Greets. For the small group of us in North America that play TDM (real TDM) still on #NATDM.QL I have a question for the European TDM players. As I am sure you have all noticed to make the game mode work correctly you have to do quite a bit more than just click classic. Infact ... it requires a TON of cvars to be changed

Do you all also change machine gun damage back to 4? It was 4 dmg in TDM before 2.0. We already change starting ammo from 50 to 100, but I just noticed the other day that MG is REALLY strong in tdm and its because the previous damage of 4 is now 5. Do you change this? Could someone who spawns EU TDM pickups or official games please post your cvars for me? Thanks

PS: ID this sucks. Can you please just change it so we can select classic TDM and be done with it:? thanks.