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Re: Quakecon 2017: Quake World Championship (7 comments)
Posted by Fraze @ 23:58 CDT, 23 August 2017 - iMsg
I messed up I just meant to reply to a comment dno how to delete this! Haha
Edited by Fraze at 07:53 CDT, 24 August 2017 - 3920 Hits
Fraze Stream! (29 comments)
Posted by Fraze @ 06:10 CST, 8 December 2013 - iMsg
Hey guys!

As I may have already eluded to, I was wanting to start a stream, mostly so that I can create some content aimed at helping newer player or even guys who are already good but want to get better still and might be feeling somewhat stuck!

The content would cover basically everything that i know about quake, such as me going over my entire cfg talking about gear, talking about maps etc etc as well as streaming whilst playing, although unlike most other streams my goal would be to talk whilst im playing similar to the other youtube videos i have already put out such as this (

However I have run into trouble, in the fact that the internet I have is way way wayyyyy too bad to actually stream. 4 download .3 upload :P. So after talking to a few people, we have decided the best idea is to either have someone else stream my pov whilst i talk OR just to capture videos like I have done already.. however I would prefer to stream so I could do it more.. cause im too lazy :P

Anyway the point of this is to perhaps find a volunteer to help me out! And if not ill look into other options!

Thanks a lot guys :)
8308 Hits
Fraze Facebook Page!!! (6 comments)
Posted by Fraze @ 05:09 CDT, 25 March 2013 - iMsg
Hey guys, after recieving some friend requests to my personal fb page, i decided maybe it was time to make a bit of a "fan page" hehehe

Will be posting all videos i make such as the duel commentaries to this page, as well as provide news about aussie quake, my Lan prospects international and aussie, and also maybe some other cool stuff too (maybe my cfg +hud etc :P) hehe So come like me!!!!! (shameless self promotion rant over) :)
Edited by Fraze at 19:55 CDT, 25 March 2013 - 2565 Hits
Weird lag issue... (13 comments)
Posted by Fraze @ 16:55 CST, 1 March 2013 - iMsg
Hey guys, im having this thing that feels like my guns etc are lagging when im firing them, and perhaps even my keyboard isnt working good either and has delay also. its a really weird issue.. ill upload my cfg also, so u can have a look at that etc if u wanna help me out hehe thanks alot <3
2936 Hits
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