I haven't been keeping up with gaming much anymore, but with it now being summer I now have a bit more free time, so on a bored Monday night I thought it'd be interesting to check up on some of the first games that I was interested in - both quake 3 mods.

1) Bid For Power
- This mod was originally based off of the Dragonball Z anime (Before copyright issues forced new models) and from what I remember I thought it was a pretty good game, and very original by today's standards. I vaguely remember there was a lot of flying around and shooting beams of energy at people, while also conserving "ki" (equivalent to mana) to make beams more powerful; there were also 'powerstruggles' when you had instances of two competing beams of energy and ofc the obligatory melee combat. The game never had many players hence next to no staying power.
I was basically expecting the site to disappear, so I was pretty surprised to see a recent update on the site mentioning new forums - which seem to be relatively active. May have to give that one a go later.

2) Gundam Universe
- I never followed this mod's development too closely. But I did remember that it was always on the verge of being released. So I guess I should be surprised that it's still in development and yet to be released! But I really wasn't. Funny reading the last two news posts, one from June 2004, stating the mod is about to be released, to June 2007, again stating the mod is about to be released. I'm sure there must be other similar predictions. Not bad considering development on the mod must've started in around 2001-2002. But when it's released you can be sure it'll be the shit!