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Regarding Overwatch and Quake Players... (38 comments)
Posted by gisele @ 23:47 CDT, 29 September 2016 - iMsg
Hello friends,

Is it just me or do some of you find it kind of messed up that some of the best Quake players are playing shitty roles in Overwatch?

In my opinion, I find it a waste that Cooller is playing support for ANOX. Coolller is one of the best players in Quake, and his aim is insane, not to mention, his popularity in the community,

But, instead, he's playing a support class, a healer, and not really doing shit, which to me, seems like a waste of talent. Like IDC about these TF2 noobs on your team...Cooller is Cooller. A god amongst gamers. Give him a real role.

Let's move on to USA teams....Team Liquid. Rapha, Dahang, iD..all extremely talented Quake players and again playing roles that I believe are below them. Rapha as flex is a waste. His Zaryha is insane good. DaHang as support makes no sense...yes, he's a great healer, but his aim and game smarts over qualify him for a support role. iD could probably play any role.

Basically, my point is, I'm sad that I watched all my favorite Quake players lose to some TF2/CSGO idiots. You guys are worth and better than them any day of the week. I hope to see smarter comps in the future and I hope the community agrees, as fans of Quake players. <3 gisele
11934 Hits
Someone asked me what game I play... (8 comments)
Posted by gisele @ 00:55 CDT, 2 June 2015 - iMsg
My answer:


7608 Hits
Who bought an Apple Watch? (65 comments)
Posted by gisele @ 03:22 CDT, 11 April 2015 - iMsg
Ok, so who bought an Apple Watch? If you bought one, which one did you get and why?

Those who didn't...why not?

Do you think the Watch will live up to the hype?

I'll admit, I bought one, with a substantial discount. I don't even have a phone that is compatible, but it's a first gen Apple product.
23143 Hits
QL Demos (16 comments)
Posted by gisele @ 18:23 CST, 5 December 2013 - iMsg
Hello ESR,
I saw a thread of someone asking for QL demos. I cba to find it again. I have 3.65GB of demos from various players. My oldest demos stem back to 2010. Some of the names include...

Harley Quinn


As you can tell, they are mostly NA players. If someone would like these demos, I will gladly oblige (if you tell me where to upload that many en masse). Thank you! :D
4620 Hits
My Girlfriend Hates Quake!! (55 comments)
Posted by gisele @ 03:15 CDT, 31 October 2013 - iMsg
Psyche. I like males. I think tits are pretty, though, and I respect a nice natural pair of tits. My girl friend, someone I consider a best friend, hates video games. She has a nice rack. A very nice rack. Yes, I have seen her naked. No, I do not have pics.

If you want women to respect you, and your hobbies, you need to help them understand. When I tell women I work with, or women that provide me services (facials, hair cuts, etc), that I play video games, they immediately judge me. How do I know? I can tell from their reactions, or facial expressions.

Story Time -
Setting: Sports Bar
Event: Happy Hour for Work

A cute female project manager, from the Dominican Republic, who I respect immensely, and her husband, sat down across from me. The conversation started with some small talk. She eventually asked me how I learned so much about computers. I told her gaming. She immediately exclaims, "Oh! No! Please no! Don't talk about gaming in front of him [her husband], I am trying to get him to stop!"

First, I asked her husband, "What games do you play?" He says, "CoD." She interrupts us. She goes on and on about how the media says video games cause young males to shoot up schools. Then, she continues, saying that video games make him mean, and he throws things around their house. Finally, she ends the conversation by saying, "He ignores me."

My best friend bitches at her boyfriend for gaming, too. She uses the same exact reasoning for her hatred of gaming. She also resents me for missing her birthday, once, when I was grinding Warlord in WoW (I never achieved Warlord, once I got the cute wolf mount, all hell broke lose). She lives with two male engineers. They have a pretty legit setup in their house. Even when I am at their house, meaning, I should serve as a distraction for her, so she isn't preoccupied about what he is doing, she still bitches about him "ignoring her."

Bitches are needy. We truly are. You have to put things into perspective for us.

I am going to tell you what I tell people when they freak out about gaming. First, remind people of the influential gamers in the world. I am going to give you my top 5:

-Steve Jobs
-Bill Gates
-Trent Reznor (I live in a city where music is really important to our economy, people have heard of Nine Inch Nails).
-John Carmack
-Jennifer Pahlka - Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the U.S.

Then, describe all the positive things you learn from video games. You learn strategy, you learn to accept failure and rejection, you learn to apply yourselves, you learn a lot about technology, and most importantly, you should be learning how to manage your time and cortisol levels [stress]. If your girlfriend likes to put on make-up, don't judge her for it, try to understand why she does it and what she enjoys about the process. It's time consuming. Indulge her. If she likes to make art out of her menstrual blood, fine. Hey, at least you know she's fertile or something, right? Show her your games. Show her your scores [even if they aren't the best on the server]. Help her understand why you like the games. If she's a down ass bitch, she'll say, "Good job, babe."

Take time to stop fragging and do something for her. Remind her that she's important to you in some way. Also, keep your desks clean. Bitches respect a man who cleans. If your girlfriend isn't fond of cleaning, if she sees you doing it, trust me. She'll start.

I linked that song to my best friend when she was going through a divorce. Seemed effective, and it's relevant.

P.S. - I'll post tit pics here (not my own), when I can drag and drop. Bitches like to drag and drop.

33286 Hits
How Do I Learn Advanced Maths? (100 comments)
Posted by gisele @ 21:59 CDT, 28 October 2013 - iMsg
I majored in English. My GPA was really low. Painfully low. The University of Texas will confirm this. I skipped class a lot to play video games. Ok, I skipped class all the time to play video games. I don't regret this at all. The friends I have made in video games mean more to me than my friends IRL. I love my friends IRL, but nobody has had my back, through my ups and downs in life, like my gamer friends. I trust you guys more than you'll ever know. (Even you, schizm).

I'd like to learn advanced mathematics. I stopped at Algebra II in high school. Where should I begin?
35516 Hits
Your Favorite New Artists (42 comments)
Posted by gisele @ 20:10 CDT, 12 October 2013 - iMsg
I am fortunate enough to live in a city where live music is cherished, loved, and respected. I attended one of the biggest, local, festivals that we have here in Austin, TX -- Austin City Limits.

Admittedly, I went for Muse, Depeche Mode, The Cure, and Atoms for Peace. However, as I awaited their respected stage presences, I had an opportunity to see some really great new artists. I would like to share them with you, ESR:

Local Natives (Los Angeles, CA):

The Black Angels (Austin, TX):

Kendrick Lamar (Compton, CA):

Which new artists do you like? Do you have any local artists that you feel like sharing with us?

Edited by gisele at 20:10 CDT, 12 October 2013 - 10461 Hits
OUTLAW (42 comments)
Posted by gisele @ 03:22 CST, 28 January 2012 - iMsg
05:58 @outlaw • can't expect more diff from someone who watches 16 and pregnant, toddlers in tiaras, and jersey shore










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