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Tell me about shootmania (46 comments)
Posted by therm @ 07:09 CST, 3 December 2012 - iMsg
ok, so my girl finally dumped me (thank god) and shes gonna take the rest of her stuff out of my aparment soon. havent been quaking for some time now. the last time i played was on the office laptop when ztn was still available for free. boxing consumes most of my free time but i still like to watch some good quake action from time to time and since most of the players are migrating to shootmania im wondering about this game.

is it good?

dies it have heavy tactical aspects like quake?

from what i saw its only a console a like fps where u go frag frag frag frag, no items timing, no in depth map knowledge required

does it offer sophisticated movement?

please tell me about it, is it worth watching?

and the most important thing is it duelable?

quake duels were like boxing, thats why i loved them so much, tons of strategy + much raw skill like movement and aiming and im looking for something similar

Edited by wn at 07:30 CST, 3 December 2012 - 14916 Hits
Graphene (13 comments)
Posted by therm @ 06:22 CDT, 21 October 2011 - iMsg
thanks to proland we be goin into a new era!

5836 Hits
is shadowmaster155 still the best? (234 comments)
Posted by therm @ 08:02 CDT, 24 October 2010 - iMsg
just askin

57660 Hits
zoom accel (19 comments)
Posted by therm @ 15:44 CDT, 6 September 2010 - iMsg
ok so we know that cg_zoomsens 1 = (3.)

but what about accel? does quake live algorithm scale mouse accel along with sensitivity? or is it unnecesary?

17886 Hits
is this a win? (54 comments)
Posted by therm @ 14:37 CDT, 3 September 2010 - iMsg
13135 Hits
m_filter? (29 comments)
Posted by therm @ 11:18 CDT, 1 September 2010 - iMsg
How does m_filter work exactly? I could not find an in depth explanation anywhere. :<

I know cg_filter_angles is only a client side delay between mouse and camera right?

picture unrelated
17699 Hits
How to make a gamer very happy (9 comments)
Posted by therm @ 04:03 CDT, 10 July 2010 - iMsg
4333 Hits
Koreans APM omfg (58 comments)
Posted by therm @ 15:16 CDT, 9 July 2010 - iMsg
14245 Hits
no rail maps (83 comments)
Posted by therm @ 11:22 CDT, 1 July 2010 - iMsg
do we rly need them?

im wondering cos atm we got dm13 and t9 in the pool and one of them is boring and the other just bad

imo the most enjoyable to play/watch re matches on dm6/ztn/t7 and all of these have full spectrum of weapons/armor and health (proper 35secs respaw time for mh)

so why bother doing maps without rg or lg or with fucked up spawn times?

im seriously against removing dm6 it should stay even as a coin toss decider map

but we need 2 new maps to replace dm13 and t9

or one new map and a hub

each player should use all the wepons at specific level so promoting one over another is bad idea and only gives boring matches full of plasma/rocket spam and lg rape
33634 Hits
Rapha cfg causing fps drops (13 comments)
Posted by therm @ 04:40 CDT, 23 June 2010 - iMsg
some time a go on of of the events but i dont rememebr which one there was a situation when rapha has to change his cfg cos it was causing fps drops

im struggling with a similar problem for quite long time now and couldnt find a solution so far

does anyone know what eactly did he change in cfg to make the game run smooth again?


pic unrelated
7506 Hits
QL DOWN AGAIN (55 comments)
Posted by therm @ 15:15 CDT, 11 May 2010 - iMsg
ok so whats it gonna be this time huh? sry im placing a new useless topic but im curently beeing banned on ql forums cos i harrased someones ass and got no other place to spam >:3
10458 Hits
why re all other quakes superior to ql? (91 comments)
Posted by therm @ 16:40 CST, 9 March 2010 - iMsg
cos they never go fucking down

i hate this shit each time i got some time to play it its going fucking down for an update

i spend more time troling this forum at work than playing the game
12748 Hits
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