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15:49 CDT - 1446 users online
Poll Votes
User Poll Choice
ia Donations to send duelers to QC'14 Yes
ia ESH CTF Spring Cup to be played in 5v5 ? CTF 4v4
ia Duel timelimit poll a time limit+frag difference formula
ia DreamHack Winter 2011 Gametype(s)? Capture The Flag
Freeze Tag
ia What mouse do you use? Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical
ia Dreamhack MVP noctis
ia TDM Maps for DreamHack Summer 2011 Dies Irae
Hidden Fortress (dm20)
Realm of Steel Rats (cpm4)
ia Kaspersky Award DaHanG
ia What Quake Live Account do you have? Premium
ia QuakeLive CTF 4v4 or 5v5 ? 4v4
ia What QL account would you pay for ? Not sure
ia Least competitive duel QL map? [1] qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
ia DevPick Servers: Apr. 16-18 AWESOME !
ia Current Web Browser Firefox
ia Nations Cup Choices...! CTF
ia Most suitable QL duel map [1] DM13
[2] T7
[3] CA2
[4] T9
[5] T4
ia What r_picmip for ESL-TV stream? r_picmip 0 (Highest quality)
ia What cg_fov for ESL-TV stream? cg_fov 110
ia Clanbase QuakeLive TDM settings Change to something else
ia QL Duel Mappool Replace qzdm6
ia QL CTF Format 4v4
ia xerp poll xerp -1/0 allowed, 1 banned
ia Severity... Will never even get made
Conceived and created by Sujoy Roy (Legal Notices)
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