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WolfcamQL question. (5 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 09:21 CDT, 10 August 2016 - iMsg

Quick question - what's the best way to automate video capturing? I'd like to set the start- and endpoint for capturing and have it done overnight.

1723 Hits
Just Quake Live by cky.....'s successor? (5 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 15:05 CST, 15 December 2014 - iMsg
I've just had a thought (no, really!) and decided to share. Maybe someone will go through with it.

Why don't some dedicated soul with relatively much free time or a few people to help out go through the games by elite players since '09 and make a refurbished QL version of Just Quake by cky? 60 fps, HD quality, same awesome soundtrack, frags that will make people piss their pants - it would be an instant classic and give a buttload of fame to whoever makes the movie.

There would naturally have to be a criterion to restrict the featured players' pool to only the best but that's of secondary importance.

Oh, one more thing - if someone puts even a slither of 3rd person camera or some fancy editing in it (beyond what cky did), shoot him in the balls and invite funnyb to his house for Christmas.

I wanna see it.
2601 Hits
Mouse choice - a massive conundrum. (23 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 09:21 CDT, 10 September 2014 - iMsg

I know there are many threads on this very topic but my issue is so special it definitely deserves a separate one.

I have two WMOs - the white one guessed it...the black one.

Here's my problem - I feel like I'm hitting better with HMG using the white one but the black one suits my eyes much more.

Please leave your thoughts and your reasons as to which mouse I should stick to because I know it's not good to switch mice constantly as I won't develop the muscle memory. And also, looking good alongside your equipment is a crucial part of the overall gaming experience.
6054 Hits
QL Standalone on XP. (5 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 06:20 CDT, 6 July 2014 - iMsg
Hi comrades,

Is there anything specific to running QL Standalone on an XP? I haven't got the content of the error popping up so far but I'll edit the post and paste it here as soon as I get it.

Ps. the person on whose behalf I'm asking about this issue is a bit slow and lazy, so please consider giving your advice/how-to's in as simple a form as is humanly possible.

Thanks in advance.
3700 Hits
gienon -vs- prox (9 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 01:17 CDT, 15 April 2014 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Aerowalk
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: gienon
How to play back QL demos

Final map of a local Polish LAN. 3 OTs.
6262 Hits
Ze craziest rail... (30 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 17:36 CST, 20 February 2013 - iMsg

Post some of yours.
9886 Hits
Poland -vs- France (6 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 05:17 CST, 20 February 2013 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.3 (2 votes)
Gametype: TDM 4v4
Map: qzdm20 - Hidden Fortress
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: gienon
How to play back QL demos

NC XVI group match between POL and FRA - 2nd map.

A few people asked me so here's the demo.
3114 Hits
Foo Clan Movie - unfinished. (55 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 05:56 CST, 10 December 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.4 (56 votes)
Since quite a lot of people asked me to publish it as video to reach broader audience, I'll just rewrite the content of the forum post.

"Hi, my clanmate has posted the unfinished version of our Q3 fragmovie on youtube. Frags are great imho and it's raw Q3 TDM most of the time, so I think someone might want to take a look.

It would have been a hell of a fragmovie, were it not for the stupid After Effects crashing and halting the whole project. Anyway, HF"
Edited by Badb0y at 23:42 CST, 11 December 2012 - 16998 Hits
FOO Q3 Clan Movie (26 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 20:11 CST, 3 December 2012 - iMsg
Hi, my clanmate has posted the unfinished version of our Q3 fragmovie on youtube. Frags are great imho and it's raw Q3 TDM most of the time, so I think someone might want to take a look.

It would have been a hell of a fragmovie, were it not for the stupid After Effects crashing and halting the whole project.

Anyway, HF:

3786 Hits
I simply cannot resist sharing this! (2 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 05:45 CDT, 4 September 2012 - iMsg
1569 Hits
Just another day in Weirdtown ;) (101 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 03:37 CDT, 5 April 2012 - iMsg
dx- gienek_pl: gl
dokro Weird: hf
"s_volume" is:".1" default:"0.8"
]\s_volume .4
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
gienek_pl cratered.
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
gienek_pl was electrocuted by Weird
gienek_pl was electrocuted by Weird
Weird was gunned down by gienek_pl
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: lol
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: try it on lan :P
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
Weird was railed by gienek_pl
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was railed by gienek_pl
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
gienek_pl was melted by Weird's plasmagun
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
dokro Weird: so lol
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: kurwa nie wypad!
Weird was railed by gienek_pl
dx- gienek_pl: :)
gienek_pl was melted by Weird's plasmagun
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: ah well warped
Game has been forfeited.
n3* fdasik: ahahhahahah
dx- gienek_pl: gg
Stopped demo.
Wrote screenshots/dx-gienek_pl(POV)-vs-none-bloodrun-2012_04_05-02_37_52.jpg
dokro Weird: threw off my timing
]warping can do that
dx- gienek_pl: warping can do that
plTV luukets: brawo gienek
dokro Weird: only thing my mind would let me do was: omfg what a noob this
only works
dokro Weird: cuz of his shit ping
plTV luukets: holendrow tez bijemy
gienek_pl ate Weird's rocket
dokro Weird: I'll play normal now
plTV luukets: o chuj ci chodzi
gienek_pl was electrocuted by Weird
plTV luukets: dales dupy
n3* fdasik: jestes popierdolony wierd
plTV luukets: nie placz
]slow isnt normal :D
dx- gienek_pl: slow isnt normal :D
]slow is for sissies
dx- gienek_pl: slow is for sissies
recording to
dx- gienek_pl: gl
dokro Weird: I don't play slow Oo
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird almost dodged gienek_pl's rocket
dokro Weird: nie warp
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
gienek_pl was electrocuted by Weird
Weird ate gienek_pl's rocket
dokro Weird: wtf
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was railed by gienek_pl
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: SAFE
gienek_pl was electrocuted by Weird
gienek_pl almost dodged Weird's rocket
gienek_pl was electrocuted by Weird
gienek_pl was railed by Weird
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: l33t warp
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was railed by gienek_pl
Weird was railed by gienek_pl
gienek_pl almost dodged Weird's rocket
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: plz stop warping
dx- gienek_pl: I've got the moves like j0kerrr, moves like
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
dokro Weird: fucking hell
dokro Weird: it's worse than a cheat
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: stop it
]i let u go
dx- gienek_pl: i let u go
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
Weird was railed by gienek_pl
dokro Weird: seriously
dokro Weird: just fuck off
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Game has been forfeited.
Weird killed himself.
plTV luukets: man
dx- gienek_pl: gg
Stopped demo.
Wrote screenshots/dx-gienek_pl(POV)-vs-none-bloodrun-2012_04_05-02_47_54.jpg
plTV luukets: be a man
n3* fdasik: keep practice boy
dokro Weird: fuck that warping MORE AND MORE in fights
plTV luukets: not a strenx
dokro Weird: dude
plTV luukets: be a man
dokro Weird: it's increasing
dokro Weird: so much
plTV luukets: not a strenx
dokro Weird: each time he's under pressure
plTV luukets: he has
dokro Weird: he starts to warp more and more and more
plTV luukets: constant ping
]i have a button for it
dx- gienek_pl: i have a button for it
gienek_pl ate Weird's rocket
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: I know
dokro Weird: so fuck off
n3* fdasik: hahahahah
n3* fdasik: do your best
dokro Weird: seriously
n3* fdasik: maybe someday you will win
plTV luukets: be a man
dokro Weird: he's not even being saracstic
plTV luukets: not a strenx
dokro Weird: you guys think he is
plTV luukets: remember it
dokro Weird: but he's not
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
plTV luukets: i won him
plTV luukets: every time
dokro Weird: me2
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: well that not
plTV luukets: when i need
plTV luukets: so
plTV luukets: just do it
dokro Weird: well if I need to win him
dokro Weird: I also will
n3* fdasik: weird you always whine after lose
plTV luukets: so do it
Weird was melted by gienek_pl's plasmagun
dokro Weird: I just get upset that he fucking cheats his ass off
n3* fdasik: so fuck off!
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: k
dokro Weird: then I'll beat him
]oh btw
dx- gienek_pl: oh btw
]what are the lans youve been to?
dx- gienek_pl: what are the lans youve been to?
dokro Weird: all dutch ones
dokro Weird: won all of em
dx- gienek_pl: :DDDDD
plTV luukets: he got
plTV luukets: second
plTV luukets: after avek
n3* fdasik: amsterdam lan at forever's house
dx- gienek_pl: :)
dokro Weird: besides
plTV luukets: :D
dokro Weird: you never even seen a lan
n3* fdasik: maybe dravens party
dx- gienek_pl: :)
Weird was electrocuted by gienek_pl
plTV luukets: im amsterdam
dokro Weird: hit f3 you warping fuck :p
]the trouble with you is
dx- gienek_pl: the trouble with you is
gienek_pl was electrocuted by Weird
dokro Weird: when you don't warp like mad
]youve hung out too long with good guys
dx- gienek_pl: youve hung out too long with good guys
dokro Weird: I rape you
]and that somehow made you think
dx- gienek_pl: and that somehow made you think
]that you are any good
dx- gienek_pl: that you are any good
dx- gienek_pl: :D
dokro Weird: lol?
dokro Weird: dude
n3* fdasik: lol?
dokro Weird: wtf are you on?
Weird was gunned down by gienek_pl
]\condump bonkersweird.txt
Dumped console text to bonkersweird.txt.

What a detached from reality moron... ;D
9463 Hits
Is changing one's routing possible? (6 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 14:27 CDT, 18 March 2012 - iMsg
Pretty much what the title says...

For some time I've been pinging terribly to DE servers, while NL, FR, UK and SWE are fine. Is there a free and possibly simple solution to the problem?

The is most likely some sort of a routing issue, because having checked tracert to a German server, I could see a sudden spike in ping after the signal had already reached Frankfurt.
2852 Hits
There's a product you just have to have! (54 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 14:41 CST, 9 December 2011 - iMsg
10023 Hits
The best QL player of all-time is...? (194 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 10:14 CST, 20 November 2011 - iMsg
Post your picks and reasons why it is and always will be Anton 'Cooller' Singov.

PS. You can also post your preposterous comments claiming someone else holds that title, especially if your goal is to embarrass yourself and come out as being sexually attracted to men in front of our small community.

Thank you.
44231 Hits
Who's the best gamer of all-time... (61 comments)
Posted by gienon @ 17:09 CDT, 29 March 2011 - iMsg
...and why exactly do you think that it is Anton 'cooller' Singov from Soviet Russia?
14584 Hits
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