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Q43a Mod: Questions, Help, Thoughts (105 comments)
Posted by zhakal @ 13:09 CDT, 16 May 2011 - iMsg
Since every thread made is about this mod and all it's features, it should also have it's own thread for listing all the issues, problems and so on. Nothing is better then to have it all in one place.

Edited by zhakal at 19:10 CDT, 16 May 2011 - 67369 Hits
Aerowalk (Revised) (58 comments)
Posted by zhakal @ 15:49 CDT, 19 August 2010 - iMsg
This version for Quake 4 was made by mnemjc and optimized by zhakal. It is based on Preacher's Quake 3 version of the map.
It has been scaled and some areas have been changed a bit to fit the overall gameplay of Quake 4, hence the revised.
The map has also been re-textured with Quake 4's base textures and relit to highlight the features of the game.

This is a final version of this map, but please provide some feedback after testing the map.

Credits go out to the following:
Preacher - Original maker of the map
The players who have tested this map in early stages.


Source 1
Source 2
Source 3

Map is currently online at SpontanGames public server:
Edited by zhakal at 15:54 CDT, 19 August 2010 - 17959 Hits
House of decay (Revised) Beta 1 (25 comments)
Posted by zhakal @ 14:41 CDT, 16 August 2010 - iMsg
This beta 1 version for Quake 4 was made by mnemjc and zhakal. It is based on the Quake Live version of the map.
It has been scaled by 40 percent and some areas have been changed to fit the overall gameplay of Quake 4.
The map has also been re-textured with custom made textures, and relit to highlight Quake 4's features.

As it is a beta, it has issues and things not fully done. Please provide some feedback after testing the map.

Credits go out to the following:
idsoftware - Original maker of the map
Hourences - Hourpitores Textureset
Yan "Method" Ostretsov - Some textures from Yan's Test


Source 1
Source 2

Map is currently online at SpontanGames public server:
Edited by zhakal at 15:01 CDT, 16 August 2010 - 15566 Hits
Ruiner CTF Beta 4 (l4ctf2_beta4) (9 comments)
Posted by zhakal @ 16:54 CST, 19 February 2009 - iMsg
After talking to Lukin, he said it was okey for Pan-(G) and me to fix the issues on his map.

The fixes we've done are mostly graphical to get rid of the overall z-fighting of the map which some people have noticed since the beta3 was released but also some other things.

We used the l4ctf2_beta3actffix version, so it's the same compability as that one when it comes to ACTF.

So in this version we've fixed the following.

Download Server #1
Edited by zhakal at 16:55 CST, 19 February 2009 - 4390 Hits
Vanilla Q4 1.4.2 Bugs/Issues/Wishes (431 comments)
Posted by zhakal @ 11:49 CDT, 25 March 2008 - iMsg
Updated: 07.09.08

Most here have been playing VANILLA Quake 4 1.4.2 for a longer period of time now but no pure 1.4.2 bug, issues and wish thread is made (except for the first impression/bugs list, which got 90% Q4Max issues in it). So I though I'd start one containing everything the majority have taken up and mostly agreed on.

SyncError asked for feedback on his mail in a former thread:
If anyone has an opinion on the matter email me, [email protected].
but i think most players just write replies here on this forum instead of actually mailing issues, bugs or wishes to him. Since SyncError reads these threads it might be a good idea to list all issues, bugs and wishes about VANILLA Q4 that might need fixing/alteration/changing. And discuss things where no conclution is made.

So please keep this thread to VANILLA Q4 issues/bugs, wishes and NOT mod related issues (got tons of those already)

Here is a sum-up of the issues, bugs and gameplay wishes reported (spread over a couple of dosen threads) where most players agree.

Edited by zhakal at 10:16 CDT, 7 September 2008 - 220291 Hits
Performance Maps (#10) (82 comments)
Posted by zhakal @ 09:50 CDT, 14 October 2007 - iMsg
New Map added: 27.02.09

After looking through maps which has been released for Quake 4 we realized that most of them where really bad optimized even the FPS ones. So these releases are made from the original quake 4 versions or the FPS version of the current maps which has been optimized as good as possible along with re-doing of lightings.

Many have asked why it's seperat files and not a mappack and the reasons are these:
- If you have a mappack that is 70 mb big, alter 1 map you have to re-download 70mb which is kinda stupid and takes along time
- Second if you don't want every map on your server you got a problem, either you have to make a new pack or upload the 70 mb without using more then 2-3 maps which also is stupid.

So then every release is done in seperate files. Every map has a performance benefit else there wouldn't be a reason for these releases. Also the maps support the ACTF mode.

The world editing is done by wata_ and performance testing/texturing is done by zhakal.

There was a issue with marine accel pad over mid making the servers crash, this is now fixed.

Download Server #1

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Download Server #1

Download Server #1

Download Server #1

Download Server #1

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Download Server #1

**** More maps to come ****
Edited by zhakal at 13:32 CDT, 27 October 2009 - 30598 Hits
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