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Rapha quits OW, focuses 100% on QC (48 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 17:34 CDT, 13 July 2017 - iMsg
For those who haven't heard... yea, it's true. Here's rapha's statement:

Click on the picture to read the full announcement.
13483 Hits
Why Av3k play QC WC Qualiff? (12 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 05:51 CDT, 13 July 2017 - iMsg
He's not going visa to US of A!

Why does spot he takes from other quakers??!

I do not approvez!
5991 Hits
The Abyss heading to blu-ray in 2017 (3 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 06:49 CDT, 25 July 2016 - iMsg
For those who care.

Read more about it here:

You are welcome :)
2988 Hits
what's the deal with cypher? (114 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 09:01 CDT, 16 June 2016 - iMsg
Is he going to Quakecon or what? I heard some rumours that he decided not to go.

He's been playing alot of Overwatch the past 6 months, and barely any Quake.

So what's the deal? I saw him play a few QL games vs cooller and he got trashed.

Has he quit Quake?
49539 Hits
Old news on the front page? (6 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 02:05 CDT, 15 April 2016 - iMsg
Why is there 5 year old news on the front page?

9538 Hits
Server commands (3 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 09:18 CDT, 16 August 2015 - iMsg
I need some help With server commands.

Is the only available commands the ones I get from doing: /?


Does this mean I can't change teamsize after a match has begun?

1590 Hits
Playback quake 3 demos in windows 10? (5 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 03:26 CDT, 31 July 2015 - iMsg
Enyone know how to playback quake 3 demos in Windows 10 x64?
QLDT and Seismovision doesn't work.

8815 Hits
Poor slow performance in menus (10 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 08:29 CDT, 23 June 2015 - iMsg
Does anyone else have this?

Connection to a server is no problem, and the ping is stable.
This only happens in menus and navigating pervious matches, stats and actually everything else.

The only thing I have done is install new nvidia drivers.

3290 Hits
How to make make Quake Live movie... (3 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 22:27 CDT, 10 April 2015 - iMsg
now that wolfcam isn't working with protocol 90?

What to do, what to do?

3653 Hits
No clock in reflex? (29 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 19:04 CDT, 8 April 2015 - iMsg
I can't see the time, makes it impossible to play really.
13438 Hits
rapha is back (25 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 13:47 CDT, 19 March 2015 - iMsg
I was sure he quit for good.

Dis gunna be gud.
10029 Hits
Intel Socket LGA2011 same as LGA2011-3? (4 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 16:51 CST, 12 January 2015 - iMsg
I know it's a different/newer socket.

But can you use a LGA 2011 CPU cooler on LGA 2011-3 ?

The problem is I'm going to upgrade to socket 2011-3, but can't find a matching CPU cooler.

I'm too afraid to go for liquid cooling.

So if a cpu cooler support 2011, will it support 2011-3?

1935 Hits
Youtube will add the support of 60 fps (1 comment, locked)
Posted by SigningOff @ 06:22 CDT, 28 June 2014 - iMsg
Maybe already posted but I'm writing this just the same.
Youtube will add, amongst other things, the support for videos running at 48 and 60 fps.

You can read more of this on their official blog:

I'm writing this in the Quake Live section as it is relevant for movie making.
Admins, please move this if I posted in the wrong section.
Locked by Teen Queen at 06:25 CDT, 28 June 2014 - 1959 Hits
Inconsistent GPU fan speed (2 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 16:04 CDT, 24 May 2014 - iMsg
I have this annoying issue With my Graphics card.
The fans, there are 5 small ones, on my Gigabyte GTX 680 are jumping from about 2300rpm to 2600, every 1-2 Seconds.

It's not stable what ever I do. I've tried MSI Afterburner to adjust the fans, but no matter how I adjust it, it just spins 200-300 rpm faster very inconsistently every 1-2 Seconds.
It's never stable.

I could run at full speed, but that makes too much noise.

It's really annoying.

Any tips on how to make it stable and consistent?

Edited by Xll38 at 16:05 CDT, 24 May 2014 - 4484 Hits
I got banned from the QL forums (68 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 08:58 CST, 14 November 2013 - iMsg
For saying "sh!t" in a thread.

3 day ban. This is wonderful. Don't you just love that?
29208 Hits
Twitch Raises $15 Million Investment (24 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 03:13 CDT, 3 October 2013 - iMsg
Twitch Raises $15 Million Series B Investment Led by Bessemer Venture Partners

Maybe posted already but couldn't find any news on this. Maybe old news to some, but I post it anyways.

The investment will accelerate the growth of Twitchs engineering department to further its already-rapid contribution to the changing world of video games and its community of more than 20 million gamers and spectators.

Will this mean a better viewing experience for our sunday cups?

I sure hope so.

Edit: This is OLD news. I didn't check the date.
Move along, nothing to see here.
Edited by Xll38 at 03:59 CDT, 3 October 2013 - 4632 Hits
No FaceIT Today? (6 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 08:20 CDT, 18 August 2013 - iMsg
Did I miss an announcement?

I don't see any post her on esr.

Whats going on?
2512 Hits
Streaming twitch through VLC (19 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 10:17 CDT, 29 July 2013 - iMsg
So yeah, I tried streaming ql ranks tv.
but with no luck.

Is there a setting I'm missing?

I can't figure it out.
Edited by Xll38 at 10:17 CDT, 29 July 2013 - 16031 Hits
QL demos please, I'm bored (13 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 05:58 CDT, 21 July 2013 - iMsg
can someone please link to some good demos, im so bored.

im on vacation and i miss quake terribly, im on a shitty lappy and i cant play because of it.

i need my fix, can you help me?

any race demos would be appreciated.


Edited by Xll38 at 06:17 CDT, 21 July 2013 - 4417 Hits
q3mme; scoreboard when you die etc (3 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 12:26 CDT, 2 July 2013 - iMsg
I was fooling around in q3mme trying different settings when I notice that when you die the scoreboard doesnt come up.
I really want that, but cant find the settings for it.

Also, there are still knockback when I get hit making the camera shake, which is annoying. I want to remove that but cant find the settings for that either.

Lastly, is there another demo making tool that is better if these settings can't be changed?

I'm guessing wolfcam is only for QL ?

3004 Hits
Quakecon 2012 demos (1 comment)
Posted by SigningOff @ 20:59 CST, 30 December 2012 - iMsg
Anyone have a link to the quakelive demos from quakecon 2012?

Syncerror said he would reupload them on, but I don't think he has yet. Anyways I can't find them.

Edited by QuakeLiveLives at 21:00 CST, 30 December 2012 - 1421 Hits
+attack issue in cpma 1.48 (7 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 10:10 CST, 21 December 2012 - iMsg
Has anyone else issues with the firing hanging or not fire at all in cpma 1.48.

Havent been trying with other versions tho.

Common bug?

Running windows 7 x64.

2034 Hits
Change CTF flags in CPMA (4 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 11:49 CST, 19 December 2012 - iMsg
How do you change CTF flags in cpma, I can't find a command for it :-/

I guess it isn't HUD related ?

Here's what I want, like the ones in the beginnig of the vid:
2395 Hits
Stop items from bobbing? (1 comment)
Posted by SigningOff @ 11:05 CST, 25 November 2012 - iMsg
Whats the command for stopping items from bobbing?

I can always set it to simpleitems, but I want to play with normal items.

2998 Hits
Custom ads in wolfcam ? (2 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 09:56 CDT, 22 August 2012 - iMsg
Well I tried different ways. I followed the guide at:

That didn't work.

Then I tried the explanation in the read me file, but I can't figure out where to put the darn picture :S

Can anyone guide me step by step into making this work.

And in case you were wondering; YES I'm a dumb fuck.



Edited by QuakeLiveLives at 17:54 CDT, 22 August 2012 - 5141 Hits
BenQ 24" XL2420T, fps drops in quake (10 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 06:48 CDT, 19 August 2012 - iMsg
I have frame drops in quake live after I got this monitor.
From a steady 125 fps to aroung 60-80 fps.

The only way to fix it is to do a reboot.

Anyone else have this problem, is there another solution to this?


Edited by plissken at 12:55 CDT, 19 August 2012 - 4694 Hits
rapha -vs- cypher (10 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 16:21 CDT, 18 June 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.4 (4 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: follow killer
How to play back QL demos

Final of DreamHack Summer 2012

rapha vs cypher


Followkiller 1

Stolen from
Plus Pyton for recording the demos !!
Edited by plissken at 09:26 CDT, 19 June 2012 - 10237 Hits
Need a new mouse similar to the wmo (55 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 11:07 CDT, 6 May 2012 - iMsg
I've had 2 wmo's now and both have died on me. That last one only lived for about a month and a half.

Need one that is simliar shape. What should I get?

Is the steelseries sensei a good mouse?


Edited by plissken at 11:08 CDT, 6 May 2012 - 10875 Hits
My apology to ESR and quake community (77 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 23:40 CDT, 27 April 2012 - iMsg
Some of you might remember me from the past, about 2 years ago, or maybe not.
And you might say: 'Oh yeah, that guy is crazy'. And you would be right too. I am. Or rather was.
I posted a lot of nonsens, especially around the ESWC tourney 2010.
I'm not gonna name names but I believe I pissed off most of the community here.
For that I am sorry. I'm not gonna justify my action other than to say I had a psychotic episode, and my 'world' so to speak became unreal for a few weeks.
The illness I have and have been struggling with for years is called schizophrenia.
In my case it's just this: when I am sick I lose grip with reality and have delusions that just isn't real. That doesn't make me dangerous or anything but I do behave different and I might sound weird or even crazy. I do not on the other hand hear voices or have a split personality but I do change when I have these episodes.

The good thing for me is that I underwent treatment shortly after this with medication and institutionalisation for a few weeks. I'm still on medication and my life slowly being rebuilt. So that's a start really.

I'm not gonna say anything more about this illness as I still struggle with it every day. But I can for once in nearly 2 years say it's getting better.

So for those of you who were offended by me; I am truly sorry that it got to this and I hope you can forgive me.

I know it sounds pathetic, but I do care about the community here and about quake so that's why I choose to do this.

Sorry for the long post, I just had to get this off my chest.

Thanks for reading.

- plissken
Edited by plissken at 04:01 CDT, 28 April 2012 - 18207 Hits
strenx -vs- cypher (2 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 19:11 CST, 12 November 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: strenx
How to play back QL demos

strenx vs cypher 1/8 final.

furious heights

easy as pie...
Edited by plissken at 19:15 CST, 12 November 2011 - 2860 Hits
Cooller -vs- strenx (2 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 10:30 CDT, 8 August 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.7 (2 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: both
How to play back QL demos

>> <<
(3989KB, 236 DLs)

>> <<
(4085KB, 238 DLs)

Quakecon 2011 - QL Duel Semi Final #2

Russia [M5] Cooller vs FnaticMSI strenx France

1. Lost World
2. Toxicity
3. Aerowalk
Edited by plissken at 07:35 CDT, 9 August 2011 - 3494 Hits
rapha -vs- czm (8 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 10:24 CDT, 8 August 2011 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Both
How to play back QL demos

>> <<
(2601KB, 237 DLs)

>> <<
(2598KB, 143 DLs)

Quakecon 2011 - QL Duel Semi Final #1

United States of America SK-rapha vs EG|czm United States of America

1. Toxicity
2. Aerowalk
3. Lost World
Edited by plissken at 07:35 CDT, 9 August 2011 - 6274 Hits
How to get rid of the annoying... (3 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 13:41 CDT, 26 May 2011 - iMsg
Spectator mode info in the upper right corner when spectating a match.
Also how do I get rid of the big quake live logo in the lower right of the screen too.

Basically how do I get the hud used in streaming matches like IEM ?

Any help greatly appreciated.

1686 Hits
k1llsen -vs- avekkk (52 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 06:26 CST, 19 November 2010 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.9 (7 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: k1llsen
How to play back QL demos

K1llsen vs Avekkk IEM5.

Furious Heights
Vertical Vengeance
Edited by Nukm at 06:57 CST, 19 November 2010 - 19865 Hits
rapha -vs- cooller (3 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 07:31 CST, 13 November 2010 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.8 (3 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: both
How to play back QL demos

>> <<
(4032KB, 694 DLs)

Semi finals GamesCom 2010 between rapha and cooller

Both POV

Furious Heights
Edited by xou at 07:43 CST, 13 November 2010 - 3684 Hits
Posted by SigningOff @ 20:17 CDT, 8 July 2010 - iMsg
Edited by plissken at 12:50 CDT, 2 August 2010 - 5155 Hits
. -vs- . (27 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 11:37 CDT, 8 July 2010 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 0.3 (14 votes)
Gametype: Capture The Flag
Map: qzctf2 - Troubled Waters
Mod: Capture The Flag
Viewpoint: .
How to play back QL demos

Edited by plissken at 19:49 CDT, 2 August 2010 - 4873 Hits
One Last Point (81 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 20:48 CDT, 6 July 2010 - iMsg
Ok, so I'm going to make one last point, the I'm off and you won't 'see' me anymore.

I can informy you now, that you all been 'HAD'... by me, actually.

I know for a fact what I am doing here and some may 'know' what I'm doing, but like my silly post about walter this was clear to me before I even registered on this site.

Did I crave attention? Ye I did, deliberately!

You may not believe this, but I have the cards, I KNOW what I'm doing here, and guess what it is going EXACTLY as planned.

It's true, it's a fact. You just have to believe me when I say it.

It's like with walter. Who know if walter cheats? Walter knows if walter cheats. THAT is a fact. You believe me? I believe me!
If you don't believe me ask WALTER?
But I sure know walter is going to say NO! To that question. OR, he will say something silly, or end up don't caring. Which is also THE POINT I'VE BEEN MAKING SINCE I REGISTERED ON THIS SITE.

Is that too fare fetched? Impossible?

I can tell you, and AGAIN you will just have to MY word for it, it was all part of my master plan !!

With the hand on my heart, this is TRUE !


Maybe I AM crazy? Maybe I'm a RETARD(Hi Lethe !)
But really, think about it!

I can tell you this tho....



So you can ask yourself the question; is that even possible?

I can tell you again, THAT was my purpose of my little visit here.

You can choose to believe me, or you can chose to considering me being mental, psycho, retard, a no lifer. That is YOUR CHOICE !

I know what happened, I know how this community works.


Ask yourself that question!

I said from day one, or atleast played the complete retard the whole time...

.... OR DID I ??

I did it on purpose. I actually did.
If you disagree, GIVE ME THE PROOF. Not 99.9% of attitude/posts that I've been showing. I WANT THE 100% PURE PROOF REGARDING THIS !

It is so predictable this community/site. And I did it(to my knowledge) without the attitude; F you, get the F out super leet coolness which this site is drenched in.
Do I hate you guys? No. I'm pointing out how silly it is to try and win an argument over the internet !

If we consider this a quake matchup...
You having 100 health no armour.
I'm having 100 health 1 armour.
You are up close to me shooting a rocket in my face.
Who won? I did !
Or atleast that's my calculation.

I don't hate you guys, I'm only pointing out the obvious...
Why even argue on the internet. It's silly ! Espescially the super leet internet coolness that some people show off here. Sure that might be so cool and probably get you those extra plusses, which is what ESR is about.. right?

I don't mind playing the fool. I do that all the time. It's hilarious !

So, it's like Obi-Wan Kenobi onch said;

Whos the more foolish? The Fool, or The Fool that's following him?

Edited by plissken at 20:55 CDT, 6 July 2010 - 13631 Hits
Posted by SigningOff @ 01:31 CDT, 6 July 2010 - iMsg
Edited by plissken at 13:12 CDT, 6 July 2010 - 2334 Hits
A True Story (5 comments)
Posted by SigningOff @ 23:42 CDT, 5 July 2010 - iMsg
This is actually a true story, you just have to take my word for it.

I was working as a clerk at 7-Eleven some years ago, and I see this customer walking up to the counter....

Customer: ....Eh, I'm gonna have.... damn! I forgot what I'm here for....
Me: (Taking a pack of 10 Lucky Strikes) 10 Lucky Strikes?
Customer: Yeah, how did you know?
Me: It's my job.
*cash exchanges*
Costumer: (Looking at the change I just gave him)... What just happened?
Me: You just got expedited !

Then he leaves, just as confused as when he first entered.

It was a good day.
2099 Hits
Posted by SigningOff @ 18:37 CDT, 5 July 2010 - iMsg
Edited by plissken at 13:13 CDT, 6 July 2010 - 17934 Hits
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