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Recommend me a non US centric tech site (24 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 10:58 CDT, 27 September 2020 - iMsg
Yes, it has come to that.

I've been on slashdot, hardocp, ars/techreport, anand, etc. for 20 years. But all of them are either dead, on a death spiral, or suck immensely in their current form.

Is there anything left out there with an active community? And not completely consumed with US politics? Not talking about "tech" sites where all people do is argue about amd/nvidia/intel.
12683 Hits
announcer quotes (3 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 14:56 CDT, 18 October 2018 - iMsg
this game has the funniest announcer quotes. on the top of my head:

prepare your peen
you have taken the weed
your peen has the protection
teens are tight

I am sure there's more. would you like to help me find them?
3338 Hits
Warp for territory (23 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 13:11 CST, 16 January 2018 - iMsg
That new Star Trek TV series is pretty nice. Not that I like the terrans but hey, they're a nice enemy
13574 Hits
Let's articulate what's wrong with the sound (44 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 08:13 CDT, 10 September 2017 - iMsg
It'd been a while since I felt this lost in game. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly is wrong in technical terms but it's a lot like in the last Wolfenstein game - bland and distant. It's as if I am not in the game.

It's not just the direction. It's just wrong. Sound is not I'd expect to hear in first person.
18382 Hits
I dig it (12 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 13:54 CDT, 7 May 2017 - iMsg
That ditch is mine

See, I've had enough of Quake 3. It's been almost 18 years. Hero duel doesn't sound awful to me. Nor does it play bad. I am enjoying it overall despite the shortcomings (get it?) of current format and terrible matchmaking.
4214 Hits
Short-term move to the UK. Should I? (31 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 06:10 CDT, 6 May 2013 - iMsg
Hey guys.

Ever since I left my comfy but morally corrupting job at a multinational telecom, I am thinking about short-term move to an English speaking country withing my reach. Currently, the only viable option seem to be the UK.

I've never lived abroad for more than a week (visiting a country is nothing like living there, duh) but right now I am eager to try something new with my life. Just for a while, though, as I'd never abandon my long time girlfriend and lovely cat.

I have enough money to go there and just sit on my ass for quite some time. Needless to say I am not willing to do that and I'd prefer to spend my time there occupied with something productive - i.e. doing web front-end (HTML/CSS/JS) stuff.

Since I am from Bulgaria and we - along with Romanians - seem to be the current political boogieman, I am bit concerned. Got a few friends over there and they tell me Bulgarians are somewhat mistreated. Granted, my fellows are at the bottom of the food chain - doing construction and other low skill jobs - but I have no one else to ask. Got in contact with an HR lady and she's telling me contractor work is the best I can hope for, which would be fine considering my short term plans.

Enough with my boring life story. Time for some questions. Any honest and straight answers would be greatly appreciated.

1. Is it true Bulgarians are mistreated on general grounds or is it more of an individual thing? How does the general population (not the politicians) feel about residents of the poorest country in the EU going to the UK to "steal their jobs"?

2. The people I know over there live in London neighbourhoods, consisted of virtually identical small houses with crazy small rooms. They seem to pay £300-500 for just one ~5x5m (sometimes even smaller) room. Conditions seem terrible to me. Is this the norm for most young people over there?

3. Anything else you can think of? Again, any suggestion would be appreciated. Even stuff that some people might consider offensive.
8783 Hits
Is id Sofware screwing its partners? (10 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 13:19 CDT, 6 August 2010 - iMsg
Long story short:

I have a buddy who is a licensed partners of ESL in my country.

He's doing cups, running ladders and stuff like that. As you may know, ESL provides (at least in my opinion, hence why I have a regular job and do not bother with e-sports) next to nothing in return.

So, back in 2009 me and my buddy finally managed to get in contact with TTimo and get him to install and configure the infrastructure needed to become a Quake Live provider or whatever it is called.

To do that one needs decent hardware, good ISP and power. All of which translates to one thing - money. Hard earned cash. You may be surprised but cash do not grow on trees and no, donkeys in my country do not shit money which is why we don't have many of that around here.

So, for a time it was cool and all - we did get servers and I was happily doing my part. Unfortunately, the only way to spawn servers is to become an ESL fellow or something, and get access to a private IRC channel on QuakeNet. No problem, we did that while scratching our heads on WHY there is no web interface to do this shit. I guess the lack of this web interface is part of the reason why regular Quake Live players are still not able to pay for their own servers.

Anyway, I was doing my thing and it was cool but more than once I've been upset by ESL's admins trying to enforce their rules and regulations, accusing me of breaking those. Here comes the funny part and the reason I am writing all of this bullshit.

My buddy pays real money for hardware, power, room for said hardware and connectivity. Yet, he's only allowed to spawn private server exclusively for tournaments. Being an ESL franchise partner, he's fine with that and I was too, until it got me - why the hell are we doing this shit? ESL do provides nothing, nothing for the service, except a few volunteers playing the role of admins. Well, thing is we don't really need those people to do tournaments. I get to write the news, I do the brackets, I answer all questions, I maintain the servers - I run this shit and see no real benefit of these admins.

Yet, they are allowed to say 'ooooops, seems like you're spawning an unauthorized server for private needs. use gather instead' when I do it. I only did it once, but wtf?

Mentally, I am not far from buying my own hardware, taking it some friendly ISP I have worked with before, and contacting TTimo. It's not pennies but it's not a ton of money. This way I will provide the crowds with a service that's free for them, while doing tournaments from time to time and hosting a private my needs server a few times a month. I don't want to be that evil admin playing God or anything. Not at all.
The only thing that stops me from doing is ESL again. Why should I bother with these guys when I am the paying for the whole show?

On top of that, the service provider do not get to put banners on the site or in-game. So what's there for him? Well, pretty much nothing as organizations like ESL (name any other please) do get the control on the service while you're left with a bitter taste in your mouth. That's pretty amazing.

It's true that id Software's plan was to grow a user base and introduce a premium service but this shit isn't coming any time soon.

Uh, any thoughts on this one? I would love to hear from SyncError.

p.s. I wrote all of this crap at once and I will not bother reading it, checking for errors and stuff like that. My english suck. Boohoo.
Edited by anal justice at 13:22 CDT, 6 August 2010 - 5891 Hits
New Mortal Kombat '2D' game (33 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 13:47 CDT, 10 June 2010 - iMsg

its basically mk2 + mk3 done right and with modern graphics. Exactly what I wanted for years and years.

got an enormous nigga boner
no PC version though :(
15974 Hits
toxjq -vs- PROMASTER (56 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 08:50 CDT, 12 September 2009 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4.5 (7 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: ztntourney1 - Blood Run
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: toxjq
Version info: current
How to play back QL demos

>> <<
(1374KB, 548 DLs)

Random practice game I recorded a few minutes ago, while preparing a little weed.
11633 Hits
Edited by anal justice at 10:20 CDT, 20 July 2009 - 3353 Hits
H.A.V.E. Online (10 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 04:15 CDT, 14 July 2009 - iMsg
Did you guys hear of this TF2 clone? Looks very promising... and that's weird as I hate third person shooters. Really. But I somehow like it as it looks like Quake 3 meets TF2 thing.

It's not going to replace Quake for me but it should replace my salvia-filled TF2 sessions.

Trailer HD

Edited by anal justice at 04:40 CDT, 14 July 2009 - 2810 Hits
John Carmack speaks at NASA HQ (5 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 11:46 CST, 19 January 2009 - iMsg
John Carmack of Armadillo Aerospace accepts his $350,000 Prize for winning Level 1 of the 2008 Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge. The Prize purse was put up by NASA as part of their Centennial Challenges and the competition was administered by the X PRIZE Foundation.
2664 Hits
Unreal Tournament 3 1.3 Patch Released (111 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 03:25 CDT, 14 August 2008 - iMsg
As promised, Epic Games has released the long-awaited 1.3 patch for its failed multiplayer shooter ut3 Unreal Tournament 3.

This patch offers a wide variety of map and gameplay changes, bug fixes, interface updates, AI improvements and more. As always, this download includes the changes of all the previous patches and can be applied to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish versions of the UT3 client and dedicated server.

Beyond Unreal
UT Zone
Say Unkle
Multiplay's Fileplay
Edited by Boffbowsh at 16:25 CDT, 14 August 2008 - 36213 Hits
HAL_9000 -vs- dzuki (No comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 16:51 CDT, 31 July 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.4 (7 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: HAL_9000
Version info: 1.32
How to play back Q3 demos

Challenges EU CPM 1v1 Open Cup finals

You only get HAL's pov because GTV was crap

2743 Hits
Carmack and Stratton on Quake Live (47 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 02:28 CDT, 14 July 2008 - iMsg
Shack's Nick Breckon had a chance to talk with id Software co-founder John Carmack and executive producer Marty Stratton. The focus of the interview is obviously on Quake Live but there is some crazy talk on PC gaming and even iPhone development. Here's a snippet:

Shack: Getting back to Quake Live--is the plan still for the game to be totally ad-supported?

John Carmack: We think that there may eventually be some kind of--I think that there will likely be some kind of premium subscription at some point, but we really don't know what it is. We don't know what we want to offer.

It would not be eliminating the ads, because the ads are actually--if you turned the ads off in the game, it would look worse. The game is so wrapped around this kind of ESPN-ish look and feel that if all of those turned into blank billboards, it would be a detraction from that experience rather than any kind of enhancement...

Head on to the Shack for the whole piece.
Edited by Aaron at 09:38 CDT, 14 July 2008 - 12990 Hits
HAL_9000 -vs- LuGia (9 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 18:25 CDT, 13 July 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.7 (6 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: HAL_9000
Version info: 1.46
How to play back Q3 demos

DMRadio CPM 1v1 Euro Cup final

Map order:

Edited by anal justice at 18:36 CDT, 13 July 2008 - 7080 Hits
Todd Hollenshead on Rage (173 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 07:23 CDT, 9 July 2008 - iMsg
The independent computer and video game magazine website Kikizo (mind you it's not Japanese) has a brand new interview with id Software's CEO Todd Hollenshead. He talks about Rage, the overwhelming id Tech 5 engine and what it means to the games industry at large. Here's a snipped:
Kikizo: To what extent would you say that id is in competition with Epic, both now and moving forwards?

Todd: Todd: Certainly from a licensing standpoint I think that right now those guys are quite frankly the industry leader, and we're obviously in competition with them because we're going to be talking to the same people about licensing our technology for similar types of games. I think that what they do with their tech is different than we do with ours in a number of respects, and so maybe there are some people that our technology fits a little bit better with; maybe there are some people that they have a better fit with Epic. And I expect that you will see that. But I really do think that regardless of whatever your preconceived notions of that technology are, if you're looking for something as a multiplatform solution, if you don't take a hard look at id Tech 5, then you are making a very, very bad mistake. Probably a mistake that ought to cost you your job.

The entire interview with this fascinating individual and Rage's lead designer Matt Hooper, is right here.
Edited by Slasher at 10:56 CDT, 9 July 2008 - 26268 Hits
HAL_9000 -vs- pod1 (67 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 18:05 CST, 28 January 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9 (8 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: NA CPM 1v1 Open
Version info: 1.44
How to play back Q3 demos

an exciting three map fight between Bulgaria hal 9000 and Poland pod1.

An official match for CPM 1v1 Open Cup 2008 - Winter Shivers (Loser Brackets)

Edited by Nicky at 11:02 CST, 29 January 2008 - 22942 Hits
HAL_9000 -vs- v3rb (19 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 12:32 CST, 18 January 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.2 (5 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: cpm22 - Aerowalk [Hubster's Remix II]
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: HAL 9000
Version info: 1.32
How to play back Q3 demos

root@hal9000 beating some polish guy in official CPM 1v1 OpenCup - Winter Shivers match
Edited by anal justice at 12:44 CST, 18 January 2008 - 6022 Hits
Kimi Kimi Kimi :D (75 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 13:55 CDT, 21 October 2007 - iMsg
Forza Ferrari :D

Masa didnt get his win but there's 2008 coming :)

fucking hamilton in the mud baby :)

maFIA hired some pretty skilled writers this season
Edited by TosspoT at 14:20 CDT, 21 October 2007 - 45451 Hits
Top Ten (Game) Boobies (12 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 03:31 CST, 22 February 2007 - iMsg
Yea, it's all about the boobies. Not much to be said anyway :D (flash - the better) (mov)
6668 Hits
Cari Lekebusch (2 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 09:38 CST, 17 November 2006 - iMsg
I know there are many swedes here so I am asking :)
This guy is visiting my country tomorrow which is great. Last time I heard him live was back in 2000. Since then I almost forgot about him. Anyway, the thing is.. I am not really sure what to expect now. I mean, 6 years are a lot in the so called techno scene. Any help/hints will be appreciated. I'd like him to be as hardcore as before :)
3417 Hits
World of Warcraft in SouthPark episode (17 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 08:29 CDT, 10 October 2006 - iMsg
As promised, World of Warcraft was featured in the first episode of South Park Season 10! I don't play this game as I am all against MMO and especially RPG games but this one is cool. Great marketing move by Blizzard / Vivendi.

In the meantime Google bought YouTube for $1.65 Billion. In my eyes google is the new and improved MS.
Edited by anal justice at 08:31 CDT, 10 October 2006 - 4049 Hits
Swedish versus British Nightclubs (59 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 03:30 CDT, 6 October 2006 - iMsg
Oh man, and I was thinking toxic is the best sweden can offer.
Looks like every cute girl in the gallery has silicon breasts but thats ok.
Its a bit old but i dont care.

Swedish versus British Nightclubs
Edited by anal justice at 03:30 CDT, 6 October 2006 - 16694 Hits
ASUS|c58*Cooller -vs- ZeRo4 (125 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 19:06 CDT, 3 August 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.3 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: q3tourney2 - The Proving Grounds
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Cooller
Version info: 1.32
How to play back Q3 demos

The infamous WCG 02 group stage match. I know everyone watched the game back in the days, but I am posting this because it should be in the DB

source: or c58.. dont remember
Edited by dallow at 12:47 CDT, 19 October 2006 - 55772 Hits
cooller -vs- c58-Morfez (18 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 05:54 CDT, 21 July 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.3 (2 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: hub3tourney1 - Dismemberment
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: cooller
Version info: v1.32
How to play back Q3 demos

Stuff from Cup of Russia 2004.
MOD OSP doh :/
MAP hub3tourney1

source: c58
Edited by spyteman at 18:36 CDT, 21 July 2006 - 7229 Hits
fekal1ty -vs- norz (8 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 17:52 CDT, 24 October 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (1 vote)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Over the Edge
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: fekal1ty
Version info: Retail
How to play back Q4 demos

This short demo demonstrates what the Activision quality control staff was doing during Quake4's MP tests... As you can see, there's something TERRIBLY wrong with q4's hitbox :(
8198 Hits
Remedy -vs- czm (1 comment)
Posted by anal justice @ 04:55 CDT, 18 August 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: N/A
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Remedy
How to play back Q3 demos

friendly match over. czm playing from us, and remedy from serbia :D
1479 Hits
k4.JoRik -vs- <fire>n1Ck (15 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 04:50 CDT, 18 August 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.5 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: JoRik
How to play back Q3 demos

some local tourney
11023 Hits
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