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Something is rotten in the state of duel (163 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 01:26 CDT, 5 September 2015 - iMsg
Infuscomus asked me couple of days ago what I would change in duel to like it again. I've been saying these things over the years, but I suppose this is the most concise version I would like to keep for future reference. It's a reply in a discussion about how QL duel lacks in game play variety and caters for too few game styles because the game play has not evolved with the personal evolution of the players, making it too aim heavy.

My general attitude to QL is that it's way too easy to hit at the top and there is too much sound information in duel.

The things I would address:

1) Weapon re-spawn and ammo.

Make weapon re-spawn longer than 5 seconds. I've switched to TDM past couple of years and in TDM weapons are treated as power ups. Weapon and ammo management is a big part of winning and it gives an extra way how to counter certain teams with certain styles. Right now in duel there is basically no weapon/ammo control apart from some extreme cases where your opponent has to take more time to get all of them. To cover a weapon in duel you need to camp there for a long time, meaning you'll just give away the rest of the map. In TDM this leads to more asynchronous fights (people having to use different weapons) because lack of other weapons (plazma, SG and even GL are legit) leads to bigger fight variety. This also means you have to be better across the whole set of weapons compared to the main 3 in duel ("dueler SG" is a term we jokingly use in TDM).

Secondly, there is too much ammo in duel at the moment, which means people can easily double stack on a weapon re-spawn and they don't have to give up positions to get ammo. This in my opinion leads to a stagnated game play because the player in control doesn't have to give room for the other player to move around by going for those ammo boxes. A Q3 ammo system where you couldn't double stack by picking up a weapon could be one solution. If the ammo system would be changed and weapon re-spawn lengthened I imagine the base amount of ammo you get from each needs to be adjusted.

So changing these two things would allow more breathing room to move around making it easier to set up traps and adds more variety into fights. Equal weapon fights have always been the most boring ones because both players essentially have to do the same thing. With different weapons people have different goals in fights (what to avoid and what to go for) and it's more about tricking your opponent into the situation that suits your current weapon(s) more. This leads to people having to pick which weapons they want to be the focus of their strategies. This also adds more goals for both players advancing the meta game of "what does he need and does he know I know he needs it".

2) Weapons are too easy to hit and they don't do enough damage.

I feel that the stack to weapon damage ratio is screwed in duel. People get high stacks too easily and this makes traps not that efficient. In TDM the average stacks of people are lower so if you trap your opponent into a situation that favors your weapons you're bound to do lots of damage relative to what his stack was. In duel the traps are hardly worth going for and the frequency of them doing major damage is relatively low. The solution for this would be to up damages, but that would lead to a more hitscan/instagib heavy game similar to CPMA VQ which was also crap. There are two possible solutions that pop into my mind: (1) add shooting delay to hitscan and slower down the projectiles and raise damages across the board or (2) make the hitboxes smaller and again raise damages and slow down projectiles, hitscan can be the same. The aim of this would be to make the weapons more situation specific, but really deadly and easy to aim at their correct situations. Currently rail and shaft can hit from all angles which loses the "best weapon for situation" concept in my eyes. Overpowered weapons are fun and making them harder to hit leads to a bigger noticeable contrast between a good situation/position and a bad one. Currently I feel that across the board all weapons at low pings work like hitscan.

In the first point I was mainly talking about making people have to be able to fight having each a different weapon, in this point the position which they use them in gets more important even when they both have the same weapon. This would also make upper and lower positions strategically more important again.

Epic adrenaline heavy rocket fights are so rare these days compared to the OSP era.

3) Problem of sound, information and enemy's attention.

QL being hitscan heavy is only one side of the "reaction heavy game style", the other is being able to base your game play around sound and just reacting to sound cues. Here I can bring another parallel with TDM, something I quickly noticed compared to duel. In TDM, there are lots of sounds that confuse and lots of things that take attention of your enemies, which leads to obvious blind spots/angles that you can abuse with your full range of weapons depending on the situation. Much more often you can do lots of damage just by reading the game and understanding how your opponents attention moves. Easiest examples would be your opponents fighting with your teammates and you rush in from behind or knowing that they are more likely to react to people shooting than footsteps so you first walk close with SG before you shoot. In duel your opponent 80% of the time has his nose towards you making it really hard to even get into the range with half the weapons or trick him reading you wrong because he can hear all of your moves. Imagine Aerowalk (which is an extreme I know, but it's similar on most of the maps), you can't really do anything out of control because he hears you and if you're quiet for too long he already starts suspecting something so he can easily predict your move.

I would love something to be done with footsteps. There are two solutions I would like to try: (1) remove footsteps when you have gauntlet out or (2) make walking faster. I personally love the first idea because you have a downside (having gauntlet out) and an obvious gain. This would allow you to trick your opponent and open his blind angles more often leading to more interesting traps and more interesting fights + the infinite possibilities to troll running after him for a while just because you can. This would also mean that the meta game would shift from what's on the monitor and in the earphones into your head because you have to calculate/predict more what he could do, and when combined with my first point, what he wants to do most likely. Currently in duel blind angles consist of some rail angles 75% of the time, which I don't really find fun or diverse.

As final words, the points I've brought up above are things that I've noticed other games and other modes do better and are obviously up for balancing. I'm not against aim or anything, just I feel there could be more variety in fights and there could be more extreme and contrasting play styles that draw out. If all of those would be implemented I can totally see myself devising different strategies, how to beat this or that player. Currently everyone plays pretty much the same and the differences between the strategies are small, not to say banal.
Edited by rehepapp at 18:08 CDT, 5 September 2015 - 35868 Hits
Spot fazz (26 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 15:35 CST, 2 February 2015 - iMsg

From youtube: "Pantamera is slogan to return cans and bottles to most supermarkets/stores to recycle them instead of throwing them away. It's a very good initiative! When you return a can or bottle you get 0,1~~ euro."
Edited by rehepapp at 17:00 CST, 2 February 2015 - 9678 Hits
oh so sad, twitch (17 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 12:13 CST, 19 February 2014 - iMsg
4016 Hits
Tyrone Public Service Announcement (41 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 14:20 CST, 11 February 2014 - iMsg
Edited by Voltaire at 17:56 CST, 11 February 2014 - 18249 Hits
Hall of Fame: Hilarious (added to hof by ShadyVoltaire)
3611 Hits
Apes of Duty (48 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 16:36 CDT, 27 March 2013 - iMsg

Maybe it's a repost, but i lolled hard.
10459 Hits
tdm is treating me well (12 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 04:31 CDT, 25 September 2012 - iMsg
5351 Hits
Slower pc=pointless to queue (8 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 19:47 CDT, 29 July 2012 - iMsg
So, now after the latest patch the game loads a new map every time a map is finished, even if it's going to be the same one. In duel this means that you have to join the waiting line AGAIN which means that users with faster PCs load the map faster and can join the line before others.

2259 Hits
About spawns and stuff. (80 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 14:22 CDT, 26 April 2012 - iMsg
In duel:

1) After you die you have to press a weapon bind and you'll spawn in the room of that weapon/spawn associated with that bind. (maybe keep the 50% rule)

You can't spawn in the same room where you died or where your opponent was at the time of death to avoid letting you spawn next to a weak opponent who just killed you.

At the moment it's quite loto if you get a good spawn after you die or not and this works both ways. If your enemy has hp you don't want to get spawnraped, but often you do. If he doesn't have hp you and to spawn close to him and often you do. With this system it adds a new little meta game making it able to predict your opponent's choices - he wants to spawn there so I have to play like this. At the moment it's random and often couple of shit spawns can decide a lot.


I like foctis' suggestion:

"I like a variation on suggestion 1: keep the current system of automatically ruling out the closest 50%, then give you a choice between those that remain. Instead of (or as well as) having hotkeys, display a map overlay showing the available spawns for you to click on. As with the current system, if you wait for 5 seconds it randomly picks one for you."

2) Remove footsteps for more tactical options

In my opinion walking is way too slow and pretty much useless when you want to pull a nice sneaking move. You can sneak now, but due to it's speed and being able to hear so much your options are really limited. Hard to really surprise anyone. If you play a duel then most of the time you hear your opponent moving because of strafejumping or picking up items.

If not to remove it completely then maybe make it so that when you have gauntlet out you can't be heard while walking. With other weapons it would be the same as now. This makes you more vulnerable while doing it.

3) Fixed combinations of first spawns

So you can make different build-ups taking the spawns in mind making it possible to cheese or play for items. This works to some extent now, but has stupid randomness to it.

I imagine these have been brought up and requested before, but I would still like your take. Specially on the spawn system.
Edited by rehepapp at 03:17 CDT, 3 May 2012 - 10285 Hits
a flagrun (13 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 06:48 CST, 28 February 2012 - iMsg
Edited by pluck at 06:49 CST, 28 February 2012 - 3269 Hits
Edited by pluck at 11:54 CDT, 18 September 2011 - 7960 Hits
how many viewers were there on stream? (14 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 11:35 CST, 28 January 2010 - iMsg
How many viewers were there altogether and how many were there during finals?

number 90 000 has been coming up but that sounds quite unbelievable... or just maybe...
4014 Hits
retro quake (28 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 08:29 CST, 10 December 2009 - iMsg
cooller and polos



7966 Hits
mouse gets stuck after fast movements (22 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 15:51 CST, 13 November 2009 - iMsg
Since today morning my mouse has started to crash after some faster moves, but gets back to normal after i reput it to the usb hole.
I have tried changing the usbs but it works the same everywhere.

I'm using mx310 and have the usb rate upgraded to 500hz (has been for years now) and i have the logitech drivers + cpl mouse acceleration fix + microsoft xp.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
11369 Hits
good, better, the best (12 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 14:52 CST, 10 December 2007 - iMsg
4418 Hits
cooller vs toxic? (1 comment)
Posted by rehepapp @ 11:58 CDT, 14 August 2005 - iMsg
2258 Hits
OMFG! (8 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 10:45 CDT, 19 May 2005 - iMsg
really late at night is really early in the morning
4774 Hits
lalala (6 comments)
Posted by rehepapp @ 09:59 CDT, 27 April 2005 - iMsg
in the meaning
of fire and heat
with all the pain and pleasures
noon is soon here
yet another fear
or a breathkilling cold
under the sun
3462 Hits
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