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Mouse recommendation (89 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 09:25 CDT, 16 March 2020 - iMsg
I need a replacement for my old MX518 - haven't really given any attention to the development in the last 10 years seems like there are a few new brands (Glorious, Endgame, ....) which I never heard of. What mouse are you using at the moment and what can you recommend?
28035 Hits
Dark Mod Standalone (8 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 08:56 CDT, 1 November 2013 - iMsg
Finally, a standalone version of the Dark Mod has been released. It's a great stealth game similar to the Thief series and uses the Doom 3 engine.

More information here:
11286 Hits
RAGE in Breaking Bad (6 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 09:03 CDT, 24 September 2011 - iMsg
Does anybody watch Breaking Bad here? They did covered advertising for Rage.

What do you think about methods like this?
2544 Hits
switched to Windows 7 - fps problems (18 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 05:19 CDT, 13 June 2011 - iMsg
I just switched to windows 7 and now I have only 40-50 fps on some maps when I had constant 125 fps with winxp on all maps.
I installed the latest drivers and I'm using my ql config I used on windows xp.

Other than that I didnt do much, so I need some advice how to setup windows 7.

My System:
core2 duo 2 ghz
nvidia geforce 8800 gt
6875 Hits
Logitech G400 (72 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 14:02 CDT, 9 June 2011 - iMsg
successor for the mx518 with 3600 dpi optical sensor, 1000hz and a "consistent response ratio":
"Physical mouse movements translate to the same amount of cursor movement irrespective of speed: <0.5% variance compared to 5+% for some other “gaming” sensors."

Technical Specifications

Tracking Resolution: 400–3600 dpi
Image processing: 5.8 megapixels/second
Max. acceleration: 25G*
Max. speed: 70–140* inches/second
USB data format: 16 bit/axis
USB report rate: 1000/second
Sleep mode: Disabled
Glide Dynamic coefficient of friction – µ (k): .09**
Static coefficient of friction – µ (s): .14*
Total weight: 133 grams
Cord: 15 grams
Durability Button life: 10 million clicks
Feet: 250 kilometers
Edited by cYmoZz at 14:04 CDT, 9 June 2011 - 27946 Hits
For sale: Sennheiser HD 280 Pro (9 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 08:49 CDT, 8 April 2011 - iMsg
I'm selling my Sennheiser HD 280 Pro headphones.
They are closed headphones and therefor provide a good isolation against ambient noises.
They are intended as studio monitors, which means that the sound is very neutral and detailed.
I bought them for attending some Quake 4 lan tournaments some years ago.
They did their job perfectly, but since I won't go to lan tournaments anymore and since I prefer open headphones for home usage, I want to sell them.

They are in a good condition with the normal signs of use. The come with the original packaging and 3,5mm->6,3mm adapter.

price: 50 € + shipping

Edited by cYmoZz at 08:59 CDT, 8 April 2011 - 2971 Hits
r_mapoverbrightbits 1 + vertexlight (22 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 14:33 CST, 19 December 2010 - iMsg
Since the last update, some maps (intervention, tornado) are very dark.
I played a bit around and it seems that the problem is the combination of r_mapoverbrightbits 1 and r_vertexlighting 1.
Now I really liked these settings and they work fine on most maps, so I don't want to change them.
On the other hand, I don't want to have to change my settings everytime a problematic way is loaded.

Is there any other way too solve this problem?
11436 Hits
New map pool for German EPS, maybe IEM? (44 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 15:12 CDT, 22 August 2010 - iMsg
7 maps:

- Vertical Vengence (qztourney4)
- Furios Heights (qztourney7)
- Blood Run (ztntourney1)
- Lost World (qzdm13)
- Dismemberment (dismemberment)
- Aerowalk (aerowalk)
- Hektik (hektik)

Rumor has it, that the map pool for the regular IEM season might be similar.

What do you think about it?
Edited by cYmoZz at 04:11 CDT, 23 August 2010 - 9294 Hits
IEM Season 5 (53 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 15:24 CDT, 15 May 2010 - iMsg
where is it?
8393 Hits
Improve ESL TV (272 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 15:15 CST, 1 February 2010 - iMsg
Although I did enjoy ESL TV a lot at the IEM European Finals, I think that there is still lot of room for improvement.

The weakest point of ESL TV is in my oppinion the Free Stream:
Its quality is an offense to any viewer. The Video Quality of all those free streaming services like ustream, livestream is much better and they dont even use their viewers upload bandwidth. It makes ESL look very unprofessional when every little league runs better streams.
Secondly, the requirement of an additional plugin is completely the wrong way to go. When you want to have as much viewers as possible, then you don't ask them to install additional, suspicious programs, that dont even work in some cases. Joe Average doesn't understand why he can watch videos on youtube but needs to install a new program to watch ESL TV, so he will suspect that something fishy is going on.

I really feel ashamed to give my friends the link to ESL TV because of these reasons, and the effect is that I rarely do that. If you want to spread the idea of "esports", you need a stream that is easy accessible and doesn't look like complete shit.

I suggest to offer 3 different streams:

Free Stream: runs without any plugins and offers a quality that is comparable to ustream, etc (maybe cooperate with one of those services?) - new viewers and people at work etc will use this stream

Enhanced Free Stream: Provides slightly better quality but uses a p2p plugin - this stream is for regular viewers that are too greedy to get premium

Premium Stream: Provides the best quality (like "very high quality beta premium" stream). Should not use p2p plugins imo, though this doesn't matter much here, since this stream is for true fans, who arent discouraged by little hurdles.

The other main point that needs improvement is that the moderators give way to few information about the player's person. There are a lot of things to talk about and it would make a player like draven look a lot more interesting for the casual viewers if the moderators told them that he is/was in the dutch national team for Taekwondo.
This needs a little journalistic work, but I think it really would be worth it. Viewers want to get to know the person behind the monitor and for every player there is more then enough to talk about him (little anecdotes, former achievements, what is he doing other than playing quake, where is he from (city/heritage), etc)
Edited by iNkind at 07:04 CST, 4 February 2010 - 130493 Hits
ESWC 2010 with Quake and new sponsor (103 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 15:50 CST, 27 January 2010 - iMsg
Apparently, the organizers of ESWC added two more games to their list: According to team AAA Guitar Hero and Quake were listed in an internal presentation among eight further games. It is still unclear, which offspring of the Quake series was meant exactly, more information is expected soon.

Furthermore, ESWC announced on their facebook page that they could obtain Peugeot as new sponsor and that their new website is going to launch on February, 1st.

World’s top gamers will be able to compete during the 7th Electronic Sports Wold Cup 2010 Grand Final in Disneyland, Paris from June 30 to July 4, 2010 for a total amount of 200,000 $ prizemoney.
Edited by xou at 07:00 CDT, 23 April 2010 - 33082 Hits
ZTN starting spawns: bad luck or bug? (89 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 03:56 CST, 21 November 2009 - iMsg
In the last months I started to play some duels again and I felt that my first spawn would be extremely often at the GL platform.
Today I woke up early and was bored, so I decided to take a look at my ztn demos and find out if my feelings about the starting spawn had any true background or if it was some psychological thing.

I looked at 55 demos, all recorded within in the last 2 months:
(left/right side based on when you look from mega to rail)

left gl spawn 12
right gl spawn 7
left rail spawn 3
right rail spawn 5
lower YA spawn 11
Plasma spawn 8
LG spawn 2
SG spawn 5
spawn at stairs above RL 2

Even though I was expecting the result to be more clearly, it is still suprising that I spawned at one spawn six times more often then at other spawns.
I can think of two possible explanations:

1) I had simply bad luck, 55 demos are not enough to provide a reliable result.
2) starting spawns in ql arent completely random (by accident or on purpose?)

What do you guys think? Would a statistic of your spawns look similar to mine? Is it possible that there is some bug in ql that makes us spawn at the gl platfom more often than we are supposed to?
Maybe you can take a look at your demos and post your numbers here, so we have a more reliable statistic.
Edited by cYmoZz at 06:07 CST, 21 November 2009 - 18975 Hits
mini railgun (73 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 16:17 CST, 5 November 2009 - iMsg
shotgun is like a mini-railgun now, only easier to hit with. Dont you think, that the weapon that is the easiest to hit with, should not have the most damage per shot (110) at the same time?

I would really like to have the shotgun back that did max. 100 damage please, it was really well balanced
Edited by cYmoZz at 16:20 CST, 5 November 2009 - 13099 Hits
The Dark Mod - Beta Release (No comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 13:44 CST, 5 November 2009 - iMsg
First beta has been released a couple of weeks ago and I had a good time playing the first fan missions.
If you are a fan of the Thief series or other stealth games, you should give it a try:

Q: What is The Dark Mod?

A: The Dark Mod is a total conversion mod for Doom 3, which recreates the moody stealth experience reminiscent of the 'Thief' games from Looking Glass Studios.

Q: So is it a game?

A: Technically, no. It's primarily a toolset, allowing fans to create their own missions in a medieval steampunk environment. When you download the mod, the only thing you can play immediately is the Training Mission. You have to download other missions separately (see our download page for more details).

Several missions have already been released for download, and more will be completed in the weeks following the release.

Q: What do I need in order to play?

A: Other than TDM itself, you must have a copy of Doom 3. TDM works with the steam version of Doom 3 if you can't find one locally. You must also have the most recent D3 patch.
Edited by cYmoZz at 13:44 CST, 5 November 2009 - 1202 Hits
ASUS Summer Cup 2009 - Q3 standings (144 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 05:58 CDT, 22 August 2009 - iMsg
Another edition of the famous Asus Cup series is kicking off in Russia Moscow today. As usual, the Quake 3 tournament is featuring the elite of eastern europe with players such as Belarus Cypher, Russia Cooller and China Jibo and will most likely deliver great matches on GTV once again.
The tournament starts with a Groupstage (bo1) followed by a double elimination bracket (bo1).

Web: - IRC: #asus.q3 - Demos
Edited by xou at 00:19 CDT, 1 September 2009 - 55110 Hits
ESL EMS: to the serveradmins and players (No comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 15:44 CDT, 3 May 2009 - iMsg
There were some nice games today, but I hope two things will change in the future:

1.) So many servers still run cpma 1.46. It was quite annyoing to switch the cpma version everytime I wanted to see the next gtv room.
So, if you are a server admin please update ur servers - its really not much work.
If you know a server admin that runs a 1.46 server, please slap him until he updates :)

2.) It would be great if not every player scheduled there game on sunday - so we could watch some good games during the week days instead of having to switch between four different games at the same time.

btw why cant I change my ESR image anymore? :(
Edited by cYmoZz at 16:01 CDT, 3 May 2009 - 1438 Hits
Games Mini Video Contest - Voting open (102 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 13:17 CST, 1 March 2009 - iMsg
The jury selected the top nine movies for each category of the Games Mini Video Contest sponsored by Dell and the community portals opened a vote for their designated categories. Everyone can vote for his/her favorite until the 9th March - the winners will be announced the day after. The community's votes will be weighted 50:50 with the jury's votes to determine the contest winners.
Every community Portal will raffle a Dell Mini 9 Notebook among the voters.

The top 9 videos in the Quake category:

Joint Deviance - by Germany Bernd “Bliccer” M.
Contact - by Lithuania Denisas “Sinex” C.
Moment - by Hungary Péter “mccormic” K.
Journey - by Germany Matthias “kekskruemel” B.
Quake Lessons - by Hungary Thomas “c3llux” B.
The Last Stand - by Germany Markus “keller” U.
back2oldsql - by Germany Patrick “dKsL” S.
Special - by Andrey Germany “FlaT” S.
Why so serious? - by Serbia Djordje “zeroql” S.

Vote for your favorite Quake movie here (registraton required)

Edited by KekS at 14:11 CST, 1 March 2009 - 32633 Hits
Games Mini Video Contest - Update Week 4 (45 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 14:35 CST, 22 February 2009 - iMsg
[Update] Week 4:

Two new Quake videos have been released:
back2oldsql – by Germany Patrick “dKsL” S. Watch in HD here
Arena Witch – by Switzerland Alain “sftoPanz3rF” C. Watch in HD here

An overview of all released contest videos you can find here.

Edited by cYmoZz at 12:45 CST, 26 February 2009 - 13248 Hits
noctis -vs- moonsh1ne (47 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 14:12 CST, 22 February 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.6 (6 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: CPMA vq3
Viewpoint: noctis
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Showmatch from Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup: Austria noctis vs. Belarus moonsh1ne

Noctis couldn't attend the regular cup due to time problems, so we decided the winner of the Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup can play a show match vs noctis, if he wants.

Maps: pukka3dm1, rota3dm1
Edited by xou at 14:25 CST, 22 February 2009 - 11169 Hits
moonsh1ne -vs- vkl (No comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 13:58 CST, 22 February 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: CPMA vq3
Viewpoint: moonsh1ne
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Final from Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup.

Belarus moonsh1ne vs. Germany vkl

1850 Hits
moonsh1ne -vs- Mato (No comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 13:50 CST, 22 February 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: CPMA vq3
Viewpoint: moonsh1ne
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Semifinal from Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup.

Belarus moonsh1ne vs. Slovakia Mato

1847 Hits
vkl -vs- PipBoy (No comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 13:43 CST, 22 February 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: CPMA vq3
Viewpoint: vkl
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Semifinal from Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup.

Germany vkl vs. Russia Pipboy

Edited by cYmoZz at 14:07 CST, 22 February 2009 - 1752 Hits
Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup #2 - Today! (18 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 05:49 CST, 22 February 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CST, 22 February 2009 to 15:00 CST, 22 February 2009
Schedule: Passed

Since the first Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup more than two months have passed and the community's discussion about renewing the map pool of big tournaments like ESWC is more alive than ever. The goal of this duel cup is to make more players familiar with maps that aren't played in usual tournaments and to test their usability for bigger competitions. For this reason, gameplay will again be vq3.

The second edition of this cup will be held today, starting at 09:00 CDT and finishing in the evening. If you want to participate, just sign up on the website now and don't forget to check in shortly before the beginning. This cup is mostly for the European community, but every player can participate if he is willing to play on European servers.

Note: For each round until the semi finals, maps are forced, which means that players can not choose maps themselves, but have to play the maps that are given for the specific round. Check the website for further rules and details. Tournament system (single/double elimination / group phase) will be determined according to the number of participants. If you are a server admin and want to support this cup with a server, please contact me.

Website: - IRC: mIRC #q3revoluzzers - GTV:
Edited by cYmoZz at 13:33 CST, 22 February 2009 - 7325 Hits
Q3 Duel Map: cy3dm1 alpha4 (8 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 08:57 CST, 8 February 2009 - iMsg
My first map, designed primarly for vq3/cq3 duel.

It isn't very detailed yet and the texturing is in a very early stage, so please don't judge it by the looks.
I think it plays quite well, and I'm interested in more feedback about the gameplay.

I uploaded the map on my server:
to play this map, just do \callvote map cy3dm1_a4

the use of r_vertexlight 1 is recommended :)


Edited by cYmoZz at 12:36 CST, 8 February 2009 - 6980 Hits interviews Carmac (86 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 12:42 CST, 9 January 2009 - iMsg
The german esport site Germany readmore released an interesting interview with the popular e-sport journalist Poland Carmac. The polish pope of competitive gaming is questioned about his departure of SK-Gaming, his sight on the current state of e-sports and his future plans.

Germany So what are your expectations for 2009? Will eSports grow? Will it suffer due to a worldwide economic downturn?

Poland Carmac: Unfortunately, I think we are all going to suffer and we can see by what happened with the WC3L and the NGL that we're all going to have to try and adjust. We will not see teams getting sponsorships as easily and the same goes for tournament organisers. But that's not all bad, you know. When it's tough, companies need to think of how to work better and more efficiently. Harsh times are an impulse to maximise efficiency, to improve yourself. Teams will have to come up with better ways of attracting sponsorship and in the long run it's for the better. At least eSports will be get rid of incompetent people that don't run their business the way they should. It's not like eSports will die or anything like that. Esports has always grown thanks to people, not money, so that process is not going to stop so easily. Even despite the crisis I think that we will have a very interesting year. I will try to see to it personally, my man!

If you got interested on this fascinating individual's thoughts on competitive gaming, head over to the readmore for the full interview.
Edited by Nicky at 13:10 CST, 9 January 2009 - 20465 Hits
Quetz -vs- moonsh1ne (28 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 15:37 CST, 8 December 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.4 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: Quetz
Version info: CPMA 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

Final of Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup #1
moon'sD vs Quetz

Edited by Nicky at 15:46 CST, 8 December 2008 - 15392 Hits
Quake 3 Revoluzzers Cup #1: Quetz wins! (49 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 05:00 CST, 7 December 2008 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CST, 7 December 2008 to 16:00 CST, 7 December 2008
Schedule: Passed

As promised, I'm holding a vq3 Duel cup with a completely fresh map pool next sunday. The goal of this cup is to make more players familiar with maps that aren't played in usual tournaments.

The first edition of this cup will be held on the next Sunday (7th December), starting at 09:00 CDT and finishing in the evening. If you want to participate, just signup at the website now, and don't forget to check in shortly before the start. This cup is mostly for the European community, but every player can participate if he is willing to play on European servers.

Map pool:
megadm4-09 <-- new version! screen
pukka3tourney2 screen
pukka3tourney5 screen
cpm29 screen
cht3 screen

Note: For each round until the semi finals, maps are forced, which means that players can not choose maps themselves, but have to play the maps that are given for the specific round. Check the website for further rules and details.


If you are a server admin and want to support this cup with a server, please contact me.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them in the irc-channel: #q3revoluzzers

1. Russia Quetz
2. Belarus moonsh1ne
3./4. Germany psyrex, Latvia hypno

Demos of Final
Edited by cYmoZz at 09:59 CST, 16 February 2009 - 18607 Hits
Cup with new vq3 duel maps? Propose maps (35 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 16:15 CST, 11 November 2008 - iMsg
I just came across an old bookmark which made me think about organising a fun tournament with a new map pool. There are several decent maps in this thread, but I am wondering if there were any newer maps released in the meantime that are suited for vq3 duel?

I'm not sure if there is enough interest at all, so if you would like to participate in a cup with a complete new mappool, please write give me a reply with your favourite map pool and if you prefer vq3 or cq3.
7308 Hits
take a step forward (19 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 15:23 CDT, 12 September 2008 - iMsg
So, ESWC announced that they'll use Quake 3 for a their 2009 season, a series of masters events ending in a grand final event. Quake 3, the living dead of competetive gaming.
ESWC tells us, that they may substitute Quake 3 with the upcoming Quake Live later in this season. Many people here are able to evaluate the current status of Quake Live and are following closely each step of the hopeful saviour with anticipation but also sceptism.

The details of the first ESWC Masters event has just been made public, with a date that's only a little more then a month away. It's unlikely that Quake Live will be used for this event which leaves us with the good old Q3 CPMA vq3.

Oh wait - isn't there another option, I heard there is something like a hidden Quake Live in CPMA?
Yes, there is. I think most of you are familiar with the cq3 gameplay, so I won't waste any time to explain its details.

Eliminating the "defects" of both vq3 (hitscan heavy gameplay) and QuakeLive (not being finished yet/missing features) with one simple callvote sounds great, doesn't it? Believe me, it is.

Not only does it offer the opportunity to play a 100% polished game, but it also could work as "buffer" between the QuakeLive Release and its first appearance on a major tournament. QuakeLive might be released without GTV and custom maps support? Does it have evil bugs, no one knows of yet (hello, blue)? Not a problem when you can have CPMA with cq3 gameplay.

So, what's missing?
Some new maps in the map pool. (pukka2 anyone?)

What do you think?
4532 Hits
Quake 3 Map Statistics: October 2008 (38 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 13:24 CDT, 30 July 2008 - iMsg
I made a little statistic how well the top players did on the different maps. I considered every player who attended at least two of the big Q3 events in 2008: eswc ESWC Masters Paris, GameGune, eswc ESWC Finals or eswc ESWC Masters Athen.

Top 5 on each map (min. 4 games on the specific map):

"player name" "number of wins" / "number of matches"

ZTN is the only map which is not removed on a regular basis by all listed players.
Only a few players seem to feel comfortable on all maps.

There might be some errors, if you find one, please post it.
Edited by cYmoZz at 05:12 CDT, 19 October 2008 - 32340 Hits
fox -vs- noctis (10 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 16:17 CDT, 25 July 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.4 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: mvd
How to play back Q3 demos

Entertaining match between fox and noctis at gamegune 08 groupstage (bo2).

Both demos are missing some seconds in the beginning, if you have complete demos pls upload them.
5925 Hits
M. Dallon: We are an independent company (20 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 08:40 CDT, 15 July 2008 - iMsg
The german esport site Germany Fragster made an interesting interview with the CEO of the ESWC, France Matthieu Dallon. Among other things, he talks about the reasons why there has only been one Masters event so far and why the choice of games doesn't concern their sponsors.

They are a lot of changes in the eSports market. For example World of Warcraft is pushing into the scene while Warcraft 3 is heading more and more towards the Chinese market. How do you react on those developments?

Dallon: We are very happy that big studios like Blizzard define their strategy over eSports – that's a good step. We expect a lot of Starcraft 2, more than from World of Warcraft but that's our personal opinion. Nevertheless we often follow this opinion since we are independent and a company of gamers. We do what we like that's why we do Quake 3 and keep Counter-Strike 1.6.

Read the full interview on
Edited by Badb0y at 09:15 CDT, 15 July 2008 - 13287 Hits
Cooller not @ESWCMasters + Fookie I-view (20 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 10:43 CDT, 22 June 2008 - iMsg
4414 Hits
ESWC.RU brackets + results (15 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 10:23 CDT, 7 June 2008 - iMsg
The Russian ESWC qualifier seems to be going on right now with most of the russian top q3 players. I dont know if there is any GTV, but noctis found the brackets :)
Cooller lost to makaveli in the wb sem finals and now has to play question.

If anyone has more information, please let us know.
Edited by cYmoZz at 10:25 CDT, 7 June 2008 - 4109 Hits
Adrenalin - by kane (90 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 15:30 CDT, 4 October 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.8 (31 votes)
Yesterday, Germany kane released his first Quake 4 fragmovie. All frags were done by the author himself in multiple game modes, so don't expect this video to be another Vitality.
Still, it's a nice movie to watch, synchronized to a nice soundtrack and featuring high video quality.

Movie Information:
Creator: Germany kane
Game: Quake 4 Quake 4
Type: Frag Highlights
Length: 10m2s
Size: 390 Megs
Resolution: 1280x720
Codec: x264 tehwire
Edited by Nicky at 01:22 CDT, 16 October 2007 - 29540 Hits
Painkiller Overdose (29 comments)
Posted by cYmoZz @ 11:21 CDT, 23 August 2007 - iMsg
Jowood is presenting the successor of Painkiller at Games Convention - some infos of the presentation taken from

- more emphasis on MP part
- low hardware requirements similar to PK, but better graphics
- voodoo-doll weapon similar to shaft
- grenades can be detonated manually
- still no point-and-click weapon like railgun
- every weapon has two firemodes
- no infos about armor/health system yet
- ships with 64 MP-maps
- netcode vastly improved by a british PK-player
- movement similar to PK
- PKTV planned - but it probably wont be available at release time
- will be rated 18+ in germany - so it wont make it into the ESL Pro Series
- release on 31. october

Some Screenshots
Edited by Nicky at 15:05 CST, 5 January 2008 - 8031 Hits
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