Fixed: Wrong lootbox highlight for rare armor shaders for BJ Blazkowicz and DOOM Slayer
- Fixed: Wrong legendary Machinegun drop.
- Fixed: DOOM Slayer's Thak Rune Challenge cannot be completed.

Edited by son1dow at 09:10 CDT, 28 August 2017 - 6603 Hits
Quake Champions - Early Access Starts Soon (208 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 09:46 CDT, 17 August 2017 - iMsg
Quake Champions will be ending closed beta on August 22nd and moving into Steam Early Access. Players who already have or claim their closed beta accounts will be able to play the free version, others will have to buy the 29.99$ (25% off of later retail price) Champions pack to play. The pack includes all champions, an exclusive skin for Ranger, all future Champions and 3 Reliquaries (loot boxes). Other content for the game announced:

Quake Champions is about to exit its Closed Beta phase and officially enter into Early Access on Steam and the launcher. Starting on August 22, the game will receive a whole host of content, including new maps, features and a special new Champion: the mighty DOOM Slayer from the DOOM series.

Official source
Edited by Lam at 10:33 CDT, 17 August 2017 - 89688 Hits
2739 Hits
Quake World Championship NA Duel Qualifier #4 (27 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 18:00 CDT, 21 July 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CDT, 23 July 2017 to 21:00 CDT, 23 July 2017
Schedule: Passed

The Quake World Championship Duel Qualifier #4 for North America will start on 18:00 CDT, 21 July 2017. The duel portion of the Championship will have $340 000 up for grabs. You can find more information about the Online Qualifiers at the ESL page. This will be the last NA Duel Qualifier.

The Qualifier will be played in Single Elimination format, with the players competing until the top 16 players have been identified. Starting 13:00 CDT, 23 July 2017, each Ro16 match will be played and live streamed. Each of the 8 winners advances to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

twitch Official Stream
twitch Other streams twitch VoDs (as they appear)
Edited by son1dow at 15:22 CDT, 23 July 2017 - 8576 Hits
Quake World Championship European Duel Qualifier #4 (86 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 13:22 CDT, 19 July 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 05:00 CDT, 23 July 2017 to 13:00 CDT, 24 July 2017
Schedule: Passed

The Quake World Championship Duel Qualifier #4 for Europe Europe will start on 11:00 CDT, 20 July 2017. The duel portion of the Championship will have $340 000 up for grabs. You can find more information about the Online Qualifiers at the ESL page. This will be the last European Duel Qualifier.

The Qualifier will be played in Single Elimination format, with the players competing until the top 16 players have been identified. Starting 05:00 CDT, 23 July 2017, each Ro16 match will be played and live streamed. Each of the 8 winners advances to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

twitch Official Stream
twitchRussia Official RU stream
twitchOther streams twitch VoDs (as they appear)
Edited by Nukm at 12:57 CDT, 23 July 2017 - 34319 Hits
QUAKE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP NA Duel Qualifier #3 (60 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 15:38 CDT, 14 July 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CDT, 16 July 2017 to 16:00 CDT, 16 July 2017
Schedule: Passed

The Quake World Championship Duel Qualifier #3 for NA will start on 18:00 CDT, 14 July 2017. The duel portion of the Championship will have $340 000 up for grabs. You can find more information about the Online Qualifiers at the ESL page.

The Qualifier will be played in Single Elimination format, with the players competing until the top 16 players have been identified. Starting 13:00 CDT, 16 July 2017, each Ro16 match will be played and live streamed. Each of the 8 winners advances to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

twitch Official Stream,
twitch Other streams, twitch VoDs (as they appear)
Edited by son1dow at 09:30 CDT, 17 July 2017 - 20266 Hits
QUAKE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP European Duel Qualifier #3 (99 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 11:19 CDT, 13 July 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 05:00 CDT, 16 July 2017 to 14:00 CDT, 16 July 2017
Schedule: Passed

The Quake World Championship Duel Qualifier #3 for Europe Europe will start on 11:00 CDT, 13 July 2017. The duel portion of the Championship will have $340 000 up for grabs. You can find more information about the Online Qualifiers at the ESL page.

The Qualifier will be played in Single Elimination format, with the players competing until the top 16 players have been identified. Starting 05:00 CDT, 16 July 2017, each Ro16 match will be played and live streamed. Each of the 8 winners advances to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

twitch Official Stream
twitchRussia Official RU stream
twitchOther streams twitch VoDs (as they appear)
Edited by son1dow at 09:27 CDT, 17 July 2017 - 40046 Hits
Quake World Championship European Sacrifice Qualifier #2 (23 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 14:10 CDT, 7 July 2017 - iMsg
Quake World Championship Europe European Sacrifice Qualifiers #2 will be starting on July 8th. Once again, you can find information about them on the ESL page.

The Europe EU Sacrifice Qualifier #2 will begin 07:00 CDT, 8 July 2017, and will be played in Single Elimination format. Matches will be played until the top 4 teams have been identified. The winners advance to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals. Note that this will be the final European Sacrifice Qualifier to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

Streams: twitch Official , twitch Official RU, twitch Other streams, twitch VoDs, (as they appear)
Edited by son1dow at 12:07 CDT, 8 July 2017 - 16268 Hits
QUAKE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP North American Duel Qualifier #2 (45 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 13:28 CDT, 7 July 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 15:00 CDT, 9 July 2017 to 16:30 CDT, 9 July 2017
Schedule: Passed

The Quake World Championship Duel Qualifier #2 for North America will start on 18:00 CDT, 7 July 2017. The duel portion of the Championship will have $340 000 up for grabs. You can register and find more information for the Online Qualifiers at the ESL page.

The Qualifier will be played in Single Elimination format, with the players competing until the top 16 players have been identified. Starting 15:00 CDT, 9 July 2017, each Ro16 match will be played and live streamed. Each of the 8 winners advances to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

twitch Official Stream,twitchOther streams, twitch VoDs (as they appear)
Edited by Badb0y at 16:53 CDT, 15 July 2017 - 26863 Hits
Alliance signs a Quake Champions Team (58 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 11:22 CDT, 6 July 2017 - iMsg
On July 4th, Sweden Alliance has announced signing a Quake Champions team for Duel and Sacrifice with the lineup:

Sweden Spart1e
France strenx
Poland syndrom
United Kingdom Busdriverx

For those unfamiliar with the team, Sweden Alliance is now a player-owned organization that was originally created as another brand for United States of America Evil Geniuses owners. Statements by Sweden Spart1e and France strenx:
“I am really happy to be a part of Alliance, and its going to be awesome to represent a Swedish organisation. I’m really looking forward to Alliance helping me to get back to the top in Quake Champions.” – Sweden Sebastian “Spart1e” Siira

“I am really happy to join Alliance, and I hope that I will perform well and succeed!. Thank you to Alliance for putting their trust in me, so that I can focus 100% on the game! " - France Kevin “Strenx” Baéza
Links: Statement by Alliance
Edited by Badb0y at 16:52 CDT, 15 July 2017 - 25208 Hits
Quake World Championship European Duel Qualifier #2 (92 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 21:45 CDT, 5 July 2017 - iMsg
Scheduled: 05:00 CDT, 9 July 2017 to 09:00 CDT, 9 July 2017
Schedule: Passed

The Quake World Championship Duel Qualifier #2 for Europe Europe will start on 11:00 CDT, 6 July 2017. The duel portion of the Championship will have $340 000 up for grabs. You can register for the Online Qualifiers at the ESL page.

The Qualifier will be played in Single Elimination format, with the players competing until the top 16 players have been identified. Starting 05:00 CDT, 9 July 2017, each Ro16 match will be played and live streamed. Each of the 8 winners advances to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

Streams: twitch Official Stream, twitch Official RU, twitch Other streams, twitch VoDs (as they appear)
Edited by Badb0y at 16:51 CDT, 15 July 2017 - 59850 Hits
Rapha streaming Quake Champions last night (46 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 11:50 CDT, 4 July 2017 - iMsg
did some duels for an hour, answered questions as well. Confirmed will be participating in the next duel qualifier.

When asked JustHufflepuff : Confirmed 4th for sac? says can't really talk about sacrifice yet, but yes there should be a confirmed one. Implying he's making a team from what I understand.

Edit: he also says top2 are him and Cypher (once he starts practicing, implying he will!), then toxjq, fourth is really contested; and that he will be streaming a lot of duels starting soon, perhaps within a week
Edited by son1dow at 15:00 CDT, 4 July 2017 - 7452 Hits
Grand final of the Cooller cup going on right now (7 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 15:54 CDT, 2 July 2017 - iMsg

Agent going to try and MrDestructoid fazz
2581 Hits
QWC Qualifiers: EU & NA Duel #1, EU Sacrifice #1 concluding (205 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 20:28 CDT, 1 July 2017 - iMsg
Three Quake World Championship Qualifiers will be concluding, or starting their final stage at least, on the 2nd of July: the Europe European Duel Qualifier #1, the North American Duel Qualifier #1, and Europe European Sacrifice Qualifier #1. Once again the information from the source directly is available on the ESL page.

The Duel Qualifier #1 for both Europe Europe and North America will conclude with the remaining 16 players in each playing out their respective matchups. All matches will be streamed. The winners move on to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals, no further matches will be played. The losers can, of course, participate in the next three Qualifiers.

The EU Duel Qualifier #1 Ro16 matches will be starting on 05:00 CDT, 2 July 2017. The NA Duel Qualifier #1 Ro16 matches will be starting on 15:00 CDT, 2 July 2017.

The Europe European Sacrifice Qualifier #1 will conclude by finishing the Ro8 matches starting at 11:00 CDT, 2 July 2017. Once again, the winners move on to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals, the losers can participate in the remaining European Sacrifice Qualifier #2 on July 8-9. Ro4 matches will not be played.

Streams: twitch Official Stream, twitch Official RU, twitch Other streams, twitch VoDs (as they appear)
Edited by Badb0y at 08:36 CDT, 7 July 2017 - 64475 Hits
Edited by son1dow at 18:43 CDT, 1 July 2017 - 1914 Hits
Quake World Championship European Sacrifice Qualifier #1 (26 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 07:14 CDT, 1 July 2017 - iMsg
Quake World Championship Europe European Sacrifice Qualifiers #1 will be starting today. Once again, you can find information about them on the ESL page.

The Europe EU Sacrifice Qualifier #1 will start on 07:00 CDT, 1 July 2017, and will be played in Single Elimination format. Matches will be played until the top 8 teams have been identified. Then, on Sunday, 2nd of July - Starting 11:00 CDT, each Ro8 match will be played and live streamed. The winners advance to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

Streams: twitch Official Stream, twitch Other streams, twitch VoDs, (as they appear)
Edited by son1dow at 10:58 CDT, 2 July 2017 - 8784 Hits
QWC Qualifiers: NA Duel #1 and EU Sacrifice #1 (4 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 18:09 CDT, 30 June 2017 - iMsg
Two Quake World Championship Qualifiers will be starting in the next 24 hours, North American Duel Qualifiers #1 and EuropeEuropean Sacrifice Qualifiers #2. Once again, you can register for either on the ESL page.

The NA Duel Qualifier #1 will start on 19:00 CDT, 30 June 2017 and be played in Single Elimination format, with the near 400 players competing until the top 16 players have been identified. On Sunday, 2nd of July, starting 15:00 CDT, each Ro16 match will be played and live streamed. Each of the 8 winners advances to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

The EuropeEU Sacrifice Qualifier #1 will start on 07:00 CDT, 1 July 2017, and will too be played in Single Elimination format. Matches will be played until the top 8 teams have been identified. Then, on Sunday, 2nd of July - Starting 11:00 CDT, each Ro8 match will be played and live streamed. The winners advance to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

Streams: twitchOfficial StreamtwitchOther streams
twitchVoDs (as they appear)
Edited by son1dow at 18:19 CDT, 30 June 2017 - 2630 Hits
Starcraft: Remastered Gameplay (17 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 07:22 CDT, 30 June 2017 - iMsg
14910 Hits
Quake World Championships European Duel Qualifier #1 (149 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 08:07 CDT, 29 June 2017 - iMsg
The EuropeEuropean Qualifiers for the Quake World Championships start today, June 29th at 12:00 CDT. The duel portion of the Championships will have $340 000 up for grabs. You can register for the Online Qualifiers at the ESL page.

The Qualifier will be played in Single Elimination format, with the 550 and counting players competing until the top 16 players have been identified. On Sunday, 2nd of July, starting 05:00 CDT, each Ro16 match will be played and live streamed. Each of the 8 winners advances to the Quake World Championship Regional Finals.

Streams: twitch Official Stream, twitch Zoot, twitch Other streams, twitch VoDs
Edited by Badb0y at 08:15 CDT, 2 July 2017 - 63920 Hits
How busy are the Quakers who play overwatch with overwatch? (2 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 05:53 CDT, 24 June 2017 - iMsg
I'm curious what commitments rapha, DaHanG, cooller, cypher etc have with overwatch. I assume not only I am curious about this, given that we want them participating in and practicing for the upcoming QC tournaments ;p This summer and beyond.
6809 Hits
7352 Hits
Floyd Mayweather vs Conor McGregor announced for Aug 26 (28 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 23:00 CDT, 14 June 2017 - iMsg
Not a competitive fight, not a particularly interesting fight as a fight, but I sure won't be missing it! The circus will be happening in Las Vegas & on pay-per-view.
Edited by son1dow at 23:50 CDT, 16 June 2017 - 15506 Hits
2GD showcasing diabotical progress again (54 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 11:09 CST, 24 February 2017 - iMsg
Edited by son1dow at 11:45 CST, 24 February 2017 - 28067 Hits
Carmack is finally an equal to Jamerio (26 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 10:10 CDT, 25 March 2016 - iMsg
John Carmack getting BAFTA’s highest honour

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts – BAFTA – has announced it will be handing this year’s Fellowship award to none other than John Carmack.
13382 Hits
USM Holdings invest 100M into Virtus pro (8 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 06:33 CDT, 15 October 2015 - iMsg

I really thought this was fake until I realized they have quotes from the man behind it.

No more NaVi poaching players from VP lmao

Thought I admit it looks more sane now that I realize it isn't just about the team, the brand Virtus Pro is going to be used to launch a huge esports business, rather than just run a team
Edited by son1dow at 06:36 CDT, 15 October 2015 - 3584 Hits
Thorin on Cooller (6 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 17:51 CDT, 31 August 2015 - iMsg
Who was the player who changed your opinion of them after you interacted with them/interviewed?

Almost every player has changed my opinion of them following the interview, as I can see the emphasis they place on certain ideas and gain an understanding of their reasoning and perspective. Being able to empathise with the player is an important part of my approach.

I think the two most startling examples would be Cooller and Flame. Interviewing Cooller allowed me to unlock the poetic soul of Russian culture. I realised that sometimes his words were off how someone would express something in English, but that they were often misinterpreted, as a result, and that he in fact often thought in a very philosophical and subtle manner.

Edited by son1dow at 18:06 CDT, 31 August 2015 - 6515 Hits
Reflections with Thresh incoming (7 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 05:11 CDT, 29 August 2015 - iMsg

Reflections is a series of long in-depth interviews. This time, it's with Thresh.

<3 Thorin

If you can't wait, here's a recent long interview with Thresh done by a a popular podcaster
2768 Hits
wanted to say kickstarter to bribe (17 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 05:07 CDT, 8 March 2015 - iMsg
polish police

bu this is too sad :(

Not defending what he may have done, but such things never happen without poor circumstances and bad influences.

3862 Hits
Books Thread - Excession (44 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 08:23 CST, 19 December 2014 - iMsg
Just finished of Excession by Ian M. Banks. I can't get enough of his descriptions on what humanoids make of their lives in a post-scarcity world. On many occasions I'm walking, listening to the audiobook and wondering how crazy I look with that grin on my face. The minds aren't any worse either. The sleeper service must be the most romantic ship ever. At least all the previous Culture novels are the same, though the first one, Consider Phlebas, is probably my least favourite.

What have you been reading?

PS. Please include some comments on what you liked as well, list threads are boring.
Edited by son1dow at 06:14 CST, 20 December 2014 - 8854 Hits
SF V coming (23 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 06:35 CST, 5 December 2014 - iMsg
announced for PS4 and PC.

7667 Hits
Best shit internet produced in a while (12 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 14:17 CDT, 7 October 2014 - iMsg

Feel free to offer up second place contenders.
4354 Hits
DDK new vlog regarding QL changes (116 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 05:38 CDT, 12 August 2014 - iMsg

thanks to neeple for posting this stuff to reddit :)
35633 Hits
They're not making vq3 premium only (18 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 15:42 CDT, 8 August 2014 - iMsg
It's never, ever going to happen.

Fucking over a community that stood by you for 15 years so bad that you're basically guaranteed they're not sticking with you wouldn't make any business sense at all. Especially since QL is probably kept alive at a loss for the value of the brand.

So calm down, even if they're dumb enough to do this and kill the game, you can still at least play free vq3. Not that you'll have anyone to play with.
4241 Hits
Checkmate, sane people (6 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 05:43 CDT, 7 August 2014 - iMsg
Explain this.

Edited by son1dow at 05:44 CDT, 7 August 2014 - 2806 Hits
New thresh interview (3 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 08:40 CDT, 30 July 2014 - iMsg
Edited by son1dow at 08:40 CDT, 30 July 2014 - 2912 Hits
New Cliff Bleszi BlueStreak interview (No comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 15:39 CDT, 23 July 2014 - iMsg

Mentions a reddit thread you can check out too, if you haven't already.

He doesn't seem to say much. A bit of praise for Dota, LoL, and he says he likes some aspects of Halo, which is worrying. He mentions some good gameplay aspects, but keeps it very vague. I don't know what to think.

Nothing much, really, but I guess it's relevant, so I'll keep tabs.
Edited by son1dow at 16:29 CDT, 23 July 2014 - 4541 Hits
So, microtransactions are evil (14 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 16:36 CDT, 21 July 2014 - iMsg
They're a cancer for esports and Quake should never use them.

Explanation here.
5296 Hits
The International 4 (168 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 07:17 CDT, 8 July 2014 - iMsg
* dota 2 blasphemy below - if you don't care for it, move on *

So, in case any of you haven't head, the biggest eSports tournament ever with over 10.5 million dollars (and growing) for grabs is starting today, and will span until July 21st.

I pondered on creating a formatted thread for it, but I figured you guys would feel harassed, so a forum thread will do.

Reddit survival guide

There you will find everything you need. What teams are you cheering for?
23326 Hits
Is this truly Quake Live 2.0? (6 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 15:35 CST, 7 November 2013 - iMsg
Even since the mention of QL 2.0 I allowed myself to expect a few things: ranked matchmaking (ladder, with rank shown or not) for duel and other mods, an automated tournament creation system, free freezetag (this one's edited in) or something else of similar importance, expecting that the developers understood that that was what the game needed.

Now, I can't be absolutely sure how this pertains to the idea of the QL 2.0, or even if it's associated. However, considering the relatively slow pace of development for QL, I wouldn't expect a standalone version to coincide with something else that's big, so it seems likely that this is the same thing.

So what can understand from this?
Well, it seems like they're forced to create a standalone version due to changes in plugin support. They're doing what they're forced to do, not creating something better with the ambition to revive the game.

The interface isn't going to be recreated. The same inherently laggy browser interface is going to be continued, describing their level of interest perfectly, I fear.

No game-breaking features are announced or even mentioned. The whole post is nearly void of any actual promises, and the magnitude of described day-1 features seems to confirm this.

What could actually give hope is this sentence, in two parts:

change will allow us to have greater control over the game environment
A more free system for maps, or mods perhaps? Can't read anything from this,

more tightly integrate the game with the online components going forward
At best, a gloriously anticipated automated tournament system. Or, more likely, some way to get more statistics from tournaments and an interface/page to follow their progress.

The problem with these two is that with the lack of the sense of ambition in the whole announcement doesn't allow us to expect anything big, so the more modest conclusions seem more likely. Leaving the standard practice of claiming excitement about your announcement to sound cheap, ironic and cruelly automated.

Alternatively, they're just announcing what they have to without giving out anything and they will actually get more people for a couple of months and develop the few fairly simple things the lack of which deemed the game a failure with it's release. Then they're going to make sure a rerelease of the game is not going to be dampened by its previous disappointing history, and promote it to get the same amount of people they got coming out of beta. Containing their promises within one sentence in the whole announcement is just there to make sure we don't expect it.

As I type this post though, SyncError is messing with my mind. But if it isn't QL 2.0, then why waste an opportunity to create a true rerelease, and why give away the impression that they're not ramping up development? Seems counter-intuitive, but I hope that's just me.

Of course, this disappointment of mine is wholly associated with my expectations for QL 2.0 - a healthy playerbase and Quake's entrance into the modern world of esports with money and spectators. I'm not saying I won't enjoy the few neat features, as frustrated at the ineptitude of a big company that couldn't realize it had something great as I may be.
Edited by son1dow at 15:39 CST, 7 November 2013 - 5195 Hits
Real Talk with 2GD EP04 (58 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 08:46 CDT, 6 June 2012 - iMsg
itmeJP's personal interview show with a very, very interesting guest. Lots of interesting opinions about different tournament organizers, games and many other esports matters. Quite lengthy, of course, but probably much more informative than the vast majority of esports shows. As always, 2GD delivers.

(it's weird that I didn't see this posted anywhere)
Edited by son1dow at 08:50 CDT, 6 June 2012 - 10143 Hits
The cycle of progress (28 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 06:30 CDT, 31 May 2012 - iMsg
Reading recent discussions on QL's chances to become a popular game made a wretch for a little while.
I'd consider this usual, as there has always been the sorrow of the people longing for the hardcore DM gameplay and not getting it in the way they want it due to QL's lack of features and activity.
There have always been the usual requests for GTV, balance tweaks and other minor changes that don't belong in a discussion about the game's accessibility to the general public.

However, right now, more than ever, there seems to be a vibe of the game being either utterly doomed altogether, or simply in need of marketing and nothing else.

I consider both of these opinions to be short-sighted.

Firstly, the fact that some people are still discussing the game and playing it clearly proves that there's interest for it. Even more so, the many lows and highs in Quake's popularity prove that it's not just a question of gameplay.. For anyone still in doubt, I dare you to look at the difference of popularity of League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth and tell me it's a difference of core gameplay.

The argument of lows and highs in Quake's popularity also proves that marketing can't solve everything. The game should have a convincing ability to retain new players before getting a full-blown marketing campaign. Right now, it clearly does not.

For this reason I'd like to look at some of the more popular games and discuss a core set of features that they seem to rely on. Let's give it a shitty name, like "The cycle of progress", and go with it.

In League of Legends, with a click of a few buttons you can enter a queue that will find you a 5 vs. 5 match. The matchmaking system finds a match for your skill level, and the process for finding a match remains largely the same for the majority of the playerbase.
The first match you play, you already have a few champions to choose from, and you play the same format and the same map that nearly everybody plays.
As you finish games, you get points. If you win, you get more, but you still get some even if you lose. This gives you new runes, champions and spells to unlock, which all give a taste for content you can obtain quicker with some cash. Even if you're not active, you still get a rotating batch of heroes.

In Starcraft II, the process of finding the next match only really involves pressing one button. The matchmaking system seems very decent at keeping you at a 50% winrate as you get better.
As you win games, you get ranking points and advance leagues.
It's also possible to enter a party of two or more people and play 2v2 or 3v3 games just as easily.

You might notice that unlike in quake live, you aren't destined to get raped in every server you enter to. You don't have to enter a server, wait for it to fill up before having everybody ready up with shitty teams, you get a match prepared for you without any of that.
Your progress, unlike in quake live, is easy to measure and feel, and you can be easily set into a trap of clicking "Find a match" even at times you shouldn't, because it's just that easy.
The above games allow you to start the game in the way it's enjoyable to play it. QL simply let's you hop into a server and hope for the best, which usually isn't very good.

I could give a lot of my own examples by how people get turned away by this, but all is already known by anybody reading ESR. QL doesn't offer a way to enjoy the game for new players.

So let's look at what we could do. If we analyze the differences between LoL and SC2, we can conclude that while both are benefiting from this, the former is more fit for such a addictive experience.
Yes, it's easier, more pretty, contains more clicking around and less action.
However, it's also based on teamplay. And it's not retail - this allows it to have extra content that can be unlocked or bought.

Kind of Quake Live, right? So, I'd suggest:
- add a proper, simple matchmaking system for teamplay modes. The matchmaking has to work - no getting trapped in games you don't like or other shenaningans, just a button to find you an enjoyable match
- add a visible ELO ranking system. Perhaps divide it into leagues.
- add an anticheat, there's no argument for ruined games
- give neophytes a taste of the premium content. It might involve a rotation, but there's probably enough of it so as to allow id to give some of it away for activity. Why not both?

This, unlike taking away features new users should have by right (a jab at some of the suggestions), will not alienate the playerbase and allow QL to retain new players. Then, it can benefit from a marketing campaign. And if a marketing campaign is not to be, at least the game will be enjoyed by those who play it.

When some of us have played the game for more than a decade, it's hard to see use in a marketing before the game can retain new players for longer than a month. Even more so, there's no use in adding premium content that even premium players can't play due to inactivity.
Edited by son1dow at 16:40 CDT, 1 June 2012 - 5402 Hits
Recommend VoDs of recent QL games (1 comment)
Posted by son1dow @ 14:27 CDT, 2 April 2012 - iMsg
Usually, recommendations are scattered over many different threads, and there's no tool to pinpoint VoDs (note that I'm not saying demos - it's a different thing) people like. Is such a topic needed or not? I, personally, would prefer watching a recommended VoD to a random Zotac recording.

Player names, tournament, bracket stage, a link to the game and no spoilers would make this a lot easier and more enjoyable to browse.

I'll start:
[do not look to much further if you don't want to spoil yourself]
Zotac Duel Cup #126 - Round 4 - strenx vs guard
Edited by son1dow at 14:30 CDT, 2 April 2012 - 1683 Hits
[TL Subs] BoxeR's Wings Episode 1 (4 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 14:11 CST, 18 February 2011 - iMsg
Yet another starcraft (2) show; subbed by these guys from teamliquid.

For those following the sc2 scene it's no secret that The Emperor, the biggest legend of Brood War has initiated a comeback and is practicing to become the best he can possibly be. This show is set to give us a scoop on how it's going for him in terms of results, which, unfortunately, will be already known for most of the viewer-base, and more importantly, in terms of actual emotions and experiences that playing a new game professionally brings up.
Edited by son1dow at 16:37 CST, 18 February 2011 - 8312 Hits
Darkseed - Poison Awaits (67 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 05:17 CDT, 24 July 2010 - iMsg
Edited by iNkind at 07:15 CDT, 24 July 2010 - 6621 Hits
the 2 years in prison thread (77 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 08:50 CDT, 21 July 2010 - iMsg
esr lacked one, so here you go (I have no idea how to dig out the original thread, so I'll just post the one):
Edited by son1dow at 08:50 CDT, 21 July 2010 - 9587 Hits
ESL matters (4 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 14:08 CDT, 5 July 2010 - iMsg
First of all:
This will probably be followed by SC2. Most people somewhy tend to disagree but seeing the numbers SF4, IMO, is likely too - then we'd have 3/4 games that are actually hardcore.

Now, the other one is the EMS poll. Shame on you people. The numbers of votes for other games are quite low, the quake community probably could have handled 2k if somebody bothered telling the Russians that Quake Live stands for Cooller and all the others are Fatal1ty fakenicknames. Even some of ESR (671 users online) visitors voting could've been enough. Lame excuses like 'their site's a mess' don't count, not after buying lots of premiums and watching all of their shows at least.

tl;dr version - QL is in IEM, LMAO@ 205 votes at EMS poll vs 671 users online
3414 Hits
The MLG (mix of gametypes) format for QL (8 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 04:16 CDT, 28 May 2010 - iMsg
For those of you that don't know, MLG uses BoX out of a few gametypes for its tournaments and obviously, they're fairly successful with it. Now, with QL's competitive teamgames lacking maps, players and unity (quakecon for CTF, ESL for TDM and ENC for nations TDM - doesn't sound too good for a fragile community) this seems as interesting choice but would probably need a bigger tournament to force it.

Let's say it's a Bo3 with TDM, 2v2 and CTF, players drop maps until one remains.

It would certainly be more interesting for newbies to watch and probably less repetetive for the TDM haters, and I'm not even talking about no lack for maps. Just think of the rivalries!
Practise problems could kind of be fixed with only leaving 3 maps for each gametype, maybe only leaving 1 map for 2v2 (I'd suggest ZTN in that case) or perhaps going with only TDM and CTF. Duel could also be integrated, but why spoil it for team players when there's enough duel tournaments already. This looks best for QuakeCon as TDM is clearly taking the edge while they're the ones keeping the american bias.

Your opinions?
Edited by son1dow at 12:07 CDT, 28 May 2010 - 3043 Hits
Nal_rA's Oldboy LAST EPISODE (54 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 07:27 CDT, 1 April 2010 - iMsg
After MBC's launch of "Hyungjoon becomes a progamer" show, OGN has decided to use Nal_rA's recently announced comeback as a progamer to create one that, while very similar in style,gives the viewer a very different perspective. The foreign community, lucky enough to have dedicated translators, is presented an instant translation, found in this forum thread. Hats off to them!

PS. In case there's any unlazy admins willing update it when I fall asleep, feel free to do so.
Edited by son1dow at 07:17 CDT, 10 September 2010 - 20144 Hits
How was painkiller? (32 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 06:34 CDT, 28 July 2009 - iMsg
With PK: Resurrection coming out, I along with a lot of other people got interested in painkiller overall. I wasn't around when the game was a CPL WT game, so I hardly know anything about it. Obviously, now it is dead, but when was it alive, what was it like? I would like to hear standard arguments that I hear about vq3\cpm\etc daily: was it about movement, aiming, how was it overall and so on.
Edited by son1dow at 06:35 CDT, 28 July 2009 - 6582 Hits
Quake Live will return shortly... (9 comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 13:39 CDT, 30 August 2008 - iMsg

The website was down for quite some time, and now it displays this message. It may be simple maintenance, but it may be something big too (Open Beta?). What do you ppl expect?
Edited by w0rt3x at 13:40 CDT, 30 August 2008 - 4053 Hits
How to get the timing "feeling" ? (No comments)
Posted by son1dow @ 09:58 CDT, 16 July 2008 - iMsg
Ok, afaik most of the pros have a "feeling" when armor and stuff spawns. What im asking is how to learn it? Can u learn it from playing and timing using clock, or do you need to hide it and try doing without it?
2391 Hits
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