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Pepsi > Coke (130 comments)
Posted by sxl @ 09:16 CDT, 8 August 2006 - iMsg
As the topic says: Pepsi ownz Coke.

Still - my d0g prefers wc water. sigh
35851 Hits
Lame Poles always unnoticed (56 comments)
Posted by sxl @ 04:29 CST, 15 March 2006 - iMsg
I already showed my emotions (as some had put it) in a news post which was later moved to the forums. You know the case - x6tence used illegal commands in WCG Euro, they we're warned. They did it again (it was all proved by the referees) in the final - still got only a yellow card and were crowned champs.

Fully my point of view: Poles got a totally lame opinion in the community (Carmac only won't change it :]). I don't mean the playaz, just the usual site readers etc. And ok - it has a clear reason. A lot of children come here and there and flame around. But the point is, why does some lame's from my country behaviours influence the whole nations life (in the community)? I understand you can ban all the Poles from commenting. Don't care. You can aswell unable them to register. I can understand it. But why do the bad opinions affect sirious situations, like the one on WCG Euro? Why were the Poles who played with x6tence in the final (and other teams like Russian virtus pro) treated like garbage, though it was proven and officialy announced by the judges that the Spanish used illegal cmds, even though they were previously warned?

Conclusion: such things as private opinions shouldn't influence referees decisions, aswell as community's voice towards the Team Pentagram. Cause that's a very huge harm to them, who work very hard to be good players.
If it was SK or fnatic playing with x6tence in the final - the Spanish would be disqualified. I think everyone agrees with that.
Edited by sxl at 10:36 GMT, 15th Mar 2006 - 25098 Hits
f0king thieves :( (18 comments)
Posted by sxl @ 02:55 CDT, 6 September 2005 - iMsg
I'd kill the guy who stole my car radio and broke the window into pieces :(
I got it a couple months before - didn't take long for some idiot to notice it :/

Anyway, I'm launching a "don't be gay - don't steal" campaign and I'd like Rab to act in a tv ad. I'd like to use his "we need love" (a thread about giving him [+]) concept.
Cause we do need love, baby, in these troublesome days.

It's the second time something's been stolen from my 307 :(
Edited by sxl at 12:40 GMT, 6th Sep 2005 - 7198 Hits
bets? anything? anyone? (17 comments)
Posted by sxl @ 03:42 CDT, 14 April 2005 - iMsg
Where'd all the bets go? Is it just me, or isnt there any bet to go?

There used to be tens of bets times ago. I actually think there's more and more esr admins not caring a little bit about site stuff.

True? Not?
Flame me, lick me. Whatever
5083 Hits
All morons, come read thiz shi*t (103 comments)
Posted by sxl @ 04:49 CST, 29 March 2005 - iMsg
Edited by insajd at 00:20 GMT, 1st Apr 2005 - 34694 Hits
cats suck (40 comments)
Posted by sxl @ 16:47 CST, 19 March 2005 - iMsg
Ive just returned from the theatre.
Goddamm', now i now i hate musicals! I didnt like a single thing about the play cats. Will never do something like this to myself again.

Anyone there who likes live musicals? (tv doesnt count)
if so, God bless You poor being!
16669 Hits
grey as hell :/ (29 comments)
Posted by sxl @ 10:03 CST, 16 March 2005 - iMsg
its March, the sun should be shining, plants growin, birds singing. and instead, here in Warsaw, everythin looks like it was dying :s grey colors of the sky in the combination with the greyish colors of 1/2 od this sad city makes me wanna cry

anyone out there already enjoying spring? if so, God I envy u so much
this weather sucks the will of living outta me
8695 Hits
Two years of life - lost? (52 comments)
Posted by sxl @ 06:07 CST, 13 March 2005 - iMsg
Recently i quit my long-lasting hobby. I've been writing about games and esports for 5 years now, achieved some nice level. I've been a head admin of the site for quite a long time.
After leaving the site i got much more time for myself. Can hang out with friends more, hope to get my grades at university boosted. I can still take part in the whole community, by commentating & stuff.

But there's one thing haunting me. I quit before being paid or stuff like this, all I did to achieve my "position" was for free. Was it a wasted time? A friend of mine told me that leaving the head admin status was like denying the last few years of my work, put to get the site running better and better. And i think he may be right.
That's actually kind'a sad... Isn't it?
Edited by insajd at 12:33 GMT, 13th Mar 2005 - 21827 Hits
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