So people have come up with ideas to make ql more balanced/aggressive/fun. Silent footsteps? Won't accomplish anything much, itll just be difficult to know where people are. This will aid defensive players because the aggressor won't know where he needs to attack from etc. and the defending player can just +back. It would also increase the amount of spam/predictive fire (which really sucks IMO) cos you need to guess where they'll come from or be.

Anyway, this is my suggestion. I think the increased rocket speed has made the weapon overpowered. People are always complaining that armour isn't worth enough and although I think its important to award good aimers I also agree control isn't valuable enough anymore. This could be solved by weakening/changing all the weapons slightly.

I'll give some examples. For instance, lightning gun could be given a faster firing rate but less damage per hit (this way you run out of/use up ammo faster but do less damage so you'll only deal huge damage if your aim is really good). Rockets can be slowed down to the old q3 speed so that dodging them is viable again.

Shotgun should have more spread so that its practically useless at long range. MG could be weakened to deal 3 damage per shot with a slightly wider spread and faster fire rate. Plasma should have a much slower firing rate but a little more splash damage, and rail ammo could be reduced to 5. All this equates to more difficult and situational weapons which are generally less damaging, thus increasing the value of armours, yet they still award the good aimers with a big advantage.

Just some ideas.

/diabz {:=]

ps. plz dont flame or i /wrists on u