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Hitbox on high ping (2 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 13:10 CST, 29 December 2023 - iMsg
I don't mind playing on 70 ping from time to time. The way it affect my aim aim does not really bother me. What annoys me is how I get hit by every rocket and all plasma spam. You just can't dodge when you have 70 ping vs someone with 20..Everything hits. Is my hitbox lagging behind me or what? Is there a command that can help?
940 Hits
What I expected, what I got (25 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 15:42 CDT, 27 June 2019 - iMsg
I used to play Quakelive alot, and some Q3 before that but not much. I am not that good of a player, made it to 1600 duel elo and played alot of ctf but never being really good at that either..In 2014 i started playing dota 2, I still played some quake occasionally but just a FFA here and there.
Then they announced QC I was so hyped, we gonna get this brand new quake and now the developers know what we want..They are gonna make this awesome game with totally customizable graphics, implemented rating system, improved ctf, maybe some csgolike weapon skins for the rich kids, but most importantly they are gonna create this new team gamemode that will have an objective and it's gonna attract so many people to the game. Dueling, CA everything will still be there for people to play within their elo rating, even cpma and defrag will have it's ladder.
I got jack shit...tried sacrifice, stayed for few patches and just left.
Last week checked steamcharts quakelive 400 players QC 600 players...Clap Clap
5359 Hits
Re: DIABOTICAL UPDATE - 06/21/2019 (7 comments, locked)
Posted by /rage quit @ 12:18 CDT, 21 June 2019 - iMsg
Looks awesome, also final nail in the QC coffin.

Duplicate thread, continue here.
Locked by Teen Queen at 19:15 CDT, 22 June 2019 - 3167 Hits
Screen tearing (3 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 13:38 CDT, 22 October 2017 - iMsg
I have 120Hz monitor and consistenly get 115-120fps, how come i get screen tearing? It doesn't happen all the time but alot. Anybody else having such problems?
4533 Hits
Blood (4 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 17:54 CDT, 23 March 2017 - iMsg
Haven't played quake in years. Started again 2 weeks ago..I was seeing inpact sparks like always but since 2 days ago I see blood and gibs on all servers, even in demos..What happened? I love it, i just don't get it, HOW? I always wanted gibs now I suddenly have them, it's like playing q3. Does anybody have an explanation for this?
4360 Hits
New mouse (15 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 16:05 CST, 2 December 2014 - iMsg
I'm buying a new mouse and I need your help! I used to use abyssus(shittiest sensor ever sorry heartless), now i'm on logitech m100 since it's the onlything i can use right now.. I use claw grip so i was thinking something like Kinzu v3/ Zowie fk1/ Kana.

My problem is that I hate side buttons and all the good small mice have them nowadays...Except Kinzu but I hear stories about kinzu malfunction really fast.. I have M100 for this...

Anybody has experience with Kinzu v3?
I've read:

I have 31cm/360 with 0.003 accel on 1000dpi which is about 0.01 on 450dpi.. would i make kinzu malfunction? sens is pretty normal not low.

Kinzu has no buttons which I find as a huge [+], I use claw grip and I always fear that my ring finger or thumb would rest on side buttons, if I bought a mouse like that.

Afaik Zowie fk1 is a very good mouse, malfunction speed is higher than kinzu's but.... WHEN YOU MAKE A GREAT MOUSE WITH A GREAT SENSOR MAKE SURE YOU PUT 4 SIDE BUTTONS ON IT AND RUIN IT. I really like the shape and all, weight is perfect even but....them buttons. Anybody using fk1 with claw grip?

Kana is pretty much the same than fk1, even the shape is pretty much the same.

So what would you suggest?
Edited by xou at 02:57 CST, 3 December 2014 - 14393 Hits
Need some help guys (2 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 20:04 CST, 5 November 2014 - iMsg
So I'm currently using Linux and I installed quake with Wine.. The problem is that whenever i start the game(using steam since i also play dota 2), i get "can't contact quake, try again later" message...

I tried vertifing integrity of game cache, restarting steam, rebooting.. all the obvious stuff but still i get the message. If anybody knows the solution i will be forever grateful. Thanks!
4249 Hits
125 or 250? (24 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 11:50 CST, 18 December 2013 - iMsg
What fps to use? Both work fine for me but i just don't see any advantage. My sens feels faster cuz it's more responsive but is there actually any advantage in having 250?
14399 Hits
Quake is not what it used to be.. (46 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 19:51 CST, 13 December 2013 - iMsg
Do you feel that quakelive dueling is kinda dry? i mean...scores are very low don't you think? shouldn't in be better if duels would end 30:20 or 20:15?

I think the rockets are really killing the game..the bounces you get from them just stop opponents so it's very hard to aggress. Also rail should do 100dmg i think. More dmg more kills..

I remember cooller vs rapha iem world championships, all the games ended like 1:2 or 3:2..
9173 Hits
Please help (40 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 18:01 CST, 3 December 2013 - iMsg
I just got Samsung syncmaster 959NF crt. I was using same monitor in the past and didn't experience any problem, i was playing the game smoothly at 120 hz but now i have this weird problem. Map floors and walls are weird, i have like this weird stains..I mean just the colors don't flow nicely one into other(hard to explain with words).

Anyways plz take a look and share your opinion. Tnx in advance.

I hope the images work, otherwise I'll just repost them.
9755 Hits
I love Quake but.... (82 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 21:41 CDT, 8 April 2013 - iMsg
PC gaming is dead (except SC2, LoL and maybe some DOTA crowd: all girly games :X).


Flame on LoL all you want but DOTA and SC2 girly games?? Seriously?? First go play SC2 and DOTA then judge.. Both games require tons of skill and years of practice.
Ye, Quake is amazing and probably the hardest fps ever created but please, have some respect..
10725 Hits
Insults (240 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 01:05 CST, 13 January 2013 - iMsg
After Av3k said QL community is great I started to wonder what other must be like...I mean...I come home for weekend, raining outside, perfect time to play some quake. I enter a duel server and after the first impressive... I hope you get cancer and die.. I ignore it...I hope your mom dies in a fire..I ignore it...Fucking pig gypsy die from cancer..ignore..i hope your mom gets raped and killed..ignore..

I finish the game, leave the server and I'm like: ok I'll just go play some FFA for fun.. After I take the first quad and make a SG run 3 or 4 people at once write telling me that they hope my family dies and stuff.

Nice community for sure.
58480 Hits
How I see Evil in Quake nowadays (111 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 15:33 CST, 27 December 2012 - iMsg
-> Fast
-> Aggressive
-> Efficient
-> Accurate
-> Sneaky
-> Cool
-> Smart
-> And for the most part...Evil.
15824 Hits
Celtic : Barcelona (43 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 02:44 CST, 9 November 2012 - iMsg
Did you watch it?:P
5370 Hits
cg_filter_angles (10 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 16:37 CDT, 28 October 2012 - iMsg
Anybody using it? It does feel like everything is smoother but then again, how do you know where are you aiming?
8217 Hits
dead bodies (9 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 12:06 CDT, 20 October 2012 - iMsg
how do i turn them off, i dont wanna see them cuz i shoot at them all the time or pummel them.xd
4047 Hits
Rocket explosion (6 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 19:02 CDT, 29 September 2012 - iMsg
Any way to remove it or at least making it smaller?It's really blinding in LG vs RL fights.
11712 Hits
Hud fix (13 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 10:11 CDT, 28 September 2012 - iMsg

I really like this hud but in ca and tdm scores are outside the score bosex.. Anybody know how to fix it, cuz i don't? In duel everything is fine.
7111 Hits
2gd arena? (2 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 17:34 CDT, 26 September 2012 - iMsg
Any tournaments coming up? Is it dead already?
1641 Hits
Houston, we have a problem! (10 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 04:10 CDT, 4 September 2012 - iMsg
Heh feels like I'm spamming ESR lately.. Anyways, a friend of mine wanted to try QL. He installed it, downloaded QLprism tried to run it and had like 5 fps.(he tried in chrome first, got same lowFPS) Everything was choppy. (he's got a better PC than me)
I gave him my cfg which has low graphics(picmip 4), 800x600.. Vsync was turned of everywhere.
He has Windows 7. ATI radeon hd 5xxx series, 4GB ram.. I posted my cfg, I get 125 fps with ease.. Anybody had such problems? Any ideas? Please help.
3232 Hits
LevelUP config (7 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 04:16 CDT, 3 September 2012 - iMsg
3177 Hits
LG fights (245 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 15:08 CDT, 27 August 2012 - iMsg
Short strafe dodging or long? I over aim short strafes too much and i cant force myself not to move mouse that much. Any tips? P.S. My sens is not high and even if i lower it, after i get used to it i start overaiming again.
62637 Hits
Friends (7 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 08:04 CDT, 29 July 2012 - iMsg
Standard players can't add friends anymore?
2224 Hits
lol duel (18 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 04:44 CDT, 28 July 2012 - iMsg
All servers are stuck on sacellum, beyond reality and
3184 Hits
Rail settings (9 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 08:42 CDT, 30 June 2012 - iMsg
Basically I want to have only spiral but i can't get it... I was playing around with rail settings in my cfg but nothing happened. Anybody knows the numbers to get only spiral without a core?

set color1 "19"
set color2 "19"
seta r_railCoreWidth "10"
seta r_railWidth "10"
seta cg_railTrailTime "850"
seta cg_railstyle "3"
5745 Hits
Sleep deprivation and Quake? (44 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 10:12 CDT, 7 May 2012 - iMsg
So have you ever tried playing quake after going 48 hours without sleep? It's fun to try how much you gameplay efficiency drops..
7943 Hits
Boldruler?? (7 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 21:09 CDT, 20 March 2012 - iMsg
Who is this guy??
2007 Hits
Stermy movie (4 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 06:03 CDT, 18 March 2012 - iMsg
Wasn't stermy making a movie? When is it coming out?
3208 Hits
Zoom fov and zoom sensitivity (62 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 04:13 CST, 9 March 2012 - iMsg
What do you use any why?
44642 Hits
Shaky hand with LG? (164 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 05:29 CST, 5 March 2012 - iMsg
Any cure for that? I can hit 40 MG with ease.. But with LG i get fucking
26278 Hits
Watching demos problem (22 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 08:13 CST, 30 November 2011 - iMsg
i only have regular acc so now i can't watch demos on aerowalk,toxicity,hektic and other premium maps that i don't have. would someone plz upload those maps so i can watch DH demos.
4769 Hits
cypher q3 cfg (15 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 15:56 CDT, 22 August 2011 - iMsg
anybody has it?
12883 Hits
FFA (276 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 11:54 CDT, 15 August 2011 - iMsg
Who are the best FFA players? like really top now..not of all times. I mean players that own FFA servers today.
94471 Hits
LG battles (127 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 11:47 CDT, 1 August 2011 - iMsg
How should i dodge in LG battles? should i do some random strafes,should i move same way as my opponent(this way you do alot of dmg but u also get fckd up hard),should i move in the opposite direction?

Also do u guys focus hard when u're tracking with LG or not?

Any cure for shakyness with LG?:/

Do u hold your mouse hard or loosely/lightly(whatever the word is)?
30314 Hits
Fox (63 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 17:03 CDT, 28 July 2011 - iMsg
The guy doesn't play the game for such a long time and then he comes back and just owns the best TDM teams..HOW DOES HE DO THAT????
9943 Hits
Z4 vs unkind (13 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 14:54 CDT, 21 July 2011 - iMsg
Did z4 ever played unkind on t4??
6627 Hits
Cny? (19 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 11:08 CDT, 15 July 2011 - iMsg
I was just wondering what happened to the guy?? I remember him being really good.Beating cypher and cooller...
3480 Hits
Vertexlight (41 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 16:16 CDT, 9 July 2011 - iMsg
I use vertexlight and it annoys the fuck outta me when i play t9 or t4 and i can't see shit cuz everything is too bright.
Gamma 1.0
Contrast 1.0
Yellow cross...
Any solution that doesn't include set r_vertexlight "0"??
9523 Hits
Fox demos (18 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 13:37 CDT, 1 July 2011 - iMsg
Just tell some of his best games maps.(if you can link to demos, plz do that) God I miss the guy.:(
3958 Hits
LOL (7 comments, locked)
Posted by /rage quit @ 10:21 CDT, 25 June 2011 - iMsg
Take 3 mins for this guy's magic...
Locked by Nukm at 09:43 CDT, 26 June 2011 - 1610 Hits
hattorihanso -vs- narcofly (5 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 10:18 CDT, 25 June 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: hattorihanso
How to play back QL demos

Nice aim...wait what????!!!?!
3179 Hits
Fun topic to discuss (142 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 15:34 CDT, 13 June 2011 - iMsg
Which were the best "pro" whines in Q3/QL history??
Who is the biggest whiny bitch?

I remember Cypher whining vs Jibo in Q3 and for exampe Stermy on his fake account just complaining about everything.

Just name some players and some whines, also demos are welcome or some links.:D
28973 Hits
ASUS demos???? (5 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 10:39 CDT, 31 May 2011 - iMsg
Why do the demos from all the tournaments get lost?? Every now and then there's a good tournament(the only thing that is keeping QuakeBarely(A)Live alive I guess...) and every fucking time, demos magicaly disappear..WTF??

and it's also funny how this only happens in quake...cs and dota demos and always saved..

Where is avek vs cypher t9 from dreamhack??

Where is cypher vs cooller aerowalk from quakecon(cypher pov)??

1782 Hits
Monitor advantage in LG battles (66 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 12:43 CDT, 29 April 2011 - iMsg
I play quake on 2 years old, 19" widescreen with 5ms response time and 62Hz refresh rate at 800x600 resolution.(it's the shittiest monitor ever I know. I didn't even know that quake exists when i was buying it..) So how much of a difference does 120hz make? I mean, if I go into LG battle with someone that has 120hz refresh rate, how big is his advantage?
14821 Hits
QuakeLive officially died? (108 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 13:21 CDT, 28 April 2011 - iMsg
Am I the only one getting 503 "can't do shit" error?
16606 Hits
Hmm..Granade jitter. (4 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 16:52 CDT, 25 April 2011 - iMsg
now when QL is down i went to play some Q3.. I know that when u throw a granade in QL its bad if it jitters/laggs..I have this in Q3, what does this means is it same shit like in QL?
2409 Hits
Talent or practise?? (38 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 05:57 CDT, 24 April 2011 - iMsg
Are people born to be extremly good in quake or can it be taught?? I mean can anybody get toxjq's or cypher's aim with practise?
10944 Hits
Let's talk about this "down"date... (89 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 11:46 CDT, 16 March 2011 - iMsg
New hitboxes are just ridiculous 'cuz this still doesn't solve the rockets problem, it actually makes everything worse since now you can't even aim with LG,(rockets flick you up in the air so fast and if you're standing near any solid object the splash damage just destroys you.) at first when you think about it...well bigger hitboxes better shaft, ass!! Shaft is better yes, but only if the enemy lacks rocket launcher.. Now every pro duel will be 0-0 for 20+ minutes..
And SG was just fine in TDM(the nerfed version), I haven't tried it yet(the new one:P) but it just doesn't sound nice.

iD is just trying soo hard to make QL more newb-friendly just to get more subscribers and eventually money..It's just retarded..

In 1-2 years i see only 10 year old kids playing QL since they won't mind about gameplay and they will all have PRO subscribtion afcource..(mom can i get PRO subscribtion for QL??? Sure honey!! And look what i also bought for you...French fries and few burgers..FFS) Keep it up iD!!

Anyway, does anyone agree that rockets should be slower.. Like they were in Q3?? If not. why? And i think old hitboxes were fine..Everything like it was before the last "down"date and slower rockets would be fine i think. Your thoughts?
18568 Hits
Best CA player?? (343 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 12:41 CST, 12 March 2011 - iMsg
So who is the best in clan arena? Duelers and TDMers try not to flame too much:P
99797 Hits
Awards? (28 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 06:34 CST, 6 March 2011 - iMsg
Which award is the hardest to get in quake live? i'm particulary interested in mad skillz section.:D That miracle maker seems quite hard to get.)
5688 Hits
What's wrong with statistics? (11 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 12:26 CST, 27 February 2011 - iMsg
Some games are just left out. I played like 20 games yesterday and half of them were just left out, like i never played them..Is this normal?:S
2842 Hits
Mouse pooling (13 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 07:59 CST, 25 February 2011 - iMsg
I'm using abyssus and i wonder if there's a point when mouse hertz don't make any difference anymore...Like, is there a difference if you have mouse set at 500hertz or 1000hertz? For me things feel smooth on 250 and i don't see a reason for boosting it up to 1000..So is there a value that is optimal? Just perfect..not too high not too low? Also i tried drawing straight lines in paint and mouse starts to jitter a bit at 1000hertz while at 250 it's perfect..(I have goliathus pad)
Edited by Nukm at 07:22 CST, 26 February 2011 - 3590 Hits
sensitivity...AGAIN????:P:P (20 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 18:19 CST, 19 February 2011 - iMsg
sens 3.8 on 400 dpi is how much on 450?? there was a formula for this but i can't find it..
7103 Hits
Plz help with these sound commands. (9 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 12:50 CST, 18 February 2011 - iMsg
Why does it stop going up at s_volume 0.5?? cant i have vol01-vol20. how can i make it work?? And yes I need 0.05 intervals..

set vdn "vstr vol00"
set vup "vstr vol01"
set vol00 "set s_volume 0.0;set vdn vstr vol00;set vup vstr vol01;echo Volume ^0[^20.0^0];echo;echo"
set vol01 "set s_volume 0.05;set vdn vstr vol00;set vup vstr vol02;echo Volume ^0[^20.05^0];echo;echo"
set vol02 "set s_volume 0.1;set vdn vstr vol01;set vup vstr vol03;echo Volume ^0[^20.1^0];echo;echo"
set vol03 "set s_volume 0.15;set vdn vstr vol02;set vup vstr vol04;echo Volume ^0[^20.15^0];echo;echo"
set vol04 "set s_volume 0.2;set vdn vstr vol03;set vup vstr vol05;echo Volume ^0[^20.2^0];echo;echo"
set vol05 "set s_volume 0.25;set vdn vstr vol04;set vup vstr vol06;echo Volume ^0[^20.25^0];echo;echo"
set vol06 "set s_volume 0.3;set vdn vstr vol05;set vup vstr vol07;echo Volume ^0[^20.3^0];echo;echo"
set vol07 "set s_volume 0.35;set vdn vstr vol06;set vup vstr vol08;echo Volume ^0[^20.35^0];echo;echo"
set vol08 "set s_volume 0.4;set vdn vstr vol07;set vup vstr vol09;echo Volume ^0[^20.4^0];echo;echo"
set vol09 "set s_volume 0.45;set vdn vstr vol08;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.45^0];echo;echo"
set vol10 "set s_volume 0.5;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.5^0];echo;echo"
set vol11 "set s_volume 0.55;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.55^0];echo;echo"
set vol12 "set s_volume 0.6;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.6^0];echo;echo"
set vol13 "set s_volume 0.65;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.65^0];echo;echo"
set vol14 "set s_volume 0.7;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.7^0];echo;echo"
set vol15 "set s_volume 0.75;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.75^0];echo;echo"
set vol16 "set s_volume 0.8;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.8^0];echo;echo"
set vol17 "set s_volume 0.85;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.85^0];echo;echo"
set vol18 "set s_volume 0.9;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.9^0];echo;echo"
set vol19 "set s_volume 0.95;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^20.95^0];echo;echo"
set vol20 "set s_volume 1.0;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo Volume ^0[^21.0^0];echo;echo"
vstr vol003
bind f5 "vstr vdn"
bind f6 "vstr vup"
4720 Hits
Strenx vs. Toxjq LG battle... (140 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 11:16 CST, 14 February 2011 - iMsg
So just a simple question..If these two ever meet on straight ground shaft vs shaft with same stack who wins it?(Lets asume they are both in best shape) Pick one and support your decision..
36995 Hits
Colors...Plz help... (10 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 02:50 CST, 13 February 2011 - iMsg
How do i put different colors for body parts in q3? like in QL where u have:
set cg_enemyHeadColor ""
set cg_enemyLowerColor ""
set cg_enemyUpperColor ""

I know that these commands exist, I just don't know them..plz help
3422 Hits
Posted by /rage quit @ 14:15 CST, 11 February 2011 - iMsg
I have 50-60 ping usually and i hit 35+ LG when i play against players with 40+ ping.. So why can't i hit same accuracy when i play people with 5-30 ping??? It seems that they move faster, their rockets are faster, i can't hit shit with shaft while they hit 40+...Is it about hitboxes and the game or is it just mental problem? ohh and just one more thing...How should i counter if-22 wannabes on ztn??:P:P
26023 Hits
Bring Tourney 9 back! (100 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 04:06 CST, 6 February 2011 - iMsg
C'mon it was an amazing action packed map...Just bring it back and put dismembermet out of the pool. There were so many insane games on T9, i know u guys miss it:D
23143 Hits
What the f*** is going on?!?!??? (47 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 11:31 CST, 17 December 2010 - iMsg
why am i only seeing like 6 duel servers and why do i lag everytime i try to leave the server?? i didn't have these problems before the last update..ohh, and about premium scoreboard..F*** u id. i wouldn't start playing the game if there was an "almost free" sign on the main page instead of "free"..F****** lamers..
9146 Hits
Asking for a favour:S (17 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 18:27 CST, 3 December 2010 - iMsg
So...I'm playing QL for little less then a year and i got interested in wolfcam, but i'm just not skillfull with cfgs..So, i'm just asking if someone could convert my QL cfg into wolfcam cfg.PLZZZ.!!.Tnx alot in advance=)

My QL cfg:
set clan ""
set name ""
set ui_clantagpos "1"
set sex "male"
set cg_forcemodel "1"
set model "ranger/red"
set cg_drawfriend "0"
set cg_forceenemymodel "keel/bright"
set cg_forceteammodel "bitterman/red"
set cg_deadBodyColor "0x101010FF"
set cg_enemyColors "iiii"
set cg_enemyHeadColor "0x00ff00ff"
set cg_enemyLowerColor "0x00ff00ff"
set cg_enemyUpperColor "0x00ff00ff"
set cg_teamHeadColor "0x408000FF"
set cg_teamLowerColor "0x408000FF"
set cg_teamUpperColor "0x408000FF"
set cg_forceEnemyWeaponColor "1"
set cg_forceTeamWeaponColor "1"
set cg_weaponColor_grenade "0x0000FFFF"

//[--General Settings--]
set com_allowconsole "1"
set gt_realm "quakelive"
set cg_drawfps "0"
set com_maxfps "125"
set cg_drawtimer "1"
set cg_leveltimerdirection "0"
set cg_lagometer "0"
set cg_kickscale "0"
set cg_bob "0"
set cg_bobup "0"
set cg_bobroll "0"
set cg_bobpitch "0"
set cg_fov "90"
set cg_zoomfov "60"
set cg_newweaponbar "1"
set cg_q3compScoreboard "1"
set cg_predict "1"
set cg_drawAmmoWarning "0"
set cg_lowAmmoWarningPercentile "0"
set cg_lowAmmoWarningSound "1"
set cg_deadBodyDarken "1"
set cg_autoaction "3"
set cg_waterWarp "0"
set cg_playerLean "1"

//[--Rail Settings--]
set color1 "17"
set color2 "17"
set cg_oldrail "1"
seta r_railCoreWidth "8"
seta r_railWidth "8"
seta cg_railTrailTime "800"
seta cg_railstyle "3"

//[--Hud Settings--]
set ui_bigfont "0.3"
set ui_smallfont "0.18"
set cg_drawcrosshairnames "1"
set cg_crosshairhealth "0"
set cg_crosshaircolor "5"
set cg_drawstatus "2"
set cg_screenDamage "0"
set cg_screenDamage_Self "0"
set cg_screenDamage_Team "0"
set cg_crosshairPulse "0"
set cg_crosshairBrightness "1"
set cg_drawTeamOverlay "1"
set cg_drawTeamOverlayOpacity "0.33"
set cg_drawFullWeaponBar "1"
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set cg_crosshairHitTime "200" //default is 200
set cg_crosshairHitColor "1"
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set cg_hudfiles "ui/Janiii.cfg"

//[--Video Settings--]
set r_gl_reserved "1"
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set r_customwidth "1600"
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set r_customaspect "1"
set r_aspectRatio "0"
set r_swapinterval "0"
set r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
set r_inGameVideo "1"
set r_allowExtensions "1"
set r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set r_subdivisions "4"
set r_lodbias "0"
set r_glDriver "opengl32"
set r_finish "0"
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set r_dynamiclight "0"
set r_shadows "1"
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set r_gamma "1.0"
set r_contrast "1.0"
set r_fullbright "0"
set r_overbrightbits "1"
set r_mapoverbrightbits "10"
set r_vertexlight "1"
set r_fastsky "1"
set cg_viewsize "100"
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set cg_simpleitems "0"
set cg_marks "0"
set cg_noprojectiletrail "1"
set cg_smokeRadius_RL "0"
set cg_smokeRadius_GL "0"
set cg_smoke_SG "0"
set r_device "0"
set cg_smokeRadius_NG "0"
set cg_lightningimpact "0"
set cg_lightningStyle "5"
set cg_altLightning "2"
set cg_impactSparks "0"
set cg_impactSparksSize "2"
set cg_impactSparksVelocity "0"
set r_enableColorCorrect "1"
set r_enablepostprocess "1"
set r_enableBloom "0"
set r_BloomPasses "0"
set r_BloomSceneIntensity "0"
set r_BloomSceneSaturation "0"
set r_BloomIntensity "0"
set r_BloomSaturation "0"
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set r_BloomBlurFalloff "0"
set r_BloomBlurRadius "0"
set r_floatingPointFBOs "0"
set r_noFastRestart "0"
set r_loadscale "1"
set r_lightningSegmentLength "32"
set r_lightgamma "0.5"
set r_ambientScale "10"

//[--Sound Settings--]
set s_volume "0.3"
set s_musicvolume "0"
set s_doppler "0"
set s_ambient "0"
set cg_HitBeep "2"
set s_separation "0.5"
set s_rolloff "1.0"
set s_refgain "0.45"
set s_refdelay "2.0"
set s_polysize "10000000"
set s_polyreflectsize "10000000"
set s_polykeep "1000000000"
set s_occfactor "0.5"
set s_occ_eq "0.75"
set s_numpolys "400"
set s_min_distance "3.0"
set s_max_distance "1000.0"
set s_loadas8bit "0"
set s_leafnum "0"
set s_khz "22"
set s_distance "100.0"
set s_bloat "2.0"
set s_announcer "feedback"
set s_ambient "0"
set s_mixahead "0.14"
set s_mixPreStep "0.05"

//[--Weapon Settings--]
set cg_drawgun "0"
set cg_autoswitch "0"
set cg_switchonempty "0"
set cg_brasstime "0"
set cg_truelightning "1.0"
set cg_gunY "0"
set cg_gunX "0"
set cg_gunZ "0"

//[--Mouse Settings--]
set cl_mouseaccel "0.1"
set in_mouse "2"
set in_mouseMode "win32(Raw)"
set in_mididevice "0"
set in_midichannel "1"
set in_midiport "1"
set in_midi "0"
set in_joystick "0"
set sensitivity "4.00"
set cg_zoomSensitivity "0"
set m_accel "0.05"
set m_pitch 0.018
set m_yaw 0.018
set m_forward 0.25
set m_side 0.25
set m_filter "1"
set cl_mouseAccelStyle "0"
set cl_mouseAccelOffset "5"
set cl_mouseSensCap "0"
set cg_ignoreMouseInput "0"
set cg_oversampleMouse "0"
set cl_showmouserate "0"
set in_nograb "0"

//[--Network Settings--]
set rate "20000"
set cl_maxpackets "125"
set snaps "40"
set cg_smoothclients "1"
set pb_security "0"
set pb_sleep "500"
set cl_timenudge "0"
4102 Hits
Posted by /rage quit @ 14:29 CDT, 31 August 2010 - iMsg
i'm feeling so retarded..seriously:P In pictures from lan events i see cypher and cooller having 3:4 aspect on wide screens(edges are cut off and picture is not streched.). how do they do that??i have wide screen,i'm usin 640 480 for my resolution and it's full cypher's setup..

And these are my video setings:
//[--Video Settings--]
set r_gl_reserved "1"
set r_gl_renderer "ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series"
set r_gl_vendor "ATI Technologies Inc."
set r_displayrefresh "75"
set r_dlightBacks "1"
set r_depthbits "32"
set r_simpleMipMaps "0"
set r_ext_gamma_control "1"
set r_ext_multitexture "1"
set r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
set r_roundImagesDown "1"
set r_ext_compress_textures "1"
set r_detailtextures "1"
set r_colorbits "32"
set r_preloadTextures "0"
set r_stereo "0"
set r_stencilbits "0"
set r_ignorehwgamma "1"
set r_ignoreFastPath "1"
set r_fullscreen "1"
set r_uiFullScreen "0"
set r_drawSun "0"
set r_mode "5"
set r_inBrowserMode "5"
set r_customwidth "1600"
set r_customheight "1024"
set r_customaspect "1"
set r_aspectRatio "0"
set r_swapinterval "0"
set r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
set r_inGameVideo "1"
set r_allowExtensions "1"
set r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set r_subdivisions "4"
set r_lodbias "1"
set r_glDriver "opengl32"
set r_finish "0"
set r_primitives "0"
set r_dynamiclight "0"
set r_shadows "1"
set r_postProcessActive "1"
set r_picmip "4"
set r_intensity "1"
set r_gamma "1.0"
set r_contrast "1.0"
set r_fullbright "0"
set r_overbrightbits "1"
set r_mapoverbrightbits "10"
set r_vertexlight "1"
set r_fastsky "1"
set cg_viewsize "100"
set cg_draw3dicons "1"
set cg_simpleitems "0"
set cg_marks "0"
set cg_noprojectiletrail "1"
set cg_smokeRadius_RL "0"
set cg_smokeRadius_GL "0"
set cg_smoke_SG "0"
set cg_smokeRadius_NG "0"
set cg_lightningimpact "0"
set cg_lightningStyle "4"
set cg_altLightning "2"
set cg_impactSparks "0"
set cg_impactSparksSize "2"
set cg_impactSparksVelocity "0"
set r_enableColorCorrect "1"
set r_enablepostprocess "1"
set r_enableBloom "0"
set r_BloomPasses "0"
set r_BloomSceneIntensity "0"
set r_BloomSceneSaturation "0"
set r_BloomIntensity "0"
set r_BloomSaturation "0"
set r_BloomBrightThreshold "0"
set r_BloomBlurScale "0"
set r_BloomBlurFalloff "0"
set r_BloomBlurRadius "0"
set r_floatingPointFBOs "0"
set r_noFastRestart "0"

So if there's a command or smth to get in 3:4 somebody plz tell.tnx=)
4533 Hits
Posted by /rage quit @ 11:26 CDT, 31 August 2010 - iMsg
well i'm pretty sure somebody posted this before but i must have missed it..So..what is best??i have mozilla and it crashes from time to time but i'm more curious about gameplay plz tell me what are u using?why do u think is best and just give some pros and cons about it.=)
12025 Hits
Ahktfuy -vs- burnedd (7 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 12:34 CDT, 4 October 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6 (2 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: qztourney7 - Furious Heights
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Ahktfuy
How to play back QL demos

Ahktfuy(POV) vs. burnedd...100 ping ownage...Pure ownage:D
4108 Hits
SRS burnedd -vs- guard (12 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 03:18 CDT, 20 September 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: SRS burnedd
How to play back QL demos

burnedd vs. guard duel on dm6...It's a pretty good game and i think burnedd will be owning some "real" pros soon.:D
Edited by Nukm at 07:03 CDT, 21 September 2009 - 3590 Hits
CPMA timer?! (7 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 02:24 CDT, 19 September 2009 - iMsg
Timer in CPMA is really weard..I mean u can't play a duel if u can't time the items, so i was just there a way to fix that??i just hate 1:xx or 2:xx stuff..How did cypher, cooller and other pros timed items to perfection with timer like this???:S I need seconds!!!!:D
8211 Hits
Burnedd -vs- Tox1c (12 comments)
Posted by /rage quit @ 01:56 CDT, 19 September 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: qzdm6 - Campgrounds Redux
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Burnedd
How to play back QL demos

Burnedd vs Tox1c on dm6 just a practise duel...
2979 Hits
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