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Reflex half price sale on Steam atm. (6 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 17:31 CST, 27 November 2015 - iMsg
Reflex Steam AUTUMN SALE! Offer ends 1 December
9,99€ -50% 4,99€

Choose. Reflex, a fresh start for fps arena games, or Quake Live - which is also on sale, as stated in another thread.
Edited by ZeriouS at 17:32 CST, 27 November 2015 - 6639 Hits
ESL One Frankfurt 2014 - Dota2 @ Stadium (4 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 02:02 CDT, 2 May 2014 - iMsg
eSports in a stadium. Players from all over the world. With a prize money of currently $ 175.925 (it's rising)!

"On the 28th and 29th of June, thousands of fans from around the world will gather in a football stadium filled to watch the very best compete in one game - Dota 2. The Commerzbank-Arena in Frankfurt, Germany, will be transformed into a haven for Dota 2 fans from all over the world. The eight best teams in the world will fight it out for a prize pool of US $150,000, set to be increased by community funding through an in-game compendium.

The eight teams will be made up of two invited teams Alliance and Natus Vincere, The International 3 finalists, along with six more teams from all around the world. Three of these will be attending from Europe, two more from Asia and the last slot belonging to America. These six teams will have to make their way through very difficult qualifiers and defeat the best in the world to earn their position at ESL One Frankfurt."


With tickets starting from 19,90 € up to 179,90 € you can get access to this event. Despite such high prices for this event, the first wave of tickets is already sold-out!

On the Facebook event already 5000 participants are noticed.

They have also some kind of betting system called the compendium.

Will add more info later.
Edited by ZeriouS at 09:06 CDT, 3 May 2014 - 3180 Hits
Kung Fury - action comedy movie (1 comment, locked)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 14:09 CST, 29 December 2013 - iMsg
This is crazy:

Description from the kickstarter page:

KUNG FURY is an over-the-top action comedy written and directed by David Sandberg. The movie features: arcade-robots, dinosaurs, nazis, vikings, norse gods, mutants and a super kung fu-cop called Kung Fury, all wrapped up in an 80s style action packed adventure.
Locked by Teen Queen at 14:17 CST, 29 December 2013 - 1467 Hits
Meltdown Berlin Quake Live Cup #2 *end* (88 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 14:41 CDT, 8 August 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CDT, 14 August 2013 to 18:00 CDT, 14 August 2013
Schedule: Passed

*update* It's over! Thanks for all participants and spectators to be there. The next one will be on a weekend in September.

Quakers unite! Let's meet up for a small Quake Live cup! After a successful first spontaneous cup a couple of weeks ago, you are invited to gather in the eSports bar if you are in the area of Berlin. This is a fun event and since it's taking place in a bar, you can be sure, that we will not play sober! Actually you will probably have to drink something in order to withstand the 60Hz ips-displays and mmo mice!

You will be able to use your custom config, hud and if you desire also bring your own hardware. The exact rules, maplist will be updated here soon. We are open for suggestions for this event. If you think you can take the test of skill, in Quake and handling alcoholic drinks, come to Berlin! Also we have a piano over there ;) Contrary to expectations gaming ladies will also show up and seduce you to one or another drink.

Your hosts, ZeriouS and the Meltdown Berlin crew

Links: Facebook Event, Livestream offline, VOD
Edited by ZeriouS at 15:23 CDT, 15 August 2013 - 33014 Hits
Speedrunning Charity Marathon (75 games) (37 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 20:39 CDT, 27 July 2013 - iMsg
It's over! After a 5 day marathon they received in total US$ 252.930,64 with the live viewer count rising up to around 50000 viewers and being the number one channel on Twitch for a certain period outclassing everyone else.

"Speed Demos Archive, the home to video game speed runs, is proud to present the third annual speed running marathon: Summer Games Done Quick 2013. It is a 5-day online event (from July 25-29th) to raise money for Doctors Without Borders, streamed live for you to watch!"

Among the played games are Doom 64 (The Absolution), Final Fantasy, Metroid, Sonic The Hedgehog, Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda and many more. In front of a live audience. Have you seen the Doom 64 speedrun on Watch Me Die difficulty? The run time was 1:15, check the VOD. It has been watched by ~30000 viewers live.

VODs: Speed Demos Archives
Stream: Twitch (Offline)
Edited by Badb0y at 15:40 CDT, 30 July 2013 - 25809 Hits
Quake Live - Damage Output Imba -3- VODs (30 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 11:39 CST, 22 February 2013 - iMsg
Imaged on

This is part 3.
- Part 1: [link] - complete E-Mail conversation, demos, config, hud, e-Sport profile links
- Part 2: [link] - more possible ways of proofing my innocence (e.g. videorecording of me playing, sending original hardware,...), reflexivity about videogaming

Damage output bug - default client settings ( e.g. /handicap 100 )

- Bug exposed on 07.10.2012
- A few hours later my account was banned, till this day
- Damage output between players unbalanced (compare shots fired with inflicted damage)
- Compare the hits/damage done in the embedded media
- I was submitting demos of a faulty server configuration
- Ban-reason stated by Sasparillo "Use of third party software to obtain an unfair advantage within the game"
- Ban remains, disregard of offered media (up to Sat 07 Aug 2010 19:55:56 CEST)
- 30.10.2012: "There will be no further consideration of this matter. The ban will remain in place."
- Either read more here and/or download the complete demopack of that night

VODs (incl. matchlinks and demos)

YouTube has a 30 fps limit, therefore if you want to judge for yourself better, feel free to download the demos.

# a - sent to ID 1 - bogus

## a1 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_03_09.dm_73

## a2 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_13_54.dm_73

## a3 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_25_46.dm_73

## a4 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_36_16.dm_73

# b - not sent - bogus

## b1 ## matchlink ... SmXvanBasten-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_39_03.dm_73

## b2 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-SmXvanBasten-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_40_49.dm_73

## b3 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-windsongkeep-2012_10_07-05_47_25.dm_73

## b4 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_50_54.dm_73

## b5 ## matchlink ... mlfziRe-vs-sinuscosinus-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_53_00.dm_73

# c - sent to ID 2 - bogus

## c1 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_54_16.dm_73

# d - not sent - not bogus after serverswitch

## d1 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-trinity-2012_10_07-05_57_42.dm_73

## d2 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-06_01_08.dm_73

## d3 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-lostworld-2012_10_07-06_05_02.dm_73


This is part 3.
- Part 1: [link]
- Part 2: [link]

Need additional info? Configs, HUD, e-Sports-Profiles availabe in part 1
More links available via my ESR-profile / private website
Edited by ZeriouS at 18:04 CST, 22 February 2013 - 13195 Hits
Quake Live - Damage Output Imba -2- Refl (36 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 18:47 CST, 29 November 2012 - iMsg
If you'd like to know the preliminary events, check my previous journal entry: 'Quake Live - Damage Output Imba - 1 - Ban'.
Follow up is Part 3: [link] - VODs


In this journal I will reply to Memento_Mori, outline more possible ways how to proof that I have been banned unjustified, and also trying to be reflexivitive about me and videogaming.

Table Of Contents

I. The reply
II. Reaching new levels of proof
....... a - 1st level: Theoretically
....... b - 2nd level: Practically
....... c - 3rd level: Hilarious
III. Résumé
IV. Reflexivity

I. The reply

In response to Memento_Moris reply:
- Prove that false positives are possible. Take a fresh machine, install only the game, create a new account, and then try to get the false positive to hit again while you document everything. If you manage to come up with a bug report that other people (id software employees for instance) can recreate, then it will show the detection flaw as well as your good will.

ID-software, the quakelive team or whoever is administrating and is responsible for this and could lift my ban, they could tell me, what they expect me to do.

As in ClanBase, ESL or other leagues it is required from the players to fulfill some criteria. E.g. matchmedia upload, keeping of matchmedia for a certain period, and if a player is caught cheating, he has to write some kind of letter of apology, and then has to wait a certain period and then is allowed to play again.

I mean, I could take this even up to three levels in terms of proof.

II. Reaching new levels of proof

II.a - 1st level: Theoretically

I have played enough other games to show what I am able to do. Never be the best, but never be the worst either. Decent div 2, especially as defender in UT2004-iCTF.

Also administration of clans, contributing to leagues and gaming communites mostly ut2004 ictf, WarSow, Cube... (interviews as mp3s with transcripts ^ translations,.. little to more admin work, and so on). Ah perhaps a bit of shoutcasting here and there in QL with moppz. Of course in every game supporting new players, by helping them to improve their game, and be surprised how a few are able to excel really fast, and be happy that they are surpassing my abilities and pushing the limits.

I admit that I haven't had much LAN appearances, since now less than five LANS attended. My SNES and n64 victories at local shops are possibly not noteworthy and there exists no stored coverage about it. That reminds me of winning a red Gameboy at the IFA when it was new, and my parents told me, that they have seen me on TV, but they didn't record it. The red gameboy belongs to the 'Play It Loud!'-Game Boy series, using a coloured shell, but still using the monochromic display and other aspects from the Classic Game Boy. That should have been around 1995 or maybe 1996. I don't know exactly anymore.

Not even my LAN-café experiences with CS could count, since the shops are closed, the computers are gone, the people aswell, and overall I didn't enjoy that game playing there. Maybe because of the annoying enemies and allies, treating you, if you are either too good or too bad. The last time I played somewhere it ended in a brawl.

I could go further back in time... but all the consoles are sold, the proof is not available. Only memories.

II.b - 2nd level: Practically

Raising another idea, which I had during my (rather .... mediocre) EPS time.

I could record myself playing, just as the SC2-players do in a lot of their livestreams:

- Others could witness the ingame action
- Additionally I could also set up various cameras, to record how I actually play:
--a- mouse movement (right hand)
--b- keyboard handling (left hand)
--c- head position
--d- total body shot
--e- eye-tracking (maybe, gotta ask around who at my U could help me with that)
--f- additional things

-note 1: views a-d from top, left and right view
-note 2: view e-f* for other analytical stuff

View a-d could be set up to, not only to analyze my gaming behaviour, but also to gather data for some analysis related to an ergonomical point of view.

Depending on the available technology I could also use other sensors, so that they can record some other data (heart rate, stress factor, body temperature, ...). I could go on with the list of ideas.

Where to apply the then-available data on? There are a lot of ways and possible useful scenarios.

II.c - 3rd level: Hilarious

I could even send them my gaming rig (hf with a refurbished dell gx620) with the mouses that I used, with the monitor I used. Or the trackball, or the whole desk,... I am perhaps exaggerating now, but yeah - I trust that the reader may get my point.

III. Résumé

Now the QL team doesn't bother about this. SyncError plussing another comment to signalise he read my journal, but doesn't bother to reply in an appropiate way. I am just another former customer.

I don't need to proof them anything, I don't feel like I need to do that what I could do, because they don't care about this case. If I would do more now, I would give them publicity for free, but for what in return? Nothing.

IV. Reflexivity

What I did is not for them. It is for me, because I enjoyed what I did in gaming. For the ones that I helped to improve their gaming. If others benefit from the things that I did, then it may be good.

I can't say currently that I will never play QuakeLive again, or other games, because if I'd have the opportunity, I'd love to play vs. my old buddies to revive the past time, and perhaps after a certain time of absence feeling the thrill of winning a match and trying to pushing my own limits yet again.

Actually, I do benefit a lot, from being banned. I realized, I have spent too much time with this hobby, where I could have improved in other areas of my life even more and faster, using my full potential. The past time since the ban, I was so productive, as I haven't been since years.

I will stay a videogamer, despite that I am going to play less and less, the older I get.

But time is running, it is actually really scarce. Time to focus on major things in life.

P.S.: Dear SyncError, dear Sasparillo,
you are allowed to answer on my journal entries, my thoughts - don't be shy!

P.P.S.: If the ESL doesn't bother to lift my PenaltyPoints (#1: since 14.11.2010 + #2: since 24.04.2011) soon (where me and a few others raised a protest ticket against it), I guess I have to write... yet another journal. But not now. It takes time to make something qualitative.

Imaged on
Edited by ZeriouS at 17:54 CST, 22 February 2013 - 20991 Hits
ZeriouS -vs- cosinus, ziRe, vanBasten (No comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 15:57 CST, 22 November 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: various
How to play back QL demos

Damage output bug (demo list below)

Example 1

Railgun overpowered despite default client settings ( e.g. /handicap 100 )

## hp199+armor176-vs-3rg

## shot-no.: hp + armor
## + 0 ..... : 199 + 176
## + 1 ..... : 144 + 070
## + 2 ..... : 000 + 000
## + 3 ..... : dead

See demo b3
Timestamp: 01:40 - 01:47 (if timer counts up)

Default railgun damage = 80 hp vs unarmored

Example 2

198 hp vs 1 shotgun shot

See demo c1
Timestamp: 00:07 - 00:11 (if timer counts up)

- Bug exposed on 07.10.2012
- A few hours later my account was banned, till this day


- Shooting each other on a bogus french QL server.
- If enemy was lower in ELO, he was able to inflict multiple times more damage than me
- If both players are almost equal in ELO, no damage output variation happened (as in demo b1 and b5)
- Submission of demos ignored (demopack a + c)

Read more:
@ ESReality: 'QuakeLive - The Ban - Damage Output Imba'
@ my blog, if above link is taken down

----- TOC ------

# a - sent to ID 1 - bogus

## a1 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_03_09.dm_73
## a2 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_13_54.dm_73
## a3 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_25_46.dm_73
## a4 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_36_16.dm_73

# b - not sent - bogus

## b1 ## SmXvanBasten-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_39_03.dm_73
## b2 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-SmXvanBasten-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_40_49.dm_73
## b3 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-windsongkeep-2012_10_07-05_47_25.dm_73
## b4 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_50_54.dm_73
## b5 ## mlfziRe-vs-sinuscosinus-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_53_00.dm_73

# c - sent to ID 2 - bogus

## c1 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_54_16.dm_73

# d - not sent - not bogus after serverswitch

## d1 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-trinity-2012_10_07-05_57_42.dm_73
## d2 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-06_01_08.dm_73
## d3 ## BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-lostworld-2012_10_07-06_05_02.dm_73
Edited by ZeriouS at 12:54 CST, 24 November 2012 - 2920 Hits
Quake Live - Damage Output Imba -1- Ban! (110 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 15:55 CST, 22 November 2012 - iMsg
Imaged on

This is part 1.
Part 2: [link] - more possible ways of proofing my innocence (e.g. videorecording of me playing, sending original hardware,...), reflexivity about videogaming
Part 3: [link] - VODs

I don't enjoy writing that much about things, which could have been solved earlier, without any hassle, without annoying anyone, with appropiate methods of communication. This is my last resort.

Please review the demos and state your opininion. Thanks in advance.

Table Of Contents

0. tl;dr
00. Updates
I. Summary
II. Course of Events
....... a - The session or "WTF, the enemy makes 10x more damage!"
....... b - The Ban - Exchange of E-Mails
....... c - Aftermath
III. Media
....... a - Matchlinks and Demos
....... b - Configs
....... c - HUD
IV. e-Sports-Profiles
....... a - League accounts
....... b - ZeriouS
....... c - SanManChan


0. tl;dr

Damage output bug - default client settings ( e.g. /handicap 100 )

- Bug exposed on 07.10.2012
- A few hours later my account was banned, till this day
- Either read more here and/or download the complete demopack of that night

Example 1: Railgun overpowered

Example 2: Shotgun overpowered

Example 3: various

00. Updates

# 24.11.2012
### Using wolfcam I am able to work with the demos: review, convert them to avi
### Uploading on YouTube successful with raw avi
# 25.11.2012
### Preconverting avi-files to mp4-files with VLC portable
### Testing various settings for best results after upload onto YouTube


I. Summary

- Damage output between players unbalanced (compare shots fired with inflicted damage)
- Compare the hits/damage done in the embedded media
- 07.10.2012: Ban + submitting demos of a faulty server configuration
- Reason stated by Sasparillo "Use of third party software to obtain an unfair advantage within the game"
- Disregard of offered media (up to Sat 07 Aug 2010 19:55:56 CEST)
- 30.10.2012: "There will be no further consideration of this matter. The ban will remain in place."


II. Course of events

....... a - The session or "WTF, the enemy makes 10x more damage!"
....... b - The Ban - Exchange of E-Mails
....... c - Aftermath

## Please excuse me if not everything is perfect in detail. It's been a while since the ban. ##

II.a - The session or "WTF, the enemy makes 10x more damage!"

In that night gaming session, I met a new player, cosinus, who I was trying to help out with a few tips and hints. We changed to (or were already) on a French server and all of a sudden, I wasn't able to inflict the same amount of damage.

During before and in between the matches I changed mouses (Abyssus, G500, WMO 1.0a (the bad ones!)) and tried to change the usb polling rate on a Windows 8 RC version according to this tutorial).

I didn't thought that the server was bogus, because I am performing substandard on Aerowalk. But then, well yeah, it happened. Therefore I invited another buddy who was online to join that French server to test if it's really like that.

/handicap was set to the default value, so my damage output and hp/armor stack should be at max.

Now when both players 'cosinus', 'ziRe' or 'vanBasten' played against each other, then everything seemed normal. But when I jumped in and played against one of both, they were able to do multiple times more damage than I was able to do. After a few bogus rounds, we decided to change the server and the damage output was again back to normal for me.

Because of that, I didn't thought anymore about it, so I carried on. I adjusted the cvars a bit in my config, mostly the mouse accel.

But then all of a sudden I wasn't able to join any servers, I was banned.

07.10.2012 - 06:05:38 CEST - Last online-game

II.b - The Ban - Exchange of E-Mails

Then I initiated a correspondence and attached a few demos.

II.c - Aftermath

Unfortunately I have not received any answer since that time.

In the meanwhile my Steam-Account was hijacked and via brute-forceing via China (proxies I guess) attempts were made to gain access to another E-Mail account of me. Both things concerned me, so I had to gather through some protocols of a few websites as well. By now, most things seem safe.

But there is still the problem, that I am accused of using a 'third party software', where I don't know exactly when this has been caused. I would welcome a protocol of events with date and time (and perhaps timezone too), so that I am able to view through my security logs on the win8 system.

Currently I am unable to review the demos, since I am running a linux box, and it seems that my network card or the IP range is blocked. Therefore signing-in and running demos in practice mode is not doable. I am on a 1GBit internet connection which is provided for the dorms by the University of Duisburg-Essen.

¿Would I have a right to view into my private internal logged data related to this gaming-account?
¿Do I seriously have to hope only for the kindness of my contractual partner?
¡Annoyingly in times of multinational winding up of agreements of microtransactions!

The demos can be downloaded here on ESReality, and the text will be published on my private website aswell.


III. Media

....... a - Matchlinks and Demos
....... b - Configs
....... c - Hud

III.a - Matchlinks and Demos

- Chronologically sorted, available as complete .zip here
- One of the dm6-demos is a rather short one, where we run into the MH-area and just fired some weapons to test if it was unbalanced or not. One of them shows exactly what was bogus.


III.b - Configs

-> Download here

Please note the binds on F9, F10, F11, F12 are in reference to a post by Memento_Mori Visibility, sound and spawns



-> Download here
---- Arranged for a 1680x1050 resolution

Check this Tutorial on how to install custom HUDs @


IV. e-Sports-Profiles

Another possibility is that my second paid premium account was somehow involved in one of the possible situations that triggered the anticheat-tool.

Now you may ask, "why a 2nd account?". In order to play without the buddylist messages annoying you (buddy on-/offline, messages in/out) since it's not possible to disable that or change to different buddy-list status (e.g. away, busy, in gaming; as in StarCraft 2). Therefore I have only a few persons my buddylist.

The alias is one of my former nicks, used back in 2003. And it annoys me now, that the reputation of my historical alias is tarnished, since that is something personal.

IV.a - League accounts
@ ESL-Pro Series
@ ClanBase

IV.b - ZeriouS

IV.c - SanManChan

More links available via my ESR-profile / private website

This is part 1.
Part 2: [link]
Part 3: [link]
Edited by ZeriouS at 18:04 CST, 22 February 2013 - 44739 Hits
ZeriouS -vs- cosinus (No comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 15:46 CST, 22 November 2012 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Aerowalk
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: ZeriouS
How to play back QL demos

"quakelive the ban" tl;dr-version

- Shooting each other on a bogus french QL server.
- If enemy was lower in ELO, he was able to inflict multiple times more damage than me
- If both players are almost equal in ELO, no damage output variation happened (as in demo b1 and b5)
- Banned afterwards
- Submission of demos ignored (demopack a + c)
- Ban remains since 07.10.2012

- Read more at my personal journal entry
- If more evidence of this bug is required, download the demo pack of the session of that night.

----- TOC ------

## a1 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_03_09.dm_73

Edited by ZeriouS at 01:05 CST, 23 November 2012 - 1451 Hits
strenx interviewed (281 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 18:07 CST, 21 November 2011 - iMsg
Yesterday in the night at about 1 AM CET, right after the tournament marathon with the ZOTAC and SK Champions Trophy for the players, streamers and viewers ended, I was able to get a statement in IRC from the French QuakeLive player France Kevin "strenx" Baéza. Player names if not mentioned completely will be stated by their nickname. A complete list of references is found at the end of the article.

You can read the whole interview on!
Edited by xou at 21:13 CST, 21 November 2011 - 92589 Hits
WoW - free-to-play - until level 20.... (23 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 19:57 CDT, 6 July 2011 - iMsg
So, what to do now after QuakeLive to destroy the available time?... Maybe.. WoW? Anyway, I wonder who´ll give this one a try now?

What is the World of Warcraft Starter Edition?

The World of Warcraft Starter Edition allows players to access World of Warcraft for free -- all you need is a account and an Internet connection. Starter Edition players can play up to a maximum character level of 20 and are able to upgrade to a full, paid account at any time, allowing them to continue their adventures where they left off. The Starter Kit gives gamers who are interested in trying out World of Warcraft a chance to experience the game before purchasing a copy..

More info @
14594 Hits
X-Way Duel! (10 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 20:45 CDT, 20 May 2011 - iMsg
Imaged on:

*update (23.05.11 / 17:55)*: Tested yesterday again with some mates, and it works out of the box, to /put in players into the game. No /abort required during countdown!

I don´t know if that has happened to anyone of you already.

Gametype: Duel - usually only two playing spots allowed.

On my server we played some 1v1, we had some chit-chat, and I decided to put myself out of the spec mode into playing mode. So I just did

>> /put (myplayer-#) f

during the countdown of the warmup and then

>> /abort

then something weird happened, the game flickered a bit, the countdown was aborted but instead of two now all three were in the map. So I don´t know if that is a regular feature to /put in as many players into the game as you want to, or if that just does occur when you do this command whilst the countdown is aborted.

We had some laughs, because that´s basically FFA, but with the duel scoreboard =D


>> lists player ID
/put 0 f
/put 1 f
/put ... f

Until everyone is in, who you want to play.

Blood Run (siLw, Mcay and me):

Aerowalk (siLw, Mcay, ffx, s0ulassas1n and me):
Edited by ZeriouS at 16:30 CST, 22 November 2012 - 8115 Hits
Fatal1ty versus Polosat1y, Evil and Amai (89 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 10:53 CDT, 28 April 2011 - iMsg
As part of ASRock motherboard presentation, United States of America Jonathan "Fatal1ty" Wendel plays against some of the best Russian QuakeLive players in 2v2 CA. The stream is live and running now.. Streaming is over.

Update: Kevin "strenx" Baeza joined up!

Links: Stream and original News
Edited by ZeriouS at 08:19 CDT, 30 April 2011 - 37333 Hits
Playboy Bunny covers videogames. (11 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 07:55 CST, 19 November 2010 - iMsg

Playboy’s Cyber Girl of the Year 2008 Jo Garcia blogs about the hottest games and gadgets right here at

Just watch the video about "Splatterhouse" and tell me what you think of this babe... I mean, if she likes that game, what if she actually came to one of the QuakeLive events to cast it ?!

Or well, if she can´t comment appropiately, then maybe she can move?!

3821 Hits
Fastest Typist: Ultimate Typing Champion (3 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 15:27 CST, 12 November 2010 - iMsg
Showcasing DasKeyboard in a competition for the whole USA.

Sean Wrona vs Nate Bowen

round 1: 163-110
round 2: 124-79

(scores are average words per minute)

Edited by ZeriouS at 16:02 CST, 12 November 2010 - 3360 Hits
Any alternatives to QL? (39 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 17:14 CDT, 7 August 2010 - iMsg
No Quake related stuff. What´s really arcade like?

Currently QL is like a snail, when it comes to your first game. login, wait, search game, wait, see advertisement, wait more, new server, new advertisement and so on.

No HoN. No SC2. No rl shizzle, neither. Alternatives anyone?

No Fallout titles! (it´s a nice game, but, the quakelive pre-game ad....)
Edited by ZeriouS at 21:13 CDT, 16 August 2010 - 14781 Hits
Football WC: mis-judgement. improvement. (3 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 16:29 CDT, 11 July 2010 - iMsg
The point of this journal is not to tell you something new, because this idea is not. But the point is, that it totally discourages morally everyone attending such a game.

Nowadays with the technology,

- the cristal clear video transmissions of football matches,
- different video angles
- instant replays
- and an overlay if someone was off side or not,

mis-judgements could be avoided.

There are several situations, where the crowd, community, fans are shouting that something was not fair.

- Not enough or too many cards.
- Not given penalties.
- Not given corner ball.

Or they shut up, because something was decided to their advantage.

Imagine, all the weird situations could be observed by adding some tracking system on the players, the football field, the goal, the ball itself. With that it would easily be possible to detect if a situation actually happened, as it was seen first. And not much could be said against it. At that point of development, I predict also cheating by modificating the by then used technology. And more complaints but on a different level.

All in all, this summarizes into the anger of the people, they start to complain (random fans), start riots (hooligans), develop xenophobia and as last resort ignore the championsship (disappointed fans and attenders), since they and many many other eyes witnessed something was wrong aswell.

By my side, I simply cannot enjoy this mis-judgement, although this is the human factor and this marginal random factor is part of the game.

But since these misjudgements only encourage agony and lies between clubs and countries, there should be a truly fair and unbiased judgement system.

This world cup event is viewed by millions of people all over the world. Like the olympic games, this should be a lead role.

On a sidenote: FIFA goes Martial Arts.

To the final match between NED and ESP: Some many of that "unclear" situations. Gratulations team Spain. The level of awesomeness between the two teams increased the more the game went on. Unlucky Robben and team.
Edited by ZeriouS at 16:36 CDT, 11 July 2010 - 3247 Hits
FIFA goes Martial Arts. (66 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 15:18 CDT, 11 July 2010 - iMsg
NED - ESP final

- NED: Kick to the chest. (Kickbox style)
- ESP: Hold the enemy shirt, throw him down (Judo style)
- unknown player: Swings leg up, snaps it down, hits by mischance the opponents knee. (Who against who?)
- too much to be listed.

What was the referees job again, what´s fair play?

Edited by ZeriouS at 06:22 CDT, 12 July 2010 - 11726 Hits
vuvuzela function at YouTube :x (15 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 01:23 CDT, 25 June 2010 - iMsg
Just noticed. In the right low corner there is a button, with a ball image. If you press that during a video playback, some vuvuzela sound will accompai(g)n your video experience :x

What the hell were they thinking?!
5184 Hits
IMO 1.0A settings... (16 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 12:56 CDT, 17 May 2010 - iMsg
Since my Xai is broken, I use a IMO 1.0A as replacement mouse. Now I wonder if there is any possibility to remove this negative acceleration and weird behaviour, which my mouse does when I move the mouse a little bit faster than usual. The cursor jumps around, up and down.

Settings: 500 Hz
DPI: Default (should be 400 DPI)
OS: Win XP SP3
Tweaks: Cheese Mouse Fix
Video: 1280*960 @ 85 Hz

currently: in_mouse 2 ...
everything else is pretty default.

Can I tweak some more the settings somewhere? I feel so 2002... :/

*edit* Switched back to the SteelSeries Xai (quite overdue edit).
Edited by ZeriouS at 00:18 CST, 13 January 2011 - 7783 Hits
Demonstration for youth culture! Update! (53 comments)
Posted by ZeriouS @ 12:41 CDT, 4 June 2009 - iMsg
** update ** Around 500 demonstrants have attended the demonstration according to the local media and police. Check out some reports and photos, contributed by different sources.

Read here for my English report.

Self-explaining video (10 minutes).

Another German report.

72 photos on photobucket.
9 photos on flickr.
242 photos on flickr

62 photos by readmore (Advise me if this is advertising, then I remove the last link!)

Another youtube video: "Wer nicht hüpt, der ist kein Spieler!" Who doesn´t jump, is no gamer!

***** below is the original news *****

This Friday will be in Karlsruhe, Germany from 17 o´clock until 20:30 o´clock a demonstration.

This demonstration is against the cancellations or rather embargos of the scheduled ESL Intel Friday Night Games in Karlsruhe and Stuttgart. It is against the double moral standard of conservative politicians who demonize videogames and who cancel events in Stuttgart due to the school massacre in Winnenden and respect towards the victims, but who allow fair featuring shooting matches only a few weeks after the incident. This demonstration is for the public acceptance of videogaming as own culture.

It can not be, that we will be lumped together with homicidal maniacs, that they choose us, not so small but still marginalized groups of videogamers, as their punching bag even if it was their fault. It should be more about, that one has to deal with the initial problems of those amok runners and potential imperilled persons to identify the causes. Consequently to try to avoid the causes and not to condemn videogaming or to perform ignorance and double moral standards. Thus we will be lumped together. And every computer gaming person is affected by this. Not only the young people, also those who are older than 30 years, those who have family, those who enjoy their life and still play. Ranging from First-Person-Shooter players via World of Warcraft guildmembers, WarSow trickjumpers up to the Sims girls.

Among us gamers are also some idiots, who think they can insult others, or even try to be violent in real life, but in general it is peaceful. And how often are violent incidents at LAN parties?

If you can, then come around. This Friday. At least 200 visitors (see this survey), 3 local radio stations and maybe some TV coverage are expected. Unfortunately I have heard the day before yesterday about it, or else I would have posted this earlier. Be there, demonstrate and show unity!

The official website is in German only.

- Independent Friday Night Game, Demonstration für Jugendkultur! (05. Juni, Karlsruhe)
Edited by ZeriouS at 19:57 CDT, 6 June 2009 - 11392 Hits
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