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ChessQuake: Gameplay Idea (40 comments)
Posted by stier @ 05:49 CDT, 24 September 2009 - iMsg
I just thought we could talk about my nubfriendly gameplay idea: ChessQuake.
It features the first four weapons and plays like FFA, but you got the weapons from the beginning. Then you can pick up quad, red armor and 50 health bubbles. It's being played on tiny maps like dm1 or dm17. New players to Quake can have a nice introduction to the positioning and item pickup theories, without getting fragged too much. Also they can find out about the fun of projectile weapons by using the not so devastating grenade launcher. What do you think?
Edited by stier at 14:20 CDT, 13 October 2009 - 8221 Hits
Quakers = Gay? (20 comments)
Posted by stier @ 04:37 CDT, 16 October 2008 - iMsg
Always feeling a lovely tickle in the stomach, watching those faces feels so familiar.

You can tell so much from examining their eyes. How they grew up, what kind of persons their parents are. You wanna hold them tight and never let go. Sweet sweet surrender.

Since Cypher entered the stage, my sleep got worse. I am always thinking about him.
What is he doing right now? Chasing one of his prac mates through the holy halls of ztn, collecting the precious megahealth, numbers in his head, no rest, every shot has to be a hit, no mistakes, no prisoners.
Oh my, how I long for him. His sweet boyish body, pure skin and unharmed mind. Yes, I like to watch him and yes, I want to touch him.

Once I rooted for Av3k, but he got those muscles and started talking more confidently, now I think more of a brother about him.

I don't know why my thoughts always wander to the young and innocent. If i would be realistic, true to myself, I would be cheering for Fox, and him only. He is the true man in this circus, one constant force to be reckoned with. No doubt about his integrity, and none about his immense beauty. Of his soul, and of the temple it lives in.

Fox for the sake of god, win this tournament, and if you don't do it for me, do it for the rest of all the lonely people in this world!
5728 Hits
Rose? (17 comments)
Posted by stier @ 12:48 CDT, 20 September 2008 - iMsg
"Hello Dear,
My name is Rose Bezebi Petros,i read about you in site and i decide to contact you hopeing that you will accept my request,if you accept my request ,please reply to my email address ([email protected]) so that i will send you my photos and more about me,i believe we can make good friends,let distance not be a barrier but lets love connect,because love is a bridge connect far distance to be close
Yours Lovely

Rose? Rose where are you, I couldn't respond your mail! Please Answer!!
Edited by stier at 12:49 CDT, 20 September 2008 - 4033 Hits
knall ll (No comments)
Posted by stier @ 18:20 CDT, 15 July 2007 - iMsg
Another release this year!

Check the music section on if you like crispy electronical beats with hamti tamti basslines and weird high-frequenzy leads.
Edited by stier at 18:20 CDT, 15 July 2007 - 1574 Hits
knall (18 comments)
Posted by stier @ 02:51 CDT, 4 April 2007 - iMsg
Just released my new Album. Check the music section.
6227 Hits
sick shit! (35 comments)
Posted by stier @ 06:58 CST, 22 January 2007 - iMsg
Edited by stier at 09:01 CST, 22 January 2007 - 10404 Hits
You have 0 friends! (24 comments)
Posted by stier @ 10:24 CST, 10 January 2007 - iMsg
Become my friend now and get 50% off of everything!

I fell pretty had a good start into the 2007 year and now I will go out and meet nice people like Jenifer Aniston and Jessika Biel and Jodie Fosta and JLO yeah i have a faible for J's but I also like Winona Ryder.

Where's the coast? Where is it? I don't know where the coast is, maybe you know? Where is the coast?

1. Best FPS 2006?
2. Best Movie 2006?
3. Best homophobe 2006?

Now THIS is really gross. If you know me you probably think that I am a weird motherfucker. Yes I am. But when I try to imagine the face of the guy who built the cloaca there's a sudden *SCHTRINK* neutralizing my brain to protect my from getting completely insane.
Edited by stier at 10:25 CST, 10 January 2007 - 6587 Hits
itse bitse 2007! (4 comments)
Posted by stier @ 06:24 CST, 2 January 2007 - iMsg
I will stop smoking!
I will stop smoking!
I will stop smoking!
I will stop smoking!

I will eat healthy!
I will eat healthy!
I will eat healthy!
I will eat healthy!

I will move my body!
I will move my body!
I will move my body!
I will move my body!

Take anything you want!
Take anything you want!
Take anything you want!
Take anything you want!
2256 Hits
Go on, gaming! (12 comments)
Posted by stier @ 03:02 CST, 23 December 2006 - iMsg
We will go into a promising 2007 with Toxic's total prize purse being as high as Bode Miller's and camwhore Romero announcing Severity in that stupid video he made. Even product designers go crazy and create pads for pussies (although I have to admit that I love that color)!
The next step is going for mass media, say TV. We have to aim at the main national channels and make them aware of the potential competetive gaming has. People (=kids) will fall for it, that's for sure!
3302 Hits
Ian Knot (7 comments)
Posted by stier @ 02:18 CST, 13 December 2006 - iMsg
Look at this!
I just utilized this superb knot and have to admit that its one of the best things i have seen the last few months. Maybe if i train hard i will get it done really quick and if i am lucky i will impress some girls. I could ask if she wants to kiss me! Do you want to kiss me?

Next year is going to be great. I overcame most of the things that made me sad and now I slowly get ready for love.

Her face will make my heart explode into thousand little armor shards. She will pick them up one by one, moaning loudly every time the shard adds itself to her total armor.
Now she has 147 armor and I slowly begin to thrust my rocket launcher into her. Her moaning gets louder and finally bursts into loud screams of infinite lust.

Now we lie in bed together, smoking cigarettes.
"Your penis is so small now. Why is that?"
I blush.
Edited by stier at 02:47 CST, 13 December 2006 - 3458 Hits
Unbirthing (3 comments)
Posted by stier @ 10:15 CST, 7 December 2006 - iMsg
Many different people have many different problems these days. From the troubles of being small to the difficulties of finding sexual pleasure, every single human entity has its burden to carry. But regardless of how much you get tortured by life, there's always a solution!
7364 Hits
White Russian (30 comments)
Posted by stier @ 08:42 CST, 4 December 2006 - iMsg
"Among the Ashheaps"

Andrey Arnold and his temerarious following shot this gorgeous video in one day. Tell me what you think!
6692 Hits
Crispy (No comments)
Posted by stier @ 04:32 CST, 2 December 2006 - iMsg
Edited by stier at 04:33 CST, 2 December 2006 - 1473 Hits
Sweeting Pore (5 comments)
Posted by stier @ 04:06 CST, 1 December 2006 - iMsg
Today our czech trading partner visited us again. He normally brings a big box of foam rolls (meringue in filo dough) for us to eat. At first we always laugh about him and his foam rolls because they are so ubersweet and unhealthy, but in the end we always find ourselves gorging them down. Especially my boss is an expert at 'getting the most foam rolls out of the box' because there's no one to complaint.
So after eating my daily cereals and an apple Mr. Podolvski comes in and presents today's goodie: Honeytorte with a 2 cm high layer of cinnamon and sugar on it. The secretary dishes out and i munch away happily. Additionally our sales manager brought this choloate-waffle-cake along so I also take one of them. A few sips of organic milk in between and eating again. *munch* *munch* *munch*...

I feel so sick now!

List of cakes (scroll down for the erotic cake!)
2676 Hits
Jack Nance (24 comments)
Posted by stier @ 03:13 CST, 30 November 2006 - iMsg
I recently saw I Don't Know Jack, a documentary about the actor Jack Nance. It consists of interviews with friends and family. They talk about his acting "career" and his personal issues. One of those issues is alcoholism.

Alcohol depicts some kind of threat to me. I went to big parties when I was 15 years old and it always ended in one big drinking bout. The boys went crazy, the girls did too and I got the craziest of them all. But on the next morning you went home and it was over. Your body was full of poison and you felt miserable.

The alcohol passed my youth and did not harm my progression. What did was the weed. For about 3 years I constantly smoked the bong. It was hell. Well no, it was heaven, but it became hell once I was sober enough to realize my miserable existence. I will need another 2 years to get out of that.

I immediately felt familiar with his face as I looked at some pictures of Jack Nance in his good times. He not only had the fire of an artist in his eyes, there also was that weakness. His wonderful glare makes me feel like a baby again.
5247 Hits
The Power 5 (21 comments)
Posted by stier @ 03:41 CST, 29 November 2006 - iMsg
I will start my new series of SLOTD's (stier links of the day) with The Power 5 (not work safe).
I really can't say something about this, but expect extensive commentary on tomorrow's SLOTD.
Edited by Yeltsin at 10:35 CST, 29 November 2006 - 8947 Hits
Curry! (11 comments)
Posted by stier @ 06:01 CST, 23 November 2006 - iMsg
Boil rice.
Cut bulb and fowl, roast it.
Add thai vegetables and things you like (carrots, paprika and stuff).
More roasting (30 seks.).
Fill in coconut milk.
Add a sponge of curry paste (hot!), stir it and let the whole thing boil for 5-10 minutes.
You can add curry powder if you like.
4138 Hits
Guys... (2 comments)
Posted by stier @ 09:21 CST, 21 November 2006 - iMsg Dird are a phenomenon. They are well educated, good looking and warm hearted. When they open their mouth you can see their theeth brightening the world. And when you hear their word everything around you get's swallowed by some kind of pink goo.
At first he is funny to watch, but when you stare at him sitting on the ground and making those awkward moves for a few minutes your mind falls into a trance-like state of anaesthekinesia.
If it recognizes you being paralysed, it will begin moving closer. You will feel it's hunger for human flesh on your skin like the gentle breath of the wind passing by. It will be the last time you feel something like that. From this point on there's only the suffering of pain.
The legs move faster and faster. What's that? You can see it's shadow in the corner of your eye, the one eye that will be ripped out by Dird's dirty claws as he moans with great pleasure. In a few seconds.
Hm? You think you can get away somehow?
Edited by stier at 09:27 CST, 21 November 2006 - 1986 Hits
What's wrong with me? (163 comments)
Posted by stier @ 10:16 CST, 12 November 2006 - iMsg
Today I feel empty like never before. The horoscope says it will get better. It says that I will soon find a partner. I want to hold out. I want to stay. I want to get rid of all the bad thoughts. Maybe everything is going to chance when I find someone to share my day with. Maybe I should not get in contact with other persons. Maybe someone should kill me. There's so much to achieve. I want to create. I want to love. I want to be loved. God is everywhere. Not in me. Come on god, why don't you like me ? Fill me up with your glory semen.
44363 Hits
It was a... (5 comments)
Posted by stier @ 03:35 CST, 9 November 2006 - iMsg
...very nice evening yesterday. We played billard, threw darts and drank lots of beer. I felt comfortable all the time. There were some nice people I met. Beautiful human beings.
Edited by stier at 03:36 CST, 9 November 2006 - 2678 Hits
One of these... (23 comments)
Posted by stier @ 02:02 CST, 8 November 2006 - iMsg
forgive me
Edited by stier at 10:07 CST, 12 November 2006 - 6507 Hits
Aggression (121 comments)
Posted by stier @ 04:04 CDT, 15 October 2006 - iMsg
Yesterday there was a class reunion of my mates in elementary school. I was happy to see most of them alive and enjoying themselves. After drinking two beers and a Jägermeister at a local pup we got to the Bienenstich in Tragwein. That's a big club that enables kids from the region to drink their brains out and approach the (mostly) opposite sex. I had 4 B52's and a Cola Rum and two more Beers and something that's called a "Golden Nigger".
After some autonomous dancing we headed home with a taxi. We invited people to hop in. I can't remember correctly, but i think i said something like "You stink!" and "As you got in here it began to fucking smell like anus." to the people in the front row.
Two of them immediately responded to my provocation by pimping around. I sting into a wasp's nest. We got out of the car and they didn't want to let me go. They wanted a fight as bad as I needed to get hurt. But i didn't want to fight with them, because these two were people who have no control over themselves when drunken. I knew that when one of them goes too far i would fuck them up badly. My best friend Michael 'sur' Anreiter sucessfully calmed me down and pushed me to go home. They followed us and tried to get some more action by throwing insults. After inconclusively kicking my friend from behind they let us go. He was the clear winner that night.
We talked about the incident on our way home. As we declared them being stupid I began to think about weapons. If those guys had a knife with them that encounter would have turned out to be a big mess. And i saw them waving around with handguns and shooting people.
I wanted to fight, yes. But i definitely could not kill someone. Those guys could. Because they are stupid.

Do you have any experience on that topic you want to share with me? Thoughts about aggression?
Edited by stier at 04:05 CDT, 15 October 2006 - 36284 Hits
Perfect Platform (48 comments)
Posted by stier @ 07:35 CDT, 13 October 2006 - iMsg
I just watched Bloodshed II and realized that raven and id software did an outstanding job on creating Quake 4.

At first glance they made the game much slower than Q3 was. That's good. Playing Q3 didn't require you to think about forthcoming situations in your game, the fight was intense and demanded aiming, timing and movement action at once, all the time. The only thing you thought of was the item you should pic up AFTER the fight.

In Q4 the concourse of the athletes got more important. Because of the slow weaponswitch you had to have the right weapon in your hand, know the exact path of your enemy (granted, that's hard with broken soundsystem) and when you are going to approach the opponent. You had to think of many things BEFORE fighting, because they slowed down the fundamental mechanics, powered up some weapons and thus raised the skill bar.

THAT'S RIGHT, don't demand it, you didn't like the game because it got HARDER for die-hard quakers and introduced some elements of (validly popular) games like Counter-Strike.

I don't want to start another Q3>Q4 discussion, but i want to know what you think of the community (esr) speeding up Q4 physics. Do the ones who ranted about Q4 being 'slow' actually play 1.3, at a constant basis?

No, they can't make it faster, that would ruin the little bit of gameplay that's left.
Edited by stier at 11:25 CDT, 13 October 2006 - 10848 Hits
Pedo Bear ? (84 comments)
Posted by stier @ 11:01 CDT, 9 October 2006 - iMsg
Couldn't find anything on google or wikipedia so i ask you guys:


This animated .gif gave no hint to me.
114780 Hits
Nazi Posters (231 comments)
Posted by stier @ 09:42 CDT, 20 September 2006 - iMsg
A guy called tom`` recently banned me from #esreality for posting this, so I thought I might share the pain.
Look at them, at every single one, it will bring you deeper into this shit than any educational movie about jews being killed can get you. And by the way, it's art!

73979 Hits
Into summer (19 comments)
Posted by stier @ 15:16 CDT, 26 June 2006 - iMsg
Oh god this feels so good. Being sober and shit like that.

I am clean right now, for about a week. No smoking, no drinking. Yesterday i chilled out with my old 'friends' again, those wasted bastards. Watching them getting stoned and drunk while being clean is awful.

One of them is currently on the edge again. He has a 2 year old daughter that he had to leave because her mother couldn't handle him. I mean, both on drugs all the time getting themselves twisted down into a spiral of affliction, that's not what i want a child to be raised like.

If you are addicted to any kind of drugs and about 20 years old, stay away from breeding because it will destroy your life !

yle="width:250; margin:30; padding:15; background:#D7D7D7; border: thin solid black" align="center">

There's this guy where we often meet, his name is Sanjay. He is a real phenomenon for me, because he is stoned 24/7 but gets along with it quite well. He has one of the biggest and finest collection of dnb-vinyl's and also does the turntables. Vegetarian, handsome and good natured. I fucking hate him.

Stay tuned.

Edited by Stier at 15:16 CDT, 26 June 2006 - 7392 Hits
I have a dream (26 comments)
Posted by stier @ 04:55 CDT, 8 June 2006 - iMsg
To see men and women, boys and girls, Negros and Aryans, Railers and Shafters playing the same game, on the same server and on the same conditions. I dream about a new generation of human beings, fighting their wars online without getting physically hurt, just a few "gg"'s and some spare "railnub"'s, no severed limbs of dead children, no broken old men, no fat people (especially that one) and sex and love everywhere hmmm...
7538 Hits
again, sitting (34 comments)
Posted by stier @ 18:01 CDT, 15 May 2006 - iMsg
i feel like i've moved backward, and it feels right.

"let me see the things that have to be seen, let me close my eyes when these things get lost. don't disappoint me, honey !" he screamed in agony before he turned around and ran away like a little sissy.
11871 Hits
my love (8 comments)
Posted by stier @ 08:05 CDT, 23 September 2005 - iMsg
bye bye, my love

the time we spent together
was sometimes intense
and also hard,
but never boring
like a big wet fart.

i can smell and feel you,
rising up to my head,
not infiltrating my brain
but my soul instead.

my mind is clear,
my breath is clean
i won't fear
what your death will mean
to me.

*sniff sniff*
Edited by etschloch at 10:07 GMT, 24th Sep 2005 - 4301 Hits
HELO ! (6 comments)
Posted by stier @ 08:04 CST, 3 March 2005 - iMsg

shaggy is cool, he has bitches, cars and legs. but 50cent is on the run now, everybody likes him because he is much more pedo than shaggy ever was.

2735 Hits
Boah ! (4 comments)
Posted by stier @ 05:53 CST, 7 January 2004 - iMsg
Heard some rumors that the american army got saddam, but i am not sure yet if this is true, my dog Igor told me (no he cant speak, but i am teaching him to write for about 3 years now).

Igor writes that he was hiding in a bottle of water, only wearing a kilt, and Army American recognized reflections of the Bottle by using his ultra-intense Lavalamp. He got it from his Mother Fucker at Birdthay.
Edited by edge loch at 11:53 GMT, 7th Jan 2004 - 2005 Hits
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