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Rank the skillcap of the following games (127 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 17:29 CDT, 14 September 2013 - iMsg
Of these following competitive games, which are the most difficult/has the highest skillcap? In what game does the top players impress you the most? What is your top 5?

Doom 1v1
Quakeworld 1v1
Quake 2 1v1
Quake Live 1v1
Quake 4 1v1
WarCraft 3
Brood War
StarCraft 2
Dota 2
League Of Legends
Call Of Duty
22108 Hits
What monitors are dreamhack using? (1 comment)
Posted by eMbAh @ 16:07 CST, 25 November 2011 - iMsg
Does anyone know what monitors Dreamhack are using this time for the SC2 and QL tournament?
985 Hits
Help with mouse choice (16 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 10:01 CST, 14 November 2011 - iMsg
Hey everyone

I am an amazing gamer and I need a new amazing mouse.

My only requirement is that the mouse needs to have a dpi over 9000
2758 Hits
New Samsung 120 hz monitors (32 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 11:33 CDT, 12 June 2011 - iMsg
Has anyone tried the new samsung 120 hz monitors like the Samsung SyncMaster S23A750D?
Edited by eMbAh at 11:34 CDT, 12 June 2011 - 8211 Hits
Re: PC vs Mac? (5 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 10:58 CDT, 5 May 2011 - iMsg
there is no difference
2883 Hits
New 120 hz monitors coming soon? (56 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 20:55 CDT, 29 March 2011 - iMsg
I have a pretty old CRT which has started to distort in the top of the screen, it grows better as it "warms up" but it's pretty sad.

I am trying to find a new monitor and right now I have tried 3 monitors, 2 of which I delivered back and one I still got, but I will probably deliver that back aswell. I tried the BenQ 120hz, the samsung 2233rz 120 hz and right now I got a Dell U2410.

It's very hard to find something that is good if you are used to CRT because right now I find that I either have to choose between no input lag or a nice imagine quality and being able to move my head slightly without the entire image getting distorted.

I read in a recent forum post I radomly google on a hardware forum that Samsung is coming up with a new 120 hz pretty soon? Does anybody have any information about that?

I would also like to know if people have experience with the Dell U2410 and if they also think it has a good deal of input lag?
11921 Hits
Quake Live should be QW instead of Q3 (68 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 09:22 CST, 31 December 2010 - iMsg
Can you imagine a QW version of quake live? rank and matchmaking ect. It would be so amazing and it would reach a huge audience. I feel that quake live revived quake3 from a semi dead state.

I feel the current quake live is such a bad game, the difference from 0 to 24 ping is so huge, in quakeworld its hardly noticeable and in quakeworld there is an antilag feature now. Current QL is so slow and boring and I feel the people im playing against is retarded but I have no way of killing them because shafting is impossible and rail is completely random if I hit or not.

I think it would be nicer if the game felt more like lan, i'm talking about low ping, not 84.
15896 Hits
The Avago 9500 sensor, broken or not? (7 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 23:17 CST, 8 November 2010 - iMsg
I seem to find contradicting information about this sensor. Some people say it has random positive and negative acceleration at different speeds. Some say it has slight positive acceleration at any point. Some say the acceleration is not actually there and it is only percieved as acceleration but actually isn't and some say it is only a problem on specific mousepads especially cloth pads. So what should I believe?
9111 Hits
BenQ XL2410T - The monitor to get? (38 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 09:41 CDT, 30 October 2010 - iMsg
I am still on a 19" CRT that runs 1024x768 in 120 hz (quake live) and more importantly 640x480 in 160 hz (quakeworld)

What sucks a bit is that I recently upgraded my computer for Starcraft 2 from my ANCIENT 7 year old previous pc and now I still run Windows in 1024x768 and I run Starcraft 2 in 1600x1200 85 hz.

In Starcraft 2 you actually get extra vision if you use a widescreen resolution compared to 4:3. 5:4 aka 1280x1024 seems even worse.

While it's possible to run both 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 on my current 19", it runs in 60 hz and the image is either distored or there is black bars. Looking at a CRT running 60 hz 8 hours+ Just don't seem like a healthy proposition to me. I am sure you all agree and I'm pretty sure nobody runs their CRT at 60 hz and plays alot

But I heard of this monitor and it's supposed to be the best? Anybody got it?
12797 Hits
Transcendental Meditation (41 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 20:51 CDT, 12 July 2010 - iMsg
I'm a big David Lynch fan so I have read/listened to "Catching The Big Fish" many times. A big part of that book is about meditation, specifically TM - Transcendental Meditation. David Lynch talks about how you dive within and reach the unified field of pure consciousness. He talks about how negativity receeds, creativity grows, awareness grows, anxiety disappears and more.

To me it sounds so unbelievable. It sounds like make believe but he talks about it with a straight face in interview after interview after interview. He has a foundation called the David Lynch Foundation that raises money so children can learn the technique in schools and is dead serious about it.

The official course is very expensive - 900$ and I find it a little strange why it has to cost that much. <-- here is a David Lynch interview <--- here is someone who talks about TM and how it's just sitting and saying a sound quietly for 20 minutes with closed eyes in a relaxing setting

I just don't know what to think. What I don't understand the most is that if this technique is and does what David Lynch and other describes it to be and do, why isn't everybody doing it, and why isn't the know-how of the technique available for free?

Howard Stern talked about the guy who invented the cure for polio and how he made it available to everybody for free. Why isn't that the case with Transcendental Meditation?
Edited by eMbAh at 20:54 CDT, 12 July 2010 - 4811 Hits
g9x - anyone using it? (19 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 10:29 CDT, 7 June 2010 - iMsg
I'm on the fence buying it. It's pretty expensive, but it's also pretty interesting. I'm using a salmosa atm. I'm going to use it for Quake live and SC2, and possibly brood war and quakeworld.

I hear the sensor has positive accel? True or False?
Edited by eMbAh at 10:45 CDT, 7 June 2010 - 6745 Hits
Razer Drivers? (29 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 05:24 CDT, 22 April 2010 - iMsg
Why use them? does the mouse perform better, or is it just for manageing the dpi, hz, extra sens and profiles?
9161 Hits
getting fps lag WC3, SC2 with new system (1 comment)
Posted by eMbAh @ 21:11 CDT, 10 April 2010 - iMsg
It usually happens when something like A hero comes out of the altar, an overlord pops out for the first time and besides that it just happens radomly throughout the game. The games run well, but it's extremely annoying! this is my specs:

i7 920
Asrock x58 Extreme
XFX Radeon 5870
750 W Corsair psu
Seagate 7200.12 500 GB
Windows 7
1470 Hits
Windows XP or Windows 7? (68 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 06:51 CDT, 23 March 2010 - iMsg
What should I use? I'm just about to have my new computer ready, it's a very new system with an i7 processor, 6 gb triple channel and a radeon 5870. Anyways,

For a long time i knew with a 100% certainty i wanted to use xp on this system, because of some benchmarks, but the main reason being the mouse! the anir fix ect is amazing for XP, just to clarify, it's not for win7 right?, and I heard about people saying the mouse feels bad in win7 and that games feels stuttery.

I talked to a friend of mine, and he calls me grandpap because I use XP and a CRT monitor, while it's pretty immature, it's also pretty funny, and it's made me think about my choice.
19623 Hits
Multi GPU "Microstuttering"? (9 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 16:10 CST, 11 March 2010 - iMsg
I am about to buy a new PC which include a new graphic card, and I hear about this thing called "Microstuttering", which is some kind of small stutter lag that I could foresee would be very painful if its like i imagine it. It should be apparent in multi gpu setups - also Radeon 5970 and GTX 295. If this is really true, then its pretty much impossible to get a really good card? I know "good" is a relative term, but does anyone have experience with this "Microstuttering" since I simply cannot BELIEVE it's that big of a deal if it's only mentioned on hardware forums and there are no official statement or comments in reviews. I have googled it a lot, and I don't know what to think!
2681 Hits
Products for "Gamers" are a scam (45 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 01:56 CST, 1 March 2010 - iMsg
Does anyone else feel this way? Razer makes the worst mice possible by using extremely cheap smelly plastic, buttons are bad, the sensors skip.

Steelseries, I have 2 mats by them now and they are both horrible. I have the SX smooth steel pad where alot of mice don't track on it at all and those who do, make you realise how incredibly bad that mat is. It's basically just a piece of metal that is smooth and then marketed as being amazing for you to use on with your mouse. It ends there. It's way too smooth, it's very cold and unpleasant to use and its just alround terrible.

The other pad, QcK+ - Is fine for playing, BUT when its out of the packet it reeks of the most foul rubber smell, and it takes about 2 months if you "take it out to dry" for it not to reek as badly. But then when you use it, your hand will start to burn after 30 minutes because of god knows what is in this pad, and your hand will smell of the rubber too. That just CANNOT be healthy.

And for mice in general. Are all the korean programers using Razer or Steelseries mice? NO
They are using old Microsoft and Logitech mice, because they are actually made well, they are not marketed for gamers.

If you are in the "Gamer" Demographic, watch the fuck out, because these companies will fuck you HARD
16123 Hits
Razer Salmosa - As cheap as it gets? (16 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 09:53 CDT, 17 September 2009 - iMsg
I bought the Salmosa recently and i'm simply shocked at how bad quality it is. Its made of the cheapest lightest plastic shit, the buttons are squeaky, I just can't believe nobody has mentioned this before? The buttons are not only squeaky, they are kind of unresponsive as a result of it. If you want to make the mouse any cheaper you should basicly make it out of paper or cardboard. I dont hate razer, I like the diamondback although the button durability is low. And I like the Death Adder, it has good buttons. If anyone at razer reads this: Please make the durability and buttons of your mice a higher priority.
Edited by Nicky at 01:15 CDT, 22 October 2009 - 4072 Hits
Logitech MX300 available anywhere? (5 comments)
Posted by eMbAh @ 11:20 CDT, 7 September 2009 - iMsg
does anyone know how to acquire this mouse?
2865 Hits
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