I'm back in Korea. Jeju Island to be exact, between South Korea and Japan. And in the best hotel on the Island, which just happens to be a subsidiary of Samsung (go Samsung \o/). I'm here for the World Cyber Games Spring Conference, and there are apparently 25 other countries represented here at the conference to talk about this year's World Cyber Games tournament.

It's been a long flight from London to Seoul, and then an airport transfer to the next flight for Jeju Island so it feels like I've been travelling for a whole day. Suprising amount of leg space on Asiana airlines though, we're not going on KLM again for the finals, that's for sure.

Not much else to report. Met Choi, Kelly, Lisa and Jennifer here - Kelly was not fired (hmm private joke) and everyone else seems to be fine. I might wander down to the bar to see if any of the other guys are hanging around for a drink. Otherwise it's an early 8am start for the conference tomorrow.

I expect that the Russian representative will be wanting to bring the games list question and the lack of Quake 3 up for discussion. We'll see where that goes. I took down some notes from the threads on this website and the online petition, as well as some of the TsN synched demo commentary to show the level of spectator action Quake 3 generates. I honestly don't know what will happen though.

Did I mention that this hotel is fabulous? I think I did. Anyway here's a pic of me setting up my laptop (how sad am I?) and looking in the mirror.