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John Carmack on Linux games (2 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 14:20 CST, 6 February 2013 - iMsg
John Carmack asks why Wine isn't good enough.

Edited by unihumi at 14:22 CST, 6 February 2013 - 4250 Hits
Quake Live as Facebook game (23 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 07:19 CST, 4 March 2012 - iMsg
Don't know if that's new, but I randomly found out, that you can play QL on FB now. It didn't work for me, however.
10313 Hits
Strenx 2011 (The Movie) :) (67 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 03:42 CDT, 20 August 2011 - iMsg

Looks nice. I wonder, what camera was used for this...

/edit: wrong forum -_-
/edit2: Cheers, Nukm :)
Edited by unihumi at 04:32 CDT, 20 August 2011 - 17542 Hits
Notch (minecraft) challenges Bethesda (15 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 02:22 CDT, 18 August 2011 - iMsg
Dunno if you've heard to news about Bethesda is going nuts against Notch's new game title "Scrolls". They think the name belongs to them and want him to use another one. Notch finds that laughable and just said that:

Remember that scene in Game of Thrones where Tyrion chose a trial by battle in the Eyrie? Well, let’s do that instead!
I challenge Bethesda to a game of Quake 3. Three of our best warriors against three of your best warriors. We select one level, you select the other, we randomize the order. 20 minute matches, highest total frag count per team across both levels wins.

If we win, you drop the lawsuit.

If you win, we will change the name of Scrolls to something you’re fine with.
4525 Hits
ESL EPS in german TV (2 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 01:55 CDT, 11 August 2011 - iMsg
ESL's new EPS season is about to kick in (SC2, TMNF, FIFA, CS) at GamesCom and ZDF.kultur is going to show the first matchday on August, 21th and if it's going to attract some good amount of viewers, who know's, maybe they're doing it regulary.,1872,8....html?dr=1 (use g-translate)

/e: sry, wrong forum
Edited by unihumi at 02:13 CDT, 11 August 2011 - 1530 Hits
SWE-guys, what can I do in MALMÖ? (38 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 13:18 CDT, 13 July 2011 - iMsg
On my weekend me and my g/f will be traveling to Denmark and a bit of Sweden (close to Copenhagen). One of the night we will be staying at the IBIS Hotel in Malmö.

So what the heck can I do around this town? Anyone from around there? :O
10325 Hits
Razer girl sold out!!! (73 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 07:41 CDT, 27 June 2011 - iMsg
It's disgraceful. My colleague was out at the 24 Hours Nürburgring this weekend. I'm now editing the footage and look what I've found:

28140 Hits
IEM FINALS: WHO ELSE IS COMING? #2 (44 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 15:32 CST, 19 January 2011 - iMsg
So, the next finals will be held in Hannover again. In case some of us are going, we need a thread, just like Memento_Mori's old thread (

I will be there from 3rd to 5th March to see all the final matches. If you need some place to stay, have a look at these sites/hotels: (Type in "Hannover" at "PLZ/Ort" and hit "Finden")
Let me know, if you have some more places to stay at.

The event runs from 1st - 5th of March 2011.

March 1st, Tuesday - All matches of cs Group B, SC2 Group A, ql small Group B
March 2nd, Wednesday - All matches of cs Group A, SC2 Group B, ql small Group A
March 3rd, Thursday - ESL EM All Quarter Finals and esl2 ESL Pro Series Germany IFNG
March 4th, Friday - ESL EM All Semi Finals
March 5th, Saturday - ESL EM All Grand Finals

You need a ticket to Cebit
The area age restriction is is probably 16+, just like last year.

You can try getting some free tickets by doing the following steps:
- Register at (use your REAL data, cause your name is gonna be on the ticket afterwards)
- Go to
- Use one of the following codes: mvdzk, t4uad, 7k5z5, 25c8q or cycka
- Check your mails :)

unihumi (from 3rd to 5th)
becks ("most likely")
deotrip (looking for a ride) :)
Edited by unihumi at 01:21 CST, 18 February 2011 - 19255 Hits
Got the XL2410T / will sell my Sony G520 (8 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 13:37 CST, 15 December 2010 - iMsg
Turns out I finally got my BenQ XL2410T and can now get rid of my beloved 21" CRT Sony G520. On the upcoming weekend I'll give some insight on the BenQ when I'll find some time. Hopefully it's a good one.

So I have this Sony CRT which I don't need anymore and maybe one of you wants it for a low price (I don't really care about the money, just want to get rid of it asap). Dunno about shipping fees. :O

At the first glimpse, the BenQ seems decent, quality-wise. The stand is not wobbly at all! So long, have some ass:
4317 Hits
Train bombing in Germany (204 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 01:53 CST, 19 November 2010 - iMsg
Anarchy on the DB.

30848 Hits
Most Epic VCR collection, EVER! (13 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 22:14 CDT, 28 October 2010 - iMsg

THAT guy should get his own show. I don't know what's funnier. His incredibly well designed haircut, the way he speaks english with his finnish accent, his awesome video skills, the score he used (Terminator, Star Wars, blah blah) OR the plain fact he's made an eight minute video about his VCR collection?

He is sooo dope!
3918 Hits
To our dutch friends (5 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 07:18 CDT, 14 October 2010 - iMsg
Thanks for this show / movie ;)

New Kids - Turbo!!!
Edited by unihumi at 08:40 CDT, 14 October 2010 - 2170 Hits
Carrera was yesterday (1 comment)
Posted by unihumi @ 00:30 CDT, 6 August 2010 - iMsg

His racing seat even tilts as he moves around the corners. How cool is that? :D
1246 Hits
Blip Festival Scandinavia (5 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 04:49 CDT, 19 July 2010 - iMsg
• September 17-18, 2010 •
• Bringing two nights of low-bit mayhem back to Platform 4 •
• Aalborg, Denmark •

Any of the ESR folks enjoying the classic sound of 8 bit chips as well? :)
Edited by unHuman at 04:49 CDT, 19 July 2010 - 5173 Hits
Fall of the Repulic (41 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 08:52 CDT, 23 March 2010 - iMsg

Anyone seen this? Is it any good or just the same shit as Zeitgeist?

5399 Hits
Thank you ESL (95 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 10:59 CST, 7 March 2010 - iMsg
Alright, the finals are over, VODs are up, comments are still beeing made and we're all looking forward to the next major LAN event.

I was at the venue on friday and saturday. So I booked a room in Hannover to make sure to watch all the playoffs matches live on stage.

The disappointment was huge, while sitting in the front row for about an hour and watching CS to hold on to a good seat when the playoffs are starting and eventually finding out NONE of the promised matches are beeing played on the stage. So me and my friend walked over to the area where all the pros were playing to find out the ifs and whys. Chance told me the mood (of the players) wasn't the best either and after someone asked Carmac what's up he couldn't seem to give straight answers either. I assume he wasn't happy hisself, so probably some organizers must have screwed up the schedule or Intel called and told Carmac the CS.Female tourney attracts more viewers than unshaved Quake players. But who knows...

So on friday we (some ESRers and random n00bs) were watching the Quake matches from behind the players' backs, which wasn't too bad either, since we could talk to them directly. To my surprise Chance turned out to be quite the nice guy :) He talked to us just as if we're one of his team mates. Thumbs up for this guy!!! [+]

The last relegation matches were over quite quickly and eventually Carmac promised us that EVERY SINGLE MATCH of tomorrow would be shown on the main stage. After that promise me and nBk went off the venue into the next bar to kill the time until tomorrow...


On saturday we (becks, nBk, kan1, TronicGgG, Anarki320, memento mori, his girlfriend (whose name I forgot) and some others maybe???) were at the stage ON time to secure the first row :)

I brought a big notebook and a highlighter and made signs like these:

becks told 2GD about our little "ESReality meet" sign and you can see us at this VOD at around 05:00 ( (there's a picture as well: and here: (later on I made it on screen while holding up my favourite sign: ^^)

During the av3k vs Cooller match the hall became more and more crowded. And by the second semi final match (Cypher vs rapha) there was no more seat empty and the people began to sit down in front of the stage. But only a few of them. Most of them were standing.

With the Grand Final coming up the entire hall was about to explode every second. The problem was, that between the seats and the big stage there was a huge hallway separating these two from each other. That lead into us (and a dozen more rows behind us as well) not beeing able to see the big screens anymore. We got really annoyed and told everyone in front of us to bugger off. That didn't help much, as one can imagine (Keep in mind that there were thousands and thousands of people...). We told 2GD a few times to tell them via the stream to have a seat, but I guess most of them didn't really get what Jay tried to tell them, because of lack of english knowlege :(

But then there was a man. A little man, who ran like a maniac through the masses for quite some time to tell EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM to have a seat (please). To everyone's surprise after less than 60 seconds ALL OF THEM were sitting down and the mood changed quickly to a "there's something huge gonna happen very soon, so be quiet, sit down and enjoy"-feeling.

That man was no less than Chance Lacina! Thank you very, very much for that, Chance! You do have your very own fanclub now!

The final was awesome. I was cheering for Cooller, but applauded for every good frag (of course). I haven't been to alot of LAN events, but this saturday final matches and Joe & Jay AND the huge crowd was just an awesome feeling. It felt so intense when everyone was "wowing" when Cooller made the last frags on dm13. It gave me goose bumps when rapha held up the trophy, surrounded by a thunderstorm of flashing cameras. Yeah, it was pretty cool, if you don't mention the fucked up friday, some technical problems, lame noobs running around in front of the seats during matches and these shitty tech talks (yeah, I know it's the sponsor 'n shit).

Thanks Carmac for bringing us Quake.
Thanks Chance for beeing a nice guy and rescuing the final!
Thanks neok for charging my phone.
Thanks becks for the Beck's ;)
Thanks id-software for the game.

/e: and of course, thanks to the tournament admins (especially xou and rondrian) ;)
/e2: thanks 2GD for the shirt :D
Edited by unHuman at 16:53 CST, 7 March 2010 - 36874 Hits
Nintendo Cereals for $200 (4 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 04:57 CST, 24 February 2010 - iMsg
Introducing a winning combination for breakfast.

Nintendo is for breakfast now. Nintendo is two cereals in one. Wow! Super Mario Bros. and Zelda, too. Mix 'em, match 'em, crunch 'em, you just can't lose!

Fruit-flavored Marios, Mushrooms and Goombas. Berry-flavored Links, Hearts and Shields. Nintendo is breakfast news!

Nintendo Cereal System. If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em!

And if yor're lucky, you can win an original Nintendo Entertainment System!
4288 Hits
This guy just hacked (31 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 01:39 CST, 9 February 2010 - iMsg
By now this little twat might be the enemy of the state #1

Just a matter of time before he tracks ESReality users as well.
8178 Hits
True 3D sound (23 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 06:49 CST, 28 January 2010 - iMsg
sounds like this guy is really shaking the matchbox around my head. I'd love having that for Quake!
(this is how it works:

Edited by unHuman at 13:13 CST, 28 January 2010 - 4064 Hits
Looking for a typing space shooter (6 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 02:31 CST, 11 December 2009 - iMsg
Alright, ESR guys, I'm looking for some kind of typing scrolling space shooter.

Basically you had your space ship at the bottom of the screen. All the enemies coming from the top had some words (or even chains) attached to their vessels. Your ship was manouvering on its own and all you had to do was typing in the enemies' words as quick as possible to let your ship shoot them up.

I think it was a shareware game, but I'm not sure. It was very colorful and maybe too much for epileptics. Any help appreciated.

I tried googling for an hour so far. Keywords I've tried were: typing, space, shooter, shareware, game. No luck so far :(

/e: It was NOT a browser game.
Edited by unHuman at 02:38 CST, 11 December 2009 - 1941 Hits
RAGE probably without dedicated servers (14 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 07:01 CST, 6 November 2009 - iMsg
In an interview with Variety John Carmack said, there are no plans for dedicated servers yet.

It’s not cast in stone yet, but at this point no, we don’t think we will have dedicated servers

After Infinity Ward's decision for MW2 it's now id software who thinks "the servers are something of a remnant of the early days of PC gaming."

Maybe RAGE isn't going to become an interesting multiplayer game (for us ESRers) anyways, but it shows how developers and publishers think about that topic.
Edited by unHuman at 07:08 CST, 6 November 2009 - 2825 Hits
Dead Before Dawn - A Left 4 Dead Campaig (6 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 09:13 CST, 1 November 2009 - iMsg
After a zillion of years in development it's finally done.

Get the file from here:;Itemid=15
3820 Hits
Awards ingame in real time? (23 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 21:45 CDT, 31 October 2009 - iMsg
I had a conversation with a friend of mine about what could be done to Quake Live to make it less frustrating to newcomers, or to be precise: To make it more attractive to keep on playing even though you're losing most of the time.

I thought awarding the achievements ingame right away as they've been accomplished would be more rewarding to the newbies as they get a quick motivation burst -- I've 'stolen' the idea from CoD4, where the players get their achievements instantly after they've met the required condition.

Edited by unHuman at 09:25 CST, 1 November 2009 - 6026 Hits
8-bit trip (15 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 10:49 CDT, 24 August 2009 - iMsg
Dunno how to embed youtube-videos, but you know how to click links, I suppose...

Anyone here listening to 8-bit?
3801 Hits
f33l by KOS (205 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 09:49 CDT, 29 July 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.6 (96 votes)
The new Defrag movie by KOS, feel, is out now. Featuring w3sp only, all the runs (cpm and vq3) are world records. It is meant to be the sequel to w3sp strafes, but he merely changed the name.

Creator: KOS
Game: Quake 3 Arena
Type: Trick-Stunt
Length: 15m21s
Size: 1.06 GB
Resolution: 1440x900
Codec: x264/XviD

Edited by xou at 12:29 CDT, 29 July 2009 - 73361 Hits
3D videos on (17 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 05:12 CDT, 24 July 2009 - iMsg

Choose "Cross-Eyed" in the drop down menu (just below the video) and bring it up to fullscreen. Then all you gotta do is cross your eyes until both the left and right video meet just in the middle. At first the video seems blurred, but just practice a bit and you'll see it in 3D!!! It works!
3867 Hits
Quake Live - Spring League Final tonight (2 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 04:37 CDT, 1 July 2009 - iMsg
The Spring League for Quake Live is coming to a close with the final between the two strongest players. United Kingdom HELL from the United Kingdom takes on Germany smoke from Germany in a best of three match that is going to determine the winner of the Quake Live Spring League.

The match is gonna kick off at 13:00 CDT, 1 July 2009

Link to the broadcast details
Edited by unHuman at 04:38 CDT, 1 July 2009 - 1486 Hits
WoW kid's account got deleted by his mum (12 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 04:25 CDT, 24 June 2009 - iMsg
... and is totally losing it.

Looks fake to me, but is still pretty funny :D
Edited by unHuman at 04:32 CDT, 24 June 2009 - 13046 Hits
THE PC Game Gun (now wireless) (10 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 03:19 CDT, 24 June 2009 - iMsg
Alright, some redneck has been to the future, ripped off microsoft's new gaming peripheral and can get away with wearing pyjamas now while showing off on youtube. :)

So this guy made the Game Gun:

But "due to popular demand" (^^) he made it wireless:

(Did I mention it's wireless now?)

His website
3842 Hits
The French did it again :) (48 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 05:03 CDT, 14 May 2009 - iMsg

Me likes! But what the heck does it mean? Anyone care to translate?
6256 Hits
Diamondback 3G or Deathadder? (4 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 17:06 CDT, 9 March 2009 - iMsg
Alright folks, my beloved Diamondback mouse has eaten its last cheese :(
Well, not really, but the wire has a loose connection and after 4 or 5 years it is time to let go (*crying*).

So I'm thinking of buying the Deathadder, as some of my mates already recommended it. But I figured there's a "3G" version of the Diamondback, a 'newer' edition so to speak. Does anyone have any experiences with the Diamondback 3G? Should I buy the Deathadder?

Thanks for your helpful answers :)
2286 Hits
Rebellion - New Trailer (7 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 08:27 CST, 11 January 2009 - iMsg
The guys from "Tritin Films" just released a new trailer.

The movie is gonna hit out screens this year!
For more dev-pics 'n stuff head over to the forums of
Edited by Nicky at 23:04 CST, 15 January 2009 - 2821 Hits
44023 Hits
Interview with strenx (118 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 12:32 CST, 9 December 2008 - iMsg
German eSport site talked with France Kevin "strenx" Baeza after his last Dreamhack attendance, where he surprisingly placed second behind the polish power house Poland Maciej "av3k" Krzykowski after defeating team mate Sweden Sebastian "Spart1e" Siira with a solid RG of about 45 % and his uproar with a devastating shaft of 40,75 % on Sweden Magnus "Fox" Olsson.

But who is this young 17 year old guy who comes from Angers in France? fragster was asking:

Are you pursuing a certain goal, which you want to achieve? Have you got an idol? (Maybe St_Germain?)

strenx: I’m just playing for fun *laughs*, but of course I'm trying my best. My idol was fox when I was younger and I can't say he isn't it anymore. Actually I really played with St_Germain from time to time when I was very very young *laughs*.

Read the full interview (Germany version) and get an insight of his stats on how he played Dreamhack.
Edited by spyteman at 06:26 CST, 11 December 2008 - 63177 Hits
Monkey_Business got married... (48 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 07:11 CST, 21 November 2008 - iMsg
and look what beauty he managed to get.

Quotes from him:
I finally did it, married my girlfriend of 5 years. She means the world to me, I cant believe what a lucky guy I am. I never thought I would find true love, but now that I have my life is complete. Here are the pictures from out ceremony.

I tell you guys, that night was amazing, I am truly happy that I waited until marriage to lose my virginity.

Edited by unHuman at 07:12 CST, 21 November 2008 - 8966 Hits
La Brute - 2D online fighting RPG game (6 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 05:51 CST, 12 November 2008 - iMsg

Tho it's all in french, it is pretty much easy to understand.

You just click the link above, create your Character and fight vs mine. After that you can go to your "restroom" (which will be available under and start fighting again versus other guys. At first you can fight 6 times, after that 3 times a day. With every fight you do you earn at least 1 EXP (2 EXP when victorious). Later on you get weapons and critters who help you defeating your opponent.

It's a nice time filler when you're bored at work or so. :P

EDIT: You can invite/challenge others by sending them YOUR link (
Edited by unHuman at 07:16 CST, 12 November 2008 - 2606 Hits
Psycho Cat (30 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 04:39 CDT, 16 September 2008 - iMsg
This cat is just hilarious. At first I thought: "ah no... not another cat video -_-"
But this one made me crack up :D

EDIT: Boring day at work :P
Edited by unHuman at 04:40 CDT, 16 September 2008 - 5816 Hits
wtf, a penis slide??? (12 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 04:15 CDT, 10 September 2008 - iMsg

That is just sooo wrong (but funny too) :P
5256 Hits
Ubiquity (9 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 11:07 CDT, 2 September 2008 - iMsg
Anyone heard about Mozilla's "Ubiquity" yet?
Then take a look:

(scroll down and watch the video)
3598 Hits
this guy CAN'T be serious, can he? (5 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 15:49 CDT, 21 August 2008 - iMsg
C'mon guys... tell me it's a fake. I seriously can't believe there are people who are THAT stupid!!!

€: If it's a pisstake, it surely is funny :P
Edited by unHuman at 15:50 CDT, 21 August 2008 - 2394 Hits
Signs that won't make you go to church (7 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 02:40 CDT, 5 August 2008 - iMsg
Stumbled across this link here and thought you might find it hilarious as well :P
3408 Hits
Bid for Power 3.0 Final (6 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 03:51 CDT, 31 July 2008 - iMsg
I don't know if you guys know about the new release already, but I just found out and I'm more than surprised that it was STILL in development.

If you haven't heard of "Bid for Power" yet,

So it's basically a Dragonball fighting game based on the id tech 3.

- official site
- youtube-video
Edited by unHuman at 03:51 CDT, 31 July 2008 - 5372 Hits
Edited by unHuman at 04:48 CDT, 25 July 2008 - 2884 Hits
Sarkozy at G8 (9 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 08:37 CDT, 18 July 2008 - iMsg

What's wrong with him. He seems totally pissed. Anyone care to translate?

Thanks in advance :)
5427 Hits
Where's Nicky? (28 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 06:53 CDT, 2 July 2008 - iMsg
What the heck happend to Nicky? I haven't seen or read anything from her in weeks. Is she on holidays?
8048 Hits launched (stage6-alternative) (4 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 08:17 CDT, 22 June 2008 - iMsg
Starting today is now open to public. Though there's still lots to do, the site itself is working fine already. Which means you(/we) can start uploading quake-movies and alikes ;)

So spread the word and hopefully the site is going to be a success in terms of quality, speed and features.
Edited by unHuman at 08:18 CDT, 22 June 2008 - 1649 Hits
Hardest Mario-Clone ever: SHOBON (18 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 15:17 CDT, 11 June 2008 - iMsg

Maybe you guys know it already.
This game isn't only funny, but frustrating as hell as well.

Take a look!
6970 Hits
id software leaves ESA (7 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 07:07 CDT, 26 May 2008 - iMsg
With the recently published list of lost members of the American Entertainment Software Association id software now joins in as well.

After Blizzard, Activision and LucasArts id software now is the fourth developer of the originally 28 software procuers who left the ESA. id itself hasn't confirmed their quitting yet, but rumours have it that more ESA-members are likely to leave.

With that beeing said, Americas largest electronic and gaming exhibition, the , now has lost yet another great attraction.

ESA's Rich Taylor:
We can confirm that id Software has decided not to renew its membership in the ESA. We admire their creativity and innovation. We also respect their decision.

The ESA continues to lead the thriving video and computer game industry. We are dedicated to protecting intellectual property, preserving First Amendment rights and fostering a beneficial environment for the entire entertainment software industry.

Edited by unHuman at 07:42 CDT, 26 May 2008 - 2826 Hits
techradar interviews Fatal1ty (7 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 04:29 CDT, 19 May 2008 - iMsg
I know, it's nothing really new. But some of you might find it an interesting read.

United States of America Jonathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel:
“Right now I’m waiting for the right tournament and the right game to come back and play...
I don’t think there are any games that are right for me, right now. To want to jump back in competitively I need the right game and I don’t think that game is there."

Head over to to read the entire interview!
4392 Hits
k1llsen -vs- slain3 (22 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 05:28 CDT, 20 April 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: MVD
Version info: CPMA 1.45
How to play back Q3 demos

ESWC German Final

Germany k1llsen vs Germany Slain3

There were only three participants in the German final, due to lack of interest and (according to players) bad organisation. Attendees were diablo, k1llsen and Slain3.

Edited by unHuman at 05:31 CDT, 20 April 2008 - 4767 Hits
arQon about the modding-scene - Part 1+2 (220 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 07:34 CST, 5 March 2008 - iMsg
In a recent interview with the German gaming-site England Kevin 'arQon' Blenkinsopp talked about the modding-scene, his current work-ons and plans.

Here's an excerpt:
eGames: When you look at the modding-scene today, how would you describe it in just three words?
arQon: Bunch of idiots. Modding is utterly thankless work that basically only has two outcomes: you fail; or you 'succeed' and then have to deal with a crowd that demands everything, gives you nothing in return, and generally treats you like shit while reaping the fruits of your time and effort. I'd call it 'voluntary slavery', except that slaves at least got food and housing, and less abuse. Just to be even more insulting, if you create something wildly popular, companies like Epic will simply copy it without so much as a credit and try to pass it off as their own idea.
You can find the first part of the interview here.
It's been split into three parts and the other ones are coming very soon.

Here's the second part of the interview. This time I left it unedited, except for the paragraphs. Along with the third part I'll release the original and unedited transcript as text-file.

Second part (
First part (
Edited by unHuman at 09:52 CST, 7 March 2008 - 88321 Hits
Stage6 to shut down (47 comments)
Posted by unihumi @ 07:20 CST, 25 February 2008 - iMsg is going to cease their service:

Come on guys, let's collect some money for them! :)
Edited by unHuman at 07:22 CST, 25 February 2008 - 9372 Hits
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