Winner:Spell wins, Odds: 36% (2.7:1)
Bets placed: E$787, betting open: 05:35 CDT 24 May 2005 to 12:59 CDT 24 May 2005

Loser:miou wins, Odds: 63% (1.5:1)
Bets placed: E$1663, betting open: 05:35 CDT 24 May 2005 to 12:59 CDT 24 May 2005

On the last playday of the Pro Series in Warcraft3 top-ranked miou with a record of 13-0-1 meets the ladder's number two, Spell, with a record of 12-0-2. Both are already qualified for the final but neither will let slip the chance and take this test serious.
Bet's going to close in a few hours, so hurry.