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This will not stand (6 comments)
Posted by Venim @ 17:35 CST, 28 February 2014 - iMsg
This will not stand. This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait Ukraine.

Edited by Venim at 17:39 CST, 28 February 2014 - 2002 Hits
ESEA Bitcoining (18 comments)
Posted by Venim @ 23:28 CDT, 1 May 2013 - iMsg

lol not terribly surprised. That guy lpkane was always a total asshole that held esea back.
5571 Hits
Interesting spam email (32 comments)
Posted by Venim @ 18:23 CST, 21 December 2010 - iMsg
Normally I would have just deleted this except it showed up in my inbox but there was something really unusual about it...

From: [email protected]
It is my pleasure to contact you for friendship. Please write back to me so I can send you my picture and tell you more about myself. I'll be happy to receive your response, I picked your e-mail address from this site


Bolded for emphasis...

Demiurge selling emails to make money lol?
5767 Hits
Fort Hood (249 comments)
Posted by Venim @ 01:34 CST, 6 November 2009 - iMsg
So by now I'm sure most people have heard about the shooting at Fort Hood, TX.

The shooter, apparently disliked because he was muslim, and made fun of as part of a stereotype, thought it would be a good idea to do exactly the kind of thing that has portrayed muslims in such a negative light in the first place. Ya he's not the only person to have intentionally killed his fellow soldiers. But in this day and age in the US, he will be remembered because he was Muslim, not because he was being bullied by people.

Im kinda fed up with this bullshit. There's like 10 muslims in the world that actually want peace and understanding, and then the rest would rather bring the rest of the planet back into the 5th century with them. /Massive generalization

You can argue a shitton of reasons why theres so many radicals now of days, such as the wars in iraq and afghanistan (even though they were instigated by 9/11 (although iraq was obviously wrong, gg american political system)). Or Israel being there and beating up on Palestine, whether they deserve it or not. But the fact is, the kind of ideals being presented in muslim societies are just batshit crazy.

Example. Are you fucking kidding me. Mohammad is such a fucking common name like half the people in the middle east have it. Yet you cant name a teddy bear it? And people there thought she should be killed because of it.

Ok i'll wrap up this rant. Incident today has just pissed me off. I'm extremely liberal. Hell i'm subscribed to the CPUSA mailing list. But how can you defend these people when they feel like murdering people, no matter the race or religion, can somehow be justified.

I'd like to hear other people's opinions on this, particularly muslims. Every time some kind of incident like this happens myself and others' opinions of you just get worse and worse and maybe you feel the same way because of the stupid shit we've done in iran, pakistan, afghanistan, or iraq etc.

CNN News Article (ya cnn so what. they're all the same and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.)
44132 Hits
Lol ESR Advertisements (17 comments)
Posted by Venim @ 16:22 CDT, 3 September 2009 - iMsg
Ok so here i am browsing esr on one of my laptops that doesn't have adblock plus so its the first time i've seen the ads on here in a long time.

That gamernook ad where they proclaim "Meet Gamer Girls" LOL you gotta be fucking kidding me haha. Even more funny when you click on it all the pictures show friend pages of all females.

K if you didnt read that above shit:

ESR Ads = rofl

Im going to go see what i look like as a cartoon now, and then put adblock plus on here
3842 Hits
Shit ping. anyone else? (16 comments)
Posted by Venim @ 00:04 CST, 3 March 2009 - iMsg
In every other game im pinging 55 or so to san francisco yet in quakelive i ping around 95. and it only gets worse (such as texas being 130 in ql and say 90 in everything else)

hell a traceroute was still only 52 when it got to's border and started to timeout.

anyone else having this problem? playing games at 95 ping is pointless to me i might as well just go back to playing cpma then =\


cl_shownet 3 shows it around 55-60 so i guess the scoreboard is just lying. If thats the case then ya, its still not as good as cpma netcode hah cause the hitreg sucks at this ping
Edited by Venim at 19:02 CST, 3 March 2009 - 3397 Hits
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