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GPU Readings unavailable after sleepmode (No comments)
Posted by Melted @ 00:35 CDT, 23 October 2016 - iMsg
Windows 7
Asus crosshair v formula
AMD FX 6100
GTX 580
BeQuite 750w

Upon wake, Msi afterburner and specy, no longer display GPU Readings - MSI Afterburner reads null for voltages, temp and speeds. Speccy displays: GTX 580 and some weird character.
This has never happened before and there's been no changes, that I'm aware of.

Searched tomshardware and Msi forums, can't seem to find a solution.
Does anyone know of a possible Windows service, which would affect this?

2339 Hits
Dying light. (10 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 15:23 CDT, 25 September 2016 - iMsg
If you own this game and you've played like an hour, and never gone back.
Go back Friday night, because you'll want more and need the weekend :).
If you appreciate movement in a game, you'll see why I'm writing this.
Combat is brutal, especially if you have good timing!
Loot :)

A perfect mix of game.
Edited by Melted at 15:25 CDT, 25 September 2016 - 8219 Hits
* N U K E D * (1 comment, locked)
Posted by Nuked User @ 15:42 CDT, 19 October 2014 - iMsg
* N U K E D *

Do you think this guy is cheating? (70 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 07:34 CDT, 20 July 2014 - iMsg
There's more clips like this one. Personally, this is the most evident.

* look at the opponents positioning

Time Played: 7 days
Lightning Gun ACC 39% | USE 66%

Wins: 661
Losses / Quits: 257 / 129
Frags / Deaths: 11,908 / 6,091
Hits / Shots: 400,937 / 1,070,609
Accuracy: 37.45%

how about this one? I'm pretty sure you can't hear NME RJ at QUAD from bridge, right? (00:30 +)

so, the guy you are watching is '[ac] verrektemongol'. this vid is 3:25 long.
Video doesn't have the moments from the header, just moments before.
Edited by Melted at 16:56 CDT, 20 July 2014 - 11060 Hits
Emulators and Games (23 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 15:45 CDT, 25 June 2014 - iMsg
I'm going through abit of a phase of collection emulators and their roms. it started because i wanted to play some 2player co-op games with the gf and pc doesn't really give this. so, im wondering what old games do you play and are fun co-op? i've found the Game Cube to be the best solution with lots of fun! games with not so bad gfx either.
6558 Hits
tesco and the G300 (12 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 11:19 CDT, 23 May 2014 - iMsg
tesco are selling the logitech g300 - it's the only mouse i think has real gaming potential, in the store. what do you guys think of this mouse; does it skip and have good traction or what?

edit: ebay are also selling GIGABYTE gm-m6880, for £10.00. anybody used his before?
Edited by Melted at 17:07 CDT, 23 May 2014 - 4079 Hits
dictionary files (14 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 17:45 CDT, 7 May 2014 - iMsg
i'm looking for some dictionary files which would be suitable for use in aircrack. i'll be sleeping at my girlfriends for one whole week and i don't want her brothers; nerding it out on CoD, interrupting my quake time.

anybody used this program before or know an alternative approach?
2504 Hits
Looking on reddit - Russian gangsters (28 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 16:38 CDT, 24 April 2014 - iMsg
23343 Hits
awesome find (11 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 10:41 CDT, 2 April 2014 - iMsg
After not having a PC or a QL playable laptop - i have been given a p4 quadcore, and nothing else. After afew days, asking around for old/spare keyboards... I found this beast, in an old logitech keyboard box. The box has been staring at me, all this time!

i'm happy, woo!

oh, yea and check out the mouse lols.
Edited by Melted at 10:41 CDT, 2 April 2014 - 2718 Hits
Idea for Quakelive site (10 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 14:51 CDT, 21 May 2013 - iMsg
Make a wall feature like facebook for player profiles!


let us leave offline msg's!

2665 Hits
Found a kid next door on YouTube, lol... (7 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 05:49 CDT, 21 August 2012 - iMsg
looks like he's made a CoD movie, complaining about lag...

....LOL, his mam just knocked on saying he needs the views, worth afew minutes of your life, even if you do think he's a retard :).
2558 Hits
SHOOTAMANIA (2 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 10:17 CDT, 3 July 2012 - iMsg
Is there anyway I can play this game? last I read people were giving out Beta Keys - is that still happening? ;)
2021 Hits
I start using my Steelseries 4D tomorrow (14 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 14:57 CDT, 3 April 2012 - iMsg
It got delivered tonight, so, i'm bringing it to work with me tmorrow!! using it with an Abyss - has anyone tried these pads? 'steelseries 4d' what are they like?

I always loved Icemat's :D.....


.........Razer eXactamat :S........

.....steelseries XXL cloth pad of somesort :|........



some pics added. the Razer Aybssus will only work with the rough side of the surface, the 1.1a (wmo) works on both.
Edited by Melted at 10:55 CDT, 5 April 2012 - 2598 Hits
N1:NoobCryHard & Other members (55 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 13:00 CDT, 29 March 2012 - iMsg
I believe spotting a cheat is obvious when you do a few check-ups, things become clearer after your first initial suspicion; doing a quick profile scan, noticing the profile was created 3days ago, along with 2-3 other members.

A few weeks ago, I read a thread on here about N1:mchine - the dude has been hacking and someone was having a little rant about it. I remember N1:mchine before the blue clan tag, when it was red, he was shit. In time I ended up coming across other N1 members, such as 'air_av3k and NoobCryHard'. Their positioning and awareness was shit, but, their aim was resulting in high statistics.

All the clan seemed suspect.

Next, I duelled NoobCryHard in 1v1 CA Ladder. I took a map off the guy, but, he won overall with some stupid luck and an obvious hack. I ended up confronting him about the hacking and he replied with: "lol, don't be silly. I am from team GER. I am GER solero (or something like that, never heard of him).

Now, afew days later. I hear he's been caught hacking and banned. I can't find him anywhere, which is why I'm writing this. I want to say a big FU to all N1 members that I have come in contact with. I knew all along you we're all silly little kids, who can't aim nor think.

suck my hairy twins and be sad that you got a map(almost two) taken off you, while you hacked. I would delete Quakelive for that.
13650 Hits
Different Flags (9 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 07:21 CDT, 17 March 2012 - iMsg

I've been looking at a fair few player profiles, in quakelive. at least, 70percent of the profiles i check out all seem to have different nationalities every 1-2weeks of playing. I'm not saying it's impossible for some players to be moving around, from iceland, to germany, to africa, etc. but, not likely. I have thought about it being a proxy but, didn't research it.

what are you thoughts?
4645 Hits
My Encounter with AProfessional Gamer.. (7 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 13:35 CST, 18 February 2012 - iMsg
rape. R3medy: youre in the wrong position everytime!!!!
/HoQ/ melted: and i suppose you know all the right ones?
rape. R3medy: there was not a single round where You would not be in the
wrong spot
rape. R3medy: yeah
rape. R3medy: that's why I had to fight 1v3
fweak was railed by galak
/HoQ/ melted: so why arent you in div one for at least something
fweak was electrocuted by galak
galak was electrocuted by R3medy
rape. R3medy: translate to english
/HoQ/ melted: if you know all the positions on that map[
melted ate fweak's rocket
rape. R3medy: I dont speak PXP
rape. R3medy: PCP
/HoQ/ melted: and probably everything
galak ate fweak's rocket
/HoQ/ melted: why arent you in div 1
/HoQ/ melted: pcp?
melted almost dodged fweak's rocket
rape. R3medy: oh yeah, start with the idiotic logic now
rape. R3medy: and rant about knowing everything
rape. R3medy: like w 5 year old
rape. R3medy: gj
/HoQ/ melted: youre the one ranting
/HoQ/ melted: im just asking a question
fweak: (so true)
rape. R3medy: funny how always winning idiots have issues with that
galak was electrocuted by R3medy
/HoQ/ melted: you got the winning thing right at least ;]
galak was melted by R3medy's plasmagun
melted ate fweak's rocket
fweak almost dodged galak's rocket
rape. R3medy: there is only 1 golden rule
rape. R3medy: thanks
fweak was electrocuted by galak
galak was electrocuted by R3medy
/HoQ/ melted: heh
R3medy was railed by galak
galak was railed by R3medy
melted was electrocuted by fweak
/HoQ/ melted: wanna play again you massive professional?
galak ate fweak's rocket
melted ate fweak's rocket
R3medy was railed by melted
fweak was railed by galak
rape. R3medy: wanna get your shit straight 5 year old kiddo?
/HoQ/ melted: the bowl makes it curve
R3medy was railed by galak
/HoQ/ melted: not my trouble
galak almost dodged R3medy's rocket
melted was electrocuted by fweak
fweak was railed by galak
R3medy disconnected
/HoQ/ melted: hahah
galak: great
fweak: what a bitch
7414 Hits
Viewsonic VX2268WM + ATi. trouble @120hz (61 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 11:50 CST, 14 January 2012 - iMsg

So, when I switch to 120hz in native res, I get all these vertical horrible lines making text un-readable. Apprantly, it's because the montior is only designed for Nvidia GFX cards.

I'm wondering has anyone stumbled across a fix for this?


7770 Hits
#WANTED# PCI-E GFX (7 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 05:08 CDT, 10 September 2011 - iMsg
Do you have an old PCI-E GFX card laying around that you just don't use anymore. I'm looking for something around £40.00 mark. Thanks.
2563 Hits
few issues before i make a movie (2 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 16:18 CDT, 6 May 2010 - iMsg
thing is i haven't got enough HDD space on C:\ to write enough screenshots as i want but i have loads of spare space on another HDD...

is there a way to make QL write screenshots to another HDD?

(i've used Junction but obvious to most it just links the selected DIR to another DIR)
Edited by Melted at 16:19 CDT, 6 May 2010 - 1769 Hits
NVIDIA or ATi ??? (49 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 14:42 CST, 26 February 2010 - iMsg
if you have evidence to who owns who - pls share!

(p.s - my view is ati > nvidia - for reasons i cannot be arsed to type)
10584 Hits
Eugh (No comments)
Posted by Melted @ 10:10 CST, 1 February 2010 - iMsg
I was looking, for a half decent link for the urm, "Quake III Legend CD" from 2006
or so and i couldn't find one so....

i've been FORCED to sign up to GOTFRAG

997 Hits
ANY OLD BITS? (47 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 09:52 CST, 26 January 2010 - iMsg
got any old pc parts laying around, that you havent bothered to put on, ebay or

tell me what you got to sell. i need to get a computer built for, QL ASAP. im going
out of my mind, without a machine. not really got the funds atm to buy a decent one.
8629 Hits
2 mice, 2 pointers win7 (1 comment)
Posted by Melted @ 16:04 CST, 18 November 2009 - iMsg
is it possible to have both mice plugged in via usb and have two cursors? @win7
Edited by Melted at 17:17 CST, 18 November 2009 - 1568 Hits
IIYAMA CRT(ma203dt) RIP (2 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 11:14 CDT, 17 September 2009 - iMsg
need a new crt dont want no lcd - best place?!

anywhere in manchester?
1361 Hits
ANYTHING but the EU (135 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 10:50 CDT, 12 August 2009 - iMsg
Nigel Farage (ukip).

complete legend only guy that gives us a chance for our future (aside from america winning their battle)... find some videos of his skills....

vote UK Independence party next year without a DOUBT!!

UK Independence party
Edited by Melted at 13:34 CDT, 12 August 2009 - 18396 Hits
DEMO REQUEST! (9 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 08:04 CDT, 19 July 2009 - iMsg
my connection is unplayable atm and on those occasions where ill be sat here with nothing todo i thought about some people ive hardly ever if not ever seen play quake(s) before so someones gotta help me see the following!

if you have any other demos ud like to share that arent so popular do so 8)
- senti demos!? (not the ztn 2v2 vs [EYE])

- *QPO*

- p1mp demos

- mist demos

and finally....

- some oldish school Q2 demos hopefully nassle, parasite, nace and bubkez pov?

ty ty
2496 Hits
TP-LINK Wiress Router LAG ISSUES (14 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 10:54 CDT, 31 March 2009 - iMsg
o/s : Windows XP SP3 5.1 Build 2600
router : TL-WR641G / TL-WR642G

every two minutes or so i get lag (999ms) then its fine - the lag seems exactly every
2minutes like its trying to refresh the wireless connections in distance

is there a fix for this or something its driving me mad =/

no i cant use a wire =(
10271 Hits
Prefrences [o/s, anti-virus, etc] (72 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 08:43 CST, 14 November 2008 - iMsg
i recently installed windows vista black edition and if you dont know about it yet
its available on any torrent site. it doesnt have that annoying genuine activation crap
and you can download any updates you want to. apprantly its windows vista ultimate with afew addons and "fixes".

so im ready to install all the usual stuff you need to but i was wondering what everyone
else is using so i can install the best prefered stuff :).

so list me ur;

- o/s
- anti-virus & anti-spyware etc


on another note: anyone done any xbox360 modding they want to show off?
Edited by MeLTeD at 08:44 CST, 14 November 2008 - 12325 Hits
Team Fortress 2 (33 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 14:33 CDT, 27 September 2008 - iMsg
UnnamedMSNer says:
nevermind man, its a good game anyway if u ever fancy playin an fps with a more complex engine than the quakes.

"is it the cell shaded game - like cartoony gfx?"

UnnamedMSNer says:
i meant physics engine not graphics but ayee its cel shaded, sort of cartoony graphics its pretty smart. u choose a class to play, u cant just pick up any weapons you start out with some.

i giggled :).
5199 Hits
The All Seeing Eye (3 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 06:32 CDT, 9 July 2008 - iMsg
basically the all-seeing eye wont download on my computer for some reason maybe its their servers or not i dont know...

in-game scanner (cpm) wont find me any servers and i dont really like scanning this way - wht else can i use?

if someone can .zip/.rar ASE and upload it some where tht would be great :)
4421 Hits
Logitech G5 Delivered TODAY (10 comments)
Posted by Melted @ 12:29 CDT, 4 July 2008 - iMsg
just bought the logitech G5 and the Razer eXactMat eXactRest Bundle Mouse Pad Wrist Rest was wondering if the G5 will track well on the pad of my choice

anyone who uses the G5; wht DPI do you prefer?

didnt really read much about them because i couldnt be bothered just wna place some quake again :)
Edited by MeLTeD at 04:10 CDT, 8 July 2008 - 2669 Hits
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