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Duel suggestions (15 comments)
Posted by g0uken @ 10:35 CDT, 17 June 2017 - iMsg
Was thinking about how duel feels so short, without natural flow and with few frags so how about:

First of all, keep the “rounds” and keep the 3 champions pick, but instead of calling the rounds “rounds”, call them “half’s”. Each half is not based on a fraglimit but a time limit instead (I imagine 5 minutes is a fitting length). When the first half is over, the leading player is not awarded a point, but rather keeps his frags, much like in many sports, you aren’t playing to win the half, but to have most goals/points after both half’s/every period.

The 2nd half starts with the two players changing initial-spawn (either make them have each others spawn from first half, or make it random on the same part/side of the map). The winner is the player with most frags after 2nd half. In case of a tie, a 3rd round/period is played (2-5 minutes) and if this is also tie sudden death or overtime (from quake live) comes into effect.

When a player dies during the half’s/periods he is not forced to change champions but is rather giving the choice to do so. Much like in fighting games competition where a losing player is allowed to change character in between sets. That way the game feels less annoying for the losing player, since he is awarded a choice instead of being forced to do something he might not want to, but it also provides more tactical thought regarding the champions-aspect (something I assume was one of the reasons id/Bethesda chose to go with champions in the first place).

This rule set will feel more in tune with the original quake feel, with the champions aspect well-implemented, at the same time as it is protecting a losing player by:

1) Only having to 'endure' 5 minutes before he gets a “break” where the enemy’s map control is broken and where he can gather thoughts/composure, in case of being dominated.

2) Giving him an advantage in being able to select champions based on the enemy’s pick/playing style

This system ensures that the core gameplay still feels quakeish, while making use of the champions in an well-integrated manner, while simultaneous​ly providing the losing players with options and help.

Somebody get this to Syncerror. This shit is money! \o/
4024 Hits
Mouse jitter at high speed (Zowie) (21 comments)
Posted by g0uken @ 04:26 CDT, 29 April 2015 - iMsg
I have a strange problem. Sometimes when I move my mouse fast, it jitters crazily (mostly either not registering the movement or looking directly up/down). I use Zowie EC2 eVo Cooller edition (450 DPI) on QcK Heavy.

The strange part is that the jitter level changes from time to time. Most of the time it’s playable (meaning that I have to flick really fast for it to act up), but other times the speed cap for the jittering is much lower, and it happens at mid speed movements. The fact that it varies makes me think that it’s a physical problem (like dust on the censor/mousepad), but my mousepad is cleaner than any of you filthy slobs’, so that seems unlikely (:D).

Anyway, shit’s pissing me off, so I need your wisdom. How can I end this misery? It happens in every game (and even out in windows) and it happens on the all of the mouse’s three DPI settings.

I've just bought the EC-A version as nvc recommended and it works flawlessly at any speed both vertically and horizontal (the old eVo model ended up being utterly USELESS when moving the mouse along short side of the pad, forcing me to turn my pad and make really slow rocket jumps, derp). Guess the LOD-modifications on the eVo model did screw with the sensor.

Morale of the story: if you want a Zowie mouse grab the EC1-A / EC2-A with the Avago 3310 sensor.
Edited by g0uken at 10:56 CDT, 25 August 2015 - 9504 Hits
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