I was high today and found myself comparing different players on qlranks.com and I found out that strenx has highest amount of wins if you compare him to any other big ql name:

strenx 11-5 rapha
strenx 31-11 Av3k
strenx 51-49 Cypher
strenx 16-14 coolleR
strenx 56-22 Spart1e
strenx 27-16 dem0n
strenx 7-1 kRoNic
strenx 25-2 p0ni
strenx 28-5 Baksteen
strenx 1-0 fazz

Some of the comparisons has really low difference but it doesn't cancel the fact that to this day no one managed to overpass him in number of wins.

Does this make him the greatest?