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BitShares PLAY Game Tournament (25 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 15:48 CST, 5 November 2014 - iMsg
This is your chance chums!

Sign up and vote for Quake Live on this poll right here, and you might see some serious money flowing into a QL tournament hosted by BitShares.

BitShares is currently fourth place among all the cryptocurrencies, right between Litecoin and Dogecoin. If they fund a QL tournament they will defer decisions to me as I have been with them since the beginning.

This leaves us with a great opportunity to create a kick-ass online tournament, but I will be powerless unless there is genuine interest here, as for them this is ultimately just another marketing stunt.
Edited by CLains at 15:56 CST, 5 November 2014 - 16908 Hits
AI Game Bots Pass Turing Test (15 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 09:28 CDT, 27 September 2012 - iMsg
The competition was sponsored by 2K Games and was set inside the virtual world of “Unreal Tournament 2004,” a first-person shooter video game.

The winning bots both achieved a humanness rating of 52 percent. Human players received an average humanness rating of only 40 percent. The two winning teams will split the $7,000 first prize.

“People tend to tenaciously pursue specific opponents without regard for optimality,” said Schrum. “When humans have a grudge, they’ll chase after an enemy even when it’s not in their interests. We can mimic that behavior.”

See here for the aritcle. And here for video content.
Edited by CLains at 12:20 CDT, 29 September 2012 - 5487 Hits
Consciousness (231 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 15:11 CDT, 29 March 2012 - iMsg
*Updated* Argument

Premise 0: A minimal conscious experience cannot be decomposed.

Premise 1: A minimal conscious experience is produced by a physical process taking some time.

Premise 2: Two identical physical states can have a different past.

A) From 0, 1 and 2: No present state of a physical system is alone sufficient to determine a minimal conscious experience.

B) From A: The minimal conscious experience depends on what happened in the past.

C) From premise 2 and A: Two identical physical states can be implicated in different minimal conscious experiences.
Edited by CLains at 18:33 CDT, 1 April 2012 - 16660 Hits
2012 OPTIMISM (65 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 00:39 CST, 17 January 2012 - iMsg
Ok, so i watched this video, with the quote

"dirt is all around us, everything is shit. we apply meaning, value, and worth to the shit surrounding us. we live by this meaning, and by our words, we live by worth and apply value - but everything is shit."

and this rant below just came out of me. It's not about reacting to that piece in particular, but in reacting to our culture that allows an applause for that kind of thing in general. We'd want to compartmentalize this issue to departments of art and aesthetics, but some of these only offer us the most pure expression of something quite pervasive. My rant is less an opposition as hint of the possibilities now facing us. I didn't want to clutter this wonderful thread, so I post it here instead. I'd want to do an essay about this sometime, but I have no time atm. I put the tl;dr version first:


The truth of objectivity is again becoming fashionable,
and this time, we are no longer concerned
with saving the ineffable. Thus, we include
art, religion, consciousness, and whatever else
in our scope, and can with scientific certainty say
"FUCK YOU" to people like the one in the video.


I love how people were so concerned about saving value, but how was that even possible without saving some kind of objectivity first? When you see people like that, you even suspect that they did not even want to save value; they just want to debase themselves, like the guy in the tub of shit [in that thread] here.

And then the snappy minimalist objectivist people of this time, who think that current science is sufficient with its pragmatic and utilitarian focus. and yet by reducing objective things like subjective experience, to things we have currently understood, they leave this giant room for all kinds of nonsense to creep in.

(they forget that wittgensteins dictum "whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent" was motivated both by the arrogance to think that the problems he could not solve, could not be solved, and in addition a desire to save his spiritual christian side from analytic analysis in the way kirkegaard did. thus, even in this material-positivistic heart, before his talk of linguistic relativism, where notions of language-games figured, he was already concerned with saving the ineffable.)

SO I SAY, FUCK THAT. we can do better than this crude reductionism, and for those who can see the signs, we are currently doing just that! the pockets of awesomeness do exist. :D


Has anyone seen the new theories of whole brain theory? The theories of consciousness? The speculative materialists? The books on presenting visual complexity? The info-theoretical versions of evolution? The new theory of causality? The theory of intelligence and optimal AI? The theories of beauty? The optimism of the new composers? Even to the point of reappropriating religious imagery? Theories of what religion is, at heart?

And these are ALL non-reductive theories. They focus on emergent phenomena. Whole brain theory focus on "Free Energy," theory of consciousness on "Integrated Information," info-theoretical versions of evolution define creativity mathematically, theory of causality is not reduced to correlation, theories of intelligence uses "hierarchy of sequences of sequences," (or in the case of AIXI...) theories of beauty use "compression to minimum description length" (or in the case of ramachandran...) list goes on and on..

It is not about whether these particular theories are correct or not. The point is that we are realizing that non-reductive explanatory formal theories of general things that were previously considered subjective, ineffable, impossible to analyze etc. are now becoming a real possibility.

The great thing is, when you take all of these possibilities combined, the room for the spooky ineffable, elusive "x" of love, religion, consciousness, creativity in evolution, art, disappears. Explaining it is gradually seen to be just another (hard) problem.

You want to be proud of your lack of religion? Don't be skeptical. Don't be oppositional. Figure out more stuff. Understand new things. Move the fuck forward. Everything is becoming possible now. Become like gods. Explain everything. Shy from nothing.
Edited by CLains at 01:05 CST, 17 January 2012 - 20261 Hits
Future success of Fast Paced FPS? (24 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 21:00 CDT, 10 August 2011 - iMsg
Take a hard look at this for a moment and stop the quibbles. As I understand it, it will keep growing quickly towards 5 billion around 2025.

If we specify Fast Paced FPS (FPFPS) as some quake, unreal, painkiller, or warsow like game played with keyboard and mouse, what potential does the future hold?

Given the expansion of the market, is it possible to imagine some future scenario where an FPFPS will capture some millions of online gamers?

Once upon a time it was possible to imagine Quake Live catching fire. That it would spread like Minecraft or Fred. Sadly, this is no longer possible. And in hindsight this thought was possibly stupid.

What does Painkiller, Warsow and Quake Live lack to capture a huge mass of people? Is this lack inherent to FPFPS as we know and love them, or can they be overcome? Again, no quibbles!

So, what does the future hold? Is there a place for FPFPS as we build momentum towards 2012 and 2025? What would it have to look like, what kind of numbers are we looking at?

-------------- From what I can tell with my shady stats

The closest we get atm for a FPFPS, is Team Fortress 2, topping steam with around 70k players online simultaneously.

In comparison, steam lists CS with 50k, with an additional 50k in CS: Source. However this, which seems more accurate, lists CS alone with 180k players.

If we add up the three most popular FPS games 180+50+70 we get 300k. SC2 seems to have around 500k "on" when i log in. Doesn't seem to be an impossible difference here, in terms of popularity, from SC2 to FPS to FPFPS.

-------------- Edited from reading comments

The first comment already strikes at an essential point; Anonymous says, "[it] really depends on what kind of input/controllers the next generation of consoles and/or tablets will have." What is the best we can hope for on a console? Do any of them have the requisite inputsensitivity to guide even a compromised FPFPS?

In addition, T1E pointed out that "people on the internet = ios, android, netbook, notebook, console, tv, fridge, ... , pc" This is very true. The stats point the way:

"The number of mobile subscribers will increase by 85 percent each year for 3G, WiMAX and other higher-speed data networking technologies. There were 257 million subscribers in the second quarter of 2009. There will be 2.5 billion by 2014."

One might wonder then, how fast will the old setup grow? Will it die?

A subquestion; if the old setup is stagnating, and typical small-scale mobile devices seem impossible for any FPFPS, it would be interesting to know how fast the intermediate devices are growing too - the next-gen consoles, large tablets, uh, (notebooks?).. and whether these can support a reasonable FPFPS.
Edited by CLains at 11:19 CDT, 12 August 2011 - 8910 Hits
watson on jeopardy (27 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 08:42 CST, 16 February 2011 - iMsg
Watson, the biggest step towards androids since BigDog and Asimo?
7685 Hits
Posted by CLains @ 02:16 CST, 30 November 2010 - iMsg
Stand back you guyz. I got this epic idea just now.

I can taste it with my imagination, yo. It's really good. But this is science! We must put our theory to the test. Luckily I have just the right kind of over-salted pepperoni-pizza in my fridge that will do perfectly. Now I just need the right kind of mashed potato consistency, and victory will be mine. *jumps into experiment*
7123 Hits
Oh you journal you, temptress! (195 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 20:13 CST, 10 December 2009 - iMsg
Hello esr,

Faithful to the tradition * of me being a semi-troll everytime i think of doing or saying something i find worthwhile, and faithful to the act of making a journal every now and then for no apparent reason, here's "stuff my esr journal is asking me for" (obviously no one else is asking me for it, so).

Some wise preliminary comments from the past, 2006 hollar!

Stuff i've been doing (disclaimer; sounds as boring as it is)

Since last time i've completed my bachelor in philosophy, got a girlfriend, and started my bachelor in physics. Moved in with a friend. Brother got a baby.

I'm trying to learn the piano. Trying to read a lot. Considering dancing. I've always been too shy to dance. Recently been attacked by choreography in dreams and daydreams. Maybe a sign to try.

Got this obsessive relationship with words lately. Trying to pin down the feelings that arise every now and then. In addition, i think, by doing a lot of math i become claustrophobic of system and rules and have to compensate by "breaking free" through words.

Just finnished my exams. Worked part-time at an activity-school for children this semester. Good job; but my knowledge of math being like swiss cheese, it was perhaps not the best idea. At least now i have enough money for a while.

Surrounded by children for a good three months really gave me some perspective. It was actually at this point; combining a new relationship, playing with children, and studying math - that i really came to understand Omar Rodriguez's music. It felt like it was the only realistic music at the time - a time when reality was larger than my ability to put it into a scheme. This was my theme. (warning! abrupt soundlevel-changes)

(This also made me appreciate "Donna Haraway". She's _apperently_ another "postmodern" crazy all-over-the place pseudo-philosopher. Anyway, if you're interested in "overmodern" philosophy, here's a video.)

I now know what growing up feels like: It feels like the crystalized stress and stiffness a few days of caffeine will inflict on you.. At least i've become this much wiser.

Been trying to get to know my own language (Norwegian) a little better. Found this guy named "Dag Solstad". Interesting to see a (contemporary) master of my native language in writing. In the papers now, the journalists - suddenly - soolame. It's a healthy perspective.

Doesn't seem like the singularity is upon us quite yet! Kurzweil and his doomsday-sign is largely ignored. They did open a "university" though. And in all fairness they have been gaining some ground. Only not as.. exponentially.. x)

Music I like (this too)

What else.. Right now i'm listening to glitch, idm.. I've taken my ambient and psychedelic tastes in the direction of Aphex Twin and Squarepusher. I mean; this and this (with somewhat interesting videos).

Also shifting between this guy Omar Rodriguez (saw him live now just a few weeks ago! :D) and Arvo Pärt as odd ones (especially to eachother) out of my little music-world.

I guess Arvo Pärt you'll have to discover on your own; but I can't imagine anyone with the tiniest religious sentiment being dissapointed by his album "Tabula Rasa".

As for Omar Rodriguez; Let me point out a few songs - maybe one of them will click.

http://omardigital.rodriguezlopezproductions....e-los-ojos <3




http://omardigital.rodriguezlopezproductions....-del-cielo (Omar singing - xD) ! newnew :}

Conclusion (this is fucking awesome, though)

I essentially always fall into trying to give people the experience i've gotten from music i like when i'm most intent upon communicating whatever it is that i want people to know. (Voices in my head: "And what is that, sir?" "Does it all boil down to music then, sir?")

And i always seem to write these journals around my exams! Always this angst after completing THE TEST, you know. Even right before i take it i already get that feeling; it's like you feel - now what? ...

Now I will go re-see Inland Empire.

Only two movies have given me this instant, grand, oneword-description;

2046 - "Masterpiece"
Inland Empire - "Momentous."

Unscientific last words: Though times are achanging', people think they are-a stayin the same ;)

Stuff (don't ask me)

Like the day points to work and active mind, the night points to reflection and wonder. The end of the semester is like an evning, where thoughts have time to gather and swirl around unhindered by schedule and work.

Quake servers are a strange "culture", in a way. But the same kind of parimeters always rule behavior; the circumstance is so overarching, one has to kind of submit.

("then submit!!")

I will! just let me finnish my thought!! So you have to kind of break through the.. and then, like in the plays and movies you get that - breaking the fourth wall.. But what's the point of that? Living on that edge? Kinda looking in and out at the same time? I don't know..

Metaliving, and always that one eye to an outside. How can this be, though? This objective eye! Who wants it? It's paralyzing.

"So become a great actor!"

But actors are crazy! They say crazy things just because they know they can keep a straight face.

"you know, the greatest actor is the *preformer*"

Well! Hmm! Okay.. Maybe. I'll think about it.
Edited by CPL at 00:00 CST, 11 December 2009 - 44248 Hits
journal without content is contentless (35 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 17:50 CST, 27 January 2008 - iMsg
Error: post_content too short (<1) ()
Edited by CPLains at 09:18 CST, 28 January 2008 - 8388 Hits
Holy shit (172 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 11:58 CST, 17 January 2008 - iMsg
It's 2008, i'm soon 21 and still no sign of intelligent robots! what's going on!?

In other news, I have a course in philosophy of consciousness, and besides all the shattering news for all dualists and the awesome insights into the self and free will (the lack of them); i found someone mentioning something (hopefully) relevant to your interests; namely the fact that voluntary movement operate with 8-12 hz in the muscles..

Quite strange? I mean.. 10 adjustments a second, a natural 0.1 sec rythmic delay when moving the mouse :o

Also.. After youtube came godtube and jewtube; now, another similiar niche-tube albeit not suffixed -tube has come about - ! the place for ideas to enter the public sphere by text, audio or video format; with big names such as Steven Pinker, Hirsi Ali, Moby, and many more's initial contribution, this is promising to be a huge success! (or not)

Anyways, if you're interested in ideas or learning stuff, check out (has link to beyondbelief2, and an interview with Rodolfo Llinas who has written the book "i of the vortex" i took the info about the muscles from), and

In conclusion; truth is equated with science and science with utility, god is dead and we think in dt!
Edited by CPLains at 10:24 CST, 22 January 2008 - 51913 Hits
journal is journaly (41 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 05:20 CST, 28 November 2007 - iMsg
Just noticed that my last journal entry was right before exams last year, which is a coincidence as i have my exams now soon! 3/4. (not really a coincidence - i'm "self-handicapping" as the psychologists say)

So lets see, what did i write last time? Ah, yes. (god help me i'm mirroring twk... and abbreviating his nick.. and ranting.. sigh)

"Now i will try to utilize my fatal1tyish-schedule to prepare for the upcoming exams"

*plays rockymusic* (actually Händel<3)

Uhm, for you guys who don't care but still have time to spare;

deleted southparkscene
singularity summit 2007 video/audio/transcripts
docu involving Gödel and Turing
top100 comedians
Edited by CPLains at 23:23 CST, 28 November 2007 - 7865 Hits
examsss (19 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 04:31 CDT, 13 May 2007 - iMsg
Hmm, i wonder if i gained some practicing skill from participating in gaming competitions. Now i will try to utilize my fatal1tyish-schedule to prepare for the upcoming exams, 21, 23 and 25th! I'll even do a (private) log!

*plays rockymusic*
5871 Hits
new years resolution (125 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 17:02 CST, 1 January 2007 - iMsg
i've no idea. perhaps studying more systematically..

question for plus: what's the hip new thing to commit oneself to this year?

bullshit to journalize:
been skiing at geilo. was fun. went fast. wee.
read brave new world. was nice; interesting - cool.
been with family. was comforting yet tedious; chilled boredom.
Edited by CPLains at 09:06 CST, 4 January 2007 - 37477 Hits
døgne (24 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 11:53 CST, 29 November 2006 - iMsg
..means to stay up the night, or 24 hours or whatever.

it is quite the pain actually, been up since yesterday - wrote that 10-page exam tonight that was due today at 14:00, delivered it and then helped my mate carry some 1337 stereo for his little home-cinema project (just keep spendin' there maty). So now i've finally come home, and ready to go to bed..

But guess what. I've another exam tomorrow that involves all the super superficial philosophy-books which i didn't bother to read all that much. Sooo.. lets see.. i msg a few friends of mine telling me to call me early tomorrow and going to set up an extra alarm! In addition i will quit this lame-ass blog-venting, and try to find some shortcut or just check keywords in the dictionary or whatever - wish me GL or BL or whatever \:D/

"w/e! i do what i want!"


Great, i've another 10page moral/ethics shit until tomorrow as well.. that's just great. \o/ oh well.. there's no right and wrong answers in ethics LOL.
Edited by CPLains at 07:15 CST, 30 November 2006 - 3998 Hits
Point of no return (132 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 14:27 CST, 30 October 2006 - iMsg
I've moved all my stuff from my room at home here to the new 16m^2 apartment, and that seem to have been the point of no return. My brother has fetched some old furniture from my old room, and my mom has made the space her own. So I guess that's it. No return, and most likely no online-fps games for quite some time.

Anyways.. check out this article, about religion vs science. I especially like the beginning. This might be a slightly fictional battle, but there seems to be something going on now that i feel especially relate to the mind-body problem.

We've been lead all the way from making the earth round, to making us not even the center of the universe, to being genetically closer to chimp than chim to monkey.. Cracking the mystery of consciousness seems to me to be the ultimate blow against all normal religions, and all this upheaval seems to be in a way affected by that closing in on us.

In addition it seems like some people from the science community are in a way giving in to this problem; from what i've gathered there seems to be less people who take reductionistic aproaches towards consciousness, it's like they would rather aproach problems in a way that leaves a place for irreduceble phenomena. They are caving in. And in some sense they might be right in doing that. There may and may should be some way of making science more open to the humanities. Of course i do not mean caving in as far as to believe in religion, but cave in a way that could perhaps for some fill the gap religion filled for them.. I don't know.

"Science arose from poetry... when times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

dawkins interview from youtube

Any thoughts?
Edited by CPLains at 16:47 CST, 30 October 2006 - 28788 Hits
LEAVING HOME (67 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 19:57 CDT, 21 October 2006 - iMsg
Soo i'm like, ready to fly..


.. nyways, it seems nice, 5-10min walk from uni, training center out the door and reasonably sized (16cm^2) without counting the shared with one(or none?) bathroom and kitchen ^.^

So I guess that's it, gonna do a brain-defrag when I get there and figure out some stuff..

Edited by CPLains at 19:57 CDT, 21 October 2006 - 9619 Hits
New SP out, gogo!+ random blogBSupdate (15 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 13:33 CDT, 13 October 2006 - iMsg
So like yeah.. new southpark episode out for all you conspiracy lolpeople, hahahaha ;D

anyways, media.. still urge people to check this out: the talk from David Deutsch that i saw last was quite cool, didn't know that :oo

and ofcourse: where you can find SP, simpsons, familyguy, w/e ..

So what's up with my philosophy.. Basically, nothing, just chilling now as well, got a few asignments that are due in some weeks on a few pages, nothing too big i guess. Reading "Philosophy of mind" in connection to one of the assignments, which is something i could've read in my spare time, very interesting; presentations of different theories of mind.

Going to move out now shorty, whenever i "got the time": was recently at a lanparty in norway called HW-LAN, where i by the way got about 1200euro for placing first in the q4 competition which "un"-luckily coincided with wsvg, HEHE! Anyways i've "some" work to do now before i apparently move out, omgomgomg.

That's all i guess. (ok well there is this hot chick in my one class that im scared shitless to talk to, since i 'apparently' really like her i guess?)

Ok another thing, if you understand norwegian, maybe you want to see the video-interview that was aired on tv; it's under "sammendrag fra nrk2" "lørdag" about 16:50 .. under "nettsendinger" you can find some matches in there as well with shit english commentary LOL, and shit play from me and some other norwegian players, hehehe ;D

Anyways, going to see this movie now: director of napoleon dynamite, so i don't trust the rating! ;)=
Edited by CPLains at 18:40 CDT, 13 October 2006 - 3842 Hits
Determinism Vs Fatalism - uni-task done. (32 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 19:33 CDT, 23 September 2006 - iMsg
Yay. Finished my 3 page obligatory assignment \o/

There were 3 questions that made my headlines look like this:

Lewis’s concept of counterfactual and how it relates to conditionals

Ayer's point in 'Freedom and Necessity'

Is there a difference between determinism and fatalism?

I wrote it in English as well, i've heard it's allowed and thought I might as well become accustomed to it.. Anyways, anyone wanna chip into some thoughts maybe on the last topic/question there? I'm done writing it but need not deliver until Wednesday so might alter it if i get some interesting replies.

Was kinda though this metaphysics, at least something a bit challenging :D They just threw us into ongoing discussions, flame-wars, about philosophical issues between philosophers.. We got this booklet of articles to read from, quite difficult.. Makes the introductionary philosophy that applies to all a walk in the park tho ;)

What more have i been up to you ask? Well, besides cleaning my room, mowing the lawn, making dinner and washing my own clothes, nothing.. I'm a hero!

Btw; anyone know where to find Dilbert episodes? I only found a 5gig 2season download torrent.. can't wait that long :\
Edited by CPLains at 19:38 CDT, 23 September 2006 - 4861 Hits (26 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 19:58 CDT, 16 September 2006 - iMsg
[02:13:31] ::: Join: (gZONE`Zeth) ([email protected])
[02:14:11] [gZONE`Zeth]: Noen her som vet hvor jeg kan finne top10 listen til norges beste Quake4 lag? (eller kan ramse dem opp til meg priv)

Translated: [gZONE`Zeth]: Anyone know where i can find the top10-list of best norwegian q4-teams? (or can list them in priv)

In total there are about 10 active players in Norway ;D Funny to get some perspective on the community size innit ;)
Edited by CPLains at 19:59 CDT, 16 September 2006 - 10238 Hits
uni life (105 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 22:05 CDT, 3 September 2006 - iMsg
chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllll.. starting a lecture at 16:15, finnishing 18:00 ... just listening to some guy.. hahahaha. sweeet.

have about 5 of those each week and 2 group sessions. bout 20 pages to read to each, altogether takes up a total of 3hours avg. a day ;D


Enough of my euphoria.. And over to what i think about in my spare time.. Heard of Ashkenazi Jews? Supposedly 68% of the working mass in Israel. What's so special about them you ask? Avg. IQ of 112-115..

Now, now, don't be hasty you say? Well, i say the same to you, don't take my word for it, but do read this before any ignorant reply to a factual statment with arguably solid base. Now this i find quite interesting.. What's interesting about this you ask? A mere ~12-15 points above mean.. Well thing is, this corresponds to a sixfold increase in people with IQ above 140, and even higher fold increase the further away from the mean you get. In other words, more possibilities for genius!

Now if you don't think those implications are interesting you might as well, needless to say, stop reading now and spend your time on other things you find interesting, instead of wasting time replying..

Anyone think this has any real world effects? Give me your speculations and thoughts on this ;)
22170 Hits
Easy logic? (72 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 00:10 CDT, 12 August 2006 - iMsg
Which of the following does not belong: a banana, a lemon, an orange and a tennis ball?

There is a good answer.
11330 Hits
Vote on demos (35 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 19:28 CDT, 9 August 2006 - iMsg
Vote on the demos you watch please, would help everyone out; i'm guilty of rarly voting, but i'll start doing it whenever i watch a demo from now on and hope you do the same. Thanks..
11895 Hits
A wise man.. (27 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 14:04 CDT, 3 August 2006 - iMsg
..has foreseen the making of "FRAGGED IN CPLWS2006-- A Q3 MOVIE"

-sick frags
-motion blur
-camtrace 3d

Who's the man pondering this? Someone french perhaps? Step forward, reveal yourself and become famous -- and receive lots and lots of plusses :]

Aggg, somone has to do this, can't wait already.
Edited by son! at 15:24 CDT, 3 August 2006 - 4125 Hits
back back, back from my magical journey (7 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 21:44 CDT, 17 July 2006 - iMsg
Well, it was fun. Diving is quite fun. Been with my family, eaten alot of good food and got my fair share of sun. It was a relaxing (in the "trivial" way) kind of vacation that probably is good for alot of things, among them time away from the computer and spending alot of time with actual people. So yeah, now i'm back, on the internet, browsin' through the updates that has been -- which amounts to quite alot.

It's funny, it feels different at the computer now; i know i'll just gradually glide back into it -- becoming someone else. I remember reading one of my posts on ESR when i was still in Cape Verde, from a local computer, and i remember strongly feeling that the one who wrote that, were someone else.. Never had that before, not like that.

So.. Ok lets see.. I've done about 12 dives with max depth at 35m, and i've taken the "Adventure Diver" PADI course with specialities in "Deep Diving", "Navigation" and "DVP"(underwater "scooter"). Which was pretty cool :))

Sleep time. *drifting back*
2977 Hits
Nitrohigh Holidaytime (3 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 20:21 CDT, 28 June 2006 - iMsg
Wooho, going on my first holiday since I've finished school, for good -- for the first time! <:

Going to Portugal, then further on to Cabo Verde a few days later to scuba-dive a cupple of weeks with my father, older and younger brother, before I finally head back to Portugal a few days again and then back to Norway to prepeare, with increased supermotivation, for wsvg uk, hihihi :D

chillllll.. out. ^.^
1708 Hits
examns (almost) over \o/ (69 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 11:25 CDT, 2 June 2006 - iMsg
sweet, just done with physics, the concluding of the three examns i had this week, with the other two beeing norwegian-writing ones (yeah it's gay, we acctually have two official forms of written norwegian that we have to learn). Now, i only have ORAL examn left, which is pretty gay as well. .. But soon done at least :D

funny how i missed.. 7 worthy news-items, including LC joining tek9 \o/ in ~one day without internet.
also funny is with LC, first time i saw him i had this dejavu, so it seemed like i knew him, altho i had never met him :ooo

i must be a psychic! -- or maybe i'm just periodically chronic-deja-vu'ic :p

and yeah, if any of you.. information should be for everyone, piracy is not a crime people would give me a quick summary of your view on how this supposed information free-float would work societally, economically and technologically, that would be.. great, cuz a friend of mine started talking about how the tendency for piracy would regress, because it is supposedly not "leagal", and that the police are going to inforce the law(?) increasingly. -- this paragraph was not ironical or anything, big + for some nice answers, i find my that my beleif is anything but regress in this respect, but i can't articulate why, it just seems like a devolution of our scociety, which is impossible in my perhaps optimistic naive view?

anyways.. i heard x-men 3 sux ass.. anyone? :D
Edited by CPLains at 12:25 CDT, 2 June 2006 - 13563 Hits
Time running out.. (66 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 17:57 CDT, 21 May 2006 - iMsg
I'm "19" in a few min..

i'll never be 18 again!!1 omg!
14097 Hits
Journal alert! Don't click -_- (No comments)
Posted by CLains @ 15:26 CDT, 9 May 2006 - iMsg

SWEEET.. So funny how these things impose upon us over a short period of time seemingly from a larger perspective, but when acctually experienced you feel like it almost hasn't happened anything at all, know what i mean?

Anyhow, got english test full-day tomorrow.. Lajm and hard work but gets me out early ;)

we had a day of splashing water at eachother today, or soaking eachother rather; "we", the third year graduate(?) students who are going to uni or whatever next year, went for all the other students and the teachers! :D
This had been us *granted* without excessive whining because we label ourselfs RUSS this time around: And people know that the RUSS fools around -- they expect this of us anyways. It was fun, especially since the girls somehow managed to put on white clothing.. hmmm

Anyhow, i cba to explain this tradition. Soo now i will rant about..


Cheese is nice and milky; although i can't digest milk i can still eat cheese since it has somehow managed to exclude the lactose from its internal cheesyness.

now to something completly different: Iv'e been wondering about the relationship between punishment and restraint from future actions. How much does society currently "punish" the prisoners for what they have done? I've come to think of it all as probabilities: You have one guy that commits a crime, since this is "done" you have to keep him away from the rest of scociety until the probability for him not commiting the crime again is low enough (in some kind of economical balance proportion). Anyhow; i thought about this when trying to figure out why threats are not part of free speech, and i came to see it as a violation of the laws through time -- it's like you are probable of commiting a crime in the future; why is that any different than the probability that you just commited a crime? Anyhow, if you got my point, what do you think of the punnish/restraint relationship that is currently used? I think "punishment" itself should be avioded, and only the BS i talked about should apply.

I've been thinking today; and now just recently it has come to my attention that the relation between living in the moment and looking at the big picture is like with anything else -- the golden middle path applies. AGAIN!

Also today i read that the brain has evolved the last 700years or so to increase in size. This was presented as a small note in a science magazine, scoffed away as something unimportant. Ofcourse, anyone who saw this and was not previously locked in some form of thinking immideatly saw that this was most likely because of either a or b. A beeing that humans have evolved in the last 700 years, meaning that people not associated with the culture the experiment was on, might not have evolved as much as they did in that period of time, and that they are less intelligent(i think it is proven IQ correlates with brainsize, i say this reluctantly since i've a relatively small head if you want to know). Anyhow, the second possibility, is that the humans that each day grow up now are influenced from birth with various stimulations that increase the power of their brain, as i touched upon in the last paragraph; and ofcourse by this they increase their brain size (an experiment conducted with people learning how to juggle in adult age, increased size of some areas of the brain, and as children have an even more flexible brain i consider this a very likely possibility.)... I don't know, B seems more likely to me, but what do i know. Perhaps more interesting is that it's just shoved away as something unimportant ;)

"Weather forecast for tonight: dark."
1691 Hits
Proof that we are all stupid T_T (93 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 12:05 CDT, 25 April 2006 - iMsg
You are at a game show and there are three closed doors. There is a prize hidden behind one of the doors and the game show host knows where it is. You are asked to choose a door. The game show host then opens one of the other two doors showing that it is empty and asks you if you would like to change your selection. Should you stick to your original selection?
13195 Hits
Chan-wook Park (54 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 12:37 CDT, 20 April 2006 - iMsg
Awesome directorrrr :D

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

All ace movies about revenge!

Gonna watch Joint Security Area next

Other South-Korean movies worth mentioning (by other directors):

Save the Green Planet!
Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring(not seen yet)
Edited by CPLains at 18:39 GMT, 20th Apr 2006 - 15173 Hits
Haha, southpark :D (11 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 20:16 CDT, 8 April 2006 - iMsg
Sweet, episode 1002, 1003..

can't wait for 1004 now!! :D
3519 Hits
Science and philosophy series/movies (73 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 08:49 CST, 4 March 2006 - iMsg
Suggestions anyone?

Just saw "The Elegant Universe"
Have seen, from what i can remember, "Waking Life" and "What the Bleep do we know!?"
21998 Hits
q4<3 (38 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 20:24 CST, 2 March 2006 - iMsg
[03:22:16] [tek9|CLains] q4<3

Edited by CPLains at 03:13 GMT, 3rd Mar 2006 - 5682 Hits
How about.. (20 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 21:38 CST, 1 March 2006 - iMsg
a feature that lets you see your own, and others, activity based on posts and time? So you'd have like an activity-o-meter and an activity based on time of the day you post most o-meter..

Bah.. i dunno, it's just something i would've found useful now, to review my dayrythm xD
3742 Hits
Populated (4 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 12:30 CST, 27 February 2006 - iMsg
Quite. Innit?

*Listening to Shulman - Random Thoughts* ..But i guess noone knows what that is -- fucking lame population ;)
Edited by CPLains at 18:32 GMT, 27th Feb 2006 - 2848 Hits
UNI (231 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 08:40 CST, 19 February 2006 - iMsg
What to chose?

Theoretical physics or Philosophy? I wanna do both but it's not really possible here, because there are 3 year programs, and after 3 years you have to take two more years to get a degree -- and they are very specialized to the subjects all the way, so i don't think there is much room for choise; at least not since the subjects are so very different. Perhaps i'll just do a year with philosophy to test it out or something, but then again people claim it's different and a million times more boring than they had imagined it to be -_-

But what do you think would be best taking first? I would think philosophy is better to take first because it's like a foundation for everything else you will be learning, but then again perhaps my math/physics brain will just die in the meantime, so when i'm finally going to use it, it's all gone? xD
I dunno, never went without math for extended piriods of time, but if holidays are any indication, it is pretty bad :\

But then again, again, if i take physics, i think it's like 100times easier to get a job; it's not that i chose based on money i will be earning, but if i get a kickass job within physics i could work with it and do philosophy in my sparetime. If i do the same with philosophy i would get a shitty job within it, but would then perhaps have no sparetime to physics because i had less money :\

But then again, again, again, perhaps philosophy in my sparetime would ruin a solid platform that the school could teach me right now? Like with anything i've experienced -- having a teacher when you are beginning to learn something makes the learning not only more rapid, but also sets solid foundations so you don't build your skill up by flaws.

I just don't know, every time i convince myself one way or another, i just convince myself back again the other day :\/\/\

Soo yeah, argz.. Probably have 346634 more agruments, but what i'm probably mainly looking for here, is some input regarding what these subjects really are, cuz i've not had philosophy in school, and i'm not all that sure how phyiscs would be higher up in the system -- nor the attached math anyhow..

commetz welcome <:
91634 Hits
just like in futurama! (36 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 14:08 CST, 13 February 2006 - iMsg
6452 Hits
I love it when.. (36 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 18:12 CST, 11 February 2006 - iMsg
People question my sanity :)
4499 Hits
Oslo>Tokyo (15 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 15:50 CST, 6 February 2006 - iMsg

Old.. I just can't get over it..
3736 Hits
my truble (19 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 10:14 CST, 1 February 2006 - iMsg
I installed my new soundcard and when i switched on the computer, internet was not working, i proceeded to disable enable only to find that internet was ok. But now my msn would not start, i got the 80048820 error and was sendt to the trouble shoter. I've now done everything to try and fix it, the only thing i could not fix was updating the clock automaticly in windows, it couldn't connect to the windows server. Strangely enough one of my games, quake4, stopped working as well, i asume it is because it is trying to reach the master server but cannot. So i have msn, date/time and a game all messing up at the same time -- all the aplications have one thing in common namely trying to connect to some special server they have. Mail is working, internet is working, chat programs are working, even the computer upstairs is working:

Anyone can guess or explain how this internet function i don't the name of could break all of a sudden, or how to fix it?

*edit* ..or both!? :)
Edited by CPLains at 16:15 GMT, 1st Feb 2006 - 3966 Hits
Bill Hicks (45 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 14:34 CST, 25 January 2006 - iMsg
12485 Hits
g5 (22 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 20:45 CST, 21 January 2006 - iMsg

MY fire buttton has started to stop working randomly when i play!!!

4542 Hits
Speed-reading (84 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 13:03 CST, 11 January 2006 - iMsg
Yeah, i've down.. err bought the program, to read faster. Guess what, my mate told me the book i just bought was to be read finnished tomorrow because we have a test: The others have probably written down and dicussed it alot and shit. . I've dodged some school lately x)

Anyways.. Now lets see how well i remeber what i read .. It's 200 pages.. And i guess that's about 5hours? I dunno, but i'll find out soon enough; i'll also soon enough find out wether this speed reading program did me any good.. And these "sunlight" lamps probably has a noticable effect aswell if they work.

Maybe i'll try my "focus" music aswell; but i'm not sure if that works for reading.. So, i'll just listen to my normal music -- ok maybe i'll try it 30min .. Just to check. IS IT NOT interesting?! Yeah, i took a redbull(norwegian copy called battery cuz redbull's illegal) aswell -- that obviouisly works already.

13498 Hits
Strolling (8 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 05:04 CST, 1 January 2006 - iMsg
I was thinking, just now as i was strolling through the forums: How much should i explain myself -- how do i know the ones i'm explaining myself to will understand?

Obviously it's easier to encode than to decipher; so i'm thinking now, right now, maybe i should explain myself better constantly. Writing obscure is cool enough, but not anymore -- as of from last ","

hø hø

Godt Nyttår!
3664 Hits
Skiiii.. (27 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 21:29 CST, 25 December 2005 - iMsg

Gonna pull at least 100km/h! Leaving tomorrow; 1-2 days in the slopes.

Fear not! Your click was not in vain; here is a cool IQ-test

Sleep is due(?).
Edited by CPLains at 03:29 GMT, 26th Dec 2005 - 9172 Hits
SKILLZ (34 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 13:07 CST, 8 December 2005 - iMsg
I was gonna have oral presentation today at 8:15 and i woke up now 20:05 cuz a friend called and asked if i wanna rent a movie.

I went to bed at like .. 3:30 ..

Oh well, probably no problem, just how the hell.. Anyone ever sleep that long for no special reason?
9764 Hits
Waking Life (38 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 13:24 CST, 17 November 2005 - iMsg
LOVED IT <3<3<3

Awesome movie.. Also made me understand the album from shpongle better:

Shpongle - Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost

which is divided into 20 "dreams" :D

Lets see what this relevation can do to my gaming ! ^_^
Edited by CPLains at 22:02 GMT, 17th Nov 2005 - 10146 Hits
Painkiller (27 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 16:37 CST, 13 November 2005 - iMsg
Carmac wrote something

This is not to comment on the article, just got some thoughts out of reading it.

What I think is great about pk, if not anything else, is the visibility of the skill; you can literally see it perfectly clear when a player is "on fire", annoyed, dissapointed or proud. I remeber thinking a year ago that the skill seen in painkiller was the highest reached in gaming yet, and was unsure how much people would improve; yet still people are improving through the roof at each stop, and now that we reached the final stop, the practise is more intense than ever - all the players have their eyes on the money. Noone will slack of this time. I for one can't wait to see what kinda magic they will pull out at the CPL finals in NYC; i'm sure it will be the highest skill level seen to date.

It will mark a new era in gaming; the end of painkiller - the beginning of q4. I hope you all tune into MTV or TSN or whatever.. Even if you are against the game; you should be there to see history in the making. Trust me - it's gonna be great! \o/ :)
Edited by CPLains at 23:54 GMT, 13th Nov 2005 - 11169 Hits
LAgggg (9 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 11:39 CST, 3 November 2005 - iMsg
Esr is laggy..

I come here less often.. cuz of this..

or is it just me?
4331 Hits
PK ISTHESHIT (55 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 18:56 CDT, 27 October 2005 - iMsg
Yes, i made it..

In other news LOL

What is a girl like that draws pictures in black and white of a girl that bleeds out her pupil? She also claims to be a narcissist and an agnostic; her nick in english would be "Different" if Diff was some english girl-name, hehe. She finnishes every sentence with a dot and never typos, never use msn smilies and with caution uses exclamation marks.. She dodges most personal questions, and is certianly not a goth.

That's all.
10451 Hits
I'm bored (6 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 06:53 CDT, 19 October 2005 - iMsg
At the airport, mp3 running out of battery and nothing to read and not sleepy!!

2-3h flight or smt only tho.. hmm Don't understand why planes can't lift off in fog, not like they need to see anything with all the tech on board? do the pilots even do anything?

OO boardingline is soon up, *walks quick over* xD

if i die, gg.
2711 Hits
1337 (2 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 16:29 CDT, 28 September 2005 - iMsg
Didn't even notice my 1337th post ! :o

weary of school :x
listening to "Jaia - Fiction" :D
2506 Hits
write n stuff (60 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 15:00 CDT, 22 September 2005 - iMsg
"It's estimated that only about 1% of the population ever bother to write down their thoughts and feelings in order to reflect on their lives and express their ideas. Interestingly enough, all geniuses tend to fall into that 1% who do keep journals, record books and diaries."


Edited by CPLains at 20:07 GMT, 22nd Sep 2005 - 13212 Hits
The illusion of self (37 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 13:03 CDT, 18 September 2005 - iMsg
"People afflicted with multiple personalities reveal that the idea of the self is a fiction. The illusion of self is merely a by-product of the brain's organizational sophistication. Benjamin Libet conducted an experiment in which he found that the brain activity began about half a second before the person was aware of deciding to act."

Anyone wanna challange this?
9986 Hits
Information (79 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 13:43 CDT, 15 September 2005 - iMsg
I was watching tv yesterday.. and suddenly i got the feeling that now. Just now. The world passed a limit.. Like in that moment the world passed what the brain could understand, like suddenly the world was beyond humans, like it is out of control, it is too much and evolving too fast for anyone to understand..

I dunno why i got this feeling, i know it does not make any sense.. I know it can't be right, i know the statments aint accurate ect ect.. but was still a notable moment in my life :)
13311 Hits
G5 (35 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 13:27 CDT, 13 September 2005 - iMsg
Got my Logitech g5 and my Labtec "ultra flat keyboard" today.. They both pwn!

This g5.. I'd say is even more an improvment than 518 was to 510 :))

The mousefeet and usb hack makes it seem ultrasmooth.. And you can add weights, to compensate for the smothness.. <3

I dunno how much i should have.. I guess light mouse = good flick and rails/rocket/shotgun, while heavy is shaft/mg.. Any views on this?
8157 Hits
Life extension? (85 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 10:25 CDT, 10 September 2005 - iMsg
View 1

View 2

Whatcha think? I know this is old, just found it again wondering what other ppl think about it :)=

I'm all for 1; singularity is near!.. ect ;)

went swimming today, it's great :D
12210 Hits
Ping :(whining): (41 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 16:50 CDT, 23 August 2005 - iMsg

Going from norway to nederland to sweden, with lots of small stops, making me ping 100 to swe.. And norway-->NL-->GER = ~140ping ..


Someone tell me why :]
9082 Hits (45 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 16:40 CDT, 12 August 2005 - iMsg
Anyone else using it? Anyone listening to some of the music i am?

Currently in the Netherlands "bootcamping" :))
11499 Hits
Ingame Focus! (23 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 20:43 CDT, 9 August 2005 - iMsg

(btw; watched crash, was a nice movie 5+/6 :)
and; winamp(5.09) playing(09-phase phour - physical blues-pop) stats(34% of 6m 45s ))
5816 Hits
my life part whatever (7 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 22:08 CDT, 5 August 2005 - iMsg

I came home from portugal yesterday, 2week+; eat, sleep, beach, diving, family, reading(potter6, don quijote, quantum)....


heard some nice interviewes from i had on my mp3 along with my psychilly-songs ("entheogenic- dialogue of the speakers", "quality relaxation", "shpongle - nothing last .. but nothing is lost" among many other albums and songs)

anyways.. check out wie ..
not for everyone but hopefully some of you will like it, and-if-let-me-know.

now i will dwell in movies until tomoz .. going to nl .. wee :)
4228 Hits
Math (14 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 10:39 CDT, 27 June 2005 - iMsg
PASSED!! yay :D load of my brain :)))

got a 3/6 (need at least 2 to pass) .. Phew, was so worried i'd fail.. failed my "real" grade with a 1, but this exam overrules it.. in j0 face teacher! :] weee!

Going to NL to bootcamp for 4days then i'm of to dallas! (no sponsor, my dad is paying, wahahhaha) :D

wish me luckkk :X

Going to portugal for two weeks (my father lives there) after dallas, then maybe after that; ze germany for more painkiller action! ;))
5251 Hits
this is the time.. (7 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 00:01 CDT, 15 June 2005 - iMsg
you start thinking it might have been a better idea to go to sleep..
2910 Hits
finnished my exams (24 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 14:55 CDT, 3 June 2005 - iMsg
Did like 30h of math in last 3-4 days.. Never done that much studying ever for a test, and still my only hope is that i pass it.. damn this year suddenly became harder than all the other years put together..

i'm not used to doing schoolwork, need to sleep like 16h to regain myself x)

sure hope i pass :)=

7166 Hits
mx518 (19 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 09:39 CST, 29 March 2005 - iMsg
Just got it.. Seems NICE:!

Gonna do some more testing tonight, but it seems like just as big a leap as between mx500 and mx510 from what ive felt so far :D

1600 dpi seems to work even if you move your mouse really fast, as fast as i move anyway. 360 in 0.05 sec over 15cm or so.. Don't think it has any accel; gonna check it later..

Now i go for a zzzwim :)
8866 Hits
Advent Children (24 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 14:53 CST, 5 March 2005 - iMsg
/me wants :[
6896 Hits
Fantastic Voyage (3 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 21:12 CST, 23 February 2005 - iMsg
Live Long Enough
To Live Forever

-Anyone else reading it?
2320 Hits
clainz jurnalz (18 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 18:39 CST, 14 February 2005 - iMsg
Turnament wise it was bad.. Didnt make the signup and ended up seeded #31 after playing some japansese progamer (awsome dude:D) for second last seed, strange..

Had to play fat, had like 8point lead and going like "wow easy", then i missed the timing on the mega and waited until he got gold aswell.. And fatal1ty taking control, not letting go, hes maplock was just untouchable for me :/ Same on the second map and same when i played sakh who came in fourth.. Did win one game tho, vs forest, who was even more ill than i was:p

But it was fun anyway :D Had plaenty of time to check out the hotell:) Nice hotell, with swimming pool, pool table, suna,ping pong :))) and workout machines (zz) . . Also some nice food over there^_^ Hopfully i will attend the next one aswell, and then i will ofcourse kickass in the turney :]]]

Maybe il upload some pictures, i always say i gonna take pictures before i leave, and when i get there its just boring, but might have some wirth uploading :}

Back to school now :// zzzzz
5773 Hits
AFK (9 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 05:11 CST, 10 February 2005 - iMsg

Wish me luck; and il take some pictures.. :p
6137 Hits
interesting (2 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 08:15 CST, 30 January 2005 - iMsg

I've always been thinking about that.. I think it's how it's gonna be aswell ..
2603 Hits
Playing (16 comments)
Posted by CLains @ 17:57 CST, 26 January 2005 - iMsg
Sometimes it really suck.

Just played two matches, played fairly good, starts to lag--> i get pissed-->i play worse-->i loose .. Second match, easier opponent, i go in with bad spirit thinking i will win.. Does not lag this time (i made sure).. My brother comes into my room, starts walking around, i tell him to leave (might have been a bit rude, but its my room), we start to fight, i say some evil shit, and so does he, he walks away.. I cant focus on my game, to many feelings, i lose again. .. Grrr

Now. I dont really care if i lose or not as long as i play my best, but when stuff like this happens i get so mad. I got school early tomorrow, cant sleep... I wonder, what would help to remove these feelings? I just ignore my feelings now.. I feel i can do fine without them (the bad ones), but they seem to pop up.. I feel like im bound to go crazy someday.. Its just in the lines of how i think, i might think to much, about everything.. Maybe i am crazy compared to others already, or maybe im just the only one admiting it. Think i need to read some science shit to calm down, look at the big picture.

Il just keep on living my life as best as i can. Acctually im not even gonna bother doing that. Il just keep on thinking about everything.. But my head hurts :(

You know the feeling where you just sit there, listen to whatever music you like, and you just realise for a split second that nothing has any meaning at all, that everything and nothing does not really mean anything? You just sit there thinking, wtf.
4963 Hits
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