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DDK - GANGSTER AS FUCK (24 comments)
Posted by entik @ 14:27 CDT, 20 March 2020 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (19 votes)
Here's a short video of some stream highlights from when DDK was playing Reflex back in 2017. Finally got around to putting something together.

Edited by entik at 14:30 CDT, 20 March 2020 - 17426 Hits
Reflex Custom Ruleset Duel Tournaments (11 comments)
Posted by entik @ 12:36 CDT, 1 July 2017 - iMsg
Reflex community member France Ramagan is hosting multi-region Custom Ruleset Tournaments for the NA, EU, AU, and JP communities. Players from all regions and skill levels are welcome in each tournament, but servers will favor players from the original region.

The purpose of these tournaments is to showcase the changes proposed by the "custom ruleset" (a community made ruleset, where some weapon values are tweaked and adjusted), the goal is not to divide the Reflex community but to propose these changes to the developpers once the tournaments are completed. Full detail can be found here.
Prize Pool Distribution:
cup_gold: 50%
cup_silver: 25%
cup_bronze: 18.75%
4th: 6.25%

EU Current Total: 400€ + 1 Supporter Short Sword from United Kingdom Jaguar
Donators: Ramagan : 10€, danfel : 10€, lolograde : 80€, hello! : 10€, beat0n : 40€, Anon : 10€, uaedude : 118€, Kyto : 12€, FlabCaptain : 25€, chortas : 10€, FrAgGy : 14€, tripats : 10€, Pakho : 10€, erad : 31€, Alva : 10€

NA Current Total: $160
Donators: uaedude : $125, erad : $35

AU Current Total: $10
Donators: Ramagan : $10

JP Current Total: $10
Donators: Ramagan : $10

You can contribute to the prizepool by donating to the following Paypal address, Please indicate in your message if it's for the NA, EU, AU, or JP tournament: [email protected]

How to Play
Custom Ruleset Changelog

Links: NA Thread, EU Thread, AU Thread, JP Thread,
Edited by Badb0y at 08:36 CDT, 7 July 2017 - 7845 Hits
Reflex 1.1.0 Update (192 comments)
Posted by entik @ 10:55 CDT, 21 April 2017 - iMsg
A new update for Reflex is here, featuring new announcer sounds, cosmetics, matchmaking and art tweaks.

Hi person(s),

Wen is now.

Here's your log of changed things.

Edited by entik at 11:52 CDT, 21 April 2017 - 82941 Hits
Reflex Launches out of Early Access (12 comments)
Posted by entik @ 17:49 CST, 9 March 2017 - iMsg
Reflex has finally launched out of Early Access, and with that, Season 1 of competitive play has begun. The launch update also brings Bots, Matchmaking and gameplay improvements, and new cosmetics.


Edited by Badb0y at 19:07 CST, 10 March 2017 - 6037 Hits
Reflex Arena - Launch Trailer (43 comments)
Posted by entik @ 04:44 CST, 2 March 2017 - iMsg
Reflex is leaving Early Access and now has an official launch date, March 8, 2017. Check out the launch trailer and official announcement below.


Links: Announcement,
Edited by entik at 02:41 CST, 4 March 2017 - 28020 Hits
Reflex 0.49 - Matchmaking Refinements (122 comments)
Posted by entik @ 11:29 CST, 4 February 2017 - iMsg
0.49 is here with some matchmaking tweaks, party play support, spectator support for matchmaking games, and more.

Links:, Reflex Forums Post, Dev Roadmap
Edited by Badb0y at 17:47 CST, 15 February 2017 - 50808 Hits
Reflex Update 0.48 - Matchmaking (37 comments)
Posted by entik @ 02:53 CST, 13 January 2017 - iMsg
Reflex 0.48 is here! This update adds matchmaking functionality for casual and competitive modes, an art pass on the 2v2 Mapping Competition winner, 'Ironguard', and more.

Links:, Reflex Forums Post, Dev Roadmap
Edited by entik at 08:33 CST, 13 January 2017 - 15067 Hits
Reflex Update 0.46 (27 comments)
Posted by entik @ 20:26 CDT, 24 August 2016 - iMsg
A new Reflex update is here with training levels, turrets, tokens, new map editor tools, and more.

Today we're releasing version 46. This version adds the training game mode.

Training allows you to practise your movement, aiming & dodging and compete against your friends. We've added turrets which shoot at you (which can be disabled by shooting them). We've got targets which can move around the world and explode in to pieces. We've added tokens to collect and finally leaderboards at the end of the mission where you can test your time vs your friends.

All these building blocks are fully available in our map editor, and we're very much looking forward to see people use them in their workshop maps!

This build also includes many experimental update including the return of the much requested stake launcher. It's had all it's previous bugs ironed out and we're eager to see people use it. We've also updated experimental to more closely match the competitive ruleset (as that's generally the players who use it), and we've also tweaked the knockback to deliver a more consistent experience.

On top of this we've done an art pass on the rocket launcher and shotgun. We also snuck in a couple extra melee's and robot pieces :) The highly anticipated supporter crowbar will make an appearance too!

Finally I got to add a friends list to the home screen which I've been itching to get to for some time, it is very useful! :)

Links: Reflex Forums Post, Dev Roadmap
Edited by entik at 20:50 CDT, 24 August 2016 - 19843 Hits
Reflex 2v2 TDM Mapping Competition (11 comments)
Posted by entik @ 02:14 CDT, 27 July 2016 - iMsg
The Reflex dev team recently announced a mapping competition with a prize payout for the winners. The competition is for a 2v2 TDM map, with the judging being based on the layout only. Visuals are not necessary.

We're running a 2v2 TDM mapping competition! We're looking for the best 2v2 map which will then receive a full art pass and become the next official Reflex map.

Good luck! Let the mapping commence!

Links: Reflex Forums Post
Edited by entik at 02:51 CDT, 27 July 2016 - 4296 Hits
Reflex Update 0.45 (49 comments)
Posted by entik @ 02:26 CDT, 21 July 2016 - iMsg
Update 0.45 is here with a load of new features. Custom models/cosmetics, new player model animations, new grenade launcher model, end game item drops, rag doll deaths, crouching, and more.
0.45.0 is our character & animation update. We've decided to split training into another release. This allows us to deliver the character & animation build earlier :) Training will become 46, I'll update the road map thread shortly.

New Player Models
Profile Menu
Grenade Launcher

Links: Reflex Forums Announcement, Development Roadmap
Edited by entik at 02:35 CDT, 21 July 2016 - 17342 Hits
Reflex Update 0.44.1 - Awards! (63 comments)
Posted by entik @ 04:48 CDT, 2 June 2016 - iMsg
The highlights of this update include the addition of combat oriented awards, XP system, and persistent player stats.

Links: Reflex Forums, Steam News
Edited by entik at 05:07 CDT, 2 June 2016 - 29980 Hits
Reflex Update 0.43 (38 comments)
Posted by entik @ 23:50 CDT, 12 May 2016 - iMsg
The highlights of this update include major optimizations to server traffic and server CPU & memory loads, which will help performance and stability during high player count matches. And also the introduction of casual, competitive (no timers), and experimental rulesets. The change log has more information on what these rulesets entail.

Links: Reflex Forums Post
Edited by entik at 23:51 CDT, 12 May 2016 - 19553 Hits
Reflex CTF Draft Cup (9 comments)
Posted by entik @ 16:41 CDT, 6 May 2016 - iMsg
Sign-ups for a new Reflex CTF Draft Cup are open on the Reflex Forums. All skill levels are welcome and new players are encouraged to join in. The draft day and tournament day will be determined by the availability of all the players signing up. The sign-up page will give you options to choose from the weekends of May 27-29 & June 3-5.

Admins: Netherlands Pill_
Stream coverage will be provided by twitch ArenaFPS

Links: Sign-up Page, Reflex Forums Thread
Edited by entik at 16:20 CDT, 7 May 2016 - 9553 Hits
Reflex 0.41.0 - Boxes of bullets (157 comments)
Posted by entik @ 16:40 CDT, 5 April 2016 - iMsg
Update 0.41.0 has dropped. This update has some performance improvements and finally adds ammo pick ups.

Links: Reflex Forums Post
Edited by entik at 04:29 CDT, 6 April 2016 - 60046 Hits
Reflex Update 0.40 (53 comments)
Posted by entik @ 23:33 CDT, 18 March 2016 - iMsg
Update 0.40 dropped earlier today. Highlights of this update include new first person weapon animations, hand models in first person, new Ion Cannon sounds, re-vamped scoreboard, in-game stats for weapons, new weapon effects, and more.

Reflex 0.40.0 marks the first release using a new set of internal development tools. While developing, we often find ourselves going back to the Steam build to play random peasants and are immediately stuck by how much it sucks compared to the development version we've been using. With these new systems in place, we should be able to release smaller updates more often, instead of holding on to good features for 3 weeks waiting for other features to become shippable. We're not entirely sure what our release schedule will be like yet, but the take away for players is that you can expect to see features within a couple of days of them being ready.

Gif of some of the new animations
Ion Cannon in action

Links: Reflex Forums Post
Edited by entik at 04:06 CDT, 19 March 2016 - 18322 Hits
Reflex 0.39 - Arbitrary gibberish (118 comments)
Posted by entik @ 23:55 CST, 9 February 2016 - iMsg
Reflex 0.39 is here. The highlights of this update are Steam Workshop intergration for maps, improved spawn system, and an overhauled Burstgun.

Links: Official Announcement, Reflex Steam Workshop
Edited by entik at 16:17 CST, 10 February 2016 - 43045 Hits
Reflex Update 0.38 - Gooey (35 comments)
Posted by entik @ 06:40 CST, 15 December 2015 - iMsg
Reflex update 0.38 has landed. Featuring a bunch of changes to the UI system, new melee cosmetics, and numerous updates to art themes.

The new UI system features a new mouse settings menu that has the most customization I've ever seen in a game. The menu allows you to fully adjust your mouse accel settings to a tee, giving you extremely precise aiming / tracking from afar, with all the advantages from a high sensitivity while on the move. If you're a giant mousepad, low sensitivity kind of player, you can just choose to not enable the advanced mouse options and use a regular, constant sensitivity. The UI update is also laying the ground work for the soon to be integrated matchmaking system and player stats.

Links: Official Announcement
Edited by xerosawyer at 10:18 CST, 15 December 2015 - 20954 Hits
REFLEX 0.37.3 Update & Birthday Stream (53 comments)
Posted by entik @ 12:07 CST, 7 November 2015 - iMsg
Reflex turns 1 this week after going live on Steam Early Access November 4th of last year. To celebrate, the team has released the 0.37.3 update which adds a bunch of birthday party themed items, maps, and knick knacks. But if you're trying to play hard and go pro, they have conveniently given you the option to turn off the birthday effects with cl_events 0. The update also features some movement tweaks and general game improvements. Check out the change log below.

The birthday stream will be going on most of the day over at twitch The events planned for the day are CTF show matches, 1v1 show matches, developer interview with the whole Turbo Pixel team, new "Royal Rumble" mode showcase, King of the Hill tourney, and ending the day with some Live Mapping with Denmark promEUs. Check out the image below for event times.

Links: Reflex Forums Update Post, twitch ArenaFPS
Edited by xerosawyer at 07:07 CST, 8 November 2015 - 29536 Hits
Reflex 0.37 Update Released (67 comments)
Posted by entik @ 12:32 CDT, 23 October 2015 - iMsg
After much anticipation, excitement, and eggplant...the Reflex 0.37 update has been released. This update is quite large and has a long list of improvements for the art, the map editor, general game and bug fixes, and engine improvements. Most notably though, this update brings the Capture The Flag game mode to the table.

Links: Official Announcement
Edited by entik at 15:59 CDT, 23 October 2015 - 25543 Hits
BOXR: Reflex 01 Duel Cup [NA] (113 comments)
Posted by entik @ 15:36 CDT, 2 September 2015 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 26 September 2015 to 23:00 CDT, 26 September 2015
Schedule: Passed

So, after trying out Reflex, it appears that CS:GO analyst, and personality Launders has really grown to like the game. So much so that's he'll be hosting a North American tournament through his BOXR community on September 26, 2015. This will be a round-robin duel tournament with a best of three finals. Check-in is currently scheduled for 13:00 CDT, with games commencing at 13:45 CDT, although these times are subject to change. Please support the community, and make sure you sign-up!

Date: September 26, Check-ins at 2PM EST / 11AM PST
Format: 32 Players, 4 Player Round-Robin Groups w/ BO3 Finals
Admins: csboxr, metric_cs, nthnwllms

Stream: twitch BOXR
Links: Official Announcement, Official Reflex Website, #reflex
Edited by twister at 08:08 CDT, 27 September 2015 - 28442 Hits
For all you QL/PQL/Turbo newbs (5 comments)
Posted by entik @ 10:53 CST, 6 November 2014 - iMsg
3334 Hits
Demo roll call for The Contenders 3 (78 comments)
Posted by entik @ 04:25 CDT, 23 August 2012 - iMsg
It's that time again to show everyone why CPM is the best FPS around. Dig into those demo archives for those epic frags, or dust off that mouse pad and create some new ones. Stop playing DOTA and Starcraft and play some more fuckin promode.

- CPM demos only, of course
- Duel, 2v2, CTF, CTFS, TDM, NTF, CA
- Absolutely no fake / staged frags
- Flag caps, quad runs, holy shits, midairs, rails, funny shit / bloopers, etc (Anything extraordinary and movie worthy)
- State your desired country / nationality to be displayed, when sending demos
- If your frag is on an obscure custom map, please include it in your e-mail
- Not all demos are guranteed to be used

I would prefer if everyone used myT's demo tools to properly cut their demos to the specific frags. (Please cut the demos with a reasonable amount of time, leave at least 7-10 seconds before and after the frag / event). You don't have to enter Q3 to cut the demos, it's all done within the tool itself.


If you're not going to bother with the demo tool, then please timestamp the demo properly for when the frag / event occurs.

Proper demo labeling example:

Send all demos to [email protected]
Edited by entik at 18:30 CDT, 25 August 2012 - 41338 Hits
Work (107 comments)
Posted by entik @ 13:59 CDT, 10 July 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9 (169 votes)
Got a treat for all you ProMode fans out there. 'Work' is a short CPM movie, featuring duel frags only.

Edited by entik at 03:11 CDT, 11 July 2012 - 58428 Hits
Need duel demos for short CPM movie (3 comments)
Posted by entik @ 19:56 CST, 9 December 2011 - iMsg
I'm gonna be doing a new mini movie (around 3 minutes) in the near future.

Duel frags only
ProMode only

Send frags to [email protected]
or contact me on @ #cpmpickup
2215 Hits
It's Pekka 2 (158 comments)
Posted by entik @ 03:39 CST, 4 December 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.4 (200 votes)
After much delay, ahxnxa is back in action. It's Pekka 2 has some amazing frags, fun soundtrack and as always, good humor.

Enjoy some good old CPM action.

reddit for CPM justice!

Intro parodies: Jaegarn 2 and SpawN: Still Mighty
Edited by Nukm at 19:42 CST, 10 December 2011 - 76507 Hits
The Contenders 2 (249 comments)
Posted by entik @ 05:44 CDT, 12 June 2010 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.7 (250 votes)
Yeah, finally.
The Contenders 2 is strictly a promode only film, starring 45 players from the promode community.

Hope you guys enjoy it.

own-age page

More mirrors and streams will be added as they become available. You should also check out the first The Contenders Movie.
Edited by entik at 22:49 CDT, 23 July 2010 - 178532 Hits
Hall of Fame: Enjoyable (added to hof by Nukm)
Requesting Demos for The Contenders 2 (45 comments)
Posted by entik @ 10:36 CST, 6 March 2009 - iMsg
Update: Wanted to give a little update here about the movie.

I've received a good amount of demos from a variety of players so far and things are looking good. I am still accepting demos though so if you are interested, read below (Remember CPM only)

I completed a short teaser as well which you can check out here:

or YouTube HD

I wanted to make it known that I'll be making The Contenders 2 so I wanted to start collecting footage.

Once again this movie will CPM only, just like the first one. Shots from any game mode are fine (CTF, TDM, NTF, Duel, etc) as long as they are skillful.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I'll be taking funny/blooper instances as well

It will make everything a lot easier for me if shots were 'cut' from original demos with Q3SDC so no confusion over timestamps is made. Although if not, standard time stamping will suffice.
(Also, please denote if the time stamp is recorded in CPM time or Q3MME time)

Time(s), Name(Country), Game Mode, Map, Short Description

Example: [12.35]-entik(USA)-CTF-q3wcp9-20_kill_Quad_run.dm_68

E-mail demos to [email protected]

Or contact me on IRC.

entik @ #uscpmpickup on QuakeNet

(Please /whois the nick if you are sending on IRC, as vorpal likes to troll as me for some reason. If the nick is not opped in #uscpmpickup, it is not me. Thank you)
Edited by entik at 16:08 CDT, 22 July 2009 - 15937 Hits
The Contenders - A ProMode Film (144 comments)
Posted by entik @ 07:22 CDT, 23 August 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.5 (150 votes)
Creator: entik
Game: ProMode
Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 9m41s
Codec: XviD

Everyone who sent demos
CPMA Development Team


Edited by entik at 18:53 CDT, 24 August 2008 - 71002 Hits
entik -vs- walter (3 comments)
Posted by entik @ 05:49 CDT, 14 July 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 0.8 (5 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: entik
Version info: 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Semi-Finals of DMRadio NA Duel Cup

cpm22: walter > entik
cpm3a: entik > walter
cpm15: walter > entik
3167 Hits
Requesting Demos for CPM Community Movie (No comments)
Posted by entik @ 19:46 CDT, 2 June 2008 - iMsg
I'm planning on making a new CPM community movie, but in order to do that I need some footage. So if you have demos laying around that you never went through, please look them over and find some skillful shots. If you do have some demos already, then send them on in. The name of the movie isn't decided yet, but if you have ideas then let me know.

Also, this will be CPM only, I'm not accepting anything VQ3. Shots from any game mode are fine (CTF, TDM, NTF, Duel, etc) as long as they are skillful.

If you could be so kind to label the demos also, I would appreciate it. If I get demos with no times I'm not going to be too inclined to search it. Time, Name, Game Mode, and Description will be sufficient.

Example: (7.54)-entik-Duel-triple_air_rox.dm_68

You can e-mail demos to [email protected] or contact me at any of these.

entik @ #cpmpickup on QuakeNet
entik631 on Xfire
mattybearx on AIM

Heres some samples of my abilities and final quality:

Edited by entik at 19:36 CDT, 5 June 2008 - 1380 Hits
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