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Let's bring gtv BACK! (310 comments)
Posted by s7ry @ 16:31 CST, 4 March 2014 - iMsg

update: WE HAVE REACHED 114 VOTES! If id doesn't do something now, they'll be letting down 112 people! Time for action :)

I miss old gtv and I feel today's technology (streams) are not enough for me. A few reasons why:

#1 It's lagging like hell. Mostly only "enjoyable" in lower quality, esp. when there are lots of specs: it's a disaster.

#2 You have to watch the games with some other streamer's config. We all have our own special configs for a reason. Crosshair is maybe the most sensitive part of one's cfg for example. You can't change it, if you're watching stream.

#3 Mostly I don't want to hear anyone's voice while I'm watching Quake, especially at duel. With gtv we were able to get inside of the head of a player because we didn't know where his opponent was and we didn't get distracted by someone's voice. At a stream, we don't always have the chance to hear such things like enemy footsteps because the streamer is talking. Irritating!

#4 Currently we can't decide which player we would like to watch. CTF (and sometimes even TDM) streams are a damn mess with followpowerup, followkiller and followflagcarrier settings on (which was always off in my config). We can't even watch how a frag is being executed, because camera switches away to an irrevelant guy who let's say just picked up a flag with 20 hp. This way we could miss a great quadrun for instance. Or what happens if we just like to watch one player all along? We can't do what we want. That is why I'd rather watch a demo, but spoilers may kill my fun. My config, my rules, my choice.

I'm not saying streams have no purpose, and they shouldn't be used anymore. You like streams? Fine, I didn't say we should erase and stop watching them. Sometimes streamers are fun, there are lots of great commentators and situations, so I say keep them both. Don't judge me and fellow quakers if they want more.

There is fragTV (gtv-like feature), but nobody knows about it, it's difficult to use and hard to install, and it doesn't offer the possibility of watching whoever you want. Yet. Let's use it more. Help in promoting, please. Facebook, IRC? forums, whatever.

Want to make a change? VOTE! Let's do something about this together! Admins, developers, fellow quakers or anyone who could make the changes please help us! I will try to help too any way I can.

SECOND UPDATE: u can vote here too:
Edited by s7ry at 12:00 CST, 8 March 2014 - 59675 Hits
Deleting Mercylimit (174 comments)
Posted by s7ry @ 14:14 CST, 25 February 2014 - iMsg
I have watched and played great quake games and demos (shitloads of them). True, the most exciting ones were the close matches, but I enjoyed playing Quake when I lost by many frags too.

IMO there's no retreat if you're a quaker and giving up is not an option. Long ago, when tox/fox connected to a 2v2 server, we were excited to play vs them, even if they won something like 110:5 against us. The server was FULL of specs. Their opponents were HAPPY to lose vs them: instead of quitting and/or being scared away, they kept on playing and even leared some moves from them till the end, which is 20 minutes in Quake since, like, forever. This is the spirit and the mutual respect that's missing from today's players. They would rather set a mercylimit so they don't have to "suffer" all the way trough.

But Quake is a lifestyle for most of us. What is better in life? The target we reach, or the WAY we reach it? It's the way of course. In Quake's language: we love to see how a player defeats another, and we don't want to hear who won before we watched it.

Knowing these facts, let me ask: why the hell are we keeping mercylimit alive? After my philosophic thoughts, let's see how things look in practice:

This is a 40 frags comeback. With mercylimit ON, this match could have gone the other way, because psychologically it is truly devastating to have mercylimit on. Ingame we are watching the scores escalating, and we get more and more frustrated about reaching the "limit", which results teams giving up on any change of a comeback. Think about it: 40 frags!
The current Nationscup event holder, basearena has set mercylimit to 50. I think that is more than ridiculous.

Another great example at this vod, second map, purgatory:

There are given 8 (but at least 6) very decent players. Watching them is a real pleasure. But there is a moment you will notice. They forgot to set mercylimit on. Bnx's team member, gohann is saying that the match should end, because they have reached this fucking-bullshit-mercylimit. For me (and for most of us) Quake is entertainment. Don't make me count every wonderful move and frag since that limit has been reached, because even one is worth it. Who wouldn't want to watch winz, link1n or silencep play for full 20 mintues? C'mon, quake is NOT about that. In this case (and in every) mercylimit would have fuck up our fun. That's why I was glad that they kept on playing and didnt stop just because of this newschool, illogical, disillusioning and completely useless thing was reached.

Please, consider deleting it at least in serious competitios, don't kill our fun!
26602 Hits
HUNtr -vs- LKFF (1 comment)
Posted by s7ry @ 15:10 CDT, 14 October 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Capture The Flag
Map: qzctf2 - Troubled Waters
Mod: Capture The Flag
Viewpoint: s7ry
How to play back QL demos

Decider map between the clash of two clans. Epic moment at the 16th minute!
2598 Hits
[TE] -vs- mix (3 comments)
Posted by s7ry @ 03:41 CDT, 1 October 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6 (2 votes)
Gametype: TDM 4v4
Map: qzdm14 - Grim Dungeons
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: s7ry
How to play back QL demos

>> 96347-Grimed.dm_73 <<
(5667KB, 42 DLs)

I will not spoil anything, you have to watch this, because what happened there, was the most unexpected thing ever.

mix's lineup: Railmast3r, laforge, nightops and dance.
[TE]'s lineup: kroyhun,crashiq,tyke and s7ry.

Have fun :)
Edited by s7ry at 12:29 CDT, 1 October 2013 - 3562 Hits
102 -vs- Evo (9 comments)
Posted by s7ry @ 17:25 CDT, 1 September 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.8 (3 votes)
Gametype: TDM 4v4
Map: qzdm7 - Temple of Retribution
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: s7ry
How to play back QL demos

Schooling the team of 102 at CB SummerCup finals on map nr. 2 (oldschool dm7).
4892 Hits
BVG -vs- ZI9I (1 comment)
Posted by s7ry @ 17:35 CDT, 21 October 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: TDM 4v4
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: s7ry
Version info: beta
How to play back QL demos

Team BVG (Silencep, razorx, r1epa, jilc4ke) vs Zi9i (Dash, feeder, gandhi, s7ry) on qzdm14. s7ry POV, hf :)
1738 Hits
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