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probation (26 comments)
Posted by dezje @ 18:30 CST, 6 March 2006 - iMsg
Why am I still on probation? Why am I on probation anyway?

If this has to be approved by an admin: please take me off probation.
11245 Hits
iPods suck. (120 comments)
Posted by dezje @ 09:11 CST, 6 January 2006 - iMsg
And I mean suck. My sister got one, I decided to install it for her. After installing some cunt software called iTunes, which seems to be programmed by chimpansees or something, I had to reboot 3 times until I could actually put music on the iPod (oh and don't forget, you have to REGISTER your iPod by using the number on the back of it, what the fuck does that matter? As you already have the serial, what's the point of asking for it?) using this shitty program. Uploading mp3s is no longer a matter of putting a file from location a to location b, nono, its location a -> itunes 'gallery' -> 3 hour upload -> ipod.

People should give me a million dollars so I can make the ultimate mp3 player. It would include the following:

So, in short: A great MP3 player with long battery life and functions for both the average Joe AND the more advanced user.

I'm waiting for my million dollars now, people.
Edited by dezje at 15:29 GMT, 6th Jan 2006 - 28523 Hits
Books you would recommend. (33 comments)
Posted by dezje @ 04:34 CST, 19 December 2005 - iMsg
What book(s) would you recommend. As in, what books did you read that sticked with you ever since you finished them?

Im looking for books to read this christmas. The books should be in the English language, they can be anything that is generally 'intelligent' (Im not looking for fantasy/childrens/Harry Potter stories). I personal love the works of Hubert Selby Jr. Books that reflect on life and the hardships of society. But also, books that are 'fun' to read, like The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. Anything that is enjoyable, but that doesnt involve stuff you would encounter in, say, World of Warcraft.

Anything you can recommend me?

Edited by dez`quasimoto at 10:35 GMT, 19th Dec 2005 - 10427 Hits
Capcom Versus SNK 2 (20 comments)
Posted by dezje @ 07:46 CST, 26 November 2005 - iMsg
Anyone of you FUCKS here that love this game too?

I got in in the mail today, fucking love it, trying to improve tho. Anyone whos got some websites/forums/tips and SHITZ? Thanks
8114 Hits
holy jebus warsow is the tits! (38 comments)
Posted by dezje @ 14:56 CST, 21 November 2005 - iMsg
dont let the graphics get you down, the game itself is fucking brilliant. it has far better physics/weapons/balance than quake4, plus it runs steady on most (game)systems. i just played some 2v2 and enjoyed every minute of it. especially the walljumps add a whole new way to avoid your opponent or just gain speed to move through the map. very good feature.
its free and available on , go gettit! ;D

to all who play warsow, come visit #warsow if youre not there. im idling there most of the time (dez`quasimoto), pm me if you wanna 1v1 or set up a teamgame. hope to hear from you, especially from all my promode LOCSTAAZ
Edited by dez`quasimoto at 14:15 GMT, 22nd Nov 2005 - 11213 Hits
FLOAT (158 comments)
Posted by dezje @ 08:37 CST, 4 November 2005 - iMsg
This fallen angel could stitch a wing with a shoestring
The prime directive selects reflective aviation bathed in mood swing
I'm broke, I know a walking corpse who'd spit icicle dagger to slit throat
Quicker than you can prove there's four letter in hope
I paint a portrait from my cell called life
Inside the tortoise shell, tortured
Orbiting hell's orchard intrigued but not compelled
I smell a hint of charred child flesh sweeping through my quarters
Order one canteen of liquid caffeine and eclipse the slaughter
Now is you is the villain of my kabuki hologram cuz I hobble with hollow hands

//bluh.. so sick of people who always seem to think hiphop is about gangsters, money and bitches. if you know nothing about it, dont talk about it, morons.
47600 Hits
Quake 4 - a step forward, or backwards? (13 comments)
Posted by dezje @ 08:05 CDT, 20 October 2005 - iMsg
So, yesterday, after long weeks (months) of anticipation, I finally got my hands on a copy. Well, not a REAL copy, just an image of some generous sharer's copy. I installed it as soon as possible and got my mate to run a server. First quake4 game ever: ffa on Beyond the Edge. (or smth)

K, first thing I noticed : my pc isnt going to be able to run this game to the fullest graphical extend (yet. maybe in 4 years or something), so I immediately got a tweaked config to turn everything to picmip 200000 or something. that means, lowest of lowest. I noticed that having your gun in screen eats a LOT of fps, so I turned that off too.

K, gameplay wise: wtf happened with the usual movement. It's kind of a step back. Maybe its because q2dm1 doesnt cut it in this type of gameplay, but damn, getting up stairs is a bitch now. I mean, you have to WALK up, no more speeding up with jumping like in q2. Plus, there's no doublejumping, so getting up to the Ya boxes is a disaster. It's really, really annoying.

So, after a while we decided to run another map. I dunno what its called exactly, but it's the one with a lot of jumppads and a YA that floats in the air. I like the game way better on this map. It just works a lot better. So I guess, if you want a new game, maps are the solution, not changed movement. Im a CPMA player, so I like speed, but for some reason, the movement didn't keep me from playing. Even though it's quite dodgy in my experience (I felt like this is the first quake where you have the LEAST control over your actions), it feels 'new', and it's quite well balanced with the weapon use.

Talking about weapons, this has to be the craziest combination of weapons I've ever seen. It's like a combination of all weapons of the Quake series. Gauntlet (q3), machinegun (q3), shotgun (feels q3ish), grenade launcher (q2), nailgun (q1), hyperblaster (q2), lightning gun (q3), rocket launcher (feels q2ish, kinda slow but powerful, 100dmg on direct hit), railgun (q2 style, 100 dmg), and some kind of weird new BFG (q2 style). The weapons are well balanced, tho. Weapon cooldown is quite long tho, so forget the rg/shaft combos, or rl/rg quickshots. You have to think about what you're gonna use now, no more quick switching; walking around with rg in some situations might get you killed immediately.

As for hitsounds, the sound got reduced in volume a bit. It's harder to hear if you hit something, especially in big fights, but your crosshair does change color when you hit, so that's a good addition.

After a while, we decided to do a 2on2 game on q2dm1 again. This is where shit gets wrong. First of all, I don't really like the player models. They look too tall, and too skinny. The colors suck too; too dark, sometimes almost invisible. No brightskins yet. And this is what makes team games annoying: It's damn hard to recognize who's on your team and who isn't. The only thing dividing friend from foe is a little circle above their heads, on everything else they're identical. So expect a lot of friendly shots in.

Second, what happened to the drawteamoverlay? I couldn't be bothered to check the menus for it, but my guess is it isn't. If it is, then nm this, if it isn't, this sucks.

After 2 hours of play, I got tired, but didn't get tired with the <i>game</i>. To be honest, I would be playing it all night if I didnt have work the next day. But something is bothering me a bit.

It feels new, but then again, it feels a lot like thing are a step backwards. A lot of functions that formed the basis of the Quake series over the years, are gone. Tilde key no longer fires up the console, you need to do a three key ctrl+alt+tilde combo now. Console commands are changed again, wtf happened to the simple 'name' command? Gone. A lot of stuff that got established by others is left out. Simple OSP type commands, brightskins, stuff like that. Movement, kinda buggy, but it's a new game. So, to me, the question is:

Should we keep comparing Quake 4 to the previous Quakes, or should we accept the game as it is? Are we taking a step forward, or are we taking a step back, just to play the game we already know?
Edited by dez`quasimoto at 14:11 GMT, 20th Oct 2005 - 4389 Hits
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