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ESRealityNews Twitter Account (7 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 05:24 CST, 22 February 2014 - iMsg

I'm looking for someone to maintain login details for - you only care is to check if the tweets are working and if not, refresh account.

I'm perfectly fine to pass all Account Details to ESR Site Admins but last time they were not interested at all.

Edited by AL|EN at 05:26 CST, 22 February 2014 - 14205 Hits
The End (37 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 07:32 CST, 28 January 2013 - iMsg
It's been TEN long years ... Goodbye everyone !!
7732 Hits
Happy New 2013 Year Everyone !! (9 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 05:03 CST, 31 December 2012 - iMsg
Wish you best matches, frags, parties and chicks ever !!
3235 Hits
Any open source Quake 3 or Quake 4 mods? (40 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 12:05 CST, 5 November 2012 - iMsg

Is there any open source Quake 3 or Quake 4 mods? I'm trying to get some examples, code base etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
8566 Hits
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (37 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 12:21 CDT, 31 August 2012 - iMsg
The greatest roleplaying game of all time. Enhanced. I already buy the game !

New Adventure: The Black Pits
New Character: Rasaad yn Bashir
New Character: Neera the Wild Mage*
New Character: Dorn Il-Khan*
Enhancements: Over 400(current is 1000) Improvements
New UI
New Network play
New Platforms
Old mods work instantly or with minor adjustment
Extended Mod support

Impossible to do better gfx
Impossible to change script
Impossible to include all lost content from "Unfinished Business" addons
(I must clearly make a statement that fixing/adding lost content or making oblivious changes
that make game "as it meant to be in the first place" like "Virtue" mod, "Ascension" mod,
"Rogue Rebalancing" mod and "Refinements" mod and some other items/spells revision mods is not the mod job !)

I'm exiting ! Discuss !
Edited by AL|EN at 12:23 CDT, 31 August 2012 - 2197 Hits
Now is the right time, part 1 (9 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 10:23 CDT, 20 August 2012 - iMsg
I sense something, a presence I've not felt since long time...

I remember that over 10 years ago i played my first Quake 1 game ever in my school. Even if i played using only keyboard (yes, only forward, back, jump and turn left/right, no look up/down) i was stunned. We scream all over the class like "Die you fucker !". Rockets was flying thought map and the gibs fountains was great. It was amazing !

Do you remember you first Quake 3 matches. Do you remember you fist tourney? Do you remember the firs league when you take last place but it was still amazing experience ? There is a chance to get all of those great memories back. A chance to fell the rush again. Rush for the frags, rush for the kill, rush for the win !

But let's face it: all of today's games are cluster fuck of bullshit. The only thing that game companies want is money. We see all of this since lasy 6 years ! And every single one motherfucker from those companies lie. They are all liars. Fresh example: Tribes Ascend Drama. With the completely fucked up Quake 4 from the start, completely fucked up Unreal Tournament III, releasing another and another completely fucked up Painkiller games/addons and other completely fucked up games like Shitmania, no one have hope for something that can be worth playing after Quake Live. And speaking of QL : it was by far the worse management project in the history. From the terrible decision about "lite things are important for fuck sake !"(c)AL|EN, followed by removing anti-cheat to making the worst premium system ever. Do i mention about lack of own dedicated servers, community maps, GTV, and million of other things? How it survived so long ? It has some great moments but QL It could be a lot better !!

Until some time ago, no one ever dreamed about a FPS game with isn't created by some people who will put the "esports" in the description of it, without having a clue about what esport really is. And what true skill is. But now we have something, that no one ever try to create: a true esports focused FPS game done by people who know everything about it. Know about what things are important , know why other games failed and know that skilled FPS game doesn't have A BUILD-IN AUTO AIM !!

Yes, it's REBORN. A game that we all waiting for.

2GD, fox and fazz are by far one of the best people ho can lead this ship. But does a ship can make a safe journey across the world without the crew ? No. So it is the right time ! Right time for showing you support ! If you even think about:

- creating a local/online LAN party/tourney
- creating a local portal for the upcoming community (beware: never ever try to create another one, competitive and hostile portal)
- creating a map
- creating a player model or skin
- creating a funny movie that will show "LoL" players why FPS games like Quake/REBORN are PRO and makes YOU FEEL LIKE PRO !
- creating something else that can help upcoming community
- give a sponsorship/money/hardware/other

or other things that you have on you mind since forever, i tell you: IT IS THE RIGHT TIME TO START PREPARATION !!

Some part of Polish community already take some necessary step to prepare ground for the upcoming REBORN game. I myself will create a best documentation ever. It will cover all of advanced options, tricks with config, simple scripts etc. I will do my best to help this upcoming community to grow.

Why do all of this ? I want to play a decent FPS game again, i want to play with great community again, i want to play with upcoming new generation of young FPS stars, i want to play some 6 division duel league and see over 30 clan for every division like quake 3 has in the times of glory and i want to go to the LAN party and play play play ! And i want to see amazing games again. Those who keep you stand still when you watch it.

Maybe it's to early to cherry for this project. But as 2GD say: "fuck the right time...".

Now is the right time !
Edited by AL|EN at 10:24 CDT, 20 August 2012 - 6435 Hits
Sleepless night (6 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 19:44 CDT, 15 August 2012 - iMsg
I can't sleep tonight ... I have so many thoughts in my head ... but the one that summarize all of them is ...

"It is the right time !"

Stay focus ...
Edited by AL|EN at 19:44 CDT, 15 August 2012 - 2172 Hits
Help with "new page for 3 games" layout (12 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 13:03 CDT, 7 August 2012 - iMsg

Suppose that someone want to create a new page related to Q3/QL, Warsow, Reborn. I have huge headache about main layout. I always like the "esr news layout" but i also like the colors and some part of the website.

But this is not matter: what you think about a layout for this kind of site ? Can you post an examples of good esports-realted website with a nice layout ?

Elements of the site:
- Logo, News, Small Ads, Live Streams, Latest Comments, Latest Threads, Latest Articles, Screen of the Week, Hall Of Fame

Features of the site:
- Adding news by anyone
- Adding Articles by anyone
- Forum, integrated with a main web site (same registration/login)
- Reply to comments
- a "+" system, just like ESR

Anything i miss ?

I really need you opinion and examples (even done with paint). Anyone want to try ?
Edited by AL|EN at 13:09 CDT, 7 August 2012 - 2043 Hits
Movement ... (137 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 10:49 CDT, 27 July 2012 - iMsg

So let's talk about movement here. I watch the video and by god ... they don't use UE ! LOVE YOU MAN !!

I have qouple of questions:

- how fast it's the game: Q2/Q3/CPM/PK or even faster ?
- is there any punish for wrong movement ?
- does movement allows for some "one click magic run away" ?


P.S. I would really love to test it as former PMX tester.
Edited by AL|EN at 12:04 CDT, 27 July 2012 - 20518 Hits
'Power of Speed 2.0' trailer was found ! (24 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 03:54 CDT, 23 October 2011 - iMsg
Yesterday at a party in my new apartment, I found the lost 'Power of Speed 2.0' trailer !

The trailer was released only at polish site and it was lost after switching hosting to I really don't remember how it disappear from my hard drive.

It look so funny to me in those days, when every good movie have mind-blowing effects, 3d cams etc. Nice to have it, i will show it to my children if i will have any :-]

The movie was never released due hard drive crash and because I lost interest due of unbelievable quality of movies that I watched. I wonder how many demos was send to [email protected] - i don't remember password for this email box. It was so long ago ...


Cheers !
Edited by AL|EN at 15:25 CST, 24 January 2013 - 9863 Hits
Science Saved My Soul... (14 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 02:15 CST, 8 November 2010 - iMsg

I want to share this masterpiece

tell me what do you think
Edited by AL|EN at 02:15 CST, 8 November 2010 - 5085 Hits
Few requests (62 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 12:13 CDT, 29 October 2010 - iMsg
How about Twitter integration for site and news categories ?

How about mode fields in user profiles, like IM's, FB, Twitter etc ?
Edited by AL|EN at 13:00 CDT, 29 October 2010 - 11185 Hits
Console Gamers Get Killed against PC Gam (1 comment)
Posted by AL|EN @ 09:01 CDT, 23 July 2010 - iMsg
Microsoft Killed a Killer Project

I never thought I would be more disappointed in the industry then when Microsoft killed Ensemble Studios. ..however nothing surprises me anymore :)

Rumor has it that there was a project many many months ago at Microsoft that was under wraps. The goal was to bridge XBOX gamers with PC Gamers so they could play against one another in games like Unreal, or Gears of War. This was all part of their Live strategy, and had Microsoft just stuck to their guns and made it work PC Gaming might be in a much better position than it is today.

Not to say that PC Gaming is in a bad position, but it's not like it used to be. The PC is shifting, as I've said many times over the last couple of years. The need for multiple high performance graphics cards is all but dead. You can play any PC Game on an HP Envy at high resolution with high detail, for example. PCs are becoming more mobile, form factors are shifting, touch is being embraced as well as other technologies. The word "PC" is dead, but the concept of personal computing isn't. ..but this isn't the point.

There was a project that got killed at Microsoft. This project was designed to allow console gamers and PC gamers to interact and battle over a connected environment. Personally I wish it would have stayed the course. I've heard from reliable sources that during the development they brought together the best console gamers to play mediocre PC gamers at the same game... and guess what happened? They pitted console gamers with their "console" controller, against PC gamers with their keyboard and mouse.

The console players got destroyed every time. So much so that it would be embarrassing to the XBOX team in general had Microsoft launched this initiative. Is this why the project was killed Who knows, but I'd love to hear from anyone involved --- what happened?

Those of us who have been in the gaming business for over a decade know the real deal. You simply don't get the same level of detail or control as you do with a PC over a console. It's a real shame that Microsoft killed this -- because had they kept it alive it might have actually increased the desire of game developers and gamers alike to continue developing and playing rich experiences on the PC which would trickle down to the console as it has in the past.

Instead they wanted to keep an old business model alive, and as a result they are (all) getting attacked by the most unlikely competitor.. Apple.

..had they allowed something like this to take place then perhaps the desire to have the best platform would still be there. Perhaps the scale of the PC would have allowed Microsoft to get away from the hardware business and focus on their core, software. Perhaps we could have finally integrated the XBOX into the PC...

Perhaps not, all of this is over now, there is no looking back.

The Future of Game Development

Game developers follow the money. This isn't a labor of love.

Yes, this industry has changed. While not all the big publishers are struggling to keep up with their growth, most are. The "app machine" allows little companies develop great content from their basements and remain incredibly profitable. Remember GOD Games (Gathering of Developers)? Seems like the concept was way ahead of its time.

While gaming seems to be shifting away from large rich productions to independent app developers and less immersive titles, the audience is growing. More people are playing games. The sad thing is these people don't know what they're missing.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though. If developers can start taking advantage of *all* the hardware on our devices and build compelling titles that get the user excited - they will be featured - and you will likely become very rich very quickly.

Hardware is becoming smaller, lighter, portable, and more feature rich. The content is become less detailed, but the experience involves multiple senses. The audience for games has never been larger. ...but only the great titles will stand out in a soon to be highly competitive environment.

So I'm calling out to all game developers. It's time you followed the money and looked to the future. Opportunity is in scale. webOS will have tremendous scale and reach.

You might even think about developing titles exclusively for webOS in the future, but for now perhaps you should look at taking some of your best titles - and don't think port - think about taking full advantage of our hardware, cameras, sensors, etc. The possibilities are endless - and while it may take time for new devices to start showing up, you can rest assured that the wait will be worth it.

I guess what I'm saying is rather than trying to stand out in a store with millions of apps in front of you, it's probably a good time to get in while the getting is good on the ground floor. Feel free to contact me personally, and I will make sure to hook it up internally.

discus !
1805 Hits
PRO Installer 2.0 released (165 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 06:20 CDT, 10 June 2010 - iMsg
The PRO Installer 2.0 automatically downloads all the files necessary to install and play Q3 Quake 3 Arena with all the important patches, mods, maps and tools with just one click.

After the success of PRO Installer 1.0, Poland Mateusz 'mdn' Danek decided to code some additional features, graphics were done by Poland Am1go and the translation was done by Poland Mav_.

Using this program can protect newcomers against more than twenty problems that prevent connecting to the online servers.

The PRO Installer 2.0 can be downloaded here.
Online Virus Scan:
Edited by AL|EN at 15:37 CST, 23 February 2014 - 82296 Hits
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