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Electro swing? (15 comments)
Posted by buzek @ 18:01 CST, 12 February 2013 - iMsg
Hey capitalists, I'm not into any sort of clubbing and normally stick to my Pink Floyd stuff but this time I'm looking for some cool dancing music. Google ain't no helper as I feel superior with my music taste to at least 90% of the earth population and their definition of good music is as close to mine as Russia is to a democratic country.

I came across something called electro swing, where "artists of the genre incorporate loops, samples, melodies and styles from the Swing, Jazz and Big Band era to create new, more club friendly and accessible compositions". That sounds quite good, check it out on youtube but most of the sets are just mediocre. But that's the type of music I'm looking for, nice 'clubbing' beat and a good mixture of great dancing standards from the golden era of dancing.

Does anyone know anything similar or better? I mean some really good sets of electro swing or a music genre in essence similar to it.

Asking here as there's lots of intelligent and knowledgeable people on esreality :)
5342 Hits
Pink Floyd folks! (29 comments)
Posted by buzek @ 13:31 CST, 17 January 2013 - iMsg
I've just finished my exam diet and finally have some time to do something I was thinking of for quite a long time. Last two years of my life in terms of music were completely filled by Pink Floyd (to be precise with few short breaks devoted to Velvet Underground and then Simon & Garfunkel). I've listened to the vast majority of their recordings, seen lots of concerts on Youtube, read a lot about them. To top it up, my two close friends are in the middle of Pink Floyd's obsession as well, but surprisingly we all manifest it in a slightly different manner, preferring different periods and different albums.

Neither do I feel knowledgeable enough to produce any sort of objective review, nor do I want to publish it on Facebook or anywhere else under my real name, as I loathe wannabe-experts trying to impress others with their laughable opinions expressed in such a way. But ESR seems to me like an enclave, where I wouldn't mind express my opinions and I really like the way this site is functioning. Hence I'll just try to share few interesting facts I've found during my musical journey and also I'll make a subjective ranking of Pink Floyd albums and songs. It's a definite ranking as it keeps changing all the time, but at least thats how I feel about their work right now. And after all I'm pretty sure there's more than one fan of Pink Floyd in the family of Quakers, feel free to join me :)

1. The Piper at The Gates of Dawn

It took me a while to get into this album, as nowadays everyone new to Pink Floyd starts with their most popular records and then goes deeper and deeper. Well that's quite deep. It differs so much from their later works, mostly due to Syd Barrett being actively involved in it. It's such a shame his brain 'has been grilled' due to the extensive abuse of drugs, he's such a pure genius and I highly recommend his solo albums, such a brilliant song-writing.

It's worth to listen to the whole album, but few songs really require a shout-out:
a) Bike

b) The Gnome:

c) Scarecrow:

And the music video for Scarecrow is such a magnificent thing! I came across it only two days ago and it's such a shock to me to realise that these guys once were my age (21-23 in this video). And Roger Waters falling on the grass is $$$)

In 1967, they were invited to BBC to perform live and talk about their music. Listen how rude the interviewer is towards them and
how he bashes them for the 'terrible loudness'. It kind of reminds of all the flaming towards the contemporary music (well, I hate it as well... :) )

2. A Saucerful of Secrets

a) Be careful with Axe, Eugune is supposedly one of the very best musical records ever produced!!!

b) Set the Controls for Heart of the Sun - that's a very intriguing song, it perfectly describes anxiety

c) Corporal Clegg and Remember Day are also very pleasant
d) Jugband blues is the last record with Syd Barrett singing, wonderful, simply wonderful

Thats it for now as far as 'findings' are concerned, I'll edit this post later on and include some other things too.

And about the ranking at the moment?

1. Meddle
2. Dark Side of the Moon
3. Atom Heart Mother
4. A Saucerful of Secrets
5. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

1. Echoes
2. Summer '68
3. One of these days
4. Careful with that Axe, Eugune
5. Scarecrow

If there are any fans here willing to share their thoughts, go for it guys. And yes, I realise rankings are pointless, but so is the vast majority of our lifes. Don't take them too serious
Edited by buzek at 13:32 CST, 17 January 2013 - 5189 Hits
Config problem (17 comments)
Posted by buzek @ 12:04 CST, 15 January 2013 - iMsg
Hey guys, I'm not very literate as far as quake configs are concerned and I need a bit of your help.

For quite some time I've been using a config that does smth like this:

say that "z" is my bind for lg. It also changes the crosshair to a different one and if I click z again, I have a zoom on LG.

Then if I change to another weapon, say "q" for RL, I have a different crosshair and normal fov again. Clicking q again gives zoom for RL (rarely needed :) )

The problem is I must have pressed smth accidentally and my config is one big mess, might have executing a different config binded to a key or smth like that. In other words, retrieving previous settings would take me ages. I know Im a moron that I didnt back it up...

Now it's like this:
If, having LG zoomed ,I switch to RL, then I have a normal fov for RL. But, and this crucial here, if I don't have RL zoomed and I switch to LG, it automatically gives me a zoom on LG and it is extremely annoying. How to turn it back to initial settings?

Can someone smart help me here? Big thanks in advance!
3071 Hits
Streaming for a layman (1 comment)
Posted by buzek @ 19:09 CST, 29 November 2011 - iMsg
Hey guys. Carried by the wave of optimism after 2GD's announcement about upcoming year in quake, I decided to follow his advice and actually made an account on and ready to stream some games. What do I exactly mean?

Recently I've realised that my uni has ridiculously good Internet ( ), which combined with the abundance of free time (first semester, first year, course not really demanding so far, challenges still to come :) ), gives me a solid basis to set about streaming.

I've never done it before, so I would really appreciate all kind of feedback. So far I'm facing few problems:

-first of all, during my term time I can only use my laptop, which has Intel i3 processor and geforce GT520M (512 mb). I've already done few tests, here's one of the results:

All I really did was I downloaded xsplit, followed the easiest guide found and checked how it works with different resolution. The video above is supposed to be HDTV. I tried lower resolutions, but as a result the quality is extremely lowered, screen is full of strange dots (for instance here: , especially when in full-screen ).

So I have a couple of questions: my aim is to make an amateur stream, in-game sound only from some cups. I'd love to stream and play at once, but I guess there's no way to have decent amount FPS, while streaming... Or maybe there is? Is any of the two options above possible with the kind of equipment I have available here?

I know it all sounds a little hectic, but I stated at the beginning - I just want to add my little bit and by doing this say 'thanks' to

Feel free to share your opinions.
2075 Hits
Mouse problem (5 comments)
Posted by buzek @ 13:29 CDT, 19 September 2011 - iMsg
Hi guys. For the next few months the only computer accessible for me will be a notebook. It's a newly bought Asus with Windows 7 (plenty of problems with that OS, I kind of miss XP). After hours of fighting I have QL working here. FPS oscillates around 125, so it's fine, but...
Every now and then something strange happens to my mouse. As I strafe-jump, it makes some extra, unneeded moves, that distract me from playing. I've got the same mouse as I had on my PC - Razer Diamonback 3g. It starts to happen after like 4 minutes of playing. I've tried to google it, but no solutions I found. Does any of you guys know what might be the reason behind it? I'm not a technical expert as far as QL is concerned. I'll be really thankful, if you can help me.
4104 Hits
the new king of quake live (19 comments)
Posted by buzek @ 17:57 CDT, 3 July 2011 - iMsg
Remember the famous, undeniable proof of Jamerio being the greatest player of all times?

Well, guess what.... a new king has just arrived!!!!1!!


I have no idea how to adapt this image :(
Edited by buzek at 18:37 CDT, 3 July 2011 - 3603 Hits
We all know pain (2 comments)
Posted by buzek @ 17:08 CDT, 5 June 2011 - iMsg

Despite all the ironic jokes against taking life seriously that will probably arise, I think some of you might find it interesting and thought-provoking
Edited by buzek at 17:11 CDT, 5 June 2011 - 1667 Hits
Parents watching their children playing (16 comments)
Posted by buzek @ 14:11 CDT, 10 May 2011 - iMsg

Typical polish children u-11 football cup. That's how we roll!!!11! :)
Edited by buzek at 02:25 CDT, 11 May 2011 - 4983 Hits
Is Quake the hardest to master? (279 comments)
Posted by buzek @ 15:18 CDT, 6 April 2011 - iMsg
Recently I've had a quite intense argument among my friends that, similar to me, derive pleasure from playing video games.

We all have our favourite games, shooters mostly. As it often happens, the first matter in dispute was, which game is the best, most satisfying etc. Soon we gave up talking about it, realising that it's matter of personal taste and taste is like an ass - everyone has his own.

But then another, more engrossing topic appeared. Which game is the hardest to master? Here I had to face a harsh criticism of quake that is according to them "a brainless no-gravity jumping with lasers and no tactics at all" Yea, nowadays ignorance is sooo popular :]
Their favourite game is mostly Amerca's Army and they claim its the hardest one to be taken down to a fine art. I refrained from making a firm statement in that matter, because i simply don't know much about this game.

But after all, isn't quake an all-time hardest fps to master? Is there any reliable comparison somewhere, with which I could convince my friends? And personally, what factors of quake would you emphasize? Discuss :)
68841 Hits
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