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TwitchTV - fixing the stutter (6 comments)
Posted by sarac @ 10:14 CDT, 3 August 2013 - iMsg
Spent all day trying to fix the crazy twitch tv stutter, in order to be ready for finals later today. Found a solution that solves my issues at least, hopefully it can help others in the same situation.

1) Use Google Chrome
2) Install add on "Ghostery"
3) Configure Ghostery to block all trackers

3746 Hits
Marihuana kills (326 comments)
Posted by sarac @ 08:34 CDT, 2 May 2009 - iMsg
..or does it?

this documentary is really interesting - the things I've been told in school, about marihuana, have all been proven false.

provided what this documentary is saying is true, I am baffled that cannabis is still outlawed everywhile - while smoke, alkohol, caffeine, pain pills, all of which are more deadly than cannabis, aren't.


Movie is now available online at Google - go see it!:
Edited by sarac at 05:53 CDT, 3 May 2009 - 119679 Hits
google chrome... sucks ? (25 comments)
Posted by sarac @ 10:23 CDT, 25 October 2008 - iMsg
I guess we have all been using google chrome for the last month or so.

Am I the only one who has severe problems with it?

* takes 30 seconds to open websites - for instance
* freezes all the time
* it hates youtube
* when it crashes, everything crashes, not just the tab as promised

For some reason it's still my preferred browser.. probably because opening chrome itself is so fast.
5294 Hits
Sonny J (4 comments)
Posted by sarac @ 12:34 CDT, 8 October 2008 - iMsg
Instant pleasure ?

Edited by sarac at 12:37 CDT, 8 October 2008 - 1588 Hits
Report: Red players win more often (No comments)
Posted by sarac @ 11:57 CDT, 12 June 2008 - iMsg
Science is serious business. Emma_UK wrote on gamespot:

According to boffins studying first-person shooter Unreal Tournament 2004, gamers have more of a chance of being on the winning side if they choose to play as a red team member as opposed to blue.

The team of scientists, led by Mihai Moldovan from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, studied the outcomes of 1,347 matches between "elite" teams. The characters for the two teams would be shown to be wearing red or blue, depending on their side.

It would seem to be a detail that would be of little consequence to winning, but the scientists have found otherwise. Based on a 50/50 split, the red team won 55 percent of the time, reports AP, citing the Cyberpsychology & Behaviour journal.

Moldovan said that he believed the reason behind this was that the colour red acts as a "psychological distractor" to men.

Scientists have also found that wearing the colour red seems to give players an advantage in real-life sports. A report by Durham University academics studied four combat sports at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games: boxing, tae kwon do, Greco-Roman wrestling, and freestyle wrestling. They found that across all four, those who were donned in red won significantly more fights.

However, Mark Rein, the vice president of Unreal Tournament 2004 creator Epic Games said that the company wouldn't be making any changes to the game in response to the findings. He said, "While this is really an interesting analysis, the notion of red team versus blue team has been ingrained in the Unreal Tournament series for years. We don't anticipate any immediate changes to team colours."
Edited by Badb0y at 13:41 CDT, 12 June 2008 - 1460 Hits
Typing - who's the esr champ ? (71 comments)
Posted by sarac @ 06:22 CDT, 7 June 2008 - iMsg
10201 Hits
An Inconvenient Truth (230 comments)
Posted by sarac @ 06:23 CST, 29 October 2006 - iMsg
Much like Al Gore, I'm trying to spread the word about this movie.

I guess the trailer says it best, although in a slighly dramatic way:
an inconvenient truth, trailer @ apple

The movie is in essence just a televised version of Al Gores powerpoint show - but it's immensely interesting, and everybody should watch it.

To create some debate I will attach these two seemingly random pictures from the movie:

Edited by sarac at 06:24 CST, 29 October 2006 - 50851 Hits
Heinz 'Stay Clean' (18 comments)
Posted by sarac @ 07:43 CDT, 14 October 2006 - iMsg
What is the deal with heinz stay clean?

I was stupid enough to buy another bottle of it the other day, thinking they had rectified the huge problem that plaugued the first batches, but no.

In order to force ketchup out of the "stay clean cap" you have to generate a lot of pressure for a small circular hole - so when it finally reaches the breaking point, the ketchup comes rushing out at 250km/hour - and your pizza has a large pool of ketchup where you aimed the bottle. Yuck.

For the swedes:

In summary: Please stop buying this crap, so that we may have the good old bottles back 8-(
Edited by sarac at 07:43 CDT, 14 October 2006 - 5744 Hits
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