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Simple League script anyone? (1 comment)
Posted by light @ 11:35 CST, 10 March 2011 - iMsg
I've tried to find a good soccer/football league and fixture generator but didn't find anything good...

Basically what i need is a script or application that allows easy entry of teams, scores, while keeping a leage table automatically updating as scores are submitted. As simple as possible, since we're using it for a 10 man fifa tournament.. Anyone who knows one? :o)
1352 Hits
RSI from deathadder, alternative? (28 comments)
Posted by light @ 12:33 CST, 7 December 2009 - iMsg
Since i changed to the deathadder about a year ago, i've been feeling pain while playing, more and more often. I think its because of its shape(i hope so otherwise i guess 11 years of quake have taken its toll..) Anyways... What is a good alternative?
7102 Hits
AVG Anti-virus steals focus. (25 comments)
Posted by light @ 14:26 CST, 17 November 2009 - iMsg
Since i found out that AVG Anti-Virus steals focus of my games and whatever i'm doing every now and then, does anyone know a good virusscanner thats free as an alternative to this increasingly adsupported crap with toolbars and what not?
9288 Hits
In-ear headphones for travel, which ones (43 comments)
Posted by light @ 04:48 CDT, 29 August 2009 - iMsg
So, which in-ear headphones would you pick?

I've been suggested sennheiser CX 400, but still its a bit pricy, then i've seen a review of the TDK ep-200 which is roughly $15, but that just sounds too cheap that they really can't be any good?

Any good suggestions of whats worth checking out?
Guess the most important is comfortability and next to that decent sound. But since i will have to wear them for many hours, comfort is important. Also pricetag is worth a mention :D
11196 Hits
Zoom script trivia, which is correct? (38 comments)
Posted by light @ 11:14 CDT, 23 July 2009 - iMsg
set zoom_in "cg_fov 50;sensitivity 4"
set zoom_out "cg_fov 100;sensitivity 8"


set zoom_in "cg_fov 50;sensitivity 8"
set zoom_out "cg_fov 100;sensitivity 8"


set zoom_in "cg_fov 50;sensitivity 16"
set zoom_out "cg_fov 100;sensitivity 8"

or something completely different?

I am normally using the first one but its kind of feeling a bit low sens, and then i wondered if i'm doing it right at all, also because i'm gonna make the zoomfov less it would be nice to know which method is the correct one, obviously i want the sens to feel the same while zooming, but i'm not sure what others do, if they just find some value that feels good or if they calculate it like i did. :)
18560 Hits
Timeouts in Quake, why and why not? (46 comments)
Posted by light @ 09:32 CDT, 15 July 2009 - iMsg
I was reading on the comments of the last update from Quake Live, and i have had this discussion in the cpm community before, about timeouts especially timeouts when playing a duel.

When you play a duel you have to be aware of many things, you keep track of certain item times, while having other items and routines done unconciously. A duel is usually 10 minutes, when someone does a timeout i usually am surprised, and what happens then is i lose track of pretty much everything in the game, this happens because its a sudden and unforeseen thing out of my hands that just happened, in the same league of spilling coffee on your keyboard. You lose track and you lose the timings and feel of the game. All this happens because some other player can directly influence your game because HE have problems that makes him want to do a timeout. However the timeout is not a surprise to him, as he knows he is going to do it. Is it really fair to put your enemy off his game completely by doing one or more timeouts in a 10-15 minute game? By playing thousands of duels i've seen this abused so many times, even by good players which i won't mention here.

In the teambased modes i think its a bit different, the timeouts are still very disturbing and annoying because 7 players have to wait for the one guy who has a problem, but its ok when its legit, because being 3on4 in a game like Quake can be quite devastating.

What do you think, am i all wrong?
11490 Hits
My Quake Live thoughts. (308 comments)
Posted by light @ 08:19 CDT, 17 May 2009 - iMsg
The mg damage is too high. You simply can't miss a shot with any weapon in any in-combat situation and stay alive against a decent aimer with mg.

The armors protects too little... Like yellow armor... 8 shots with mg and its gone, 4/11 on an sg shot, theres practically no point what so ever going for a yellow armor if you possibly expose yourself in ANY way. Would love to see Yellow armor giving 100 armor, and red giving 150 or 200.

You're way too limited in your possibilities in an in-fight. If you happen to be using RL you're pretty much stuck with that through out the fight, because you simply don't have time to change the weapon cause of the EXTREME delay of weaponswitch. Why not reward the versatile player that knows the best weapon for the different situations throughout the fight, rather than leaving him no options at all? And as well, why limit the dodging possibilities to as much as a statue bolted to the floor? Honestly its probably even worse than counter-strike, cause there you miss unless you crouch same time. So maybe counter-strike is more skill demanding here? IS that what quake have become?

I think fixing these 3 things would make Quake Live much more enjoyable for everyone. It feels like playing poker as it is now, sure the better player might win in the long run, but its damn frustrating most the time anyways.

with the auto-skill system you already removed the need of dumbing down the gameplay for newbs, cause newbs will play newbs anyways.
Edited by light at 08:55 CDT, 17 May 2009 - 64011 Hits
recording footage from Q3 cpma. (12 comments)
Posted by light @ 10:24 CDT, 8 April 2009 - iMsg
I've been screwing around trying to make a new movie, and i want superquality for it(60 fps, h264 HD you name it).
Using fraps gives some annoying quality loss, its like a small kind of ghosting. Now i know that Q3mme can do rips with a .wav file aside the video, which is great. But how do i get promode sounds in that? I didn't find anything on the Q3MME forum, but someone told me that it CAN be done, he just didn't know how, and i can't find the post he described.

Maybe someone knows? How do you rip movies in Q3MME getting the promode hitsounds and possibly the brightskins too?

Basically i'm lazy, i "could" cl_avidemo it and synch the pictures with the sound i record from fraps, but it seems an awful and unneeded amount of work to do so.
3629 Hits
Q3 Master Server down? (3 comments)
Posted by light @ 11:49 CDT, 30 March 2009 - iMsg
Since pretty much the past 2 days, all the servers in All-seeing-eye which i normally use, but also MaxBrowse i tried shows up as 9999 pings, does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
1825 Hits
what is this song? (1 comment)
Posted by light @ 14:38 CDT, 10 August 2008 - iMsg
I looked on a danish newssite.. anyways what song is this? its an ad of course, but which one is it.

Edited by light at 14:39 CDT, 10 August 2008 - 1744 Hits
Diamondback 3g vs. Deathadder 1000 hz. (25 comments)
Posted by light @ 18:28 CDT, 20 July 2008 - iMsg
Hi, i have the old version diamondback running 1000 hz on that by the usb-hack thing doesnt really work well so i had it at 500 hz... Recently i bought the deathadder that supports 1000 hz in the driver. After that i found out theres a newer version of diamondback out the "3G" one... Now does this one support 1000 hz in the driver too? or you still need need a fix for it? and if so... Does it run 1000 hz then, or is it just the 700 hz i've been reading about?
11094 Hits
Quake 3 + GTX 8800 (129 comments)
Posted by light @ 15:18 CDT, 6 April 2007 - iMsg
To keep a long story short...

My Quake 3 is showing some tearing periodically, or fps drops if you like.

I use the latest Forceware drivers from nvidia 97.92 i think.
Vsync is forced off, and all other settings in the drivers are default.

Obviously i do not wish to use an old driver as i play other games and i dont want to lose graphic eyecandy in these.

Does anyone have a suggestion of what to do ?

My system is Pentium D 3,4 ghz Dual core(800 fsb), 2 gig ram, gtx 8800 768 ram version, so i suppose this is a driver problem or a setting somewhere thats faulty..

Anyways i cant believe im the only one with this problem and if anyone have a solution or suggestions please share :)
Edited by light at 09:29 CDT, 10 April 2007 - 47647 Hits
Without free speech theres no democracy. (142 comments)
Posted by light @ 07:50 CST, 5 February 2006 - iMsg
While this is an offtopic to gaming i just changed my avatar back to my danish flag which is getting burned along with the danish, norwegian, swedish and even chiles embassy throughout the islamic countrys.
What bothers my pride and makes me a bit "racist" is the fact that i never posted any pictures of any prophet and i didnt ever buy the newspaper that posted the pictures.

What the islamic people dont understand is that we have free speech, i recently talked to a muslim girl who said the pictures shouldnt have been brought and that our government should excuse that the newspaper had brought them. She claimed they had free speech too in her country, but with cencorship from the government, whereafter i had to tell her that in that case you dont have free speech.

Fact is beside racistic comments towards people in public everything is legal here. This is also why we allow people to have their own religion, and people are allowed to say they hate our prime minister and they are allowed to post pictures of any prophet they like. We even have a nazi radio station, i dont ever listened to it, but its there and its legal. Theres also extremistic islamic groups like Hitz-but-tharia(who at some time tried to get members from danish schoolyards, which was then disallowed).

I'm getting pretty annoyed with these people in countrys thousands of kilometers away from here trying to control what we are allowed to say or do in our country, and it may be slightly racist to say that i cant stop thinking about that picture shown of muhammed with a lit bomb as a turban seems so true seeing how much that part of the world tries to solve every problem with violence.

Recently i saw another cartoon/caricature of a little boy in school that had drawn a picture of muhammed like a stickman and the teacher said to him "nice drawing, but now im afraid we have to kill you". Truth and sad.
57689 Hits
waiting for the meteor to strike! (26 comments)
Posted by light @ 21:33 CST, 18 December 2005 - iMsg
While waiting for Q4max and whining about various stuff, i got myself a new neighbour, thats not odd you might think but this guys name is Salaam Hussein(not a joke), now should i be afraid?
Edited by light at 03:34 GMT, 19th Dec 2005 - 27109 Hits
Q4max and X-battle yay or gay?! (6 comments)
Posted by light @ 11:41 CST, 26 November 2005 - iMsg
When Q4 was released the first competitive "mods" could hardly be released soon enough, now after sdk etc. it seems each team are taking forever releasing something? Whats the deal with this? if you dont wanna be fast why not wait in the first place then?

My guess is both mod-teams are waiting for the other to release something, to see how much they have done in the time thats past so they can make something just a tad better just to "prove" that they are better... Ridiculous imo.
8322 Hits
Quake 3 cpm, 1 by ffslight. (58 comments)
Posted by light @ 10:10 CST, 19 November 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.3 (14 votes)
I was fooling around with sony vegas, and first just wanted to add sound, then wanted this and that, and before i knew i had a "decent" movie of 2 mins and 50 secs. Its not a superior quality omg editing thing, but hopefully a start of a long series of me learning to make movies, so this is my first attempt. This movie is called "1"(one).

Key features:
- No credits, waste of diskspace and who cares anyways.
- A few times youll notice that it looks like two demos meld together, this is intended.
- The quality is quite low, but so is the filesize.

Bad sides:
- I figured out too late to use antialiasing when capturing my clips.
- Some of the clips i have already shown in smaller versions in my journal.
- The quality is a bit low compared to what i wanted, but still viewable, and im uploading a higher quality version just in case.
- The second song is requested by MassMan.
Edited by Levi240 at 16:31 GMT, 19th Nov 2005 - 27650 Hits
35 seconds of "Quake 3 CPM" (25 comments)
Posted by light @ 13:48 CST, 8 November 2005 - iMsg
As usual when i have those moments where i experience something i find particular fun or nice in my world of Quake 3 and 4 today i played CPM and i played 35 secs which in my eyes might be the best 35 secs ive ever performed in Quake.
You might not understand why its awesome, but try to notice the movement flow, the timing of items, the aim of rockets and prediction etc. to me this video pretty much shows why i play CPM or Quake at all, and im sorry about the choppy quality i dont know why it does that, but enjoy it anyways.

cpmskills 25 megs/35 secs
11879 Hits
Sick quad airrocket cpm!! (52 comments)
Posted by light @ 09:08 CST, 4 November 2005 - iMsg
This might be the best Quad airrocket ever:

Airrocket!! 5 megs/interlaced and low quality
Airrocket!! 2 10 megs no interlacing and higher quality.(on request from Drexciyian)

Edited by light at 15:05 GMT, 5th Nov 2005 - 11746 Hits
Some small Quake 4 ctf vids (13 comments)
Posted by light @ 16:55 CST, 30 October 2005 - iMsg
In a game that i think have many lacks i actually had a great ctf game from which i made these two highlights:

First highlight:
With 6 seconds remaining our team makes it to sudden death
Nice return, going to sudden death!

Second highlight:
One minute into overtime the game was decided
Sudden death decided!!

Anyways, a lot of stuff needs changing in Q4 CTF, amongst the first things that comes to mind is the fact that all spawnpoints is placed in your own base, and lowering the mg damage would be nice as well, the map is kinda nice though and the games ive played today have been very nice indeed.
7443 Hits
Fuck Quake 4, lets play cpm. (41 comments)
Posted by light @ 10:22 CDT, 26 October 2005 - iMsg
Quake 4 was quite the disappointment, they didnt really do anything but reinvent the wheel with this release, but enough about Quake 4.

I just heard arQon is working on a stand-alone version of cpm, i wonder if this is true, it didnt really show at and i wonder when we will see a release of this?

Anyways im looking forward to it, will propably be my next game :)
11085 Hits
23 years birthday, yay! (31 comments)
Posted by light @ 16:56 CDT, 6 October 2005 - iMsg
So i turned 23, who'd have known i would make it this far, starting a new era this year cause im single and gonna party a lot more than ive done the past few years. :)

At least im gonna drink at least 2 liters of 40% liquor this saturday from morning to evening, gonna be some failure at the girls, but ill have fun anyways :D!
Edited by light at 21:57 GMT, 6th Oct 2005 - 7324 Hits
now thats a nice ass. (74 comments)
Posted by light @ 08:47 CDT, 5 October 2005 - iMsg
Was surfing some site with pictures from the discos around, and this picture actually made me go back to look again, and later post it here. Enjoy..
21462 Hits
what is monorail in cpm terms? (34 comments)
Posted by light @ 15:15 CDT, 30 September 2005 - iMsg
if you ever heard about something called monorail and dont know what it is, then this is it:

13055 Hits
Tribute to the rail (hi mantra!) (4 comments)
Posted by light @ 18:35 CDT, 28 September 2005 - iMsg
For the first time in my cpma time i had a game with dominating aim against my usual pracmate mantra, who despite his loss here played better than usual, but my rail was pretty decent(to say the least).

Seems my changes to my config(removing thinshaft, adding gun_offset and some netsettings) have improved my stability some, plus i upped my sensitivity a little so im now around 15 cm. for 360 or so. And no accel.
3295 Hits
Waiting for Quake 4, wasting time. (2 comments)
Posted by light @ 10:57 CDT, 28 September 2005 - iMsg
I was bored, to the extreme, so i decided i would try something i havent seen other accomplish, seeing as i failed i still post my best result here..
3 minutes Q3arenax vs. standard cpm arqon bot(skill 80) only using grenadelauncher... Anyone win? :P
2031 Hits
Enlongen your e-penis, play CPMA! (98 comments)
Posted by light @ 22:47 CDT, 23 September 2005 - iMsg
Sh4un from noobs anonymous took time today and spend i think 1½ hour just showing me different jumps and teaching me how to do them in CPMA, and when i tried a few(simple yeye) like YA to MH on cpm3a, i could feel how my game improved a bit, which ive missed for a long time, damn it felt good.

So a day which was generally bad ended very well simply cause Sh4un took the time of doing something nice for another person he hardly even know and my e-penis was truely enlarged when i did YA to MH on my local server, but one day im gonna let it out in the public too! :D
Edited by light at 03:48 GMT, 24th Sep 2005 - 19328 Hits
Yet another clip of my cpma experience. (16 comments)
Posted by light @ 15:25 CDT, 15 September 2005 - iMsg
Considering the day have been pretty much crap, ive been to school, yay! almost on time and all, and i worked to help my sister move into her new apartment( you can see her under "billeder af mig"), oh well back to subject.
Finally i learned how to use xvid for compression and i figured this was a funny sequence of a game where i ended up losing big anyways, enjoy.
Mirror, if ESR files fail:
6245 Hits
Where can i buy a good-looking female? (23 comments)
Posted by light @ 05:29 CDT, 15 September 2005 - iMsg
Considering my try in dating was a failure, and im intensively looking to find that one girl(honestly i may already have found her, a sweet girl from Norway, but i propably already scared her away).. But then i thought about buying a south-european female, perhaps the one attached?
Oh well it may not be the smartest thing to do, but it would help the globalisation somehow, wouldnt it?
Either way i guess ill keep looking, but keep my thoughts running towards the north, 2000 km. away from me, and hope im not dished for good :)
8218 Hits
Why some fat people never lose weight. (36 comments)
Posted by light @ 13:18 CDT, 14 September 2005 - iMsg
Today started as it should, but it took a bit longer to sleep than i expected so i missed school. Anyways i have taken up bodybuilding again, this time with somewhat new approach, this time im gonna be slim, very slim, before i start lifting weights, last time i gained so fast that my feet hurt so i couldnt run cause they couldnt take the large weight...

Anyways, i saw the usual fat chicks on the same stairclimbing machine as me, well, they put it on level 1(theres 10 or so) and this means they hardly had to move, and did they sweat? no. How long did they exercise? 6:50 mins. Then they decided that it was propably too hard so they better go and lift some weights cause everyone knows that lifting weights is the key to losing your fat, ehhh?

Anyways, i think they decided to leave after 30 mins, then they propably shower for 20 mins, and dress up for 20 more, and i suspect if they dont live in the inner city that at least another 20 minutes will be spent by driving home in their car. So they spend 1½ hour this day for 30 minutes exercise at a level thats so low that its a joke.

i bet they are really hungry too when they get home, and dont think the slightest on what they eat, considering there were some hours till most people get dinner i suspect they propably drank some soda and ate some chips or other fat snack, and honestly... I guess they are just stupid, but its a very common tendency at least in my country to see many females, overweight not wanting to do an effort even though they go to the fitness center, it seems they just go there to say "look im fat, but i work out so im doing something about it.."

This update wasnt even supposed to be about this subject, anyways its sickening to see, and at least im happy to know i always does my best in the gym, to get the best results in the long run...
12230 Hits
What a fucking clown. (15 comments)
Posted by light @ 12:12 CDT, 13 September 2005 - iMsg
I saw the link today on irc, and thought it was worth to spread out to some kids who's heads still havent been fucked for good:
Download Yucko the clown!
For those afraid to download its a clown who goes crazy in new york, its propably old, but i havent seen it before. And it really proves one of my childhood nightmares from watching "IT" as an 8-yearold: CLOWNS ARE SCARY!
Edited by light at 18:06 GMT, 13th Sep 2005 - 5885 Hits
Stuff thats obviously is made by girls. (28 comments)
Posted by light @ 07:03 CDT, 13 September 2005 - iMsg
Im sitting here writing a project, due monday next week. Its a building project(as i study to be a building technician) anyways... Im supposed to calculate how much earth i gotta remove to make a foundation, obviously the logic way of calculating this would be to figure out how much mould is to be removed, find the cubic-metres and find the price for a size of that area, this can be repeated for the removal of sub-soil and for the areas that should be filled up with concrete.

At least this is the logic i used, then i check the pricelist to see the prices for what ive calculated... And here, hell begins. First of all you dont write cubic-metres for the mould removal, no, you pick a fixed height 20/30/40 mm. which is very dull considering all places have a different size, and then you pick the size of the area, and thus you can calculate a price. Ok that may not be too bad.
For the sub-soil you use running metres, a fine smart definition, which basically just is a new calculation of the total length of the foundation, ehh brilliant? then finally to fill up the hole you've dug, you fill up with concrete which you then calculate in cubic-metres.

I already decided im not doing this part of my project, simply cause its too stupid and is a fucking waste of my time and those correcting it too.

This was maybe a bit of an unclear example, but thats girls in a shell, not easy to understand, no common sense of logic and they always expect you to understand exactly why this way is so simple.....

Anyone got suggestions to other stuff obviously made by girls?
Edited by light at 12:03 GMT, 13th Sep 2005 - 6950 Hits
Finally got rid of World of Warcraft. (36 comments)
Posted by light @ 06:13 CDT, 12 September 2005 - iMsg
What would you know, its been like 3 weeks since i stopped my subscription for the game and today i made a trade with my cousin for a nice surround sound amplifier, and some money he had borrowed from me. Well its 3x level 60 chars so i guess its worth it for him, but im glad that i at least got something from my many hours gaming that game.Attached is the best screenshot i took in the game, around level 40 i finally got the scarlet chestpiece, and my blonde warrior is having a view at the sea, back turned at Booty Bay.
10033 Hits
What the fuck? datingsites and girls. (54 comments)
Posted by light @ 20:53 CDT, 10 September 2005 - iMsg
Well tonight i had a conversation with my so-called girlfriend. Well not really girlfriend but we have sex and see eachother a few days every other week when she finds the time. Anyways, today i saw her online on msn and i write to her and ask her if she had a good day. Now she is supposed to visit me and sleep over from sunday to monday, anyways...
We chat back and forth she replies very slow, cause a lot of people usually writes to her, so i tell her that i'd let her write with her friends and that i dont mind cause i'd be seeing her tomorrow anyways.
Then she reply:
"god you annoy me so much, why do you have to be like that? You are so impatient and invading(dont know a better word), and its not exactly stuff that makes me feel more about you".

i was like wtf? so i just replied that i had no clue what she was talking about and that if she wants it that way then thats her problem, she then says "eh, ok" and moves offline.

WTF went wrong?

Oh well.

Later i decide to try online dating, i search profiles and write a small letter to those whoms pictures i find attractive, and it struck me that its an evil circle... I guess im around average in looks, but i cba. dating a girl who i dont find sexy, so im a bit picky and i checked maybe 200 profiles with picture and wrote 4 letters. None of them is propably gonna reply, cause they get so many letters every day and what the fuck are you supposed to write that gets their interest?

I could ofc. write that i have my own apartment with view to the sea, a car, and that im doing health exercising and studying to be a building technician, but...

My apartment is part of campus, small 1 room, hardly any kitchen but i got my own bathroom, my car im selling cause i cant afford it while i study, and the health exercising i just started as late as today, and my studies are doing bad, who on earth would date that? Well, i guess most internet relationships are pretty platonic at first anyways, but im getting to think that online dating is not the way to go for me, but what are my other options considering i live alone, generally i dont socialize a lot and i dont have money to go out a lot?
9166 Hits
A few highlights from my cpma experience (18 comments)
Posted by light @ 10:25 CDT, 10 September 2005 - iMsg
Im not very good at editing and making movies etc. so advice is appreciated anyways here goes two small highlights from some practice games i had in cpma:

nice backwards pixelrail 4 megs

another nice backwards impressive, followed by a telefrag. 12 megs

Now, i wonder how i could make these fill less, but atm. just enjoy, both are in slowmotion, first movie is timescale 0.5 and second is as well but with 45 fps framerate so i guess thats timescale 0.75 or so. Anyways enjoy, and feel free to comment.
5447 Hits
Danish Quake 3: The Second Generation (35 comments)
Posted by light @ 07:57 CDT, 25 May 2004 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.8 (30 votes)
"The Second Generation" is an OSP Duel and TDM frag movie, featuring four highly skilled Danish quakers. Each player has been given three to four minutes of video time to show off his meanest frags, and the result is nothing less than second generation quaking. TSG is best viewed with Windows Mediaplayer 9.0, or the lastest DivX player.
Enjoy. -lsd`junkie

The editing is in my opinion really awesome here, the movie is however without in-game sound, the movie is around 17 minutes long and weighs around 345 mb.
Edited by RogeR1 at 15:48 GMT, 25th May 2004 - 40166 Hits
Classic painkiller quote imo. (2 comments)
Posted by light @ 12:43 CST, 2 February 2004 - iMsg
[19:17] <@rage^_> painkiller has great movement too
[19:17] <@Konaan> does he wants to join us?

Then i pre-ordered Painkiller from EBgames... heh, that was stupid move... I thought like wow that was cheap: 39.99$, but then after i ordered i saw that the shipping would be 29$! and if that wasnt enough customs would make the price be +20%, that was one stupid mistake of the day...
Lucky for me i could still cancel the order. Seems i will have to wait for it to show up as pre-order on the danish websites then.... :/
5835 Hits
My sisters homepage(lots pics) (21 comments)
Posted by light @ 13:17 CDT, 23 May 2003 - iMsg
As the nice brother i am and the good looking sister i have put two and two together and thought i would give her some hits, and the users of ESR something to look at... so here goes...

She plays Warcraft, The Sims, Quake 3(rarely though), diablo 2 and generally just play games where you build stuff.

Oh and its major because i never post something major :)
Edited by g33kr4m at 22:25 GMT, 23rd May 2003 - 23720 Hits
personal bench press record :o (133 comments)
Posted by light @ 21:36 CDT, 3 May 2003 - iMsg
yesterday i managed to take 92 kg. in benchpress(4 reps) a result that makes me proud considering i broke my right hand in december in a car accident.
Next stop 97 kgs, which i will try monday :)
24638 Hits
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