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Posted by dizzle @ 13:00 CST, 28 November 2016 - iMsg
27304 Hits
What is the best drugs for quake? (60 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:05 CDT, 30 September 2016 - iMsg
What is the best drug for actually improved gameplay when you play Quake?

i find that when i played quake blunted =]<o

that i gain a deeper understandings of theory and complex ideas of the deathmatch within the game and i hit like a motherfucker with my rockets and i get accused of being a sneaky fucker aimbot with my 80% lg and then when i came off the ganja i suck again =[

so i roll up another spliff and *raymundo* i am pro again =p

i have used cocaine but only @ lan and i just found it made me aggresive irl and punch people in the face to my prison sentences

29446 Hits
Infamous ESR Users EXPOSED (38 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 15:24 CDT, 21 June 2016 - iMsg
yo ESR im back takin a break from my work

i been on that hard hustle lately so respect my grind im takin a minute to write you a journal [this one is 4 u] =]

home of many scum bags and legends [not mention any names but maybe u think of dizzle heheh] but all the same even if you think me a fool or idiot or something else of low iq well not to worry?

who is the most infamous trolls of ESR?
who are these talentless hacks that racked up god mode reputation with zero quality to they post

dizzle- i almost had god mode i was a king but it all got taken away from me, my legacy smashed, my wife walked away, my son think my name is dirt but i have recovered.

say your piece ..... who is that infamous troll you always think when think ??

thanks for reading
til nex time
11238 Hits
lets make the new quake 5 ourself [IDEA] (24 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 12:54 CDT, 16 May 2016 - iMsg
why not make the new quake game i am sure we are amongst a various talent peoples here on esr i mean come on we have not last as long we did without those people always pushing for the rite stuff am i rite hehe =]

i would like to assisst in the new quake as i have learned to code since last year and have improved my english vast amounts

we could do it in our spare times

me well i have any time i can give because i all have is my fam and a job at the store atm so just holla at cha boi dizzle u know what im saying =]

i would make quake such an awesome game even for the noobs

i need your help because iD software do not response to my CV ??

peace out ESR
til next time
- big homie dizlat
4491 Hits
Pictures of my wife (72 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 08:51 CST, 20 February 2016 - iMsg
now people this is not a picture of my wife

if you want a pic of that
you will have to see my on the flipside

hehe =]

this thread is actually for music that makes you cry


i will start

peace (Y)
big homie dizlat
22681 Hits
I need a dollar, a dollar is what i need (18 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 13:37 CST, 27 January 2016 - iMsg
Hello ESR ! 2016 here we go. first journal of 2016 yeah buddy.

Ya boy dizzlat back at you again on the offtopic forum (what a suprise) ritte =] on to the real meat of this forum post ritee here.

When you put in the work, whatever your hustle is, you gotta respect yourself if you put in the work and then THAT DAY COMES.

yeah boy that good feeling when it all comes into place... that day that you GET PAID$$$ you know what i mean =]<o~~~ yeah ofcourse you do... well the question for you today loyal reader is..


The way i see it i got three options

- spend on drugs
- spend on clothes
- spend on video games
- spend on the bitch
- spend on dizzlat jr
- spend on house
- spend on car

i just no matter which choice i make at the end of the month when my bills are paid and i got the roof over my family head and the heating and all that basic ass stuff... i aint got nothing to show it for it.

its a third world grind out here and we all know that... need your thoughts my fellow hustles, my fellow grinders... i see you out there in the dark... how do you make sure you got something to show for yourself?

maybe its different but in poland these motherfuckers keep taxing me and i got kids to raise man.. could just go back to the streets man. get on that grind like i used to... dime bag, selling to them fiends on the street.. nah i want something more noble. show dizzlat jr how its done =]

thanks for reading my articles in 2016. more is to come. just hold tight my brothers [SHOUTOUT TO YALL OUT THERE THAT READ THIS FAR, U ALREADY KNOW WHO IT IS, ITS CHAA BOY MR WORLDWIDE]
we still out here
holdin it down for ESR
best regards and hope for you
dizzle - pl - 2016
6609 Hits
L E G E N D S ? (8 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 12:06 CST, 14 January 2016 - iMsg
What does it take to be a legend in Quake Live in your honest opinions?

I am holding down a strong reputation but I dont know what it takes to be a true legend across the borders.

I am only real legend on ESR but ingame only amonst my main peers and we go way back in the days... but i sitll earning respect, still working hard. i came up with my team and we still rock it when we get the chance, we be busy now you gotta hustle and you gotta recognise that.

What does it take to maintain legend status in quake? what do you do? how do you guys that are the 'real legends' manage to handle that lifestyle?

when i was strong and holdin it down i almost burnt myself out @ lan. polish scene went hard back in the day. these mostly just rage quit out of it.

Anyways. im curious if you guys could shed some light on the above mentioned comments.

hope you are all well ESR
- still holdin it down for you -
best regards
2865 Hits
The best players on ESR (49 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:16 CST, 5 January 2016 - iMsg
I am curious who the best players in quake still posting on ESR are?

you know

who is the best tdm player that still posts on ESR?

who is the best dueler that still posts on eSR?

who is the best ctfer that still posts on esr?

who is the best caer that posts on ESR?

who is the best instagibaer that still posts on ESR?

who is the best ffaer that still posts on ESR?

who. ??are you outt there? where are you pros at still posting on ESR???

i am one of the best polish active in the scene but i am curious to know the more hardcore of you.
14522 Hits
Best 2GD VIDEO (13 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 15:51 CST, 3 January 2016 - iMsg

god bless you 2gd you was very funny and even tho you did not manage to save quake live i appreciate what you did to try and save it i hope you can bring back fps with your game.

love you

post your fav 2GD related videos
5283 Hits
what did yall get for christmas? (25 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 09:36 CST, 27 December 2015 - iMsg
howdy ESR !

hope yall had a good christmas out there YALL =]

i got for christmas this year a:

second-hand ps4
fallout 4 for ps2
cigarette[self-purchased] - i give it up someday i promise yall =]<o~~
a4 acceptable size printer

im jus wondering what yall got for christmas too?
Edited by Teen Queen at 21:58 CST, 27 December 2015 - 5545 Hits
ever notice this about cypher? (35 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 15:29 CST, 15 December 2015 - iMsg
in this famous video

after he quits playing

he is instantly watching esreality

8759 Hits
For how long? (36 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 17:21 CST, 6 December 2015 - iMsg
Whoevers in charge of my being on ESR

I am sorry for what my past had caused the trouble. I did not troll like a worthless sack like some of the ESR members, no i had purpose for my antiques and shenanigans when i did that stuff.

since my journey of self-belief and improvement you have seen that there is no hidden purpose to my threads and that my agenda is clear.. i am here to represent polish community in best way by just being myself.

i am probation for long time now... surely i have proofed to you i can live without this limitation?

the choice is down to you (whoever the power that be is)

thanks for reading my plea

i wish you all the best =]
Edited by Teen Queen at 11:26 CST, 9 December 2015 - 12352 Hits
Dizzle interviews ESReality.. (44 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:39 CST, 24 November 2015 - iMsg
Hello all reading this on ESReality.

I am dizzle as you all have come to know =]

but what you did not know is that i am thankful that the website ESReality has given me new leases on life. such as a reson to live and carry on contributions to the quake history if not for poland for the rest of world.

i would like to interview some of you for a video similar to a thoorin video.. so if you would like to be interviewed please. comment below.

i have audio recording software and can skype to you so just let me know. OK THANKS GUYS. I LOOK FORWARD TO speaking to you LEGENDS.

sincerely peace,
dizzle (Y)
14035 Hits
Song of the year + album of the year (80 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 11:53 CST, 12 November 2015 - iMsg
nominate your song of year and album of year in this thread

you know i still bring that musical discussion into ESR =]

My song of year

why? because it is just such a strong meaning to me. it came out when i was down and what drake speaks really hits me hard. like you always gotta come out on top in the end.

album of the year

travis scott - rodeo

best of 2015 in my honest opinions

please guys share your tastes in the thread! looking forward to it.
22926 Hits
Uninstall quake live (30 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 15:54 CST, 11 November 2015 - iMsg
if you a naysayer and you say that quake live is dead

uinstall quake live

do it now

do it if you have the balls

you cowards

11575 Hits
ESReality cellular device application?? (16 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:10 CDT, 28 October 2015 - iMsg
Hello ESR

I am wondering if anyone develop an app for android or iphone for the ESReality browsing speficialy. would be awesome development in my honest opinion.

and would help capture a new generation of ESReality posters. dizzle jr would use the website then haha =]

thanks and thoughts
love to you guys
12837 Hits
ESR Award Show 2015 [EVENT ORGANISATION] (39 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 12:54 CDT, 9 October 2015 - iMsg
I have an idea.

We organise event. big event for ESR.

The ESR award show 2015.
We have community nominations for various category [i let admins decide]
The best people and even the unintentional best get a trophy for their efforts.

we gather in a hall, in a good location like London and give out awards and have good time as ESR, as one, coming together as community..

i would glad help in organizing of such an event.

What you guys think? I think it will be a good funny time for us all =]
20305 Hits
What is Rapha doing in this image? (53 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 15:23 CDT, 28 September 2015 - iMsg

have a shot at explaining what rapha is doing in this image?

pluses for creative replies =]

note - just a fun tread. turn into my journal if you want mods.
17016 Hits
good movies / cartoons / tv (87 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 05:38 CDT, 26 September 2015 - iMsg
can someone recomend some good tv shows or cartoons or a movie

i am interested in many tthings and i enjoy media that makes me think

i recently enjoyed lost river and over the garden wall which i plan to watch many times ove rand over haha so fun

type it in the thread and i will give it a try =]

i give plus if it does look very good !
24704 Hits
Best noise in quake? (131 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:24 CDT, 24 September 2015 - iMsg
what is the best noise in quake?

for me it is the chilly ambionce of splashing OR strafing through the water and the splishy splashy noises that it makes. have always loved it.

rail hum is also nice. i could listen for days. i have recorded a 10 min extended ver once ha.

what is you opinion on the best sounds in quake live?

-no the soundtrack does not count- why?
because this is music. turn it off. apreciate the ambience that they put into our game for once =]
46922 Hits
the best cheese? (67 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 13:46 CDT, 8 September 2015 - iMsg
what is the best of all time cheese?

lechicki is my vote of choice =] home grown fav!

curiousity of your choosing???

Edited by dizzle at 15:15 CDT, 8 September 2015 - 22487 Hits
QUAKE CLONES (19 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:02 CDT, 1 September 2015 - iMsg
imagine u get a power
to combine people. real peoples. !!!

which quake player u put together?

i choose quake commentors, this is who i would mix together to form one.

2GD- popular in other game, nice voice
DDK- major knowledge, hard work ethic. 10/10 anaylsis skill set
disrepute- 10/10 analysis skill set, funny
vor- quality analyst + touch of pesismist that is need to balance out the high hope of the players

= ultimate best caster capable of more than just quake. funny. good looks. money. etc just best all around caster for any game but perfection for quake

who would you blend together? to make the best quake clone?
Edited by Teen Queen at 23:16 CDT, 1 September 2015 - 10706 Hits
* N U K E D * (9 comments, locked)
Posted by Nuked User @ 07:36 CDT, 31 August 2015 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

R E I N C A R N A T E D (37 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 13:29 CDT, 30 August 2015 - iMsg
see title =]



-peace n love
respect to the haters
dizzle (Y)
Edited by dizzle at 13:33 CDT, 30 August 2015 - 7852 Hits
Posted by dizzle @ 15:43 CDT, 27 August 2015 - iMsg

please start that song posted on top before read

why is it
all good must end
even when u try
it just hurt

allways wanna put me down
my love
she dont want it no more
my love
she found my esr
esr i try

to better
for it my contribtuions
dizzle take serious
esr dizzle
good must end
even life

i had u and my gf
not much anymore
not even esr
must end
just no more
cannot do it

hit tha blunt wit my friend on here in the after life =]
keep u heart
for dizzle
sadness only

all thing love me
had left
i told u i am snap

respect to legend
respect to u my friend
respect to tht bitch
blunted @ lan heaven now

hopeful postitive impact
just good mesage in all of it somewhere
just small life
no point to live
contribtuion mistaken
just ending it

dizzle (Y)
9086 Hits
Dizzle Exposed (24 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 11:38 CDT, 21 August 2015 - iMsg



i am dizzle

sick of it csi case in m y name on the webs

i give u video

i settle it. i am proud polish and proud quake scene member. not fuck on esr.
u want birng my famil into this or my gf you scumbags? tha t shit not on my agenda
Edited by Teen Queen at 13:28 CDT, 21 August 2015 - 6150 Hits
thinkin of writing books (raw ideas) (53 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:19 CDT, 20 August 2015 - iMsg
would any1 be interested in purchasing a small bio type small novel book or some sort of thing about gorwing and playing and cotnroversy of quake scene from the eyes of the polish quake community?

the bloods, sweets, tears and legends both the fallen, risen or forgotton from the polish scene perspective of quake scene from 1996 to now.

i give it unfilter raw like i have always been

i havesome draftand can publish and some dirt on famous player will bes hare in this. stories from lan that never should be living and just controverysial material.

a real effort on my part ok, you might say how owuld you format it?
well why aks htis typeof quests if no persons are interested.

you want it. yes or no?
(why dont you let poles have a poll)

imagine anne frank diary but polsih quake scene personal eye view. i think would be funto give sumin back to my scene.

any feedbacks ae appeREectiated
Edited by dizzle at 14:26 CDT, 20 August 2015 - 12902 Hits
my listen thread = best music (27 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 12:15 CDT, 19 August 2015 - iMsg
0rule of the thread

1you must have to listen to song posted above you
3you to post a better song

4have fun
5-dizzle =]
9066 Hits
needing fun ffa maps (2 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:24 CDT, 18 August 2015 - iMsg
can anyone link or give download from archives? fun ffa maps

organise lan soon. need fun maps for 12+ player no money just fun games.

all my website or archive for old osp maps are down or 404 something similar?

thank u =]
5387 Hits
what is strenx LOOKING at? (22 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 09:05 CDT, 15 August 2015 - iMsg
what is SSTRENX looking AT? =]


i guess hethink of cooller back those days. respect legend.
7542 Hits
what does quaske smell like? (48 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 15:58 CDT, 13 August 2015 - iMsg
tht bich bake at it gaina THIs time. he poking me on facebook questions. i ask you my ESR

simple question =]

what does quake smell like?

9505 Hits
sickk of all (19 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:23 CDT, 11 August 2015 - iMsg
u kno i look my config too many year

bored like som old btch =]

u give i use
reward for sexiest config!

share me sexiest config for quake live
8196 Hits
polish respect (44 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 09:48 CDT, 10 August 2015 - iMsg
why are polish players so respected by quake live community?
i ask friends

is it because av3k?


because we ahev many pros???


beause we like to speak to in english?


in pub they argue but show me respect, they like me i guess, but they love poland. even on ESR i feel the respect.

i go play cs,

"fuk u poland"

why polish player so respected in general in quake games?
Edited by dizzle at 09:49 CDT, 10 August 2015 - 14179 Hits
QUAKE LIFE TODAY (20 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 05:30 CDT, 8 August 2015 - iMsg
what if quake live is released today and we do not know it

a new game as it is quake live today but as new game we have just now heard of

what would you think of it?

3595 Hits
where u see yoruself in 10 years (45 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 15:38 CDT, 3 August 2015 - iMsg
dizzle in 10 year
level: site admin
country: uk or
money: &#8734;
raisin lil dizzle to be just like me but better

where do you see yourself in 10 years?
11677 Hits
meet dizzle irl =] (53 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 01:48 CDT, 3 August 2015 - iMsg
i wanted to always since i join to make use of friend list feature but only wem420 has got me on friend list and i want more more more

if you friend add me an i will add u visa versa

add me friends !!!!!!!

we can strong together. with you buddy dizzle
who know u mabe meet me irl anyday @ lan =]
16005 Hits
legend quotes from the best of all times (76 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 17:08 CDT, 2 August 2015 - iMsg
have all this talk from recent quakecon about da future of quake live and what is going to happen.

yeah sure we can worry about it but we all know what happen in 5 years. we still playin and blazin with this game.

reach into your memories on quake. it can be anything. remember it.
select it carefully. the legendary moment or quote or something from quake past. that you remember forever. make this game what it is. defines it.

for me personal
RAPHA, the best champion. a true. true. true. legend of quake live.
"A game like this wouldnt be as good as it was if it wasn't for the opponent that was across from me, these games don't mean anything unless the opponent is as good as you or better"

best quote in quake living history =]
rapha is the best

accident for my thread. i should put it in quake live forum.
Edited by Teen Queen at 01:54 CDT, 3 August 2015 - 23527 Hits
need that info about what have i missed (24 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:47 CDT, 27 July 2015 - iMsg
some break. lil week. preparing for myself to become a father, yes its crazy soon =] no more good weed.

so i miss quake con and the torunaments and get a rough idea snooping around but please what too much has been scattered on here.

small words. please share the small cap of info with me friends


10258 Hits
dizzle helping ESR now (60 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 13:58 CDT, 10 July 2015 - iMsg
ok so i have had a hipifyny and a moment of reflection and i ahev decided that i need to clean myself up some on this website

ok so you have though ti was a troll, a noob, a 'dickweed' etc
now i have proved myself to be a honest person and a representative of quality discussion and just for the greater good.


What do i need to do complete my time here and actually make an impact on the ESR history books?

it mean more to me know you now it.

im sick of being treated like 'postin in a dizzle tread hahahaha' etc

i am a serious contributor
what must i do to impact possitive.
12661 Hits
post summer jamz =] (78 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 09:44 CDT, 7 July 2015 - iMsg
i need some summer jam as the weed is blazing. big titties out and the good pint of alchoels (good lean) is coming and quakecon soon but one thing miss. summer music. THE FREAKING JAMS=] my ears are missing so i need help because nothing is coming to poland.

Post some good vibreation for this year 2 0 1 5 !!!!!! i need some good rizzle for my sizzle right now hahahaha -shout-out-to-you-esr-

just post link to avoid threaded lag. i will listen to it all =]

have a fun time my friends the mixtape soon come
-peace- (Y)
dizzle \o/
14375 Hits
quake documentary (13 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 12:26 CDT, 1 July 2015 - iMsg
does such a a dogcumentary exist? and if not would you beintersted in watching a coducmentary that covers the life and dark times of quake life?

give me them quake documentaries guys =] that quakeworld doc is funny but sad and makes me think quake still got it.

maybe we can get agroup and make an ESR documentary of course i need the funding !
5067 Hits
i have to quit quake because of my dick (34 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 16:52 CDT, 26 June 2015 - iMsg
what disease or illness would force a pro on high level to quit playing or just some casual pub ca star u know like the ones =]

ok so parikson diesae has to be one. how u going to hit a rail whiel shaking like crazy. no disrepect to those who suffer. ofcourse my grandpa has it. =[

what disease or illneses will stop people from playing quake??

dizzle (y)

hope good health u all
Edited by dizzle at 16:53 CDT, 26 June 2015 - 7640 Hits
WORLD ENDS IN SEPTEMBER!!! (54 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 14:56 CDT, 22 June 2015 - iMsg

an asteroid will hit the earth in september and wipe us tha fuck out!!!!!

im jut gonna contine to smoke as much weedand hopeful it hits when im gettin a bj =]

What do you want or need todo before it hits?
Edited by dizzle at 15:02 CDT, 22 June 2015 - 14328 Hits
any1 listen too PITBULL??? (44 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 03:59 CDT, 21 June 2015 - iMsg
this is not test. do you listen to pitbull?

mr worldwide is not a joke goddamn he has talent prooved it over the years imo

new song chris brown = fire


Edited by dizzle at 04:01 CDT, 21 June 2015 - 9256 Hits
coolest quake player of all time (121 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 08:18 CDT, 12 June 2015 - iMsg
ESR you need to make a decide.

who is coolest quake player of all time???=] can be from any era of quake hisotrys

my choice. it is strenx.

why??? u say?? becauze strenx make big wave and fun impression for us over them years.
Edited by dizzle at 08:19 CDT, 12 June 2015 - 40626 Hits
why quake players suck at cs go (77 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 01:41 CDT, 10 June 2015 - iMsg
why do quake player suck at cs go? (not mention no namez)

tunnel vision?


not all bad but most i have watchedddd are very bad [even global RANKED]

i thoguht quake made u god at all FPSes??

answers. anyone. ?????????=]
Edited by dizzle at 01:41 CDT, 10 June 2015 - 40212 Hits
name my son (91 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 11:44 CDT, 5 June 2015 - iMsg
hey ESR big news i am having a son and time for the name!=]!!!

ESR canu please come yup with some best/good name for my son.

be what u want

-eg. dizzle jr

im so happy right now. knew trhis 2015 be this year!=]]]

i will take best name
20384 Hits
best method for no work and still paid (36 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 07:41 CDT, 26 May 2015 - iMsg
i landed jobrecently and time for boring yes. zzzz no quake and no weed. gg =]

.How do i make my boss pay me for not workin but still he think im working verry hard???
yeah sure i am ESR now but boss see this orange thing. 'dizzle watt the fuck that??get back to work u fuckin shit . *points pistol @dizzle*'

what do you do. help. anything for dizzle. thanks in advance.
21161 Hits
EMOTiONS CONTENT (21 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 07:39 CDT, 23 May 2015 - iMsg
hello eSR! let take a thread to be as real as we are. dizzle brining the realest thread on ESR hahaah[=

post something that has choked u up or made u realise damn. or something. u know how i mean=] made you cry!

for me this song is remind me that bitch @LAN we never gonna see you again. sad times. ='[
(for those you hate whiz. do not do it. he still ahs talent OK!!!)

4066 Hits
The BEST TDM PLayeR of ALL timE (56 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 11:52 CDT, 16 May 2015 - iMsg
so i am just havin a conversation with an old friendship in the teamspeak and he quote saying ' i best tdm player all time' fuck the 'xxx' team or 'xxx' and rest of 'xxx' ping just losers hahaha

xxx = muted as to not be nuked

my game. for you ESR friends!

you have only one guess

who was it, with the attitude? attiude = I AM bEST TDM PLAYER ALL TIME.
Edited by xou at 02:32 CDT, 18 May 2015 - 11372 Hits
how do u get pumped (65 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 12:34 CDT, 5 May 2015 - iMsg
how do u guys get pumped to play quake live

i personally look my face in mirror and tell myself i can do it

i have sometime used inspiration music

just my thoughts, i know a old cs pro. he used to pray to god before lan event =]
Edited by dizzle at 12:36 CDT, 5 May 2015 - 26470 Hits
QUAKE LIVE FUNKY ?? (5 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 16:21 CDT, 26 April 2015 - iMsg
post the funkiest thing ever has happened in QUAKE LIVE history

2918 Hits
Posted by dizzle @ 15:30 CDT, 23 April 2015 - iMsg
SO ITS 2015

i miss mostly mods from quake 2, ut 99 and half life!!!
so many fun. =p all gone are dead mod now!


what game you miss bring back the memory of actually enjoyin video games???
30082 Hits
yeah ahuh u know what it is (30 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 10:58 CDT, 20 April 2015 - iMsg

POST A BETTER SONG than black n yellow.
a classic. especially on this 4/20
betting most you cannot!
5461 Hits
hw serious is quake live (70 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 15:52 CDT, 16 April 2015 - iMsg
as the title sayis
how serious do you take quake live?
how serious are you about this game?
tryhard / cry baby / pro / bitch . what path do you take in the morning?
what it even worth to be serious about a game with a low pop?

probably suprise to know that i dont take it serious. i can beat you up for being a noob and next day laugh about it.
50/50 serious for me. lolca and duel

peace (Y)
15570 Hits
FAKE Intellimouse Optical (8 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 03:11 CDT, 14 April 2015 - iMsg
is there way to know intellimouse optical fake from china from original?

there are many fakes on ebay, any information would help me.
7152 Hits
best free browser games (12 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 18:15 CDT, 13 April 2015 - iMsg
so esr, i am delighted to know what you fav free browser game are.

something that can run on oldest computer.
that i can play while 'searching for job'

any recomends are welcome.
5071 Hits
A SAD DAY FOR QUAKE LIVE (63 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 03:58 CDT, 6 April 2015 - iMsg
Some time ago there was polish clan arena and was big games, was fun to watch it on streams and such. getting involved.

big games, i cried at the finals.

i also cry when av3k arrested. sad day for polish quake.

most of you wanting to act like tough, its ok to let youre emotions out.

How many of you have cried about it or some situation when playin on quake live?
18245 Hits
Posted by dizzle @ 02:30 CDT, 17 March 2015 - iMsg

this may have being discussed before on esreality but what happened to this game severity?

he wanted to make a competitor to quake 4?

sounding like it might be fun if was back then
3636 Hits
what is the best cereal ??? (80 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 07:22 CDT, 9 March 2015 - iMsg
Kasza Gryczanna is my choosing.
14176 Hits
Quake Live Closing? (73 comments)
Posted by dizzle @ 18:58 CST, 7 March 2015 - iMsg
What happens when Quake Live closes?

Is that the official GG for Quake Live as we know it now?

Would people go back to vq3/osp/ or cpm???

Would a private server rise??

Do we finally just let go of this game??

Any predictions?
17108 Hits
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