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Drug Laws Pt. 3 (8 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 22:45 CST, 23 November 2009 - iMsg
Your Jonesy Detection Heuristic Algorithm needs revision.
3014 Hits
Gaming Nutjob (34 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 09:58 CST, 14 November 2009 - iMsg
I don't think words can do this justice, so just see for yourself!
Edited by Jamerio at 10:11 CST, 14 November 2009 - 10563 Hits
Haye Vs Valuev (76 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 18:21 CST, 6 November 2009 - iMsg
Gotta' admit I am looking forward to this one.

Any insight or comments?
Got a feeling Haye will win, based purely on the fact that Holyfield beat him (come on!) at 46 years old and haye is 28 and a damn fine boxer-if a little cocky.

Mate of mine wants to watch it in a pub or something, but are there any sources on the net you can view the fight live for free in case I can't find anywhere?

Someone said or something???

Nice Tyson video I just spotted on youtube.
Edited by Jamerio at 18:38 CST, 6 November 2009 - 14210 Hits
Obama wins a Nobel Prize (199 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 13:19 CDT, 9 October 2009 - iMsg
And what a horrible message this sends out to geniuses with the aspirations of winning one.

When all you needed was dark skin and to come in at the right time when the US was being led by the worse president ever.

They could have put a monkey in charge (no pun intended) and it would have had a more positive impact than what the damage bush done.

Either the world is broke or this is a modern day faust.

Its too bad most people are too stupid to judge Obama on his OWN achievments, as opposed to judging purely on the failures of Bush, who was a bumbling, gun tooting idiot.
Edited by Jamerio at 16:37 CDT, 9 October 2009 - 22192 Hits
Drag fighter 2 Turbo (28 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 16:24 CDT, 6 October 2009 - iMsg
Had to post this as its so local to me.


Two pissed up chavs pick a fight with a couple of blokes in drag. They're both from Bonymaen, which is a pretty dodgy area, anyway, little do they know that the people they pick on just happen to be a bunch of cage fighters.

Well you can guess the rest :)

Download embedded video

Or read whole thing here, including video.


If you were one of the men dressed as women in this video, please call our newsdesk on 01792 514606.

Interview, they're a bit Welsh though!
Edited by Jamerio at 07:33 CDT, 13 October 2009 - 11226 Hits
Super Street Fighter 4! (30 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 11:56 CDT, 29 September 2009 - iMsg
Add a street fighter tab please, seriously.

Capcom has finally confirmed the widely rumored followup to the smash hit Street Fighter IV. Borrowing the SUPER title from the 90’s (and same exact logo), super implies bigger, badder, and beastlier. This sequel is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated fighting game sequels in 10 years.

Information is pouring out of Japan, just after the TGS show has ended. An interview with Ono (, has revealed some juicy details about the game, including some of the new cast. T. Hawk, and Dee Jay are included, as well as a new Korean Tae Kwon Do marshal arts expert named Juri, who is rumored to be one of Seth’s henchmen.

Last week, several websites ( had reported some rumors regarding the rest of the cast, and had the name of the new character before it was released yesterday.

Some of the information was listed as two new characters, Juri, and Hakan (Hakan being a Arab grappler associated with lots and lots of oils), and EIGHT returning cast members from other Street Fighter games. Dudley, Ibuki, and Makoto from the Street Fighter III series.

From the Street Fighter Alpha series, we have Cody, Adon, and Guy, and from the Super Turbo series, we have T. Hawk and Dee Jay. We will have to wait and see what Capcom reveals to see if any of these rumors turn out to be true.

Expect massive changes in all the old returning cast as well. Improvements and overall gameplay will be fine tuned to make this the best Street Fighter to date.

Coming to XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 in Spring 2010! Get Hype!!

5621 Hits
gg France (41 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 06:11 CDT, 22 September 2009 - iMsg
Awesome. Long overdue, but thanks for clearing out on the trash.
Shame on france my ass, if (Britain) made them less welcome in the first place they would not be flocking there in the first place.
And maybe just maybe, some of these idiots would stay at home and make their own countries work instead of jumping ship and bringing their fail elsewhere?

The idiots that run my country are slowly starting to realise how they fucked themselves with the immigration problem.

I'm glad to see people are starting to take direct action.

If i was there I would I would have danced a jig while singing "hit the road jack and don't you come back no more no more".

Très bien, merci!

I officially forgive france for placing "0" on the roulette table.
Edited by Jamerio at 06:13 CDT, 22 September 2009 - 7308 Hits
Benchmarks [Not Monkey Business] (42 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 07:41 CDT, 10 September 2009 - iMsg
I'm trying to collect some benchmark figures before deciding on whether its worth upgrading my collection of Quadcore Q6600's for the new i5 or i7 setups, or whether it might just be worth investing in some fancy CPU fan and overclocking them as they are are all running at stock 2.4 Ghz atm (on stock cooling!) and I know they'll go way beyond that but I want to see what sort of result people are getting with other cpu's particually you little rich kids with x58+i7 920's etc .

So if you have a Quadcore setup, particually an i7 setup (but other quadcores will do), let's be even bigger nerds and download Cinebench R10 , run the following test by clicking [Rendering x CPU]

It don't take very long on a semi decent pc, I guess Dualcores can try too, but as this is a thread based app, I don't see how you'll be able to compete against 4 cores, but always happy to be proven wrong.

Then if possible just post what your score was and basic spec.
use CPU-Z or look under system/general control panel if you're unsure.


CPU [email protected]
RAM=2 gig
Time Taken to complete render=1min 51sec
OS=Xp 32 bit

If you wanna' go mad with with you spec and setup upto you.
I think ball park would be fine though.

Thanks for anyone who joins in. It takes less than 2 minutes on a semi modern pc.

Note:This test does not represent in game performance. Just the raw power of the CPU.
Edited by Jamerio at 09:23 CDT, 10 September 2009 - 8700 Hits
LMAO@Iceland (40 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 02:03 CDT, 29 August 2009 - iMsg
"The debate had dragged for weeks as the general public largely opposed the deal amid fears it would plunge crisis-ridden Iceland into poverty for several decades..


On behalf of the Brits and Dutch we (and I assume NL) would just like to say thanks for paying back our money.

Hnns and Ignignokt, I hope you like sardines.
Edited by Jamerio at 02:03 CDT, 29 August 2009 - 6654 Hits
Quakecon 2009 Finals *Videos!* (11 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 15:19 CDT, 16 August 2009 - iMsg
Ok, youtube sucks as my recordings were just over 10 mins so they rejected them, I didn't fancy editing them as I encode direct to H.264 (I think you need quicktime to view it!), so I just dumped them on some random FTP space.

Filmed with a digital camera, quality not great, but more than good enough. Hopefully this will fill a gap until and get the proper vids online. Then I can update this to just point theirs. Hopefully there are no legal problems:)

I DO NOT have the dm6 game which is a shame, but I do have the rest plus the reward ceremony. I also ran out of memory just as Rapha came on stage.


Spart1e Vs Rapha (Clan Arena Map)

Spart1e Vs Rapha(Pro-DM6)
File Unavailable) (Updated

Spart1e Vs Rapha (Tourney 4)

Spart1e Vs Rapha (Dm13) (Added!)
(Its uploading, will update when back from supper)

Spart1e Vs Rapha (The last map that determined the winner)

The prize ceremony, minus rapha. My SD card says sorry.

Usain Bolt breaking world record again!
Edited by Jamerio at 17:09 CDT, 16 August 2009 - 4967 Hits
Walter vs Chance footage (31 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 08:18 CDT, 14 August 2009 - iMsg
Got the entire 2 minutes of Tourney 4 footage before someone broke the entire internetz in the whole of dallas and made it impossible for the people there to put the demos on a USB stick and upload with an alternative or mobile net connection.

Initiative is something that comes from within.

Edited by Jamerio at 15:57 CDT, 14 August 2009 - 14198 Hits
Terry on the fence :) (6 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 16:29 CDT, 12 August 2009 - iMsg
Legend. Do you remember those cheesy films you were shown at school? (was this just a uk thing?). They were always really old and out of date.

They were usually for safety or designed to teach some kind of ethics. Anyway I just re-discovered Terry on the Fence, made in 1985, so cheesy, I have to document this.

I mean the kid is 11 years old and he's chuffed over a shirt.
"Mail order, not bad!"

If it gets one new fan then its worth it!

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7
Edited by Jamerio at 16:38 CDT, 12 August 2009 - 2268 Hits
Street Fighter 4 PC *which character* (116 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 10:52 CDT, 1 July 2009 - iMsg
I hear its been leaked on torrent and should be available to buy over the next week or so.

So, basically I have not really played this, I need a single character to learn who is gonna stand the test of time and be able to compete at a high level without any noticeable problems.
I just don't have the time to pump in anymore, so I need to stick to a single character and learn the matchups.

I don't even know all the players, but I ultimately favoured Guile/DJ/Sodom/Guy/Orchid/Sarah/Kabal/ in previous fighter, but I understand most others across most games.

I don't want (apart from casual fun)...

(probaby akuma-as again, hugely popular i forsee)

as my mains because I think they are either gonna be too borting to play as, or everyone is going to know the matchups inside out and back to front.

My style of play is quite aggressive, not afraid to skank, prefer flashy players, so lots of chains, and big combo potential is good.

I'm a bit like a nigga' in the sense that I would rather lose and look good than win and look bad. So long as its not all the time.

But I'm aiming for top 1% of the player base. Expeting to beat most and lose to the handful of elite who put in silly hours.

So I need someone who can go the distance.

Preferably someone who has some new mechanics so the style of play is not played out, despite having a different graphic as that will be a huge advantage when facing the old favourites and the fairly big time advantage a lot of people will have had on the ps3/360/Arcade.

I also think this site needs a street fighter section added the database, its a pretty huge game with around 3 million units by 2010 spanning 360/PS3 and now PC and plenty of tourneys with some of the most dedicated gamers out there.

Also, does this game have a training mode where I can just practice combos, throws etc?

Thanks for any useful help. Are there any dark horses based on those things I said?

If you think I have said something wrong about those I'm not into I'm all ears.
Edited by Jamerio at 11:02 CDT, 1 July 2009 - 24783 Hits
USA vs N.Korea (85 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 09:42 CDT, 24 June 2009 - iMsg

Oh noes! N.Korea are going to wipe you off the map.

Seriously, is anyone else from the west sick and tired of treating broken nations like these with an ounce of respect, when they talk like this?

Just nuke them, seriously, do the world a favour and rid the planet of nations like this. It might cause some short term mayhem, but in the longrun, its about as logical as putting a dying dog to sleep before it causes many more problems.

You can't honestly expect anything good to come from this?

You think a few millions litres of oil and bit of humanatarian aid and a few fake diplomats pretending to be friends, half of whom probably sleep with horses on the side will resolve anything in the most fundamental way?

It'll always be a case of playing the nuclear war card when the chips are down. I hope for one second the GVT is not sleeping on this and being too laxed to the point where they think no nation is stupid enough to do the unthinkable.

Western nations should NOT judge other nations by their code.

Its partly why they got into trouble with them in the first place.

Seriously, if its not the Iranians blaming the UK for the protests, its some other fucker threating death and destruction.

Either do it, so the US can respond with the rock solid excuse and wipe your entire country and wretched gene pool off the map, or just live happily ever after with your brainwashed society.

Just stop fucking moaning (and clogging up my RSS feeds)

Rant over.
Edited by Jamerio at 09:46 CDT, 24 June 2009 - 13533 Hits
Jamerio -vs- Lukek (82 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 08:27 CDT, 23 June 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 0.5 (60 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: ztntourney1 - Blood Run
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Jamerio
Version info:
How to play back QL demos

>> 70200-jam4.dm_73 <<
(1174KB, 457 DLs)

KInda' fun game between me and Lukek, decided to stick a sign on my monitor saying "slow down" and it seemed to be working for a little while as I usually just play like FFA.

Also had a bit of railgun rage and whined so thought my demise would add something to it.

Pointless watching pro's on ZTN, its boring. Though Lukek is annoying with the railgun, I just have no patience for that .
Made even worse with id lowering the damage then making it easier to hit.

you don't need to be Miyamoto to realise that totally defeats the purpose of any changes.

While I'm not a pro, I think this is one of the finer examples you'll see of a multi talented gamer in quake as I choose to spread my skills in gaming across several genres and the actual development, as opposed to just a handful of maps on an old game.

%appdata%\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3

Paste that into browser, put jam4 into demos directory.
Load up a bot game view

bring down console (CTRL+ALT+`) and type demo jam4

Edited by Jamerio at 19:32 CDT, 28 April 2016 - 12534 Hits
Superman??? (20 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 15:10 CDT, 30 May 2009 - iMsg

Ok, this is guy is officially broken!
Edited by Jamerio at 15:12 CDT, 30 May 2009 - 4687 Hits
N Korea threat = fake (64 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 19:18 CDT, 27 May 2009 - iMsg
Why is the world falling this crap?

It does not take a genius to realise that these brainwashed idiots are simply spitting their dummy out in the hope of receiving more humanatarian aid.

I used to do the same thing as a kid, scream and pull a tantrum till I got that toy and you know what, my parents were stupid enough to fall for it aswell.

I wish the west would just leave these screwed up coutnries to fight among themselves. If they die, they die. Who cares?

All the West are doing is sticking their fingers in everyone else's pie and all that happens is was become involved in their problems/affairs when we don't need to as we seldom inherrit anything but problems and hate.

N Korea could be wiped off the face of the earth tomorrow and most of you reading this would still be more upset if your dog died, don't pretend otherwise.

Nothing good can ever come of hanging around people with problems under the disillusioned notion that the world can live happily ever after.

And do you know what the biggest irony is here?
Pursuing that notion causes the very thing they are trying to avoid.
Edited by Aaron at 07:33 CDT, 30 May 2009 - 14350 Hits
HELL -vs- Cooller (13 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 07:24 CDT, 4 May 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.8 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: hub3aeroq3 - Aerowalk
Mod: CPMA vq3
Viewpoint: HELL
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Aaron Anton "HELL" Jones (Dignitas) VS the Russian legend Cooller.

The map was "Aerowalk". The event was EMS4 which was played online May 3rd 2009.

HELL's ping around 62.
Cooller's was late 50's.

(There was a another on dm9 but Aaron pm'd me to say he didn't bother training it because he knew he would lose. Given the closeness of the other games I'm gonna give him the benefit of as the doubt) But its on the site if you want it. Its one sided so not much point ans we all know Cooller has/had the best nodm9 in the world.
Edited by xou at 13:07 CDT, 4 May 2009 - 4207 Hits
HELL -vs- Cooller (11 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 07:17 CDT, 4 May 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: ztn3tourney1 - Blood Run
Mod: CPMA vq3
Viewpoint: HELL
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Nice game between Aaron Anton "HELL" Jones (Dignitas) VS the Russian legend Cooller.

The map was Ztn3Tourney1. The event was EMS4 which was played online May 3rd 2009.

HELL's ping around 62.
Cooller's was late 50's.

Edited by xou at 13:08 CDT, 4 May 2009 - 5719 Hits
Strangest lawsuit ever? (22 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 17:02 CDT, 21 April 2009 - iMsg
Busted :)

A judge in Stuttgart, Germany, is currently trying to decide on a lawsuit in which a man hired his neighbour to impregnate his wife.

It gets weirder.

Demetrius Soupolos, 29, and his former beauty queen wife, Traute, were very keen to have a child together, but Demetrius was sterile so they began to seek out other possible options.

The option the couple eventually decided on was to hire their neighbour Frank Maus, 34, to impregnate Traute.

Maus, who was already married with two children agreed to do the job for the fee of €2,000. For three evenings a week for the next six months, a total of 72 different times, Maus tried to impregnate Traute.

When his own wife objected, Maus explained that he was "only doing it for the money."

After the unsuccessful six-month period Soupolos insisted that Maus take a medical examination. The doctor concluded that Maus was also sterile, which forced his wife into admitting that their two children did not belong to him.

Soupolos is now suing Maus in an effort to get his money back. Maus' argument is that he did not guarantee conception, only that he would try his hardest.

Source: -
4549 Hits
Shii for women (15 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 20:29 CDT, 11 April 2009 - iMsg

Wii. Finally suitable for women.
4913 Hits
Conficker April 1st! (2 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 16:39 CDT, 31 March 2009 - iMsg
I wonder what it will be? Can't be anymore disappointing than the whole Y2Kthing.

1869 Hits
Aliens Vs Monsters 3D = Amazing. (18 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 17:49 CDT, 29 March 2009 - iMsg
Well what a film. The local cinema has just played an early preview and its amazing.

I swear to god its the most immersive viewing experience I have ever had. If you get an opportunity to go see this film and your cinema supports the 3D version (as I believe it requires a special projector), go and see it at all costs.

Yes it requires glasses, but they're proper plastic jobbies, no alternative colours. I can't stress what an amazing expereince this was.

And while waiting for the train hime I placed £5 into a fruit machine and won £500! Lots of fun lugging that many £1 coins home and dodging crackheads at the station!

This is true benchmark and I'm sure its only a matter of time before games are doing this. Total eye-candy.
Edited by Jamerio at 17:54 CDT, 29 March 2009 - 3957 Hits
Internet tube stuff. (29 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 09:03 CDT, 15 March 2009 - iMsg
In the UK, and .com are probably the most appealing affixes for a website.
I understand that .com is fairly universal, but I was wondering what people in different parts of the world think.

So for example if you were German (or any other part of the world), what would be the equiv to you?

Would the .de inspire more confidence over the .Eu domain name if you saw a service being advertised in Germany, or would you be just as comfy with a .Eu affix?
Sweden, Austria etc. carry anything as close to the .com name, or is it just a British thing?

Same for Asians, too, so Indians, Chinese etc, is there something for that neck of the woods that inspires more confidence over more western affixes like .Asia.

8451 Hits
Boy becomes father at age of 13 (194 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 00:39 CST, 15 February 2009 - iMsg
Excellent, and so begins the vicious cycle of Britain's undeclass spawning yet more underclass.

call me a sceptic, but if this isn't a recipe for a doomed society I don't know what is.

Take the kid away, give it to a decent, responsible parents, sling them both 20 quid and a day pass to Alton Towers [theme park] and give the poor child a chance in life and not ruin the lives of both its parents, one of whom looks about 9 years old.

Within 3years time she'll be in council house and on longterm benefits costing people hundreds of pounds a week.
Their relationship will have ended and god knows how it will affect the baby, and both the parents. ACT NOW!!!!

Edited by Nicky at 00:21 CST, 16 February 2009 - 50508 Hits
Setting up a forum (3 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 02:34 CST, 13 February 2009 - iMsg
i'm currently using PhpBB for a forum, just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as I'm thinking of changing and interested in hearing peoples expereince with them in general.
Edited by Jamerio at 17:07 CST, 13 February 2009 - 2458 Hits
Reverse playback of swf/flv files? (No comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 04:34 CST, 4 February 2009 - iMsg

Does anyone know if its possible to reverse the playback of swf/flv streams-WITHOUT having to DBL the framecount?

I'm using the JWplayer at the moment but I would gladly switch.

The reason I want to do this as I have a stationary 3D object , so the only movement I have at present is the camera.

There must be something I am missing as the initial frames should already be cached, so the player just needs to be able to play cached frames backwards instead of starting over.

After 30 mins research I am a lot closer to being able to reverse engineer the player itself than actually getting a straight answer!

Edited by Nicky at 01:53 CST, 13 February 2009 - 1319 Hits
Bush The Shoe Dodger! (53 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 20:00 CST, 14 December 2008 - iMsg
Hilarious video of Bush dodging two shoes thrown at him by an angry reporter.

Dunno' about you guys but bush has some extreme dodge skills.

Note how he smiles after the first shoe was throw.
Also note how he said he "did not know" what the guys cause was for throwing the shoe at him. And the thing is he actually does not know!

Love him or hate him, you'll never see someone like him in power again:)
Edited by Jamerio at 06:43 CST, 15 December 2008 - 17436 Hits
Cameras!!! (12 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 11:24 CST, 12 December 2008 - iMsg
I got about £150-200 to spend on a camera, originally I just expected to get a standard digital camera, but then i noted i could get an SLR for 200.

A nikon D40 seems to be bottom of the range and i can get one NEW for about 200 (, then today,I walked past a second hand camera shop and noted a second hand Fuji SLR for 150 pounds.

I just looked on the net and six years ago this Fuji (Fuji2pro) was a $2400 camera, so it must be a reasonably pretty serious bit of kit.

so my question is.

1) Is this Fuji camera better than the D40?

2) Is the fuji going to produce better quality images than a new, modern day digital camera that i would get for about 150.

3) Will the Fuji and D40 (SLR's in general) take video and audio and will it be 640x480 vga type thing or something better?

Also if you have any idea of good 2nd hand SLR's in mind for around 150-200 please let me know.

the original price of the fuji is really tempting me. it has a fairly big nikon lens on it too (yep im not a photographer). it just looks like a proper camera and despite it being 2nd hand (which i don't care about) would probably produce a better image because of the lens.

Also this is a good opportunity to talk about cameras in general just before xmas.
Edited by Nicky at 23:30 CST, 14 December 2008 - 4295 Hits
SF II HD Remix Music Torrent (15 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 20:36 CST, 3 December 2008 - iMsg
OverClocked ReMix was proud to work with Capcom to develop a new, remixed soundtrack for Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix. While video game companies have worked with fans in the past, HD Remix is the first major video game with a completely fan-made soundtrack. More than twenty gamers from around the world contributed remixes of the original Street Fighter games' music for inclusion in the updated game, in styles including jazz, hip-hop, reggaeton, spaghetti western, garage rock, big beat and electronica.

Grab the torrent here.

Approx size 550 meg. Worth a listen to if you're a fan of the series.

For those who want to try HD remix I belive it costs about £13.00 and can be downloaded from xbox live arcade.

When you consider this is arguably the best 2D fighter ever made with new art and tweaked gameplay its really one of those games you should own, especially if you want a competitve and ultra skilled faction of players this is the Quake/Starcraft of the fighting game world.

A complete list of gameplay changes can be found here.
Edited by Nicky at 00:45 CST, 4 December 2008 - 7543 Hits
Youtube Alternatives (33 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 12:52 CST, 23 November 2008 - iMsg
I'm looking for a youtube or another free alternative which will allow me to upload video content at a higher quality/resolution than that of youtube.

640x480 or even higher would be nice with no bandwidth nonsense etc and did I say the quality has to be good!

I don't really care about comments/community etc.
So long as its reliable and good. Or maybe I need to configure them better for youtube, but my question still stands!

Edited by Nicky at 13:36 CST, 23 November 2008 - 16028 Hits
Good headphones sound bad! (34 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 05:14 CST, 4 November 2008 - iMsg
I have always used fairly cheapy headphones around the 20-30 mark and onboard audio.

Recently I decided to go for a pair of reasonably expensive (£90-is to me for headphones!) wireless jobbies, mostly because its always a matter of time before I step on them, or they get wrapped around my chair and when I get up, stuff flies everywhere etc

So I have just got a set of Sennheiser RS 140 Wireless Balanced Headphones which got rave reviews, but my problem is they sound shit!

I suspect it's because I don't have enough power to get the best from them, so what do I need to get the best out of these headphones?

A soundcard or a seperate amp or?

Edited by Nicky at 07:59 CST, 5 November 2008 - 5548 Hits
Hey Fox... (13 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 06:42 CDT, 18 October 2008 - iMsg
Gravity's a bitch :)
Edited by Jamerio at 06:45 CDT, 18 October 2008 - 4547 Hits
Fashion? (18 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 16:27 CDT, 8 October 2008 - iMsg
Who or what are those people who wear their jeans hanging halfway down their backside?

I can understand when black rapper types do it, because well, they do stupid stupid stuff like that, but its like every other white teen I see in the street has that sort of "style".

Half the time they're trying to pull their trousers up and the other time, you see a good portion of thier ass, which makes me feel ike a pedobear.

So given I'm old and the wrong side of 20, can someone please explain what these people are?
They're like some kind of hybrid goth, perhaps a new faction to combat the CHAV/GOTH option.

Whatever happened to just dressing normal?
I mena I never liked heavy metal people, but I still got they loved that music and wanted to show that great. Ok I can accept that.
Same goes for goths, but I still don't get the underpants thing and I don't think I ever will.

Is this just a UK thing?
Who is responsible for this.

Are you one of these people and if so what is the the deal?

Edited by Nicky at 03:31 CDT, 11 October 2008 - 5835 Hits
PC HELP! (16 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 18:06 CDT, 12 September 2008 - iMsg

**Nevermind the motherboard was faulty. Got a replacement and everything is A-OK**

This new pc I got just not happening. I don't claim to be an expert builder, but I have built about 5 in my time with no problems, but after blowing a PSU its really knocked my confidence for 6.

So I did everything again, made sure mobo sitting right so no shorting out etc. Only thing I can think of is I cocked up the wiring.
So, I'm after opinions on what your interpretation is of the manual diagram and where you would position them on diagram.

Only the PLED + and PLED - are single wires for obvious reasons. the rest are two.

If you can help, then save the pic to your pc, then use MSPAINT! to draw + or - sign on the approapriate areas on where you would place each one (based from the manual diagram) and then re-upload if you can!

Can't tell you how much it sucks to see a flash then a plume of smoke :).

Edited by Jamerio at 10:28 CDT, 16 September 2008 - 4473 Hits
Rapha -vs- Jibo (3 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 19:07 CDT, 26 August 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.2 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: nodm9 - Totally Lost
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: Various
How to play back Q3 demos

ESWC 2008 decider match between razer-Jibo and SK-Rapha on nodm9.

This match determined 3rd place finisher and perhaps more importantly, secured them $4000 while the loser got nothing.

There are another two demos of these two floating around, with an all time great pro-dm6. I will link to them when someone uploads.

Link to the Pro-DM6 game between these two.<thx Larvi>
Edited by Nicky at 04:34 CDT, 29 August 2008 - 3543 Hits
Poles?? (78 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 23:45 CDT, 20 August 2008 - iMsg
So how do Poles feel about the deal with the US to install a missile defense system, with Russia seemingly hell-bent and even threatining a possible Nuclear Attack on Poland for this acceptance.

I gotta admit the whole think stinks from both sides.

You have the US telling Russia off for attacking Georgia when all everyone is thinking is they cannot say anything because of what the US are doing in the middle east.

I must admit I did anticipate russia would start flexing its muscles the moment the US lost some credibility over iraq and now that it's military are heavily involved over there, they're not exactly firing on all cylinders, which is why Russia are starting to fuck with people.

Its really sad everything Russia does is still laced with the tacky cold war feel, do they honestly think people are as a stupid as they were before?

Do they really think the USA will bomb Russia for no apparent reason, when they have enough technology to bomb anyone without them even knowing?

If the US wanted to bomb Russia, they're hardly likely to advertise it are they?

the fact that Russia are even talking about Nuclear action, knowing the damage would go way beyond Poland is pretty bizzare. though you would have to be retarded to let off a nuclear bomb so close to home, but still. It was a stupid thing to say.

If it gets any worse I'm gonna' move to Iceland.
Edited by Nicky at 23:58 CDT, 20 August 2008 - 15392 Hits
Laptop woes (5 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 07:31 CDT, 29 July 2008 - iMsg
Phoned two places, both think it could be graphic related, had 3 figure quotes twice for fixing the board. I really don't care enough to pursue it, sending it off to some stranger and entrusting them, along with postal fees etc. Not worth my time.
Give to a friend and stick on ebay for parts I think*****

Edited by Nicky at 16:37 CDT, 1 August 2008 - 1891 Hits
ESWC 2008 Quake3 Interviews (89 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 16:46 CDT, 7 July 2008 - iMsg
Here are a selection of short video interviews from some of this years Quake III ESWC participants. Featuring...
(fooKi, CZM, Av3k, Zero4, Jibo, vo0, Matrox, Chance, Rapha)

Thanks to Sting (Matr0x's twin brother) and FXTV.

Edited by Jamerio at 14:51 CDT, 8 July 2008 - 22837 Hits
Jose Mourino Quotes (1 comment)
Posted by Jamerio @ 07:18 CDT, 26 June 2008 - iMsg
What a funny bloke. Don't really care about football, but he was definitely the most interesting person in it. I think sacking him was the worst choice ever.

Some quality quotes too. Gotta' admire someone who has that much faith and love in himself:)

On his arrival - June 2004
I intend to give my best, to improve things and to create the football team in relation to my image and my football philosophy.

We have top players and, sorry if I'm arrogant, we have a top manager.

I'm not a defender of old or new football managers. I believe in good ones and bad ones, those that achieve success and those that don't. Please don't call me arrogant, but I'm European champion and I think I'm a special one.

I don't want special relations with one of them (his players). I hate to speak about individuals. Players don't win you trophies, teams win trophies, squads win trophies.

On his new job - July 2004
If I wanted to have an easy job...I would have stayed at Porto - beautiful blue chair, the Uefa Champions League trophy, God, and after God, me.

On Tottenham - September 2004
As we say in Portugal, they brought the bus and they left the bus in front of the goal. I would have been frustrated if I had been a supporter who paid £50 to watch this game because Spurs came to defend. There was only one team looking to win, they only came not to concede - it's not fair for the football we played.

On Arsenal after their 5-4 win at Spurs - November 2004
That was not a football score, it was a hockey training I often play matches of three against three and when the score reaches 5-4 I send the players back to the dressing room, because they are not defending properly.

On Thierry Henry's quick free-kick in 2-2 draw - December 2004
I am more than unhappy. Unhappy is a nice word.

On Sir Alex Ferguson - January 2005
Maybe when I turn 60 and have been managing in the same league for 20 years and have the respect of everybody I will have the power to speak to people and make them tremble a little bit.

On Sir Alex Ferguson - January 2005 (a few days later)
People want a storm but there isn't one. I respect Sir Alex a lot because he's a great manager, but he must follow the procedure. I don't speak with referees and I don't want other managers doing it, it's the rule. One thing is to speak, one thing is to shout.

This is nothing against Sir Alex whatsoever. After the game on Wednesday we were together in my office and we spoke and drank wine. Unfortunately it was a very bad bottle of wine and he was complaining, so when we go to Old Trafford for the second leg, on my birthday, I will take a beautiful bottle of Portuguese wine.

But he is a great manager, he is clever and used his power and his prestige. The referee should not allow it. I have a lot of respect for Ferguson. I call him boss because he is the manager's boss. Maybe when I become 60, the kids will call me the same.

On David Beckham - January 2005
He is someone I respect as a man and as a player. He is the captain of England and has been a European champion. I have never been critical of him and reports implying that are incorrect as I've never made comments about him.

On Blackburn - February 2005
During the afternoon it rained only in this stadium - our kitman saw it. There must be a micro-climate here. The pitch was like a swimming pool.

Look at the blond boy in midfield, Robbie Savage, who commits 20 fouls during the game and never gets a booking. We came here to play football and it was not a football game, it was a fight and we fought and I think we fought fantastically.

On leading the title race - February 2005
We are on top at the moment but not because of the club's financial power. We are in contention for a lot of trophies because of my hard work.

On losing to Barcelona - February 2005
When I saw Frank Rijkaard (Barcelona coach) entering the referee's dressing room I couldn't believe it. When Didier Drogba was sent off (after half-time) I wasn't surprised.

On... your guess is as good as mine - March 2005
The moral of the story is not to listen to those who tell you not to play the violin but stick to the tambourine.

On Roman Abramovich - March 2005
If he helped me out in training we would be bottom of the league and if I had to work in his world of big business, we would be bankrupt!

On winning the Premiership title - May 2005
This is the start of a process not the end. I want more for me and Chelsea.

On Liverpool after Champions League loss - May 2005
It was a goal that came from the moon - from the Anfield stands.

The best team lost. After they scored only one team played, the other one just defended for the whole game.

Liverpool scored, if you can say that they scored, because maybe you should say the linesman scored.

They are in the final and from my heart I hope they win it. The night belongs to them and I don't want to criticise them.

On Manchester United - May 2005
I saw their players and manager go for a lap of honour after losing to us in their last home game. In Portugal if you do this, they throw bottles at you!

On Arsenal and their vice chairman and FA board member David Dein - July 2005
A person who works in the club should not work in the FA. The FA is the FA and the club is the club.

I am not concerned about how Chelsea are viewed morally. What does concern me is that we are treated in a different way to other clubs. Some clubs are treated as devils, some are treated as angels. I don't think we are so ugly that we should be seen as the devil and I don't think Arsene Wenger and David Dein are so beautiful that they should be viewed as angels.

Is Jose Mourinho the only one who can look at the fixtures and find something very strange?

On the Champions League - September 2005
I won't hold back. What I did last season was the consequence of something. So, if the competition is absolutely normal without anything strange, I would love to be a good boy and to behave well.

On Chelsea's start to the new season - October 2005
We have eight matches and eight victories, with 16 goals, but people say we cannot play, that we are a group of clowns. This is not right.

On the loss of their 100% league record at Everton - October 2005
Everybody is crying that Chelsea keep winning and winning and winning so I think that draw at Goodison Park makes everyone more happy. It gives people more hope and brings to the Premiership what everybody was waiting for.

I may look stupid saying this, but I think we should be going home with three points because we scored two great goals and usually, when you score two and concede one, you win the game.

On losing to Charlton in the Carling Cup - October 2005
I want to give my congratulations to them because they won. But we were the best team. We didn't lose the game. Ninety minutes was a draw and it was a draw after two hours. We lost on penalties.

On winning ways - October 2005
Everybody was waiting for Chelsea not to win every game and one day when we lose there will be a holiday in the country. But we are ready for that.

On Arsenal's French farce of a penalty - October 2005
You have to wonder why they did that penalty. Because they have so many penalties in the season, that's why. They have to do something special and different.

On Arsene Wenger - October 2005
I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur. He likes to watch other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have a big telescope to see what happens in other families. He speaks, speaks, speaks about Chelsea.
1557 Hits
Laptops + Nads = :( (2 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 19:26 CDT, 15 June 2008 - iMsg
Does anyone else find when you place the laptop on your lap it starts to burn your nads and the inside of your thighs?

I'm serious!
Even after a 10-15 minute break my nads seem to feel like warm pebbles in the summer sun. And this is without an on board graphic's card.

Most uncomfortable, anyone got a solution which does not bugger up the ventilation? Those cooler things any good?

Edited by Jamerio at 19:30 CDT, 15 June 2008 - 1835 Hits
So... (54 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 17:28 CDT, 31 May 2008 - iMsg
Anyone had the Will Smith look a like yet:)
Edited by Jamerio at 17:41 CDT, 31 May 2008 - 12479 Hits
Dear Slasher.. (45 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 14:42 CDT, 28 May 2008 - iMsg
Gonna' edit, cos its unprofessional how i put it, but seriously dude, stop posting outcomes of games on the front page.

The opportunities to see good duel games are few and far between, and to ruin them like that by forcing people to see them upon loading of front page of the site is really inexcusable given it's entirely avoidable.
Edited by Jamerio at 20:32 CDT, 28 May 2008 - 9486 Hits
McDonald's from hell. (323 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 06:08 CDT, 5 May 2008 - iMsg
Normally I don't write about personal things in journals, but being British and having a thing for toilet humour I could not resist.

It was 9pm and I was hungry, but not just normal hunger, "There's nothing quite like a McDonalds" hunger.

The dog obviously sensing this was looking up at me for any inclination that it might be going for another walk, so I thought what the hell and began a 2 mile walk to Mc Donalds along the "scenic route" so the dog could go off the lead and hopefully wear itself out while I listend to my MP3's.

The journey down was pretty uneventful, apart from walking past a gypsy camp and curising this goverment for allowing such trash to setup anywhere, make a mess, shit all over the place and move to the next place.

Anyway. I get to Mc Donald's to order my chicken sandwich meal, knowing I'm going to feel like crap after it, but doing so anyway because while I don't eat it that often, it still has a hold over me stemmed from sloppy parenting.

As usual, halfway through my Chicken sandwich meal I concluded that it was a waste of nearly 5 quid and I now found myself with a 40 minute walk home and a husky who all of a sudden thought it in the iditarod
no joke, this dog is possessed when it wants to run.

I decided to take a shortcut home because my arm was being yanked off and I felt a bit funny after the McDonalds.

With each step I thought "I need to go to the toilet", so you know I did what you do and broke wind to bide me some time.

About 5 minutes later I was all outta' wind and I sensed I must have had a dodgy mcdonalds cos I needed to go real bad.
I thought no way, so held it in, as home was only a 10 minute walk.
5 minutes later and the condition got worse and I found myself with diarrhea and I knew I was never going to make it.

I started sweating and looking around and residing myself to the fact that I'm going to have to shit like Gypsy.
Worringly I recall what that black guy from Pulp Fiction said about pride "it only hurt's, never helps" and I was in was in full agreement. I had to go no matter what.

I saw what looked to be a good spot, ran in the bushes and I swear I have never crapped so much in such a short period of time. I started to look for some leaves and with that I saw two headlights, I thought "no fucking way" and yep, a car pulled up about 5 meters from me and two people were going at it.

I was too scared to move because at this point I was hovering above an almighty pool of shit which I dared not look at and I was in the bushes with a very good looking Husky and I had no toilet roll and my views on pride were changing fast.

I did not even want to think about how bad it would look to someone else if they saw me, so I just had to stay there, perched above a rancid pool of steaming crap and trying to keep my balance with a husky who kept trying to investigate the nasty aroma and obviosuly thinking this was some kind of game.

After about 30 minutes the people in the car left and I was free to walk home vowing never to eat a McDonalds again.
Edited by Jamerio at 06:09 CDT, 5 May 2008 - 114862 Hits
Longlife laptop (25 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 10:05 CDT, 2 May 2008 - iMsg
I'm looking to spend around 400 pounds (750-800$) on a laptop.

I'm not worried too much about 3d performance, fast cpu's, or screen size, but i wouldl like it to...

Have a huge battery life
Good wireless capabilities

I'm prepared to order bits individually and even go as far as using Flash memory in order to boot the thing up, so long as I have 16 gig of space.

Aside from buying more batteries and not running demanding applications, anyone have any good advice on what factors can I address to give me a long battery life?

I'm hoping for 5 + hours of constant use, surfing net, using MS office, a few downloads in the background etc?

8062 Hits
GTA IV stabbing (89 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 05:40 CDT, 30 April 2008 - iMsg
"Police are hunting a hooded man who stabbed a passer-by as he waited to buy a new edition of a notoriously violent computer game.

Up to 100 people witnessed the knife attack as they queued ahead of the midnight release of Grand Theft Auto IV.

The 23-year-old victim was attacked as he passed the queue outside Gamestation, in George Street, Croydon, at about 11pm".

Not surprisingly it was a black guy that did it.

Awesome game BTW.
29930 Hits
Quad Damage! (16 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 07:08 CDT, 27 July 2007 - iMsg
I have been holding off investing in some Quad core CPU's for quite sometime now as I knew they were going to be cut in price and I need a few for rendering.

Well, I'm happy to say they have finally been slashed in price and it's the biggest bargain I have EVER seen in computing. Seriously.
Potentially 11 GHz for under £170.00 quid. It's really insane.

The model I am referring to is of course Intel Core 2 Quad Pro Q6600 "LGA775 Kentsfield" 2.40GHz (1066FSB)

These chips can be easily overclocked on air cooling to gain even better performace and unlike AMD you don't need expensive, low latency ram to do it.

The cheapest I have seen them in the UK so far is
Edited by therogue at 14:44 CDT, 27 July 2007 - 4888 Hits
The crash! (39 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 19:47 CST, 9 November 2006 - iMsg
Well, just had a bit of a mad night. A few hours ago I heard a loud crashing noise through trees, looked out of my window and could see two faint lights in the bushes.
Was pitch black everywhere else. I live not too far away from a motorway so I thought maybe someone had come of as it happens quite often by there, but wanted to make sure before I starte calling emergency services.

I got closer I saw one of my neighbours behind me as he heard it too and there was a car with the wheel hanging off on the floor, windows smashed up pretty mangled.

Driver door was wedged against a tree, could not see through becasue it was very dark, apart from the headlights which were on and poiting towards the ground at a chewed up wheel.

So I go over to passenger side, window there was smashed looked in and there was someone slumped near the drivers side.

Hard to see if he was sitting in the seat as there was loads of panelling that had come off and I think the airbag had exploded so there was all this white stuff.

"Fucking hell there's someone in there" I said, by which time my neighbour ran to call the cops.

I could not open the passenger door, so clambered back over to drivers side to see if he was ok. I knew it was a bloke becasue of the build. And there was a faint ambience because of the headlamps.

So I ran back over to drivers side and I could see an arm sticking out, I touched it while attempting to feel for a pulse and through the shirt I thought<< I could feel bone, I went "urrgh" and started to try and pull some of the interior away becasue I could still not really see or get to him.
I thought I felt a pulse tbh but I don't know if my mind was playing tricks cu part of his arm was hanging out if window and the door was presse against tree.

"yo mate wake up!"

Scary shit, pitch black all alone with at this point I thought could well have been a corpse because the scene was not a pretty sight.
All of a suddden he wakes and in a panic, pulls himself out of the passenger window mutters something and ran off into the moonlinght!
By the time I got back over to the other side, he had disappeared into the night.

At this point I was like WTF, a few seconds ago I thought he might be dead then he was doing this.

At this point you could hear the cops in the distance, then 2-3 fire engines came, and a then a police helicopter with thermal imaging.
I could not see anyone else in the vehicle so I guess they wanted to check if there was anyone who had been thrown out of the vehicle.

About an hour later, just past midnight I hear a knock on the door. I had to give a statement to the police of pretty much what I just told you.

But apparently they had picked the guy up. Amazingly he had only minor injuries, which was remarkable given the car had done a jackknife and was facing the wrong way, had a wheel torn clean off.
Whilst giving the interview I heard on the radio something about no insurance so I'm guessing that if the guy they had picked up was him then was the reasons for running off.

But shit stuff like that sure makes you think and I now have new found respect for people who have to deal with that on a daily basis.
I'm telling you it's not nice and I can only imagine how bad it must when there are scenes of carnage.
At the least the guy's ok and the worst that'll happen to him is he'll get a slap on the wrists for no insurance, assuming it was him and nothing else happened.

Anyway thought I would share it as I needed to vent!
Edited by Jamerio at 19:50 CST, 9 November 2006 - 10942 Hits
Probation please! (336 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 18:59 CDT, 21 August 2006 - iMsg

Same abilities as Trusted users. VIP status is generally used for people who are well known in the esports scene, it can for instance be a great player or a great shoutcaster.
This is also used to make people know that the user is who he says he is, i.e. not using a fake nick.

You give Dird trusted status and while loads of others are Regular.
Sorry but if that ain't an insult to your readers I don't know what is.

I want a promotion, I have never been banned or even had a warning.
I'm entertaining, and people know of me even if it's not always for the right reasons, plus I'm not some loser who cares more about his online name than his real life one and there' a definite realness abou the stuff I say, even if half you don't want to hear that sitting on yor ass playing poker, quake, waking up at mid day and flicking yourself off to Trisha is a bad thing!

So show me the money!
Edited by ReDeYe at 09:13 CDT, 22 August 2006 - 100617 Hits
Toxic Vs Cooler AVI Demo (19 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 17:15 CDT, 19 June 2006 - iMsg
*****AVI DEMO***** (85meg)
Cooller Vs Toxic (Dreamhack June 2006)

Grand final game on Phrantic.

Hopefully this will work as it's a torrent.

No I don't have galang game it was crap anyway.

Remember to seed!

Actual demos of the game are here.

Cooller POV

Edited by Jamerio at 18:13 CDT, 19 June 2006 - 2666 Hits
Trackmania Nations Avi/Demo anyone? (41 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 13:19 CST, 14 March 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.7 (6 votes)
Not sure if anyone here likes Trackmania, but seeing as it's a ESWC game and all I see is Quake 4 whines then I decided to upload.

I entered 120+ player Trackmania cup recently and the top 10 got some prize. Well I placed 9th, not too bad considering I did not know about the two shortcuts.
You should also bear in mind one crash and you had to start all over again. Not fun when you're 4 mins into the track.

The track was huge, my time was 5 mins 3 secs. The rev of the engine stared to crackle with fraps, so inspired by a "blast from the past" radio track I heard to day I stuck that on. I registered ESR as my clan too, even though I don't do clans!

Original source here

30 fps.
26 meg.

As requested here is the actual replay file....
Edited by Jamerio at 08:25 GMT, 15th Mar 2006 - 19661 Hits
Crazy German (42 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 20:21 CST, 26 February 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 1.4 (17 votes)
German kid discovers the joys of Quake 4.
24272 Hits
Why I sucked at ESR Invite. (255 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 16:38 CST, 19 January 2006 - iMsg
I sucked becasue my keyboard was broke. I could not move left most of the time, which made it fun when it came to moving about the level and dodging!

As a result I did shite and does not represent my real skill, but if you want to take single performance and skewer it for your own biased views, then here's a link to me taking redemz (one of europes top players) into overtime.

So I can too focus on single performances and take them as my average.
Crap isn't it?
Edited by Jamerio at 01:01 GMT, 3rd Apr 2006 - 166491 Hits
Raged visa/work situation (Long/boring) (44 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 18:22 CST, 20 December 2005 - iMsg
Well, I was gonna keep quiet about this and lick my wounds, but someone in IRC asked me tonight so I thought I would post it here.

Basically I been working my ass of the last few months trying to get a visa in the USA. I was offered a job in San Fernando Valley CA/USA (where they filmed Karate kid!) and it was with a company I really liked.
And seeing as they hired lawyers to try and get me over there I thought this would work out.

Anyway, after 4 long months of getting references, providing them financial records etc, we fianlly had all the documents to submit my case.
I was expecting an answer in less than two days and the company I had been dealing with promised to mail me the second they found out stuff.
Anyway, this was just over two weeks ago, so yesterday I sent on an MSN to the main guy and said what;'s going on, few days before xmas I need to know.
So he said I dunno, and I said well I'm tired of being messed around. I said I don't want to go through xmas not knowing so can he find something out or I'm not longer interested. Seriously, its horrible putting your fate into someone elses hands for so long. you dont feel in control of things. Anyway.

This is the email Ireceived.

Hi James,

I am really sorry to inform you that the evaluator did not come back with good news. It looks like we would be unable to obtain an H1-B like we had planned. In light of this news, we will not be pursuing the J-1 training visa but I want to thank you for your enthusiasm and all of your hard work. We know you are an extremely talented person and would have made an excellent addition to the team.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Kind Regards,


That's all fair enough. Not their fault, but at the bottom of this email, was another email dated early Decemebr, so in other words they had known about this for the best part of two weeks so I was very pissed about this.
Bearing in mind this had been going on since August and we had mailed each other several times a week. So I sent this...

That's fine. I'm a 1000 times more disappointed you've had this information for over 10 days and I can only assume the only reason you've bothered to tell me now is because I contacted xxx about it on MSN this evening.

Sorry to end it on a bad note, but perhaps you'll do the right thing next time.
I do understand that not saying anything was a subtle way of telling me
"you did not get it".
But for future reference, it's the most unprofessional way I have ever been treated and I hope you'll adopt a less cowardly approach in future.
Seriously, my disappointment at not getting the visa has been over shadowed by this. Anyway, it's done now. I won't bother you again.


James Williams

Please ensure that Margret sends all my documentation back as promised.

I'm not sure if that comes across as angry, but seriously, I was not pissed about getting the job, I was annoyed at them leaving it for so long.
And then they send me this.


Your anger is misdirected. Your case has been on hold until upper management made a decision on whether or not to bring you over on the J-1. It was not an easy decision to make considering the fact that a great deal was at stake here. I am offended at your tone and resent your allegations. I sent you an email minutes after Haydn informed me that xxx gave him his decision this morning. We truly thought of you as an exceptional candidate; I did everything I could on your behalf.

Myself and our attorney’s put in a lot of work on your case so your email is shocking to say the least.

And that's that. It's too bad she took it the wrong way, becasue in all fairness she's been fine, but I just seemed so lame.

Anyway so that's that. It seems these days you really can't do shite without an education, and by education I mean a university degree.
To put it in perspective, people like bill gates dropped out of university, yet the world is so biased and obsessed with stupid bits of paper that don't always mean everything. Even if you can show them stuff endless amounts of work.
It sucks so hard. I learnt more from working hands on then any uni college or university could have taught, yet because I don't have that qualification then I can't go.
So screw it, I'm gonna do someting else. Something which allows me to continue working for myself on a part time basis, cuz I don't intend on going backwards. Even though I probably will now.

On a brighter note this means I have more time to waste on gaming and to feed my thirst for travel, maybe the summer CPL, ESWC and hopefully another gaming event towards the end of the year will be enough.
So I can stomach working in the UK. :)

Now, where did i put my poker for dummies book :(
15185 Hits
Calibration training (UPDATED) (32 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 11:58 CST, 1 December 2005 - iMsg
(Decided to include the testbed .pk4 so you can have a mess around with it. Obviously its nowhere near finished, but kinda fun and could prove useful. Put the file in the q4 base dir, then select Jamstagib from the MP menuTake a look.

Working on an idea to aid players with aiming!
Below is some work in progress, but the finished thing should be quite different from this (fragyard is just a test bed), although the basic concept will remain.

You'll be able to practice hard shots over and over again within a short period of time.
No other opponents will be required, it should be especially useful for railgun aiming, though you'll be able to train mid air rockets and sg to rg combos and juggles etc.
Pretty much all those shots which you can only setup with another player, but this allows you to do it many times over without respawning etc.

I guess the overall idea is to improve aim and a place to fine tune your setting, yaw/pitch/sens/accel etc and try new settings out and see the results instantly.

*****VIDEO CLIP*****
Take a look.(5.8 meg Save target as)
Edited by Jamerio at 06:11 GMT, 2nd Dec 2005 - 10927 Hits
A typical pickup game of Quake 4. (10 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 09:40 CST, 14 November 2005 - iMsg
Unless I play somone on a consistent basis this is the process I have to go through almost everytime I want to play a semi serious player through IRC.

<Jamerio> saw you on IRC, still need a palyer?
<cry1ng> yes
<Jamerio> Im above avg, but not really high:>
<cry1ng> PW
<Jamerio> mods?
<Jamerio> maps? I should have?
<cry1ng> fsh
<cry1ng> xbattle
<cry1ng> fps maps
<Jamerio> .5?
<Jamerio> or the older versioin .4
<cry1ng> yes 0,5
<Jamerio> k

<cry1ng> omg cant join :P
<cry1ng> missig files
<Jamerio> lol
<Jamerio> whats the password?
<cry1ng> fsh
<Jamerio> ok
<Jamerio> soz
<Jamerio> im also missing files
<Jamerio> gawd q4 sucks:p
<cry1ng> maybe we need this map
<cry1ng> yes same shit like in d3
<Jamerio> ok will try reconect
<cry1ng> hmm doesnt work
<cry1ng> omg
<cry1ng> mod is q4 max

<Jamerio> ok what version?
<cry1ng> 0.5
<Jamerio> ah fuck it still not working
<Jamerio> missing some shit
<Jamerio> fed up
<cry1ng> hmm i can join now
<cry1ng> but somebody diabled voting :P

<cry1ng> try this one
<cry1ng> public but should work
<Jamerio> no still missing files, cant be arsed anymore
<Jamerio> thnaks anyway:)
<cry1ng> k :/

Auto download pls id!
5207 Hits
Who wrote the mouse polling rate program (13 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 21:16 CDT, 12 October 2005 - iMsg
Was it Strider from the UK who wrote or was involved in writing that program which allows a user to set the USB rate of a mouse and increase it from 125hz to 250hz, 500hz, and 1000hz?

I made a post over at CPL asking if they would consider using it because the copperheads and g5 are apparently less than reliable for various reasons ranging from mouse pads, to sticking buttons to just bad testing.

Anyway, I figure a lot of gamers would like to use this program but do not want to use it because of the CPL rules. And might not want to upgrade because of reliability issues, or they just cant afford to waste 50 quid on a less reliable mouse than they already have just to enable something which could be done in software.

Justin at the CPL said he had already spoken to the guy that wrote it, but had not heard anything recently.;t=000364

If the guy who wrote or whatever could do the mod Justin asked for...

"The program must be able to list what the current USB rate is set to so that any individual sitting down at a computer can check and verify what the machine is set to. This ensures that individuals are able to compete on a default or base system which most individuals have practiced at.
The program must be able to change the USB rates without requiring special reboots into safe mode or such".

It would be really sweet, and in theory it should not be too hard.

I think it would be really well received and if the CPL used it then I'm sure it will become more popular and appreciated, which is what all coders who do this stuff thrive from anyway.
So if the guy is reading, would they please do this, or allow others to?

I don't know why the CPL don't use that mouse rate checker. Maybe they will.

**Program details**
According to this it says something about technocorrect magazine, but I guess any versions will do as long as it prints its output.
Edited by zet at 03:01 GMT, 13th Oct 2005 - 23189 Hits
Jams longish journal (11 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 01:03 CDT, 12 September 2005 - iMsg
Finally got my GFX card, decided the performance vs cost for upgrading to a 7800 Gt, plus a new mobo (agp-pci-e) and all the hassle and cost of reinstalling my shit was just too much hassle, so got me a 6800 GT, second hand from ebay, paid over the odds (177), but its boxed and it works great.
I only wanted a setup for Quake 4, compared timedemo scores vs fooki's 4000 AMD and 7800 GT/X? and he was about 15-20 % faster in the Doom 3 timedemo scores.
Considering I have a 3.4 and a 6800 GT I'm really happy with that, I can also overclock the GT for a few extra FPS, bringing the differences down to about 15%. Is 15% extra performance worth an extra 340 pounds. Not for me its not.

Stil not heard anything back on my visa, been 3 weeks, I assume they are running my application by someone official.
Selfish as it might sound i'm hoping the Katrina disaster won't affect it.
I daresay if I go to San Fernando valley (CA) I'll get my own taste of shitty disasters
Just my luck all the easy visa's are gone so I'm really at the mercy of the companies lawyers now.
I don't have a criminal record, but I was done for speeding. 158 MPh :( it was late and some rich git in an M3 was egging me on. Well I won the battle but lost the war.
It was a classic moment, a smug smile as I passed him, then a few moments later I swear I could see him and the passenger laughing his tits off as I was in the hard shoulder with the cop seriously pissed off at me. Nelson.wav comes to mind:)
Apparently he (cop) heard me a mile before I got there, so I got a two year ban. That was just over 2 years ago so I'm free now, but hoping stuff like that don't go against me.
Oh (CA) police also caught me doing 98 when I was in the USA, to make matters worse I was undertaking people, wtf, I got confused.
They let me off on that one, so hopefully there is no record, but again he was seriously pissed and seeing a cop shouting at you with a gun in his belt is pretty scary coming from the UK.

What else, hmm, started playing quake III again, getting absolutely raped, but I'm just interested in re-learning the weapons so I won't be too far behind with Quake 4.
I invented a new term. Time Fragger, something I use for people who I believe beat me on the basis that they have simply played a game/map more than me. Playing people who are on their 6th year of ZTN is pretty freaking impossible, but I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone does when Quake 4 comes. Basically a Time Fragger is someone who you believe is less skilled than you, but still manages to beat you purely though the amount of time he's played a map. I proved this by playing the same guy on a map neither of us knew and I won, so it's good to know as I hate losing by 20 frags to people I feel are of a similiar, if not worse skillset. I am also playing on a basic config, that means no seperate sensitivities or fov for weapons. the idea is that I think CPL and Qcon and other tourneys will be more strict with the configs, plus this stuff WAS NOT written into doom 3, so unless they include this I'm doubtful of the CVAR potential with Quake 4. At least on initial release anyway.
I'm pretty confident the actual skill gap between good players and elite players is actually very close, even if the scores don't show it. Knowing a map inside out and playing it a billion times counts for a lot, so Quake 4 will be Interesting from that POV. New blood, new scores to be settled etc.

Also been playing some doom3 with Fooki, horrified to find he's pretty good at it, beaten him a few times, but he's won more than me and he's played it a lot less, but he's no noob, he knows the maps etc. Kinda'a contradicts my Time Fragger thing, but it's hardly against fodder, so I'll remain positive about my little discovery.
I guess I Should be happy having close games against a good q3 player, but I'm pretty certain if he played it as much as I have I would lose a lot more, so I guess we'll see in Quake 4.
Looking forward to being on even ground with all those players who left me bleeding in Quake 3, or at least staying within 8 frags.
I still say Doom 3 is worth playing for Q4 training, it don't have a railgun and it really improves your close combat skills.
Plus the maps are so freaking cheap, you really have to be sneaky to kill a good player, or just land a lucky SG!
And then there is the engine and the getting used to 60 FPS, I dont care waht anyone says, coming from q3 to D3, you DO NOTICE the difference, so Q4 will share a lot of the graphical feel from D3 and those that have not experienced that yet might have a big problem with it. Takes time to readjust.

So, not sure what the future holds, will it be a life in LA, or will it be working part time and playing Quake 4 on a semi-serious basis in the UK. I don't consider q4 a game now, I consider as a gateway to satisfying my competive instinct. Have always done something like sport, but gaming has definitely taken over now. I still get the biggest rushes from gaming and it's the most consistent form of fun I have had. Cars also do this, but not unless they're turbo'd and running filthy amounts of power:)
And yes I have done things outside of gaming, but I always get bored of those, and usually of the people I do those things with.

I want the LA thing, I really I do, but it would also be awesome to experience Quake 4 from the start. I could not do that in LA, I'll be working my ass off and getting having fun with crack hookers on Sunset Boul :)
The competition/atmosphere/new players is real temping though.

Everyone has been waiting for this and it's going to be tough, but if I don't get the visa I'm gonna give it a good go.
I finally have enough knowledge of what to do, decent hardware, connection and I can start at the start. Though I lack discipline regaining control (I give away too many frags) and I get real nervous even on small online tourneys, but I think a beer before hand will solve this.
Worked for my interview nerves anyway. So no excuses.
If CPL pick Quake 4 I'll attend the first stop for sure and if I don't do well I'll accept defeat (top 12) and stop playing on a serious basis and just play now and again and follow the scene.

Also looking forward to the razer Copperhead, mainly the 1000hz polling withouht drivers. If they pull that off and I like the shape I think I'll finally own a mosue that I am happy with.

Also been experimenting with some gameplay stuff. Huge potential with this stuff, should be possbile to do some crazy things.
If I have time I will do some new stuff with q4 I think.
Edited by Jamerio at 02:42 GMT, 13th Sep 2005 - 5121 Hits
Painkiller uk CPL vid(s) (26 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 23:46 CDT, 3 September 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.3 (3 votes)
Managed to record one really nice game today (Saturday). It was Ztrider vs Fatal1ty and one of the best I have seen.

On Sunday, I'll try and get some of the later games, of course Fat and Vo0. I'm not staying in all day to record, but I'll make sure to record the final games.

All streams are recorded from TSNCENTRAL which has been good for me, but I hear others are no so lucky.


Due to a broken stream on sunday there was very little coverage.
I did manage to grab a few minutes from the vo0 vs Fatal1ty game on Sunday.
This is all I have:(;f09dfe0...b7d41dd58d
Edited by Jamerio at 14:59 GMT, 10th Sep 2005 - 19450 Hits
Quake 4 (17 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 01:37 CDT, 31 August 2005 - iMsg
I can't wait, it's everywhere I look:)

Hurry up plesae id/raven while I can still acknowledge it's wrong to draw such parallels between innocent pictures and video games:)
Edited by Jamerio at 06:44 GMT, 31st Aug 2005 - 5636 Hits
Working in the USA? (45 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 17:55 CDT, 23 August 2005 - iMsg
Well, I could do with some advice and was wondering if anyone here can help me?
I have pretty much been offered a job in the USA (Woodland Hills CA)
and they are trying to obtain a visa for me.
The type of visa they are going for is something called a HB1, but seeing as I really want this job I wanna be pro-active (I hate that that word) and do a lil research in case I am not eligable for this type of visa.

So what I really wanted to ask is, does anyone on this site have any idea on how I could LEGALLY work in the USA other than obtaining this type of visa? (ASAP-preferably around Novemeber time, but if it spilled into early 2006 that might also work)
Even if I had to come back to the United Kingdom for a few days every 90 days (for 24 hours to renew something), this would be something I would consider doing. PLaying Super Nintendo and watchign the latest films for 8 hours straight is nothing to me:)
Basically I would like to be in a position to say to the potential employers that I can in fact come over so any ideas?

It kinda sucks that there's so much red tape as I have alyways wanted to work full-time in the USA and I really like the company (which is rare cuz im a fussy bastard:P) and although I have been over there quite a lot in bits and bobs, I'm actually talking about a long term thing this time.
I am reading up on some visa stuff, but just wanted to know if any bright sparks here have some ideas or experience with this sort of thing?
They have their legal people are looking at this but just thought I would ask.
The uk's really starting to suck, what with chavs, terrorism and politics and I can't see it changing anytime soon. Plus most brits seem to be grumpy all the time, partly linked to politics and chavs.



No I'm not prepared to get married to some wench I don't love :)

Well I was informed that all the HB-1 visas are now all gone so the only other alternative is to get one called the 0-1 which is apparently the hardest type to obtain, so I'm not so confident anymore, but will see :(
Edited by Jamerio at 00:32 GMT, 25th Aug 2005 - 7257 Hits
PC Upgrades for quake IV (12 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 19:24 CDT, 14 August 2005 - iMsg
I'll keep it game related.

Well, after seeing quake IV and the fact that I have a few hundred quid spare atm (not really spare I just decided I want to falsely classify it as spare) I'm tempted to upgrade now in time for quake IV.
I could wait until the thing comes out and get the card a little cheaper, but to TBH, I really cannot see the price of them dropping that low because the 6800 GT's and Ultras are still retaining a really good price, both new and second hand.
That and the fact that I know I would spend the money on something crap and come q4 time I'll be stuck with my underpowered 6600 GT and whining on ESR that I'm dropping frames becasue who wants to spend 400 quid just before christmas on top of all the otehr expenses?
I have a buyer lined up for the 6600 Gt, 90 quid for that, so that will take a nice chunk off whatever I upgrade to.
Here's the problem and I guess many others are in the same boat.


I really really do not want to upgrade to PCI-E, I will have to buy a new mobo reinstall all my shit and I know it'll take a a good week before I'm happy with it again.
Perhaps if I just buy a 6800 Gt or 6800 Ultra then I could just dump it in the slot, keep my old mobo (it's OEM so I can't OC or play with it) and that might be fine for quake IV.

however, today someone pointed me to brand new 7800 GT's on the web for 290 pounds including VAT!

Considering that new 6800 gt's/Ultra's and Ati equiv are going for a similiar price, if not more, then it makes it all the more harder for me to buy and inferior performing product.

Wichever way you look at it the 6800's are a year old now and by the time q4 is here that's nearly 18 months old, from previous experience I'm tempted to say the card will not suffice, of course were talking from someone who wants a solid framerate, so it will probably be fine for those who are not too bothered about stuff like that, but if you wish to be competitive then you really do need the hardware to be up to scratch so the only weak link is your skills.

if I do go for the 7800 gt I will also have to purchase a new motherboard, which is another 100.

7800 gt + pci-e mobo = approx 400 pounds (All new)
6800 GT/Ultra=250 tops.

So that's 150 cheaper, but It's going to be about 25% less performance than if I go for the PCI-E and 7800 gt.
And if the 6800 GT or Ultra dips frames now and again, then obviously i'm gonna annoyed come quake 4 for not upgrading the 7800 as the extra grunt would have probably made it good enough. But I won't be able to upgrade then, what with christmas, so it's now or never really.

Other than that qcon has been a blast, I'm glad Q4 looks as I hoped it would, though TBH I did not intend on wasting so much time next year with gaming, but shit, q4 looks so good and I know EVERYONE will play it and it will be hard for me to stay away.

Luckily it comes out in the winter so it will not be so bad cuz the weathers crap and it's miserable outside.

Oh I nearly forgot, I have started playing quake III again, after seeing quake 4 it's definitely close to that, so I would like to get back into that style of game again.
Doom 3 had it's good points, but there were a lot of bad issues with the game and I really can't see people playing it now that qcon is over.

Oh yeah....
There is a 6800 Ultra selling in less than 3 hours on ebay, it's currently 205 pounds, I think I'll stay up for it and if I can put a bid in and win it for that much, I'll probably be happy and forget about the 7800, because I would have saved 200 pounds and all the effort of reinstalling stuff, plus I really think I could sell a 6800 Ultra in 5-6 months time for that sort of money, so perhaps that would be the best choice for now?
Like I said, its the last and best AGP GFX card and whether you like it or not, PCI-E is here to stay so I know the 6800 Ultra or Gt is always going to be in demand and I don't know what it is about ebay, but people seem to be willing to overpay for things so the more I think about it the more tempted I am becoming to a 6800 GT or Ultra.
Ati card is out of the questions because Nvidia is better for Open GL games and it's constantly returning better scores than the ATi cards and seeing as all I care about playing next year is q4 then I don't care how much faster an x800 or x850 is in Hl2.

Oh yeh big thanks to itg for getting me hooked on that "Shiny Disco balls" song. I dunno what it is but it's stuck in my head and it's driving me nuts:)

Nice reviews on 7800 and other cards including benchmarks.
Edited by Jamerio at 02:05 GMT, 15th Aug 2005 - 4276 Hits
Why ESR is the best.... (507 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 17:26 CDT, 19 July 2005 - iMsg
Well, I have trolled these forums since 2002.
I have come and go as often as I have quit q3, but like the game I can never seem to stay away on a permanent basis.

After getting a ban on the Quakecon forums (for issues not even worth mentioning) and witnessing the cringe worthy fact that a lot of admins on other boards are on some sort of power trip, it really made me appreciate how unique ESR is.

Sure, myself and other's can be annoying at times, but overall, it's the most unique game site out there.
So hat's off to Sujoy and all the others cogs in the machine that really make ESR what it is!

The best site around
Edited by zet at 17:34 GMT, 20th Jul 2005 - 106890 Hits
Amazing bike video (14 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 20:03 CDT, 11 April 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)

OMG, this is absolutely insane. Gotta love those yankees for their "ONE MORE GO" philosophy.
Edited by Jamerio at 01:04 GMT, 12th Apr 2005 - 10949 Hits
Rally gone wrong! (15 comments)
Posted by Jamerio @ 07:52 CDT, 7 April 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7 (2 votes)
I won't spoil it but does this leave anyone else gasping for a little air?
Edited by netrex at 14:51 GMT, 8th Apr 2005 - 10069 Hits
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