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We all love raythenewb? (130 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 13:32 CDT, 19 August 2011 - iMsg
First of all, I am sorry to all of you who want to just ignore this pile of shit in order to stop this cancer he is spreading in esr, but the fact is that I cant fucking stand him anymore, his idiocity goes way beyond anything I have ever seen, even uneducated idiots have more insightful thoughts than he ever will... Like said he is like a cancer and with his rapid post speed he is infecting each and every fucking topic, making reading esreality a pain in everyones ass...

To spare time from all of you I'l make it short, just fucking ban this cunt for good. I am sure that I am not only one thinking this way, so please make him go away.
31946 Hits
Why Quake Live died? (253 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 15:38 CDT, 4 July 2011 - iMsg
So now that this seems to be official I am curious to know, why you think that it happened?

For me failure of Quake Live seems to be TOTALLY id Softwares fault, they removed everything that made quake hell of fun: gore, rought edges from gameplay ("unbalanced weapons"), spawning system, gtv, community made content and a whole lot of other things that were central part of quake being awesome. Also features we got came way too late and active developing stopped basicly after open beta was announced.

The most irritating thing in this whole quake live experiment is that they will look this failure like: "OH GOSH, QUAKE SEEMS TO BE WAY TOO HARDCORE AND OLD FASHIONED TO SUCCESS NOWADAYS, WHICH MEANS WE CANT MAKE ANOTHER QUAKE GAME IF WE WANT PROFITT!!!!11"...

And that is just plain sad.
75874 Hits
StarCraft2 skillmatching totally sucks? (29 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 03:53 CDT, 11 June 2011 - iMsg
yeah... so heres the story: I had never played starcraft or any other strategy games before, gone straight to multiplayer and skipped training league, then lost all of my placement matches and got put to bronze league..

Well it was good at the start since i lost like 70% of the first 20 games, but now that I have played for 2 weeks or so I rape everyone matchmaking gives to me, literally. My winratio is something like 90%, making it absolutely boring to even play since I dont even need to try in order to win. I mean shitty matchmaking gives me players from bronze and silver leagues and they are really no challenge for me..

ATM I have 102 wins, 1500 score and got first place in my league for like 5 days or so... and yet it doesnt put me in better league? what kind of bullshit is this?

I think i had heard that sc2 skillmatching is way better than one in QL, but it seems its just as piece of shit or even worse..

12658 Hits
Steelseries Kinzu, and modding it? (17 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 08:11 CDT, 6 June 2011 - iMsg
Ok, so few months ago i hyped Razer abyssus to the heavens, its still a great mouse, but after using it a while my hand coudnt find sides of its comfortable enought, so i bought ss kinzu.

So far Kinzu's shape seems to be close to perfect, but sensor inside it is FUCKING TERRIBLE. I mean, it has a lot of positive acceleration, but i can handle and deal with it, but the worst is that it doesnt even track good, lot of jittering ( see pic ) on every pad i have tried...

So you guys have any tips or guides how to fix this shitty jitter problem or then even implement razer da 3g or abyssus sensor to it?

Would make a perfect mouse.
7809 Hits
Quake Live weapon balance is a joke - v2 (119 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 13:16 CST, 1 March 2011 - iMsg
Yeah, you propably remember that I made another thread about the same issue about 1 month ago. To review a bit what I said back then: I claimed nerf for sg, rockets and rg. The reception of my thread wasnt that great, most of people answering said that balance is fine, even such players as noctis. Well, maybe weapon balance was fine, but one thing that is sure is the fact that current balance embraces heavily passive play. For proof, just check IEM games. (I heard today that one match was 0-0 for 18mins.... THATS QUITE FUCKING INSANE.)

Its quite clear why peole play overly passive: rockets and rail. Rockets are easy to spam due way too big splash radius / high rocket speed. In addition to that even one rocket may put you out of position and top of all rockets make a shitload of dmg in no time since after first rocket upcoming rockets will be easily hit as direct rockets. Also rail embraces passive play, doing 80dmg from instant hit and still having quite a fast reload time, which allows you to use it even in fairly close quarter fights if you can run behind walls.

How to fix it? v2
- Reduce either rocket speed or rocket knockback splash size or dmg
- Make railgun reload time 10% longer or 20% longer and up dmg back to 100

In addition to that I have heard that hitboxes are going to be a bit bigger (10%) which will also balance weapons a bit more making hitscan weapons stronger.

ps. rocket stairbug aint still totally fixed...

27306 Hits
Razer Abyssus is ... (97 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 13:59 CST, 20 February 2011 - iMsg
I mean what the fuck, really. This mouse is so much more than any other mouse i have had ( MX518, DA 3g, salmosa, mionix naos, G500, Xai), its a godness. Sensor is FUCKING SMOOTH and FLAWLESS... Shape is almost perfect, very comfortable to use... after buying this mouse i feel like i might even play some quake every now and then.

This is a must buy for every gamer, you can order one from china for like 25€ which includes posting to any country which is ridicilously low price for such a marvel.
27759 Hits
Quake Live weapon balance is a joke (188 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 07:41 CST, 7 January 2011 - iMsg
Give your opinions, do you really think game is balanced as it is now?

When I started playing quake 2 years ago weapon balance discussion was very hot and lot of stuff was done to make QL perfectly balanced. Back then people or id wanted to make each weapon as useful as others. After id made a lot of changes that some of pros asked, balance discussion stopped and people just accepted that we have balance.. So did I, since I really belived that players with more experience would know better how to make weapons balanced.

What we got was this gameplay which favours passive play and camping, instead of rapid thinking and surprise rushes.

Now that we have new scoreboard for QL, just follow dmg ratios of your weapons and you will soon see the same as stated here.

Below, there are few weapon balance comparisons, each from different perspectives.

Weapons tiered by how imporant having one is overally in quake to be able to fight effectively (also usually dmg distrubution goes by these tiers):

1st tier weapons:
Rocket Launcher
2nd tier weapons:
3rd tier weapons:
4th tier weapons:
Granade Launcher

Weapons tiered by best possible dmg given / taken ratio, called also as weapons to use when its needed to win a fight with lesser stack:

1st tier:
Rocket Launcher
Granade Launcher
2nd tier:
3rd tier:

Rocket Launcher 6p
Railgun 5p
Shotgun 4p
Plasmagun 4p
Lighningun 4p
Granade Launcher 4p

Also here is comparison of proplayers' weapon usage:

Rocket Launcher is in highest tier in both listings making it overpowed overal. Railgun is also still a bit more usefull / powerfull than other weapons, while all other weapons are quite balanced.

- drop RL speed to 900 or 950
- make RG do 90dmg and add 20% more reload time
- add more spread to SG in order to make it less useful @ midrange
Edited by juM8o at 12:00 CST, 8 January 2011 - 39936 Hits
Hand injuries from playing Quake? (110 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 03:32 CDT, 29 July 2010 - iMsg
I started playing Quake Live and Quake about two years ago, back then I didnt really care how comfortable I felt when aiming / tracking with mouse. My style of holding mouse was very exhausting cause always when I tracked I strained my hand to be more accurate, it even worked back then and i had quite good accuracies ~35 with lg or so.

After few months playing I started to do some aimtraining in q3amphi, I did it only for like week few hours per day and after that my hand was totally exhausted, having some sort of synovium infection / exhaustion.. making matters even worse, it didnt heal in a week, a month or a year... It's still messed up, though i have changed my cfg, mouse grip, mouse etc to make playing more comfortable, even changed my +attack from mouse1 to space to reduce strain. Nothing of it helped. If I take like a break of two weeks I can play for like 3 hours without feeling the exhaustion and track well, having ~40acc in duel vs mediocore / good players.

Have you ever had them? If yes, why did they occur and how did you get rid of them?
34390 Hits
Quake Live and antialiasing, possible? (19 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 11:12 CDT, 21 June 2010 - iMsg
As the heading says, is it possible to use antialiasing in quake live?

Atleast before it was, but then at some point they added bloom and after that i couldnt get aa working, though i dont use bloom. I have tried forcing it for firefox, for all the games throught nvidia control panel and rivatuner, nothing has worked so far. Before bloom update it just worked when i configured it for firefox.

Tips, how to make it work?

computer: e8400, GF8800GT, 4GB DDR800, W7
14472 Hits
Hollenshead @ gamespot (74 comments)
Posted by juM8o @ 01:49 CDT, 14 April 2009 - iMsg
Hollenshead was interviewed by gamespot, the things on the table were Rage, Doom 4, Quake Live, Wii, ID Tech 5 and E3. I will just paste Quake Live part here. You can read the rest of the review from gamespot -

GS: So Quake Live went into open beta February 24. How has the response been so far?

TH: The response is literally overwhelming--we had more people show up than we had slots for people to play in initially. But that was--it's kind of a good problem to have, and we'd definitely rather have that problem than the opposite. We had 60,000 people in the queue to get into the game at one point, but there's no queue now. Anybody wants to come in, we're ready to play.

So now the issue is that we need to find out who's playing and who the people are, so we can actually get demographic data out to appeal to the advertisers. We have the people, now we need to get the advertisers.

GS: Have you guys announced a hard launch date for Quake Live?

TH: We don't have a hard launch date. We'll probably just roll it out. We're in the beta process, because there's a few things that, because of the numbers and the sheer amount of data that we're processing, that we want to get to. Right now, for instance, we have leaderboards turned off. Obviously that's not where we ultimately will be.

GS: So are the ads turned on yet in the game?

TH: We have ads in the games, and some of them will be replaced by real ads later on. Quake Live has an ad now, but we're obviously not going to advertise Quake Live in Quake Live. QuakeCon is another large ad. But those are sort of more just to test things out. But we're actually starting to have ads from Dell and a few other people as well. But all the stuff works, I mean, it probably works better than we even could have expected.

GS: What's the response, then, in terms of users as far as the ads go? Have you heard any complaints?

TH: Not at all. Wen we made Quake III, the game was intended to be sort of a spectator sport. With Quake Live, we made it more into a sort of sport. It's just like if you're watching a hockey game. You see--but you're not bothered by--ads on the boards. Or when you're watching baseball, you've got an ad behind the catcher at the backstop. So I think those things, in terms of a competitive sport, are things that people expect. It almost actually makes it kind of cool that we have real ads in it. It sort of makes it like a real sport.

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GS: So do you think the ad-supported, browser-based shooter is going to be a growing trend?

TH: Well, I mean, Quake Live is still a big experiment. When we embarked on the project, we didn't know how much it was going to appeal to people. What we know now is that in one month we're over 50 percent above our target for the first month, in terms of accounts. So that's been a huge success for us.

But advertising, in this economy, it's a tough market, it's a tough sell, and advertising in games is kind of new. It's not your typical TV or magazine ads or things like that. But one of the unique things that Quake Live offers is sort of the new aspect of having these in-game streaming ads, combined with your traditional banner ads across the whole Quake Live site. And so the ability to not only just deliver impressions within the game, but actually convert those into click-through with banner ads within the games as well.

So it's a lot different than what you would normally expect if somebody's saying, "Oh, well, on a console game, a 360 or PS3 game, I'm partnering with advertising agency XYZ or whatever, and I'm just going to get these in-game impressions." But advertisers still, I think, are a little unclear about what all that means. I think we have to make the connection between impressions to actual actionable things.
5802 Hits
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