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64 bit Windows7, TVs, SSD (43 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 15:34 CDT, 15 October 2011 - iMsg
-Considering ram is so cheap right now I might upgrade to 8gb. How is Windows7 64bit? I remember XP 64bit being quite unsupported software wise.

-Actually considering to buy a TV (Don't own one!). I enjoy watching movies a lot but honestly, all the TV tech is mumbo jumbo to me. I had a quick look at some TVs today and most of the LED models in the same price range don't seem to differ that much image quality wise but greatly in design - the samsungs looking very nicely though
Any pointers here?

-Do you own a SSD? What's your take after working with them?
15948 Hits
3D mindmapping tools/software (2 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 15:37 CDT, 12 July 2011 - iMsg
Considering mindmapping some studying material and topics for my job.

There are a couple of broad topics and the content of each topic can go pretty deep. Each topic structured in such a way that I could make layers for each topic which would correspond with the depth of other topics. As such I thought it could be interesting to map the layers, and the detail of each layer - however far it goes - as depth (z axis if you will)... if that makes any sense?! What would be most important for me is that I could insert documents in the different topics... So I guess it would be rather extensive, almost database like.

As such, I was wondering if anyone had experience with 3d mind mapping software. I had a quick look and there don't seem to be too many products out, or none that seem particular striking. Any suggestions? Or do you have some good mind mapping experience and think the whole 3d thing would be a waste of time?
2619 Hits
Klitscko vs Haye (33 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 12:22 CDT, 2 July 2011 - iMsg
Anyone watching this?

I am not a boxing fan. Neither have I ever seen a full boxing match. But I thought this time around, I should give it a try. Especially because this fight is huge and I think the Klitschko brothers are very likable people. So obviously I know who Klitschko is and admittedly, I have no clue who Haye is.

I saw has a stream for it. I hope it will work. German TV also showing it, no idea if I wanna hear German commentary....

What's your take on the fight (how entertaining will it be)? Who will win? Who do you want to win?
8204 Hits
Sports Streams? (Wimbledon) (10 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 04:45 CDT, 25 June 2011 - iMsg
Not sure if such post here is frowned upon (legal wise).

Anyhow, what sports streamsites-/programs do you use?
I kinda enjoy watching tennis lately, but obviously the awesome Austrian TV channel ORF only ever shows games if Juergen Melzer (World No.11) is playing...

Same goes for football btw, I think the Champion's League Final was not shown either... nor any other Interesting Champion's League games D:
4283 Hits
Crazy and Fascinating to watch (11 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 13:00 CDT, 14 March 2011 - iMsg
Probably gonna end up dead eventually like the bear guy. But the depth of his interactions with the lions is pretty mindboggling, crazy, fascinating... etc.

Edited by timmah at 13:00 CDT, 14 March 2011 - 5053 Hits
The Art of Flight (31 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 15:57 CST, 25 December 2010 - iMsg
Always fascinating watching these guys. I think it's one of the most nuts things to do. Don't know if one can embed a vimeo video, so the link will have to do:
7672 Hits
Asian Movies... recommendations?? (182 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 08:38 CST, 16 December 2010 - iMsg
I used to be quite the movie enthusiast. Went to the cinema a lot, was excited about new releases and waited for them in anticipation. But these last couple of years I've been pretty bored with most of the western stuff. There was a fair share of good movies no doubt, but I have the feeling it were a lot less than back in the day. Maybe this is what we call 'acquired taste'? Or I am just getting old.

Either way, I've started to look into some Asian movies these past couple of days, mostly but not exclusively Chinese. I find them quite entertaining. Probably because it's different and I watch them in the original Audio. I also find that Chinese movies are usually more polished than Korean/Japanese ones. Is this just a subjective observation?

I honestly haven't seen that many yet.

EDIT: Sorting these movies in alphabetical order, links to IMDB as well as origin (Flag). I will stick to the English names where possible!
(*) means I would recommend it
(-) means I wouldn't recommend it.
Anything without either of those I consider worthwhile, but not something I would think of first if someone were to ask me for recommendations.
These are subject to change as I get to see more movies. No need to try argue with my choices, I don't care :)

Battle Royale (*)Japan
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (*) Hong KongChinaTaiwanUnited States of America
Fearless (*) Hong KongChinaUnited States of America
Fist of Legend Hong Kong
Hard Boiled (*) Hong Kong
Hero (*) Hong KongChina
Ichi the Killer Japan
Infernal Affairs 1 (*) Hong Kong
Infernal Affairs 2 Hong Kong
Infernal Affairs 3 Hong Kong
Kung Fu Hustle (*) Hong KongChina
Liar GameJapan
Liar Game: Final StageJapan
Shaolin Soccer Hong KongChina
Old Boy (*) Korea (Republic of)
Ong Bak 1 (*) Thailand
Ong Bak 2 Thailand
Red Cliff I China
Red Cliff II China
Reign of Assassins (*) China
The Killer (*) Hong Kong
The Protector (-) Thailand
Warlords Hong KongChina

Seen from Recommendations:
Chocolate Thailand
Fudoh: The New GenerationJapan
Go Lala Go China
Goemon Japan
He was cool Korea (Republic of)
House of Flying Daggers Hong KongChina
I saw the Devil (*)Korea (Republic of)
Ip Man Hong Kong
Ip Man 2Hong Kong
Joint Security Area (*)Korea (Republic of)
Little Big SoldierHong KongChina
Men Suddenly in BlackHong Kong
My Sassy Girl (*)Korea (Republic of)
My Tutor Friend (*)Korea (Republic of)
My Wife is a Gangster 3 Korea (Republic of)China
Please teach me EnglishKorea (Republic of)
Protege(*)Hong Kong
Secret (*)Hong KongTaiwan
Sex is Zero (*)Korea (Republic of)
Shinobi Japan
Sophie's Revenge Korea (Republic of)China
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance(-)Korea (Republic of)
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance Korea (Republic of)
The Chaser (*)Korea (Republic of)
The Good, the Bad, the Weird Korea (Republic of)
The Host (-)Korea (Republic of)
The Shinjuku Incident Hong Kong
Thirst (-)Korea (Republic of)
Turn Left Turn Right (-)Korea (Republic of)Singapore

About to watch:
Liar (cannot find this =/)
Ashes of Time
Chungking Express
Flashpoint (cannot find this in Original audio =/)
Chungking Express
The Sword of DoomJapan
Break Up Club

Currently looking for:
Light Romance
Edited by timmah at 13:23 CST, 7 January 2011 - 48310 Hits
What games are you waiting for? (121 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 07:49 CST, 3 December 2010 - iMsg
Currently I prefer to watch QL, SC and SC2 streams rather than actually playing the games. Basically, I am bored with games. The future also looks very bleak. Having played a variety of multiplayer games on a regular basis - Starcraft, Diablo2, UT99, Q3, WC3, WoW, Guild Wars, QL - I find myself extremely unimpressed and indifferent with most upcoming titles. The only games I am remotely interested in are Diablo3 and Guild Wars 2.

What about you?
17681 Hits
LMAO@FIFA (10 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 14:07 CDT, 27 June 2010 - iMsg
Twice in one day? Seriously now...
3239 Hits
Chocodiles (11 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 11:06 CST, 8 December 2009 - iMsg
Where - if at all - can I buy Chocodiles in Europe?

Watched like 2 TV series where they mention Chocodiles and I got interested.
Edited by timmah at 07:38 CST, 10 December 2009 - 3168 Hits
2012, lol (38 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 18:26 CST, 5 December 2009 - iMsg
Just watched this movie. I wish I hadn't.

Seriously, wtf is the point of this movie? There's so much cgi they could have as well abandoned the real actors. The cgi is also so obvious which makes it that much worse. It does look impressive at times, but that's about it. Not to mention the ridiculous narrow escapes which occur at pretty much every minute of the movie.

It's neither funny, exciting or entertaining
Edited by timmah at 18:26 CST, 5 December 2009 - 9634 Hits
Failed States Index 2009 (14 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 13:03 CST, 4 November 2009 - iMsg
Was reading a National Geographic article about Somalia and it mentioned the Failed States Index and an excerpt of the rankings. Thought it would be interesting to see the entire list so I looked it up:

HTML (including criteria explanations):


Random snippets:
USA has a surprisingly (for me at least) bad Human Rights score.
Singapore has a really bad Delegitimization of the State score considering its overall placing.
Netherlands: Didn't expect such a high Group Grievance score. I know there is some tension though.
Uruguay and Chile: Expected an overall worse placing.

I guess some of the surprises for me were due to not informing myself.

Let the country bashing begin!!!
Edited by timmah at 13:16 CST, 4 November 2009 - 3811 Hits
HoN Beta Invites the 2nd! (45 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 05:52 CST, 3 November 2009 - iMsg
I received 3 more invitations today.

Leave your e-mail address. First come first serve. No anonymous users or users who registered today.

There will probably be many others who also got another 3 invites to share..

EDIT: I am out of invitations now. Other people may have unused invites, so check for comments and reply to. those specifically
Edited by timmah at 08:08 CST, 3 November 2009 - 7051 Hits
Can you do Nr.2 without Nr.1? (58 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 16:48 CDT, 27 October 2009 - iMsg
Just got back from the bathroom. So I was wondering.

Let me know
11025 Hits
Jackie Chan Movies (34 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 11:06 CDT, 10 October 2009 - iMsg
With this year's movie line up being extremely disappointing with rare exception tossed in I find myself returning to entertaining oldies. I always enjoyed Jackie Chan movies (maybe rush hour not so much).
Though he made so many movies, I don't know where to continue. Does anyone have any recommendations?

So far I've seen Drunken Master 1&2, Police Story 1-4 recently.
Obviously I've seen Rush Hour 1-3 and Forbidden Kingdom as well at some point

I am sure I've seen many others which I don't know the name to. One in particular one is with the drunken teacher from Drunken Master 1 where they only drink cold tea.
Edited by timmah at 11:06 CDT, 10 October 2009 - 10083 Hits
Google Wave (32 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 12:56 CDT, 30 September 2009 - iMsg
Did anyone here get invited? First impressions?
Friend been crying on my shoulder that he wants to try it. i saw the first half of the video presentation a few weeks ago. Sounded somewhat interesting.

10427 Hits
Where would you relocate to? (224 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 17:50 CDT, 17 September 2009 - iMsg
As the topic says, what country (and maybe where in that country) would you move to if you could and why specifically? Reasons not to be taken too seriously. If you say you wanna move to Hawaii, not work, drink cocktails and score chicks on the beach all day long, cool with me. It doesn't have to be very viable.

My choices:

Australia - I haven't been there, but it's kind of a childhood dream. Also, whenever I meet Australians, they are always very forthcoming, fun-loving and chilled out. And everyone I know who has been there says it's awesome.

Japan - Well, crazy society, advanced tech. Awesome environment (what's left of it). Can ski there too! Interesting history/culture.

South Korea - Don't know much, seems like a supercharged Japan. Friend who has been there says the food is good, everyone is extremely friendly. And plenty of hot/cute women there. Very clean. Bit of a Utopia

Mauritius - Sun, beaches, fun.

Oh yeah, I realize Hawaii is not country. Also, obviously already lives in the greatest place so you don't need to tell us!
33927 Hits
CPUs (5 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 06:06 CDT, 17 September 2009 - iMsg
It's been pretty much exactly 3 years since I've upgraded my system and I think it's about time to get some new hardware. However, I haven't followed the hardware market at all since then. Sure, I can read some benchmarks, but I won't be able to pick out what's important for me as end-user. Could someone shed some light into the current market?

Especially the i5 vs i7 is confusing me (probably not opting for i7 anyway, as it's way too expensive).
How are AMD CPUs these days? Specifically in terms of power consumption and heat dissipation?
1700 Hits
Windows 7 Partitioning - HALP! (6 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 08:30 CDT, 12 September 2009 - iMsg
Scenario when I got the laptop:

Laptop, 1 Harddrive, 4 partitions. It looks as follows in the Disk Management:
Disk 0: OEM1 Partition , Parimary Boot, Primary, OEM2
OS: Vista

Formated C: and installed windows 7. I wanted to Partition C: further, but I couldn't because I am limited to 4 partitions per drive which were used up with the stupid OEM partitions. So I deleted both OEM partitions and I now have 2 unallocated partitions plus C: and D:

Now I could just use those Unallcoated partitions, but they are only 10gb (OEM1) and 3gb(OEM2) in size. So I extended D: and it merged with OEM2. However, I can not extend C: or D: any further leaving me with OEM1 just sitting there wasting space and taking up a partition slot. How do I work around this?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!
1807 Hits
Ukrainian Talent show - Sandart. (25 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 15:49 CDT, 11 September 2009 - iMsg
Edited by timmah at 18:01 CDT, 11 September 2009 - 7875 Hits
BitTorrent software (39 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 08:08 CDT, 5 September 2009 - iMsg
Wondering what BitTorrent software you are using? If you're happy with it? Why or why not?

I've been using utorrent since forever, but lately it has been getting on my nerves. Whenever I add a new torrent, it usually won't start downloading. Even after a long wait (speaking hours here). So I first have to close utorrent, wait for it to actually close (keeps running in processes for another 15 secs or so). Then run utorrent again. Then the new torrent will usually work. It's not a particularly new problem either. Had it for years, but never bothered me that much before.

Anyone got decent software alternatives or even a way to fix this issues?

10189 Hits
Shitty buggy QuakeLive (19 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 16:23 CDT, 4 September 2009 - iMsg
Seriously, what's the point of a BROWSER game if it disables the mouse every time I go into windowed mode to BROWSE? The in_mouse -1/ 1 / restart fix only works every now and then if I a get lucky.

P.s. lol @ QL rail
4489 Hits
Jon Voight on US Health Care Proposal (125 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 07:53 CDT, 2 September 2009 - iMsg

No idea how to embed videos.

Quite the ironic criticism of the God Card there. Also - "surprisingly" - only white people in the studio (or that's all they showed xD ).

And funnily enough, no actual facts about the health care system, only personal attacks on Obama? (not sure if this is the whole interview?).

Any thoughts?
Edited by timmah at 07:56 CDT, 2 September 2009 - 22495 Hits
Heroes of Newerth Beta Invites (68 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 20:52 CDT, 23 August 2009 - iMsg
Dare I even ask on ESR. I have a couple of invites left for the beta....

For those who don't know, it's a DotA remake except it is a standalone game, own engine etc. Just leave your e-mail address or PM it.

Edit: None left. Didn't give to anonymous because I'd rather give it to someone from ESR than someone who google'ed for keys! Maybe Liam has some left!
Edited by timmah at 13:16 CDT, 24 August 2009 - 15787 Hits
Jizz in my pants \o/ (12 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 08:04 CST, 14 December 2008 - iMsg
5086 Hits
Anyone up for some 1v1 vq3/osp/cq3? (5 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 13:22 CST, 7 November 2008 - iMsg
as the title says, bored as hell, just looking to play some 1v1.
I am not really good

sinneah at for msn

Edited by timmah at 13:22 CST, 7 November 2008 - 2253 Hits
Web Comic (1 comment)
Posted by timmah @ 12:37 CDT, 26 September 2008 - iMsg
Might be pretty old, but entertaining nontheless:

1499 Hits
What's wrong with Vienna?!?!?! (27 comments)
Posted by timmah @ 15:05 CDT, 21 September 2008 - iMsg
So I arrived in Vienna 3 weeks ago and I rented this room I have to be out of by the end of the month. I've looked at about 6 different rooms/flats in the last 2 days and every time at least 30 people show up to check out the room which makes it a "who-can-crawl-up-the-landlord's-ass-the-furthest-and-fastest"-game.

To my demise, I somehow feel that by the end of the month I will not have found a place to stay and will end up on the street D: I think I should take some people's advice and impregnate some austrian girl to take me in :O goddamn this place !!!!

Interestingly enough, other than at College, I don't see too many Austrians, like half the people I meet are either German or from somewhere else...

high five for first journal post, felt like ranting :O
6172 Hits
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